Obamacare Reality on Facebook

Of course Republicans are to blame... for everything.

Republicans are to blame for everything they do.

There - Finished it for you.

" Reports indicate that many of the applications that are making it through the system don't actually have enough data for insurers to process the enrollee. Here's Bloomberg News:
[Insurance companies] are receiving electronic files that can’t open or have so much missing information on new enrollees they’re unusable, [industry] consultants said.
Some insurers have been forced to fix entries by hand, said Bob Laszewski, an insurance-industry consultant based in Arlington, Virginia.
“If we don’t see substantial improvement by the end of this week, then I would throw up the yellow flag,” said Dan Schuyler, a consultant advising states and insurers on the exchanges. “If we don’t see it in the next two to three weeks, it’s time for red flags. The concern is some people could get to Jan. 1, and not have coverage.”

Translation for the idiots...people who have coverage now are losing it, and they don't know how to fix it.

These are the same things I'm hearing from people. I have insurance through my work, and we found out a couple weeks ago that the 3 plans we have are adequate so we don't need to go through the exchanges. But, I've been hearing horror stories about these plans also skyrocketing....premiums doubling, co-pays doubling....I won't know what ours will do until next month.

You are hearing these things from other people? Cool. But you are keeping your insurance? Also cool.

You are concerned that your premiums will skyrocket? But you won't know till next month? Why not call your insurance company or your HR manager and ask. They already know.

The bullshit is ongoing.
Lone Laugher, when Obamacare was first announced, my deductible on a policy we'd had for 42 years went from $200 to $2500 in less than 8 months. We cancelled it a couple of years ago and got better plans, we thought. They raised the premiums higher than any benefit we will ever get from them and also raised the deductible to the same as the old policy. We can't afford the new premiums on our retirement pay unless we give up eating.

We're not making these things up. We're just American people who post here, many of whom are not very happy with the way things are going to take away our former lives in which we worked our butts off so we could retire with no worries to our children or government.

You had a policy for 42 years......three years ago? May I ask how old you are? When did you start this policy?
What does she think the rest of us are paying??? That's only $211.25 per month. My portion of the premium my employer provides for my husband and I is that much easily per month, plus my emloyer pays several hundred dollars more! (Although I've been able to drop my husband because he got a job with his own benefits recently. But still, between the two of us we are paying close to that.)

So if your exgirlfriend or her daughter get really sick, who is going to foot the bill? Hmmm?

And I don't believe her benefits only cover preventive care. Preventitive care is the only portion that's covered 100% with no deductible, typically. But other care is provided after the deductible is met, usually at 80% or sometimes 90%.

But back to my original question...who does she expect to pay for her healthcare if she or her daughter has a catastrophic illness or injury and she has no insurance. Hmmm?

So then, Obama's Fascist Care is making the situation worse, by driving previously covered people out of the process due to the huge increases in price - where if they get sick, the taxpay will pick up the tab.

Wow, great job Barry...

HEY, here's a thought - instead of putting up a Barrycade to Yellowstone, that generates millions in revenue. how about a Barrycade to Fascist Care, that is costing trillions?
Of course Republicans are to blame... for everything.

Republicans are to blame for everything they do.

There - Finished it for you.

Ah Duddly, you stupid, Communist fuckwad...

{The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Sedition Act in Abrams v. United States (1919),[27] although Oliver Wendell Holmes used his dissenting opinion to make a commentary on what has come to be known as "the marketplace of ideas". Subsequent Supreme Court decisions, such as Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), make it unlikely that similar legislation would be considered constitutional today.

Congress repealed the Sedition Act on December 13, 1920.[4][28][29]}

Sedition Act of 1918 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Of course Republicans are to blame... for everything.

Republicans are to blame for everything they do.

There - Finished it for you.


Dear LN: Depending on what laws you are arguing to enforce
Obama's acts can count as Sedition against the Constitution

a. failing to respect and protect the equal rights of citizens to believe
in free choices of health care without unconstitutional government penalties
and NOT to believe in being forced to buy insurance as if that is the only choice or solution

b. failing to respect the rights reserved to the states and to the people,
and when faced with protestors, abusing govt police power to stop
veterans from protesting while giving permits to noncitizens to protest


It's so simple - let members of each party follow and fund their OWN beliefs
and quit abusing govt and legislative processes to "punish" those who disagree.

