Obamacare Reality on Facebook

You pro-Obamacare idiots have no idea where this is going to land you. None. I hope you are healthy. I'm getting my work done now, as are most government employees. Because they KNOW what is going to happen, they are watching it happen now. Doctors are leaving the field, costs are skyrocketing, and the insurance companies are refusing to pay for decent care. Long wait lists, crap care...we are now a commie shithole. The slide is going to be fast and dramatic.
I finally opened the "envelope" from my health insurance company. The ACA plan that most closely resembles my existing coverage COSTS TWICE what I've been paying in premiums.

So now I'm left with searching for a piece of shit policy in order to keep the premiums to an affordable level.

Thanks for a whole lot of nothing, Obama.

These are the same things I'm hearing from people. I have insurance through my work, and we found out a couple weeks ago that the 3 plans we have are adequate so we don't need to go through the exchanges. But, I've been hearing horror stories about these plans also skyrocketing....premiums doubling, co-pays doubling....I won't know what ours will do until next month.
As we speak what is happening is the processing centers are completely overwhelmed, people's medical (the ones who already receive medicaid and state medical) is lapsing and they are not able to get their scrips filled or get their kids in to see a doctor.
I finally opened the "envelope" from my health insurance company. The ACA plan that most closely resembles my existing coverage COSTS TWICE what I've been paying in premiums.

So now I'm left with searching for a piece of shit policy in order to keep the premiums to an affordable level.

Thanks for a whole lot of nothing, Obama.

Are you going to furnish any details? Or are we supposed to just take your word for it?

And what kind of pussy is afraid to open an envelope? You need drama?

I thrive on drama.

And that's MISTER pussy to you, bub.
I finally opened the "envelope" from my health insurance company. The ACA plan that most closely resembles my existing coverage COSTS TWICE what I've been paying in premiums.

So now I'm left with searching for a piece of shit policy in order to keep the premiums to an affordable level.

Thanks for a whole lot of nothing, Obama.

These are the same things I'm hearing from people. I have insurance through my work, and we found out a couple weeks ago that the 3 plans we have are adequate so we don't need to go through the exchanges. But, I've been hearing horror stories about these plans also skyrocketing....premiums doubling, co-pays doubling....I won't know what ours will do until next month.

You are hearing these things from other people? Cool. But you are keeping your insurance? Also cool.

You are concerned that your premiums will skyrocket? But you won't know till next month? Why not call your insurance company or your HR manager and ask. They already know.

The bullshit is ongoing.
I finally opened the "envelope" from my health insurance company. The ACA plan that most closely resembles my existing coverage COSTS TWICE what I've been paying in premiums.

So now I'm left with searching for a piece of shit policy in order to keep the premiums to an affordable level.

Thanks for a whole lot of nothing, Obama.

Are you going to furnish any details? Or are we supposed to just take your word for it?

And what kind of pussy is afraid to open an envelope? You need drama?

I thrive on drama.

And that's MISTER pussy to you, bub.

How about some details? What plan do you have now? The name of it. How old are you and who is in the plan?
You pro-Obamacare idiots have no idea where this is going to land you. None. I hope you are healthy. I'm getting my work done now, as are most government employees. Because they KNOW what is going to happen, they are watching it happen now. Doctors are leaving the field, costs are skyrocketing, and the insurance companies are refusing to pay for decent care. Long wait lists, crap care...we are now a commie shithole. The slide is going to be fast and dramatic.

In other words, Atlas is shrugging...
I finally opened the "envelope" from my health insurance company. The ACA plan that most closely resembles my existing coverage COSTS TWICE what I've been paying in premiums.

So now I'm left with searching for a piece of shit policy in order to keep the premiums to an affordable level.

Thanks for a whole lot of nothing, Obama.

These are the same things I'm hearing from people. I have insurance through my work, and we found out a couple weeks ago that the 3 plans we have are adequate so we don't need to go through the exchanges. But, I've been hearing horror stories about these plans also skyrocketing....premiums doubling, co-pays doubling....I won't know what ours will do until next month.

You are hearing these things from other people? Cool. But you are keeping your insurance? Also cool.

You are concerned that your premiums will skyrocket? But you won't know till next month? Why not call your insurance company or your HR manager and ask. They already know.

The bullshit is ongoing.

Yes, I am. And yes, it's cool that I can keep my own insurance. So, I'm not to be concerned about others that can't? And I plan on retiring within 5 years...at that time I lose my insurance. So ya....I'm concerned! Plus the fact that so many people out there may end up being screwed.

