Obamacare Rate Explosion


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
Internal cost estimates from 17 of the nation's largest insurance companies indicate that health insurance premiums will grow an average of 100 percent under Obamacare, and that some will soar more than 400 percent, crushing the administration's goal of affordability.

New regulations, policies, taxes, fees and mandates are the reason for the unexpected "rate shock," according to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which released a report Monday based on internal documents provided by the insurance companies. The 17 companies include Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Kaiser Foundation......

Insurers predict 100%-400% Obamacare rate explosion | WashingtonExaminer.com

Fascinating................WHO KNEW ??? Lol
That's the plan...
Destroy private insurance....then all you have is the public option.

Only a fool would not realize that Obamacare is set up so, within a decade, it will become a single payer system.

No insurance company will be able to operate at a profit without drastic rate increases.....and such increases wilol make a private insurer too expensive.
Yup. Then the Govt, that has never run anything cheaply or well, will have control of HC.

What a fucking thought not to mention the cost to the taxpayers who will be footing those bills.

Good Gawd.
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High cost rates IF, and only IF, the healthy 20 to 40 somethings are not in the program.

If they don't, then a future Dem admin will make a single payer everyone-in program.
A "single-payer", everyone in program.............

Wont that be special

Like communism itself, another utopian ideal....... once they get the kinks worked out, eh comrades.....

Fantasist imbeciles...
A "single-payer", everyone in program.............Wont that be special Like communism itself, another utopian ideal....... once they get the kinks worked out, eh comrades..... Fantasist imbeciles...

The dozen or so western European nations and the several Asian nations that have a national health care system are (1) not communist (2) their people live longer (3) at better health levels than the USA (4) at much less cost
A "single-payer", everyone in program.............Wont that be special Like communism itself, another utopian ideal....... once they get the kinks worked out, eh comrades..... Fantasist imbeciles...

The dozen or so western European nations and the several Asian nations that have a national health care system are (1) not communist (2) their people live longer (3) at better health levels than the USA (4) at much less cost

they live healthier lives than we do in America.

But that is not an indication of the quality of healthcare they get.

Show me stats where those that are ill, get better care at a lower price, and that will be worthy of incluision in the debate.

But all you showed me is not relevant.....we all know they live healthier lives than we do.
I don't have to show you anything, podjo.

The facts are what they are, the cost benefits analysis favorable to them and against us.

Show us why the other nations' systems are failures.

You can't. You are irrelevant until youd.
A "healthcare" monopoly run by unaccountable bureaucratic civil servants..............

Only a retard could possibly believe in the effeciencies and cost benefits that would bring
I don't have to show you anything, podjo.

The facts are what they are, the cost benefits analysis favorable to them and against us.

Show us why the other nations' systems are failures.

You can't. You are irrelevant until youd.

Or is there anything to show? Do I need to look behind your "facts"? Post them or I will.
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The most important thing is that the healthcare delivery system not be profit driven.......

Just "Caring" with unsustainable losses.................lol
What will really be nice is the IRS will run the program.

How much more of a respected government agency do we need to make this work.
They live healthier lives than we do in America.

.... which plays directly into my theory that a vast majority of the problems we face in America are both self-inflicted and cultural in DNA.

We eat shit fast food, we watch teevee X hours per day, we're expert video game players, and -- far, far worse -- we raise our kids to live that way, too.

Then some politician like Bloomberg comes along and somehow thinks that he can legislate this cultural rot away by banning big soft drinks.

Our obesity, heart disease and diabetes rates should be a national embarrassment, and they're clearly contributing to our global health rankings.

Our cultural rot is not going to be cured with cheaper pills.

I don't have to show you anything, podjo.

The facts are what they are, the cost benefits analysis favorable to them and against us.

Show us why the other nations' systems are failures.

You can't. You are irrelevant until youd.

Or is there anything to show? Do I need to look behind your "facts"? Post them or I will.

Your "facts" (opinions) will not change (1) their systems are cheaper (2) people live longer (3) are more healthy.

Go ahead and post. Nothing will change those facts.
I don't have to show you anything, podjo.

The facts are what they are, the cost benefits analysis favorable to them and against us.

Show us why the other nations' systems are failures.

You can't. You are irrelevant until youd.

Putting aside your childish pokes at me....

A system may be a failure to one, but a success fo another.

Compare apples to apples.

Lets compare the cost to one who is sick and the care they get to the cost of another and the care THEY get.

But to pad your debate using stats that pretty much says "their healthcare system is better becuase they all need to use it less" is silly.
I don't have to show you anything, podjo.

The facts are what they are, the cost benefits analysis favorable to them and against us.

Show us why the other nations' systems are failures.

You can't. You are irrelevant until youd.

Or is there anything to show? Do I need to look behind your "facts"? Post them or I will.

Your "facts" (opinions) will not change (1) their systems are cheaper (2) people live longer (3) are more healthy.

Go ahead and post. Nothing will change those facts.

and your facts do not address the deabte. It simply addresses the lifestyle of the people.
They live longer because they live healthier lives.
Their healthcare is cheaper becuase, well, they live healthier lives.

That does not mean it will be cheaper in America where supersizing is the "thing to do".
I don't have to show you anything, podjo.

The facts are what they are, the cost benefits analysis favorable to them and against us.

Show us why the other nations' systems are failures.

You can't. You are irrelevant until youd.

Or is there anything to show? Do I need to look behind your "facts"? Post them or I will.

Your "facts" (opinions) will not change (1) their systems are cheaper (2) people live longer (3) are more healthy.

Go ahead and post. Nothing will change those facts.

It isn't about the quality of the system, but the quality of care. People overseas make sure to keep in health, knowing the quality of care in their country would be subpar compared to ours. Hey it might be cheap, but so might the care they get.

Have you ever heard of the concept of quantity over quality? Yep, lots of healthcare systems in Europe are that way.
It is a well known fact that higher cost doesn't get you better treatment in this country. They had a article the other day on how much differences there are in prices comparing hospital to hospital in the U.S. All of them had the same equipment, level of services but their charges were off the chart in comparison.

If you are someone that pays out of pocket for health expenses with no insurance, cost is important since they are responsible for the entire cost of the bill.

The real cost of healthcare is the average paid for each service line item when you review all of their fee schedules. If that was public information, people would be outraged when they realize how low they actually reimburse compared to what they pay in premiums and out of pocket costs.

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