obamacare to have a surcharge for smokers

Asthma has many triggers and smoking is just one of them. Most people that have asthma will have it whether they smoke or not however smoking will often make Asthma attacks worse.

Asthma is an interesting thing. When my eldest daughter was 4 years old, the pediatrician told us she had "mild asthma" and that we needed to keep a close watch on it, and to never smoke around her. She's mid 20's now and has no lung issues, never used asthma medication and smokes. Merely anecdotal, but I think many over-blow asthma to the point that kids and parents over-react resulting in excessive and unneeded treatment.
Asthma has many triggers and smoking is just one of them. Most people that have asthma will have it whether they smoke or not however smoking will often make Asthma attacks worse.

Asthma is an interesting thing. When my eldest daughter was 4 years old, the pediatrician told us she had "mild asthma" and that we needed to keep a close watch on it, and to never smoke around her. She's mid 20's now and has no lung issues, never used asthma medication and smokes. Merely anecdotal, but I think many over-blow asthma to the point that kids and parents over-react resulting in excessive and unneeded treatment.
Many kids out grow asthma. I developed it as an adult and I never smoked. There's a good article in Scientific America about the increasing rate of asthma.

Why Are Asthma Rates Soaring?: Scientific American
Your a funny guy, without children there is NO need for either healthcare or government. If they increase the cost of healthcare is moot.

Ask the smokers parent if they like smokers, wives, husband, friends, lovers.

Why the hate

Driving smokers from polite society has done more to reduce the death rate than any single action in the last 50 years. Making smokers outcasts has made us all healthier and happier

Lucy, you got some spalnin to do

U.S. asthma rates are at an all-time high, CDC says. - Los Angeles Times

Asthma rates UP. How on earth can that be?

Yep, gettin rid of them nasty smokers made everyone more healthy:cuckoo:

Want to talk lung cancer, throat cancer, emphysema ?
Which will effectively price them out of the insurance market.

ObamaCare slams smokers with sky-high premium costs, could backfire | Fox News

Unlike drug addicts, alcoholics, or the obese -- all of whom represent higher-than-average medical costs -- smokers are the only such group with a pre-existing condition that ObamaCare penalizes. It allows insurance companies to charge smokers up to 50 percent more than non-smokers for an identical policy.

For example, premiums for a 64-year-old non-smoker, according to the Kaiser Health Calculator, cost $9,000 a year for a standard "silver" insurance plan.

The same policy for a smoker could cost $13,600.

When "affordable" health care is 33% to 50% of your income, it isn't so affordable any more.

hopefully a good deal if not most of the people who voted for obama.....are smokers. I WANT them to suffer. I WANT them to cry about what it is costing them. I WANT them to hate obamacare as the see themselves going bankrupt.
I would like to see them stop smoking. I lost a dear friend to lung cancer and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

in this...i would prefer they all live a very long time.....and hate their lives....realizing they voted for the hell they are in.....

i am very sorry for both you and your friend. Cancer is a horrible thing.
Asthma has many triggers and smoking is just one of them. Most people that have asthma will have it whether they smoke or not however smoking will often make Asthma attacks worse.

Asthma is an interesting thing. When my eldest daughter was 4 years old, the pediatrician told us she had "mild asthma" and that we needed to keep a close watch on it, and to never smoke around her. She's mid 20's now and has no lung issues, never used asthma medication and smokes. Merely anecdotal, but I think many over-blow asthma to the point that kids and parents over-react resulting in excessive and unneeded treatment.
Many kids out grow asthma. I developed it as an adult and I never smoked. There's a good article in Scientific America about the increasing rate of asthma.

Why Are Asthma Rates Soaring?: Scientific American

same here.... I am a non smoker who developed asthma as an adult.
I smoke. I had cancer. I don't have asthma. I don't drink. I rarely drive any more. I'm not gay but have a lot of gay friends. Cross dressers, too. I don't like backyard barbque. I don't wear perfume any more. I use Nag Champa incense. I don't have a fireplace but wish I did. I am not obese.

Bad Gracie. Bad.
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Driving smokers from polite society has done more to reduce the death rate than any single action in the last 50 years. Making smokers outcasts has made us all healthier and happier

Lucy, you got some spalnin to do

U.S. asthma rates are at an all-time high, CDC says. - Los Angeles Times

Asthma rates UP. How on earth can that be?

Yep, gettin rid of them nasty smokers made everyone more healthy:cuckoo:

Want to talk lung cancer, throat cancer, emphysema ?

Sure, post your links, but at the same time explain why, when what was once considered one of the major triggers of asthma attacks was nearly eliminated in public (and private) buildings, the rate of both asthma cases and attacks have gone UP. That is statistically impossible, without a greater trigger appearing.

I know, it's either Global Warming or BUSH!
Which will effectively price them out of the insurance market.

