Obamacare Reality on Facebook

Lone Laugher, when Obamacare was first announced, my deductible on a policy we'd had for 42 years went from $200 to $2500 in less than 8 months. We cancelled it a couple of years ago and got better plans, we thought. They raised the premiums higher than any benefit we will ever get from them and also raised the deductible to the same as the old policy. We can't afford the new premiums on our retirement pay unless we give up eating.

We're not making these things up. We're just American people who post here, many of whom are not very happy with the way things are going to take away our former lives in which we worked our butts off so we could retire with no worries to our children or government.

You had a policy for 42 years......three years ago? May I ask how old you are? When did you start this policy?


Please respond.

Sure, NOYB & MYOB. ;)
You had a policy for 42 years......three years ago? May I ask how old you are? When did you start this policy?


Please respond.

Sure, NOYB & MYOB. ;)

42 years is a long time to have a policy! You must have been very responsible in your youth.....buying health insurance in your teens. You had to be that young to still have issues. If you started at or after the age of 20 you'd be eligible for Medicare.

What a story, huh!
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Please respond.

Sure, NOYB & MYOB. ;)

42 years is a long time to have a policy! You must have been very responsible in your youth.....buying health insurance in your teens. You had to be that young to still have issues. If you started at or after the age of 20 you'd be eligible for Medicare.

What a story, huh!
No, that would only be a story if I were famous as Bill or Hillary Clinton, both of whom are older than me. ;)
Sure, NOYB & MYOB. ;)

42 years is a long time to have a policy! You must have been very responsible in your youth.....buying health insurance in your teens. You had to be that young to still have issues. If you started at or after the age of 20 you'd be eligible for Medicare.

What a story, huh!
No, that would only be a story if I were famous as Bill or Hillary Clinton, both of whom are older than me. ;)

Freedomtoliebecki. God bless America.
Seems that there is a 1% of income stipulation. Thanks for the info. 1% of AGI. Be sure and figure that correctly.

Still small potatoes if the uninsured deadbeat gets really sick.

Personal responsibility and all that.

translation; I stepped on my dick by being a dick, but will obfuscate further becasue I lack the integrity to apologize...:rolleyes:

I accepted my mistake and thanked the poster for the info. I was unaware of the percentage of income requirement. Do you want me to thank you too? What lengths should I go to when retracting a statement? Should I call the Times, rent a billboard?

Awfully prickly, aren't ya? Feeling stress lately? I get it. You are getting smacked in the kisser by reality.

since you asked , a simple apology would have been nice....
translation; I stepped on my dick by being a dick, but will obfuscate further becasue I lack the integrity to apologize...:rolleyes:

I accepted my mistake and thanked the poster for the info. I was unaware of the percentage of income requirement. Do you want me to thank you too? What lengths should I go to when retracting a statement? Should I call the Times, rent a billboard?

Awfully prickly, aren't ya? Feeling stress lately? I get it. You are getting smacked in the kisser by reality.

since you asked , a simple apology would have been nice....

Apology for what. The rest of the claim was bullshit. I was wrong about a part of my claim. I noted my error.

No apology needed. Your acceptance of liars is odd.
I accepted my mistake and thanked the poster for the info. I was unaware of the percentage of income requirement. Do you want me to thank you too? What lengths should I go to when retracting a statement? Should I call the Times, rent a billboard?

Awfully prickly, aren't ya? Feeling stress lately? I get it. You are getting smacked in the kisser by reality.

since you asked , a simple apology would have been nice....

Apology for what. The rest of the claim was bullshit. I was wrong about a part of my claim. I noted my error.

No apology needed. Your acceptance of liars is odd.

this is what you said;


Does she have insurance or not?

"She makes 35k and group insurance?" What does that mean?

"Quoted the benefits" ?????

The penalty is $95 for 2014. Not $350.

Let us all hope she and her daughter are healthy.

You are a lying asshole.

you owe Ghook an apology.
Nope. I still think that was a bullshit story.

I am amazed by the number of USMB nutters who have personal experiences with terrible Obamacare results. It is remarkable.
Nope. I still think that was a bullshit story.

I am amazed by the number of USMB nutters who have personal experiences with terrible Obamacare results. It is remarkable.

the 'story' was not the issue, but hey, I didn't expect you to exhibit any class, so, carry on....:doubt:
Nope. I still think that was a bullshit story.

I am amazed by the number of USMB nutters who have personal experiences with terrible Obamacare results. It is remarkable.

A lot more right wingers than progressives actually work in human services with the underprivileged, both professionally and on a volunteer basis. Odd, huh.

Nope. Not odd at all when you consider we're the ones who value life.
Oh we're already there. We're moving past. I've been talking to women who are receiving calls from their regular doctors to tell them they don't have insurance for their children. The REASON is that we (Oregon) started with obamacare 10/01/13, and as a result of their ineptitude, all the people whose medical should have been recertified in Sept by state workers...NOW HAVE NO MEDICAL. It hasn't been rolled over, it has just expired. And the new medical system isn't working. So kids are getting turned back from the dentist, they're getting turned back at the doc's office, and they're being told to go to the clinic.

It's happening now.

Fucking asswipes who don't even have the slightest interaction with the old system, and who voted this shit in should be shot...though maybe it's for the best. What's going to happen is people are going to start going to black market doctors. People who either aren't qualified, or who choose to function under the radar for cash.
I have seen many 'friends' on facebook say how great Obamacare is going to be, until it's here and now they absolutely hate it. Got in a few arguments.