We have a company wide meeting next month. I think I can wait until then. I'll make sure I let you know what happens...ok?
These are the same things I'm hearing from people. I have insurance through my work, and we found out a couple weeks ago that the 3 plans we have are adequate so we don't need to go through the exchanges. But, I've been hearing horror stories about these plans also skyrocketing....premiums doubling, co-pays doubling....I won't know what ours will do until next month.

You are hearing these things from other people? Cool. But you are keeping your insurance? Also cool.

You are concerned that your premiums will skyrocket? But you won't know till next month? Why not call your insurance company or your HR manager and ask. They already know.

The bullshit is ongoing.

Yes, I am. And yes, it's cool that I can keep my own insurance. So, I'm not to be concerned about others that can't? And I plan on retiring within 5 years...at that time I lose my insurance. So ya....I'm concerned! Plus the fact that so many people out there may end up being screwed.

We have a company wide meeting next month. I think I can wait until then. I'll make sure I let you know what happens...ok?

Why wait? Make the call. Don't you care enough to make a call?
You are hearing these things from other people? Cool. But you are keeping your insurance? Also cool.

You are concerned that your premiums will skyrocket? But you won't know till next month? Why not call your insurance company or your HR manager and ask. They already know.

The bullshit is ongoing.

Yes, I am. And yes, it's cool that I can keep my own insurance. So, I'm not to be concerned about others that can't? And I plan on retiring within 5 years...at that time I lose my insurance. So ya....I'm concerned! Plus the fact that so many people out there may end up being screwed.

We have a company wide meeting next month. I think I can wait until then. I'll make sure I let you know what happens...ok?

Why wait? Make the call. Don't you care enough to make a call?

It's about the drama, LL. :cool:
I have seen many 'friends' on facebook say how great Obamacare is going to be, until it's here and now they absolutely hate it. Got in a few arguments.

An old girlfriend who is a liberal single mother to a beautiful 11 year just got a dose of reality. She doesn't have any insurance. She she makes $35K and group insurance. She went on to Obaminationcare and discovered it would cost her $2,535 per year (for the bronze plan and her penalty could be $350. She considered the insurance until she was quoted the benefits and discovered NOTHING accept the bullshit preventative care was offered. She is opting out and will pay the penalty.!

She is now against Obamacare, but still blames Republicans for the messed up healthcare system in the US go figure!

What does she think the rest of us are paying??? That's only $211.25 per month. My portion of the premium my employer provides for my husband and I is that much easily per month, plus my emloyer pays several hundred dollars more! (Although I've been able to drop my husband because he got a job with his own benefits recently. But still, between the two of us we are paying close to that.)

So if your exgirlfriend or her daughter get really sick, who is going to foot the bill? Hmmm?

And I don't believe her benefits only cover preventive care. Preventitive care is the only portion that's covered 100% with no deductible, typically. But other care is provided after the deductible is met, usually at 80% or sometimes 90%.

But back to my original question...who does she expect to pay for her healthcare if she or her daughter has a catastrophic illness or injury and she has no insurance. Hmmm?
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I have seen many 'friends' on facebook say how great Obamacare is going to be, until it's here and now they absolutely hate it. Got in a few arguments.

An old girlfriend who is a liberal single mother to a beautiful 11 year just got a dose of reality. She doesn't have any insurance. She she makes $35K and group insurance. She went on to Obaminationcare and discovered it would cost her $2,535 per year (for the bronze plan and her penalty could be $350. She considered the insurance until she was quoted the benefits and discovered NOTHING accept the bullshit preventative care was offered. She is opting out and will pay the penalty.!

She is now against Obamacare, but still blames Republicans for the messed up healthcare system in the US go figure!


Does she have insurance or not?

"She makes 35k and group insurance?" What does that mean?

"Quoted the benefits" ?????

The penalty is $95 for 2014. Not $350.

Let us all hope she and her daughter are healthy.

You are a lying asshole.

I don't know if he's a lying asshole but some of what he's saying doesn't add up.
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I have seen many 'friends' on facebook say how great Obamacare is going to be, until it's here and now they absolutely hate it. Got in a few arguments.

An old girlfriend who is a liberal single mother to a beautiful 11 year just got a dose of reality. She doesn't have any insurance. She she makes $35K and group insurance. She went on to Obaminationcare and discovered it would cost her $2,535 per year (for the bronze plan and her penalty could be $350. She considered the insurance until she was quoted the benefits and discovered NOTHING accept the bullshit preventative care was offered. She is opting out and will pay the penalty.!

She is now against Obamacare, but still blames Republicans for the messed up healthcare system in the US go figure!

What does she think the rest of us are paying??? That's only $211.25 per month. My portion of the premium my employer provides for my husband and I is that much easily per month. (Although I've been able to drop him because he got a job with his own benefits recently. But still, between the two of us we are paying close to that.)