Putting partisan agenda before the US Constitution
also violates the Code of Ethics for Govt Service:

The minute people protested the ACA bill that only passed based on votes
biased by party, that should have been clear there was an unresolved bias
in BELIEFS about the bill and role of govt by the Constitution, and the consent
of people and parties to follow their own policies should have been respected and protected equally. otherwise it violates Amendment One and Fourteen of the Constitution
not to mention Amendment 10 for those who believe that health care choices remain the right of states and people and cannot be relegated to federal govt without amending the constitution to express our consent to change the law to that degree.

If the bill is a "tax" as the SC ruled it constitutional, the bill should have started in the Senate if it concerns revenue. But to alter provisions of the health care act by adding mandates requiring the purchase of private insurance or else pay a fine/tax is
blurring the lines to avoid proper check, balance and representation of taxpayers affected.

There is nothing wrong with Obama and Democrat supporters of this bill setting it up through their own political networks for all the people who BELIEVE in it and BELIEVE that government has such authority. But for those who don't and believe in other choices besides insurance not being penalized, and do not believe federal govt has such authority, then other choices should be equally protected NOT PUNISHED by abuse of govt itself.
You are hearing these things from other people? Cool. But you are keeping your insurance? Also cool.

You are concerned that your premiums will skyrocket? But you won't know till next month? Why not call your insurance company or your HR manager and ask. They already know.

The bullshit is ongoing.

Yes, I am. And yes, it's cool that I can keep my own insurance. So, I'm not to be concerned about others that can't? And I plan on retiring within 5 years...at that time I lose my insurance. So ya....I'm concerned! Plus the fact that so many people out there may end up being screwed.

We have a company wide meeting next month. I think I can wait until then. I'll make sure I let you know what happens...ok?

Why wait? Make the call. Don't you care enough to make a call?

Hey...if it's good news, then great!
If it's bad news...I can wait a while longer, I don't need to be pissed off so soon :)
Yes, I am. And yes, it's cool that I can keep my own insurance. So, I'm not to be concerned about others that can't? And I plan on retiring within 5 years...at that time I lose my insurance. So ya....I'm concerned! Plus the fact that so many people out there may end up being screwed.

We have a company wide meeting next month. I think I can wait until then. I'll make sure I let you know what happens...ok?

Why wait? Make the call. Don't you care enough to make a call?

Hey...if it's good news, then great!
If it's bad news...I can wait a while longer, I don't need to be pissed off so soon :)

Goddamn drama queen! :cool:
What does she think the rest of us are paying??? That's only $211.25 per month. My portion of the premium my employer provides for my husband and I is that much easily per month, plus my emloyer pays several hundred dollars more! (Although I've been able to drop my husband because he got a job with his own benefits recently. But still, between the two of us we are paying close to that.)

So if your exgirlfriend or her daughter get really sick, who is going to foot the bill? Hmmm?

And I don't believe her benefits only cover preventive care. Preventitive care is the only portion that's covered 100% with no deductible, typically. But other care is provided after the deductible is met, usually at 80% or sometimes 90%.

But back to my original question...who does she expect to pay for her healthcare if she or her daughter has a catastrophic illness or injury and she has no insurance. Hmmm?

So then, Obama's Fascist Care is making the situation worse, by driving previously covered people out of the process due to the huge increases in price - where if they get sick, the taxpay will pick up the tab.

Wow, great job Barry...

HEY, here's a thought - instead of putting up a Barrycade to Yellowstone, that generates millions in revenue. how about a Barrycade to Fascist Care, that is costing trillions?

In short, the bill does not address more effective health or more cost-effective services
which remain up to INDIVIDUALS to maintain better health and up to MEDICAL PROVIDERS to set up better services.

The bill outlines regulations about what to cover and what to mandate paying for.

But it remains up to people to fix the actual problems with what creates more costs
at the root. This just manipulates the regulations around the symptoms after the fact.

Making you pay for insurance doesn't provide the actual medical care.

i guess we are supposed to wait for govt to receive the penalties/fines/taxes
coming in to start investing in expanding medical education and training programs
to provide services to more people? Why not let people/businesses/charities/schools
invest their own money into cost-effective programs instead of going through fed govt?

That's where the changes have to take place anyway.
Why not reward taxpayers and organizations for solving their own health care issues.
Why punish them in advance before federal govt has proven anything either?

Again if people DO or DON'T believe this federal approach will work
why not let people fund and invest what the DO believe in? Why this insistence on penalizing people "unless they believe" in unproven federal mandates?

If the Church were to force everyone to participate
and pay for their healing programs, or pay a penalty,
nobody would accept that.

