Obamacare Signing Up Illegals

Would it be a better option to just let them just remain under the radar, show up at a local emergency room get free medical care and give birth to even more children free of charge, while taxpayers foot the bill?

Or does it make more sense to get them into a health care plan where they will have to in some cases pay something?

Or is the concern based more on seeing the affordable healthcare act fail because it is an "Obama" initiative?

Either way, the illegal immigrants are here, and some are probably either new, and some are probably the offspring of those that were given amnesty by Reagan.

Whatever the case is, they are not going anywhere.

I see your point and your idea has merit but I think the best solution is to seal our border tighter than a drum. But I also believe that we SHOULD save that information and pass it along to ICE. Knowing that their information would be passed along would keep them from signing up for Obamacare. Then, when they go to the hospital to have their anchor baby, the hospital would be forced to report to the proper authorities that folks are trying to get free medical coverage without insurance (which is now the law). Perhaps that would make sneaking into the USA a little bit less appealing.

Obama is padding his numbers by signing up illegals.

That's the point of the thread. They're stealing elections with illegals as well. Busloads of Somalis showing up in Ohio to vote. None of them able to speak English. They flood states with illegals, like California, and turn them into liberal states. They're trying to do it in Texas as we speak.

They don't even bother trying to be subtle about it anymore because so many people are too stupid to care, and the media is so deeply in their pocket now.
The Dream Act has nothing to do with Obamacare....and this has been debunked a thousand times.
The Dream Act has nothing to do with Obamacare....and this has been debunked a thousand times.


The Affordable Care Act contains an individual mandate that requires individuals to purchase health insurance. It allows U.S. citizens and legal residents to purchase insurance on health insurance exchanges, often receiving tax credits.

But none of it applies to people who are here illegally. They don’t have to follow the mandate because they shouldn’t be here. They remain ineligible for regular Medicaid coverage, just as they are ineligible for food stamps. They cannot obtain coverage through state-based health insurance exchanges (thus, they are also ineligible for tax credits to offset the cost of getting that coverage).

Now, certain low-income illegal immigrants are eligible for emergency Medicaid coverage, including childbirth and surgery. And federal law requires hospitals not to turn away individuals for emergency treatment, even if they are uninsured (or undocumented), according to the National Immigration Law Center.

But those policies predate the Affordable Care Act.

"They don’t get health insurance, which is coverage, which is different than a hospital getting reimbursed for Medicaid," said Laura Goodhue, executive director of Florida Chain, a consumer health advocacy group.

The Affordable Care Act does provide some benefits for certain legal non-U.S. citizens. We repeat: Legal.

Immigrants who are in the country legally are subject to the mandate and are eligible to shop on the exchanges.
The Dream Act has nothing to do with Obamacare....and this has been debunked a thousand times.

Sure it has. *rolls eyes*

Well, they said they wouldn't extend the deadline and then they extended it a couple of days ago.

They're getting desperate.

They fudged the UE numbers right before the election. This is just one more big lie they're pulling over on us.

It's difficult for me to believe there are still idiots out there still trusting Obama.
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The Dream Act has nothing to do with Obamacare....and this has been debunked a thousand times.

Are you sure? Google: undocumented immigrant with deferred action status from the Obama administration.

that's funny about Faux, they always get contradicted...
Latinos remain wary of Obamacare as deadline looms

From your link:

Mayra Joana, a 26-year-old undocumented immigrant with deferred action status from the Obama administration, works with other activists at the UCLA Labor Center to pressure California lawmakers to expand health coverage to undocumented people. (Goodwin/Yahoo News)

Millions of illegals are lining up in California to take advantage of the Dream Act. What they really want is citizenship, but they're signing up for Obamacare too.

Get enough people who are desperate and they'll sign anything.

New Immigrant Workshop Program Is Met With Excitement & Protest - Los Angeles Local News | FOX 11 LA KTTV

Los Angeles, CA -

Immigration offices saw long lines in Los Angeles as thousands of undocumented immigrants nationwide began applying to delay deportation for two years and get work permits -- and immigrants say the Dream Act gives them hope.

