Obamacare: The Final Nail In The Coffin For The Middle Class

Obamacare is a classic example of liberals' spread-the-wealth ideology. Sink well-educated, successful middle class people in order to subsidize the hordes of lazy people who take no effort to improve their self.
Obamacare is a classic example of liberals' spread-the-wealth ideology. Sink well-educated, successful middle class people in order to subsidize the hordes of lazy people who take no effort to improve their self.

The elderly or disabled should make an effort?

Next you'll be arguing for soylent green.
Obamacare is a classic example of liberals' spread-the-wealth ideology. Sink well-educated, successful middle class people in order to subsidize the hordes of lazy people who take no effort to improve their self.

The elderly or disabled should make an effort?

Next you'll be arguing for soylent green.

Classic liberal ad hominem attack. You're offering nothing of substance. We already have Medicare and assistance for those disabled.
Congratulation on Obamacare for fundamentally transforming the USA into a European Style Socialist failure
Actually, the middle class and those on the lower economic standing of society should benefit from the ACA. The super plans of the wealthy may be the ones that will suffer. The ACA is not finally implemented, so do not declare its failure yet. It will place quality health insurance within the reach of many that never dreamed they could afford it. The declarations of the death of the ACA and the Obama administration are greatly exaggerated. But that is what the GOP does.....so
Odd isn't it that Obama and the Dems claim to champion the "Middle Class" as they destroy it, and especially since our republic as written in the Constitution was never intended to be a cast system?

Obamacare is a classic example of liberals' spread-the-wealth ideology. Sink well-educated, successful middle class people in order to subsidize the hordes of lazy people who take no effort to improve their self.

The elderly or disabled should make an effort?

Next you'll be arguing for soylent green.

Classic liberal ad hominem attack. You're offering nothing of substance. We already have Medicare and assistance for those disabled.

Here's an ad hominem attack.

Why do you conservatives generalize ALL THE TIME? Must be from Indiana...
Are you assuming that I'm liberal. Mac, does that dial in your avatar represent such a conjecture because you've really turned that up to 11!
Are you assuming that I'm liberal. Mac, does that dial in your avatar represent such a conjecture because you've really turned that up to 11!

Nope, not assuming anything, that was just one hell of an ironic post.

Full disclosure, it's been my experience that people who us "The Truth" in their posts are usually partisans on one side or the other, and those who use "Truth" in their actual screen name can be counted on for shit storms of enormous and amusing proportions. Haven't seen enough of your posts to see if you continue that trend.


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