obamacare sign ups only in the single digits

The ACA needs about 7 million the first year to enroll to make if affordable and drive down prices.

1/7th of that figure tried it out on the very first day and many more since then.

tyroneweaver, thank you for pointing out the figures, and you can thank me for correctly interpreting them.
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How do you spell Epic Fail?


well, your forgot the nazi brigades ready to make it succeed.

and that is what is the scariest part of the picture. It also makes it the easiest to repeal - not the whole law, it will become incapacitated by itself if only the penalizing part is repealed.
Then the good part will remain( no caps, no dropping off, enrolling people with pre-existing conditions) - and the real reform might ensue.

Not even one person enrolled yet in California :lol:

Forbes correctly points that is is not the quantity of the enrollees, it is their quality.

If only old and sick enroll - that's a white flag for obamacare.
And they know that.
That is why there is the whole IRS gestapo ready for the torture.

Nobody signed up in California yet because they don't have jobs to pay for internet access. Car has been repoed so can't drive

The others can't read english and are waiting on tax payer forms in Spanish

What a deal

I would like to repeal it all, but technically it might be impossible, since those provisions I have named are NEEDED and therefore unrepealable ones. I think that it is only fair that the insurance company can not cap your necessities and can not drop you when you become sick - that is long overdue.
But the law can be turned off the life support - which forceful implementation of individual mandate is - and it will die by itself very quickly.
To make sure it is never revived some other permanent tricks might be adjusted - but making amendments and changes to the existing law is much easier than repealing it.

I am speaking only from the practical standpoint. I would be very happy if we could have the official ceremony of throwing it into the history garbage can but I will also be satisfied if it is be just cut off the feeding tube :)
The stupidity of conservatives and the contempt they have for their fellow Americans is remarkable – not surprising, but remarkable nonetheless.

Yeah right! Have your heard your democrat leaders on the hill this week? They've called Republicans every vile name in the book.

You damn right I have contempt. For every single democrats walking. Every one of them :eusa_boohoo:
The stupidity of conservatives and the contempt they have for their fellow Americans is remarkable – not surprising, but remarkable nonetheless.

riiiiight, I'd say the contempt here is for the expectation for someone who is say, 28 or even 35, healthy and expected to follow obama's directive and pay now, for things they neither want or need, for a system that may not be there in any way shape of form as it stands when he or she needs it, when they can just skip it and pay the fine which is a great deal less....

you're counting on them being dumb....and not thinking it thru. BUT, it has been said; never underestimate the suckerability of the avg. American. We've seen it work, twice, in the last 5 years.
Jesus single digits? So many issues to touch on and you still feel the need to make up crap?
The ACA needs about 7 million the first year to enroll to make if affordable and drive down prices.

1/7th of that figure just it out on the very first day and many more since then.

tyroneweaver, thank you for pointing out the figures, and you can thank me for correctly interpreting them.

I thank YOU for ZERO, FAKEY.

Your days are numbered for your self-imposed reality and defending yer BOSS, Obama.

People could figure things out if they think a little sometimes.

Websites like google, ebay, facebook, hotmail, youtube, and amazon all started relatively small on day 1. Believe it or not...none of them had 7 million visiters on day 1. They all started rather humbly and modest and gradually grew to their current large size.

Facebook for instance started as a Harvard University website for students only, it grew to other schools and eventually expanded to the public. Starting with a meager university population it has now grown to over 1 billion users (granted I don't know daily traffic...). Obviously if facebook were given 1 billion users on it's opening day on it's little Harvard-owned servers it would crash instantly. So they built the website up...and up...and up..and up.

Healthcare.gov on the other hand was given an unheard of ~7 million visiters on it's first day. You cannot prepare for numbers like that on a fresh website. I really don't think any website in history can say it had ~7 million visiters on it's opening day. It wasn't given a time to "grow" at all, it didn't get a chance to evolve or adapt...just...BOOM!

For people to come on here and nit pick at the website having issues on it's first week is...laughable at best.
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The first day was a resounding success.

The ACA will get its 7 million first-year enrollees without any problem.

The far right reactionaries' screaming ensures it.

People could figure things out if they think a little sometimes.

Websites like google, ebay, facebook, hotmail, youtube, and amazon all started relatively small on day 1. Believe it or not...none of them had 7 million visiters on day 1. They all started rather humbly and modest and gradually grew to their current large size.

Facebook for instance started as a Harvard University website for students only, it grew to other schools and eventually expanded to the public. Starting with a meager university population it has now grown to over 1 billion users (granted I don't know daily traffic...). Obviously if facebook were given 1 billion users on it's opening day on it's little Harvard-owned servers it would crash instantly. So they built the website up...and up...and up..and up.

Healthcare.gov on the other hand was given an unheard of ~7 million visiters on it's first day. You cannot prepare for numbers like that on a fresh website. I really don't think any website in history can say it had ~7 million visiters on it's opening day. It wasn't given a time to "grow" at all, it didn't get a chance to evolve or adapt...just...BOOM!

For people to come on here and nit pick at the website having issues on it's first week is...laughable at best.

ALL those WEBSITES you mention are in the tank for Obama...

WE the TAXPAYERS payed almost a TRILLION for the GUBMINT to get it right out of the gate...WHY the PRIVATE folks helping him?

Those shitheads are exposed, and they are culpable as well.

Those same people are against their own liberty as well...Loping off their noses to spite their faces.


I wouldn't help Obama find his way to a water well in a desert seeing as he has NO regard for MY liberty.
The first day was a resounding success.

The ACA will get its 7 million first-year enrollees without any problem.

The far right reactionaries' screaming ensures it.

I'll say this for the umpteenth time- its not just getting people to sign up, they have to get the right people to sign up, the healthy and young.....and if they don't it won't be becasue the right says don't, it will be becasue it doesn't make sense to them, or they have to against their will, becasue they need something, that may 'insure' them but it won't make them happy. So, when those 7 million sign up and the polls tell us that a majority still are against it or the number moves up, its becasue they have been dragooned into doing so.
The first day was a resounding success.

The ACA will get its 7 million first-year enrollees without any problem.

The far right reactionaries' screaming ensures it.

I'll say this for the umpteenth time- its not just getting people to sign up, they have to get the right people to sign up, the healthy and young.....
And that's the key to make it work...otherwise? The house of cards falls...and certainly those that don't sign up? The "Fines' they will have to pay certainly won't fund it either.
The POTUS and democratic leadership are complete buffoons. There is a conga line of those clowns that need an attitude adjustment.


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