All of this is possible because of President Barack Obama's Delayed Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Those who came to the U.S. before they were 16, spent five years here, earned their high school diploma and have no criminal record will be eligible for citizenship.

Read more: New Immigrant Workshop Program Is Met With Excitement & Protest - Los Angeles Local News | FOX 11 LA KTTV

They won't click on that link.......

So here's some of the text on the site.

What are the health care restrictions released by the Obama administration on August 28, 2012?

The Obama administration released two official policy announcements on August 28, 2012, that affect the eligibility for federal health care programs of individuals granted deferred action under the administration’s “deferred action for childhood arrivals” (DACA) policy. The policies announced on August 28 — issued as federal regulations and guidance — do not affect any other immigration category and do not affect individuals granted deferred action apart from the DACA policy.

The announcement changes federal rules for DACA-eligible individuals by excluding them from affordable health insurance options that are available to other individuals with deferred action. See below for more details.

Before the changes announced on August 28, some DACA-eligible individuals would have gained access to more options for affordable and comprehensive health insurance. Youth granted DACA who are under 21 years of age or pregnant and who are otherwise eligible would have been able to apply for free or low-cost health insurance through a state’s Medicaid program or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in about half of the states. In some states, pregnant women will continue to have access to federal health insurance coverage under CHIP regardless of their immigration status. (See the NILC table “Medical Assistance Programs for Immigrants in Various States” (PDF).)

After 2014, DACA-eligible individuals would have had additional options to buy affordable health insurance in their state as a result of federal health care reform. (The health care reform law’s name is the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Sometimes it is referred to as “Obamacare.”)

As a result of the August 28 changes, DACA-eligible individuals will remain excluded from almost all affordable health insurance options. They will be treated as though they are undocumented, even though they are otherwise considered lawfully present and are eligible for a work permit and a Social Security number. Unless their state has established a state-funded health coverage program, their only opportunity to obtain affordable, comprehensive health insurance may be through employment.
When do the restrictions go into effect?

The restrictions are effective August 30, 2012. The restrictions apply to every DACA-eligible individual effective immediately.
What do people granted deferred action outside of DACA have access to in terms of health care?

People granted “non-DACA” deferred action:

Enroll in low-cost, comprehensive health insurance available through Medicaid or CHIP in about half the states, if they are under age 21 or pregnant. See below for more details.
Enroll in a state’s high-risk insurance pool, referred to as the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP). This allows U.S. citizens and lawfully present immigrants who are currently uninsured and cannot get health insurance because they have a particular medical condition (such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression) to buy more affordable health insurance.

AFTER January 1, 2014, people with non-DACA deferred action status:

Can buy private, comprehensive health insurance if health insurance is not available to them through their school or work. This new way of buying health insurance under federal health care reform is often referred to as the “health insurance marketplace,” although the marketplace may have a unique name in each state, such as “Covered California” or the “New York State of Health.” Open enrollment in the marketplace for coverage in 2014 starts October 1, 2013, and ends March 31, 2014. Undocumented people are not eligible to buy health insurance inside the marketplace.
Can apply for financial assistance to pay for the private health insurance purchased through the marketplace. The financial assistance will be provided in the form of federal refundable tax credits, known as “premium tax credits” and “cost-sharing reductions.” The amount of the tax credit will be based on income. As a result, the price of health insurance will vary based on an individual’s or family’s income, so it will be more affordable. See below for more information.
Can enroll in a “Basic Health Program,” if their state has one, starting in 2015. The Basic Health Program will be another affordable health insurance option for low-income and working families.
Will be required to have health insurance under the “individual mandate” unless it is unaffordable or the individual is eligible for an exemption.
Health Care & DACA Deferred Action - National Immigration Law Center

They won't click on that link.......

So here's some of the text on the site.

What are the health care restrictions released by the Obama administration on August 28, 2012?

The Obama administration released two official policy announcements on August 28, 2012, that affect the eligibility for federal health care programs of individuals granted deferred action under the administration’s “deferred action for childhood arrivals” (DACA) policy. The policies announced on August 28 — issued as federal regulations and guidance — do not affect any other immigration category and do not affect individuals granted deferred action apart from the DACA policy.