ObamaCare slams smokers with sky-high premium costs, could backfire | Fox News

Unlike drug addicts, alcoholics, or the obese -- all of whom represent higher-than-average medical costs -- smokers are the only such group with a pre-existing condition that ObamaCare penalizes. It allows insurance companies to charge smokers up to 50 percent more than non-smokers for an identical policy.

For example, premiums for a 64-year-old non-smoker, according to the Kaiser Health Calculator, cost $9,000 a year for a standard "silver" insurance plan.

The same policy for a smoker could cost $13,600.

When "affordable" health care is 33% to 50% of your income, it isn't so affordable any more.

Yes, smokers go into a whole different category--but they're still required to pay for pre-natal coverage, drug abuse and mental health coverage--like everyone else has too under Obamacare.

Oh, I agree the increase is absurd. But smokers and according to Vox those with a bmi over 30 are the only ones paying more. Your examples, above, are what this whole thing is about. Control. Anyone with half a brain can see that. Paying more (not this ridiculous amount more) for being a higher risk I'm fine with; gov't picking and choosing who pays more and who doesn't? Nope.

And herein is where the liberals are lost in space.
People who support a government ran system fail to understand that the American government is thoroughly corrupt by the large corporations, the central banks and special interest. Thus, the decisions they make in that control are NOT GOING TO BE FOR THE GREATER GOOD - they will be made to benefit those they are corrupted by.
Also, like every single other government ran system (medicare/medicaid/SS/IRS/SEC etc. etc.) - they will be ran poorly, corrupt, filled with fraud and underfunded to the max.
Anyone with a 3rd grade education knows - 100% - that our taxes must go up to pay the difference. It will happen. But - again, liberals don't care. The bottom 50% in this country pay ZERO federal income tax...most are liberals. Can you say "redistribution of wealth"...not the super rich to the poor - oh no - the middle class will suffer again.
Which will effectively price them out of the insurance market.

ObamaCare slams smokers with sky-high premium costs, could backfire | Fox News

Unlike drug addicts, alcoholics, or the obese -- all of whom represent higher-than-average medical costs -- smokers are the only such group with a pre-existing condition that ObamaCare penalizes. It allows insurance companies to charge smokers up to 50 percent more than non-smokers for an identical policy.

For example, premiums for a 64-year-old non-smoker, according to the Kaiser Health Calculator, cost $9,000 a year for a standard "silver" insurance plan.

The same policy for a smoker could cost $13,600.

When "affordable" health care is 33% to 50% of your income, it isn't so affordable any more.

I have posted it before, so I'm not looking it up again. But there was a study out of Vanderbilt that showed that smokers do not cost the system that much. They tend to die in mid 50s. Problem solved. It is those non smokers who live to be so old and require so much costly elder care and end of life care that cost so much. I would think Obama would send us all free samples of cigarettes. But then he is such a dumb fuck he doesn't know if he is coming or going.
Which will effectively price them out of the insurance market.

ObamaCare slams smokers with sky-high premium costs, could backfire | Fox News

Unlike drug addicts, alcoholics, or the obese -- all of whom represent higher-than-average medical costs -- smokers are the only such group with a pre-existing condition that ObamaCare penalizes. It allows insurance companies to charge smokers up to 50 percent more than non-smokers for an identical policy.

For example, premiums for a 64-year-old non-smoker, according to the Kaiser Health Calculator, cost $9,000 a year for a standard "silver" insurance plan.

The same policy for a smoker could cost $13,600.

When "affordable" health care is 33% to 50% of your income, it isn't so affordable any more.

I have posted it before, so I'm not looking it up again. But there was a study out of Vanderbilt that showed that smokers do not cost the system that much. They tend to die in mid 50s. Problem solved. It is those non smokers who live to be so old and require so much costly elder care and end of life care that cost so much. I would think Obama would send us all free samples of cigarettes. But then he is such a dumb fuck he doesn't know if he is coming or going.

You may be right, but it's irrelevant in my view. Government can't operate on the same kind of 'pricing model' as a private business. Government is something that, presumably, we all benefit from more or less equally and we should resist the temptation to go down the path of itemizing it how we pay for it. That's my biggest beef with making health care a government responsibility - it will encourage just this kind of attention, giving leaders an incentive to control our behavior more and more in the name of saving tax payer dollars.
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Liberals who want smokers to pay more and think they should pay more, have yet to explain how requiring individuals to pay 50% of their annual income in insurance premiums will give them cheaper and better insurance.

It should be evident that it won't stop there. There are all kinds of behaviors that the government intends to control. Just ask Mayor Bloomberg what the proper role of government is and what it should control. He has a whole list.
False equivalency, lady; move along, nothing to see here.

there are more drivers then there are smokers.

You have just demonstrated something about yourself that the rest of us have known all the time.

If you walked more and ditched the car you would be far healthier plus be far less likely to get in a head on collision with a Mack truck leaving you with severe head injuries requiring a lifetime of sucking up healthcare.

God, micro managing my fellow Americans is just a load of fun

Yep, good times

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