An old girlfriend who is a liberal single mother to a beautiful 11 year just got a dose of reality. She doesn't have any insurance. She she makes $35K and group insurance. She went on to Obaminationcare and discovered it would cost her $2,535 per year (for the bronze plan and her penalty could be $350. She considered the insurance until she was quoted the benefits and discovered NOTHING accept the bullshit preventative care was offered. She is opting out and will pay the penalty.!

She is now against Obamacare, but still blames Republicans for the messed up healthcare system in the US go figure!

Why aren't you going to condemn this woman for becoming a single mother, and not waiting until marriage to have a child?
Why are you not demanding she get up off her lay bum and find another job?

You would expect it of anyone else, except it means you can use people to attack Obamacare...
Emily rocks.

But calling names is still fun.

Hi KG: I WISH the problems were as easy to solve as just calling names and be done with it.

I had a harsh dose of reality hit this past weekend. After discussing this whole ACA with friends who do believe it should be implemented and then fixed after the fact, I realized they cannot help but go that route. They have no other means besides "going through govt" of trying to get singlepayer or whatever set up because they cut themselves off from people who believe in setting up businesses/schools/charities to do this work directly, so they have no concept or ability much less any vision for doing that work themselves.

There may be some connection with Catholic institutions being against the death penalty, and having systems of private schools well established. If these prochoice antideathpenalty crowds want health care paid for to cover more people, then going through the churches that want alternatives to the criminal justice system, that system could be converted to provide education, health care and housing for the general public not just prisoners, with the billions saved by revamping that hell hole system that wastes so much more money.

But it was depressing to find that the people I talked with who didn't like ACA either but at least saw it as a step to get where they really want to be, did not have any motivation to set up their own systems as the people who want free choice of health care. So this idea of prochoice to the left is to "depend on govt to provide and protect those choices." You first hand the programs over to govt then lobby to try to keep the laws inclusive and cover all people, and I guess ignore the fact that each legislative battle involves excluding views that disagree with this approach altogether. Somehow that view is not counted as valid.
So they keep pushing to use govt to provide all inclusive benefits and discount any views of doing things independently which they see as controlled by private groups that exclude. When the independent types see the private sector as free choice and govt as controlling.

So whatever.

This is so sad it's making me grieve.

I wanted to hear that the prochoice groups would want independence that comes with setting up your own systems not depending on govt. But that's not what I hear. They truly trust govt to be their means of representation and provision. I even offered why not use their parties for that, and set up the same singlepayer system they want through their party and leave other parties to do their own. But they can't conceive of that either, any more than independents can conceive of depending on govt or insurance for health care.

The two views are like two separate realities of how these people represent themselves.
And sadly one side uses the govt for representing their views at the exclusion of the others.
They can't use their own party, but have to use the entire govt? I'm beyond dismayed.

So at most I think I could do to live with this dual reality is to find ways to set up alternative options to ACA, that to the proACA side count as exemptions or state innovations so they see it as under their precious ACA they have to have for whatever reason that cannot be done by party or independent exchanges without this ACA which I don't get at all.

But to the anti-ACA, the alternative options would acknowledge the ACA is unconstitutional and give taxbreaks or pay the fines/penalties in the meantime for people who prefer to invest directly in charities or medical school programs etc. that provide health care without going through either insurance, govt or mandates, but completely independent. Some way that both sides could be validated WITHOUT the other side having to admit right or wrong.

Like having the same program running, but registering it under one group as a business because they need that to fit their requirements, but registering under another group as a nonprofit because they need that to fit theirs. While the program is actually a school, where it is both a nonprofit and contains businesses within it, so it counts as both. So there is no conflict over "changing to the rules of the other group" if the program runs as both.

Something like that.

this is very depressing to me that people cannot be big enough to see the other side as equally valid but have to impose on each other to make one right and the other wrong. If they could just agree to separate programs by party, everyone could be right, but because one party depends on using the govt to represent their party interests, this is lopsided crap.
I have seen many 'friends' on facebook say how great Obamacare is going to be, until it's here and now they absolutely hate it. Got in a few arguments.

An old girlfriend who is a liberal single mother to a beautiful 11 year just got a dose of reality. She doesn't have any insurance. She she makes $35K and group insurance. She went on to Obaminationcare and discovered it would cost her $2,535 per year (for the bronze plan and her penalty could be $350. She considered the insurance until she was quoted the benefits and discovered NOTHING accept the bullshit preventative care was offered. She is opting out and will pay the penalty.!

She is now against Obamacare, but still blames Republicans for the messed up healthcare system in the US go figure!

Anyone who expects Obamacare to pay all of their medical bills is going to be disappointed. It's insurance, not a pay for everything plan. There are still out of pocket expenses. The problem is that people have no damn clue what it really costs for medical care in this country. I've been paying for all of my health insurance for years because I'm self-employed. I know the costs. The differences in plans under Obamacare and what we had before are minimal. Personally, I will be taking a higher deductible plan which will cost me slightly less than what I was paying sans a subsidy. Some preventative care will now be covered 100%, so I think I will make out better in the long run. Overall though, there won't be much difference in my total cost for healthcare.

In case any of you do not understand this, we are currently paying $8500 per person per year for healthcare. That is $8500 for each living person in the US. If you have a family of four, your share of that cost is $34,000. Yea, healthcare is ridiculously expensive, and guess what? That money doesn't fall out of the sky; somebody actually has to pay for it. If we want lower costs for healthcare, we need to reduce costs at the source, with the providers. The thing is we need to do that without bankrupting the providers, or we won't have any healthcare at all. It's a double edged sword.

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