The announcement changes federal rules for DACA-eligible individuals by excluding them from affordable health insurance options that are available to other individuals with deferred action. See below for more details.

Before the changes announced on August 28, some DACA-eligible individuals would have gained access to more options for affordable and comprehensive health insurance. Youth granted DACA who are under 21 years of age or pregnant and who are otherwise eligible would have been able to apply for free or low-cost health insurance through a state’s Medicaid program or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in about half of the states. In some states, pregnant women will continue to have access to federal health insurance coverage under CHIP regardless of their immigration status. (See the NILC table “Medical Assistance Programs for Immigrants in Various States” (PDF).)

After 2014, DACA-eligible individuals would have had additional options to buy affordable health insurance in their state as a result of federal health care reform. (The health care reform law’s name is the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Sometimes it is referred to as “Obamacare.”)

As a result of the August 28 changes, DACA-eligible individuals will remain excluded from almost all affordable health insurance options. They will be treated as though they are undocumented, even though they are otherwise considered lawfully present and are eligible for a work permit and a Social Security number. Unless their state has established a state-funded health coverage program, their only opportunity to obtain affordable, comprehensive health insurance may be through employment.
When do the restrictions go into effect?

The restrictions are effective August 30, 2012. The restrictions apply to every DACA-eligible individual effective immediately.
What do people granted deferred action outside of DACA have access to in terms of health care?

People granted “non-DACA” deferred action:

Enroll in low-cost, comprehensive health insurance available through Medicaid or CHIP in about half the states, if they are under age 21 or pregnant. See below for more details.
Enroll in a state’s high-risk insurance pool, referred to as the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP). This allows U.S. citizens and lawfully present immigrants who are currently uninsured and cannot get health insurance because they have a particular medical condition (such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression) to buy more affordable health insurance.

AFTER January 1, 2014, people with non-DACA deferred action status:

Can buy private, comprehensive health insurance if health insurance is not available to them through their school or work. This new way of buying health insurance under federal health care reform is often referred to as the “health insurance marketplace,” although the marketplace may have a unique name in each state, such as “Covered California” or the “New York State of Health.” Open enrollment in the marketplace for coverage in 2014 starts October 1, 2013, and ends March 31, 2014. Undocumented people are not eligible to buy health insurance inside the marketplace.
Can apply for financial assistance to pay for the private health insurance purchased through the marketplace. The financial assistance will be provided in the form of federal refundable tax credits, known as “premium tax credits” and “cost-sharing reductions.” The amount of the tax credit will be based on income. As a result, the price of health insurance will vary based on an individual’s or family’s income, so it will be more affordable. See below for more information.
Can enroll in a “Basic Health Program,” if their state has one, starting in 2015. The Basic Health Program will be another affordable health insurance option for low-income and working families.
Will be required to have health insurance under the “individual mandate” unless it is unaffordable or the individual is eligible for an exemption.
Health Care & DACA Deferred Action - National Immigration Law Center

Nice cherry picking...but that's not the intent.
Would it be a better option to just let them just remain under the radar, show up at a local emergency room get free medical care and give birth to even more children free of charge, while taxpayers foot the bill?

Or does it make more sense to get them into a health care plan where they will have to in some cases pay something?

Or is the concern based more on seeing the affordable healthcare act fail because it is an "Obama" initiative?

Either way, the illegal immigrants are here, and some are probably either new, and some are probably the offspring of those that were given amnesty by Reagan.

Whatever the case is, they are not going anywhere.


They need to go home.

I have no idea how they can do this, .gov requires an SSI # AND they had to have filed a Tax Return in 13.

I would be very skeptical of this.
It is possible to acquire a social security number without a legal status. My guess is those illegals at one point had a temporary job like fruit picking and acquired their social security numbers this way. Once they were done with their temp job though, they were expected to leave.

If the employer has their social security number, the illegals need to pay their taxes, thus the need to file a tax return.

Come 2016 when the new administration takes over, the illegals are taking a huge risk as the government can and will use DMV info to track them down and deport them.
What many of you ignorant bigots don't understand is that this applies to the children of illegal immigrants who are US citizens by virtue of being born in our country and those who shouldn't be punished for the actions of their parents.