So if she or her daughter get really sick, who is going to foot the bill? Hmmm?

And I don't believe her benefits only cover preventive care. Preventitive care is the only portion that's covered 100% with no deductibel, typically. But other care is provided after the deductible is met.

But back to my original question...who does she expect to pay for her healthcare if she or her daughter has a catastrophic illness or injury and she has no insurance. Hmmm?

You guys are so clueless.

Completely. Clueless. In this new system...catastrophic diagnoses = automatic death sentence. Nobody is going to get decent treatment, you morons. That's the POINT.
I have seen many 'friends' on facebook say how great Obamacare is going to be, until it's here and now they absolutely hate it. Got in a few arguments.

An old girlfriend who is a liberal single mother to a beautiful 11 year just got a dose of reality. She doesn't have any insurance. She she makes $35K and group insurance. She went on to Obaminationcare and discovered it would cost her $2,535 per year (for the bronze plan and her penalty could be $350. She considered the insurance until she was quoted the benefits and discovered NOTHING accept the bullshit preventative care was offered. She is opting out and will pay the penalty.!

She is now against Obamacare, but still blames Republicans for the messed up healthcare system in the US go figure!

What does she think the rest of us are paying??? That's only $211.25 per month. My portion of the premium my employer provides for my husband and I is that much easily per month. (Although I've been able to drop him because he got a job with his own benefits recently. But still, between the two of us we are paying close to that.)

So if she or her daughter get really sick, who is going to foot the bill? Hmmm?

And I don't believe her benefits only cover preventive care. Preventitive care is the only portion that's covered 100% with no deductibel, typically. But other care is provided after the deductible is met.

But back to my original question...who does she expect to pay for her healthcare if she or her daughter has a catastrophic illness or injury and she has no insurance. Hmmm?

You guys are so clueless.

Completely. Clueless. In this new system...catastrophic diagnoses = automatic death sentence. Nobody is going to get decent treatment, you morons. That's the POINT.

You got something to back that up with or are we just supposed to believe it because you said it? And just because you call people morons, doesn't mean we are.
It's happening as we speak. Yes, you can take my word on it. If you're too blind to see it now, don't worry, it will just be a short time before it is very, very personal. And you will feel very, very stupid. And then you will probably feel very sick, then dead.
You pro-Obamacare idiots have no idea where this is going to land you. None. I hope you are healthy. I'm getting my work done now, as are most government employees. Because they KNOW what is going to happen, they are watching it happen now. Doctors are leaving the field, costs are skyrocketing, and the insurance companies are refusing to pay for decent care. Long wait lists, crap care...we are now a commie shithole. The slide is going to be fast and dramatic.

In other words, Atlas is shrugging...
Dear Leader's happy talk makes them blind to all else. It's kind of like believing in fairy tales, it's their comfort zone because they can't see the writing on the wall due to denial that they have been a little naïve. When they are having to pay 75% of their paychecks to the big government they have rubberstamped, they will know they'll never have the American dream except by proxy. When that day rolls around, they will be slaves to an unsympathetic system, and they will know the error of their way.

Unless, of course, they wake up and smell the coffee. Right now, for some reason, people are putting all their pride into one party or the other. Pride goeth before a fall.
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I finally opened the "envelope" from my health insurance company. The ACA plan that most closely resembles my existing coverage COSTS TWICE what I've been paying in premiums.

So now I'm left with searching for a piece of shit policy in order to keep the premiums to an affordable level.

Thanks for a whole lot of nothing, Obama.

These are the same things I'm hearing from people. I have insurance through my work, and we found out a couple weeks ago that the 3 plans we have are adequate so we don't need to go through the exchanges. But, I've been hearing horror stories about these plans also skyrocketing....premiums doubling, co-pays doubling....I won't know what ours will do until next month.

You are hearing these things from other people? Cool. But you are keeping your insurance? Also cool.

You are concerned that your premiums will skyrocket? But you won't know till next month? Why not call your insurance company or your HR manager and ask. They already know.

The bullshit is ongoing.
Lone Laugher, when Obamacare was first announced, my deductible on a policy we'd had for 42 years went from $200 to $2500 in less than 8 months. We cancelled it a couple of years ago and got better plans, we thought. They raised the premiums higher than any benefit we will ever get from them and also raised the deductible to the same as the old policy. We can't afford the new premiums on our retirement pay unless we give up eating.

We're not making these things up. We're just American people who post here, many of whom are not very happy with the way things are going to take away our former lives in which we worked our butts off so we could retire with no worries to our children or government.
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