Why is federal govt allowed to impose such a restrictive policy
giving only two choices, either insurance or paying fines to govt.
And penalizing any other choices that don't meet the exemption
guidelines of being part of a religious group in existence since 1999
that shares medical expenses. Why not encourage all citizens to
join or set up their own groups that cover health care costs, regardless
if this uses insurance or direct health care providers such as a medical
outreach program or charity teaching hospital Why restrict exemptions
to only certain religious groups before a set date? How is that not a federal
violation of the Constitution by discriminating by and regulating religion?
I have seen many 'friends' on facebook say how great Obamacare is going to be, until it's here and now they absolutely hate it. Got in a few arguments.

An old girlfriend who is a liberal single mother to a beautiful 11 year just got a dose of reality. She doesn't have any insurance. She she makes $35K and group insurance. She went on to Obaminationcare and discovered it would cost her $2,535 per year (for the bronze plan and her penalty could be $350. She considered the insurance until she was quoted the benefits and discovered NOTHING accept the bullshit preventative care was offered. She is opting out and will pay the penalty.!

She is now against Obamacare, but still blames Republicans for the messed up healthcare system in the US go figure!

That's how absolutely, mind boggling, brain dead these leftards are. Barry could tell this friend of your's to lay down, he could then piss in her face, and she'd blame the piss on the dog.

We see it here all day long with the libtards. Attempting to blame conservatives for what they're own party does to them. Fortunately the conservatives here are smart enough to see them for what they are... FREAKIN' LIARS and MORONS.
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Why wait? Make the call. Don't you care enough to make a call?

Hey...if it's good news, then great!
If it's bad news...I can wait a while longer, I don't need to be pissed off so soon :)

Goddamn drama queen! :cool:

None of this drama would be happening or necessary
if the whole bill were made optional to follow,
where those who want to be under federal care can be
required to pay into it as mandated,
have the option to set up their own programs and wait until
the best solutions prove themselves BEFORE BEING REQUIRED TO

I still can't understand how the same people keep pushing these mandates
who previously argued
1. for pro choice, defending choices as risky as abortion from govt control or penalty while here a choice as harmless as "wanting to pay for your own health care without insurance" is penalized by law and not exempted equally as other political or religious exemptions
2. for separation of church and state
and not imposing beliefs that other people don't choose freely or have not been proven but are based on faith, where those who don't share this faith are discriminated against and penalized, and then harassed for believing in other choices for health care, or believing the bill oversteps federal authority by imposing on states and people's rights

if this isn't proof that people of different political beliefs should be protected from infringing on each other the same way religious beliefs should be kept out of govt policy, what is?
I have seen many 'friends' on facebook say how great Obamacare is going to be, until it's here and now they absolutely hate it. Got in a few arguments.

An old girlfriend who is a liberal single mother to a beautiful 11 year just got a dose of reality. She doesn't have any insurance. She she makes $35K and group insurance. She went on to Obaminationcare and discovered it would cost her $2,535 per year (for the bronze plan and her penalty could be $350. She considered the insurance until she was quoted the benefits and discovered NOTHING accept the bullshit preventative care was offered. She is opting out and will pay the penalty.!

She is now against Obamacare, but still blames Republicans for the messed up healthcare system in the US go figure!

That's how absolutely, mind boggling, brain dead these leftards are. Barry could tell this friend of your's to lay down, he could then piss in her face, and she'd blame the piss on the dog.

We see it here all day long with the libtards. Attempting to blame conservatives for what they're own party does to them. Fortunately the conservatives here are smart enough to see them for what they are... FREAKIN' LIARS and MORONS.

Calling names and insulting the persons by association doesn't help, but
tends to make people more defensive and in denial of the denial going on.

May I suggest the opposite approach?

By reverse psychology, letting them know since they have all the answers, why not go ahead and solve and prove this first?
Why not have supporters pay for all this system they so believe in? And when it's shown to work, then naturally more will people CHOOSE to participate freely.

The example I give is spiritual healing, which has been shown, including through medical studies, to cut the costs of diseases and treatments, even curing cancer, schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. yet the forgiveness therapy and healing prayer for generational sickness that these methods are based on, are not only FREE but practiced by FREE CHOICE. So only when it's proven to work are people asked to believe in it. They are free to try it, to study other cases first, and are never forced to participate much less pay for it.

So if spiritual healing is not forced on people to participate and pay for,
when it has been PROVEN TO WORK MORE EFFECTIVELY than medicine alone,
why can't the same option be offered for all forms and systems of health care?