If you committed a crime, should your child be punished?
What many of you ignorant bigots don't understand is that this applies to the children of illegal immigrants who are US citizens by virtue of being born in our country and those who shouldn't be punished for the actions of their parents.

If you committed a crime, should your child be punished?

Nope. Children brought here are eligible.

“deferred action for childhood arrivals” (DACA) policy

What part of "childhood arrivals" don't you understand......?
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Would it be a better option to just let them just remain under the radar, show up at a local emergency room get free medical care and give birth to even more children free of charge, while taxpayers foot the bill?

Or does it make more sense to get them into a health care plan where they will have to in some cases pay something?

Or is the concern based more on seeing the affordable healthcare act fail because it is an "Obama" initiative?

Either way, the illegal immigrants are here, and some are probably either new, and some are probably the offspring of those that were given amnesty by Reagan.

Whatever the case is, they are not going anywhere.

Oh, that's different.


No wait, Democrats set this whole mess up in the first place. They have been laying out the red-carpet for illegals for years. Most of them wouldn't even be here if it weren't for liberal policies.

Nope, you're just talking gobbledygook.

The illegal immigration problem is not a liberal or conservative problem. It is Americas problem.

Both have had a part in exacerbating the issue. And myopic thinkers like you would prefer to sit back and assign a liberal/conservative spin to it.
Would it be a better option to just let them just remain under the radar, show up at a local emergency room get free medical care and give birth to even more children free of charge, while taxpayers foot the bill?

Or does it make more sense to get them into a health care plan where they will have to in some cases pay something?

Or is the concern based more on seeing the affordable healthcare act fail because it is an "Obama" initiative?

Either way, the illegal immigrants are here, and some are probably either new, and some are probably the offspring of those that were given amnesty by Reagan.

Whatever the case is, they are not going anywhere.

Oh, that's different.


No wait, Democrats set this whole mess up in the first place. They have been laying out the red-carpet for illegals for years. Most of them wouldn't even be here if it weren't for liberal policies.

Nope, you're just talking gobbledygook.

The illegal immigration problem is not a liberal or conservative problem. It is Americas problem.

Both have had a part in exacerbating the issue. And myopic thinkers like you would prefer to sit back and assign a liberal/conservative spin to it.

Blame em both.

But for some reason the Dems are the one's talking to them like this......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1qoASQc5jc]'Citizen' Biden - Illegals Already Considered Americans By VP Biden - Fox & Friends - YouTube[/ame]
'citizen' biden - illegals already considered americans by vp biden
this is an obvious attempt to get the illegal vote. Not to mention it encourages other illegals to register for obamacare, and to vote, which by the way is a crime in itself.

the amount of illegals that have been caught voting is so low that its next to nothing ... Or in some cases like wisconsin and virginia, none have been caught or recorded ... It amazes me how moronic and paranoid you repub-lie-tards can be...
would it be a better option to just let them just remain under the radar, show up at a local emergency room get free medical care and give birth to even more children free of charge, while taxpayers foot the bill?

Or does it make more sense to get them into a health care plan where they will have to in some cases pay something?

Or is the concern based more on seeing the affordable healthcare act fail because it is an "obama" initiative?

Either way, the illegal immigrants are here, and some are probably either new, and some are probably the offspring of those that were given amnesty by reagan.

Whatever the case is, they are not going anywhere.

these republicans are so crass, that even the thought of a illegal getting health care on medicaid will make they have a heart attack ... Mever mind the idea of the hospital getting paid for once, its the idea that they would get health care is just unthinkable ...after all they do bust their asses cleaning doing all heavy labor jobs, and even picking the food they eat ... Get health care for doing that??? That's unthinkable for these repub-lie-tards
He certainly was.

This is hardly surprising. It was part of the plan all along.
it is buying votes - period.
Any american that supports this, also supports a future totalitarianism which is the end result of things like this.
When you have the ability to attract all the votes you need buy buying them off - you do not have a democracy.

and if the repub-lie-tard had a ounce of decency in their body they too could be getting these people to vote for them ... Imagine that, doing what they people ask you to do ... What a concept ... To bad repub-lie-tards aren't bright enough to figure that one out ... Its all about their greed and nothing else

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