We wouldn't allow Christians to force people to participate and pay for these methods.
Because it works based on free choice, it remains free for people to try it and prove it first.

So the same courtesy should be given to secular systems not proven to work yet.
Why not let people participate and fund it freely?

And ENCOURAGE those who believe they have the answers to PROVE IT FIRST.
So it is not imposing a faith-based system but respects free choice in health care. Why not?
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Seems that there is a 1% of income stipulation. Thanks for the info. 1% of AGI. Be sure and figure that correctly.

Still small potatoes if the uninsured deadbeat gets really sick.

Personal responsibility and all that.

translation; I stepped on my dick by being a dick, but will obfuscate further becasue I lack the integrity to apologize...:rolleyes:
I have seen many 'friends' on facebook say how great Obamacare is going to be, until it's here and now they absolutely hate it. Got in a few arguments.

An old girlfriend who is a liberal single mother to a beautiful 11 year just got a dose of reality. She doesn't have any insurance. She she makes $35K and group insurance. She went on to Obaminationcare and discovered it would cost her $2,535 per year (for the bronze plan and her penalty could be $350. She considered the insurance until she was quoted the benefits and discovered NOTHING accept the bullshit preventative care was offered. She is opting out and will pay the penalty.!

She is now against Obamacare, but still blames Republicans for the messed up healthcare system in the US go figure!

That's how absolutely, mind boggling, brain dead these leftards are. Barry could tell this friend of your's to lay down, he could then piss in her face, and she'd blame the piss on the dog.

We see it here all day long with the libtards. Attempting to blame conservatives for what they're own party does to them. Fortunately the conservatives here are smart enough to see them for what they are... FREAKIN' LIARS and MORONS.

Calling names and insulting the persons by association doesn't help, but
tends to make people more defensive and in denial of the denial going on.

May I suggest the opposite approach?

By reverse psychology, letting them know since they have all the answers, why not go ahead and solve and prove this first?
Why not have supporters pay for all this system they so believe in? And when it's shown to work, then naturally more will people CHOOSE to participate freely.

The example I give is spiritual healing, which has been shown, including through medical studies, to cut the costs of diseases and treatments, even curing cancer, schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. yet the forgiveness therapy and healing prayer for generational sickness that these methods are based on, are not only FREE but practiced by FREE CHOICE. So only when it's proven to work are people asked to believe in it. They are free to try it, to study other cases first, and are never forced to participate much less pay for it.

So if spiritual healing is not forced on people to participate and pay for,
when it has been PROVEN TO WORK MORE EFFECTIVELY than medicine alone,
why can't the same option be offered for all forms and systems of health care?

We wouldn't allow Christians to force people to participate and pay for these methods.
Because it works based on free choice, it remains free for people to try it and prove it first.

So the same courtesy should be given to secular systems not proven to work yet.
Why not let people participate and fund it freely?

And ENCOURAGE those who believe they have the answers to PROVE IT FIRST.
So it is not imposing a faith-based system but respects free choice in health care. Why not?
I see this is the first time you've ever been on a message board... :lol:
You are hearing these things from other people? Cool. But you are keeping your insurance? Also cool.

You are concerned that your premiums will skyrocket? But you won't know till next month? Why not call your insurance company or your HR manager and ask. They already know.

The bullshit is ongoing.
Lone Laugher, when Obamacare was first announced, my deductible on a policy we'd had for 42 years went from $200 to $2500 in less than 8 months. We cancelled it a couple of years ago and got better plans, we thought. They raised the premiums higher than any benefit we will ever get from them and also raised the deductible to the same as the old policy. We can't afford the new premiums on our retirement pay unless we give up eating.

We're not making these things up. We're just American people who post here, many of whom are not very happy with the way things are going to take away our former lives in which we worked our butts off so we could retire with no worries to our children or government.

You had a policy for 42 years......three years ago? May I ask how old you are? When did you start this policy?


Please respond.

Seems that there is a 1% of income stipulation. Thanks for the info. 1% of AGI. Be sure and figure that correctly.

Still small potatoes if the uninsured deadbeat gets really sick.

Personal responsibility and all that.

translation; I stepped on my dick by being a dick, but will obfuscate further becasue I lack the integrity to apologize...:rolleyes:

I accepted my mistake and thanked the poster for the info. I was unaware of the percentage of income requirement. Do you want me to thank you too? What lengths should I go to when retracting a statement? Should I call the Times, rent a billboard?

Awfully prickly, aren't ya? Feeling stress lately? I get it. You are getting smacked in the kisser by reality.

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