obamacare to have a surcharge for smokers

Oh, dblack, you are whining about good practices to drive down rates for everyone on the average.

Get your insurance some other way then or pay up.


And the same for you, Marty.

You can't mandate more things be covered and have rates go down.

For standard affordable and accessible care for EVERYBODY, we can come up with a reasonable rate. It will be cheaper in the long run than this awful state we have had for twenty years.

No it isn't. It will implode and gov't will scream 'single payer'.

Try adding in oil changes, inspection, tire rotation, etc. onto everyone's car insurance and watch those premiums skyrocket ... just as health insurance rates have/are. Nothing is free, as obamacare claims. Nothing. If you're not paying for it someone else is.

Are you ok with gov't mandating what must be covered?
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Wait!! I thought of something else! PERFUME. I cough all the time when around someone that doesn't know what a bathtub is and instead sprays that crap all over them. Oh, and candle buyers!! Especially the scented kind! Let's toss in incense as well. All that shit is offense to the nose, amirite? It's DANGEROUS to inhale. Whoops. Guess it is back to horse and buggy days. Petrol fumes are pretty bad as well. Pesticides. Ban them. You can only use a fly swatter.

So there ya are. If you are gay and don't contribute to birthing kids, barbque in your backyard or at street corners, have a chimney, drink alcohol, smoke, burn incense and candles, wear perfume, are obese, and in general....do anything the government and "society" decides is "bad", tax 'em all to death where they are homeless. Oh. Wait. Homeless people carry diseases. Oops. Ya can't be homeless either.
Good point, and probably the BEST argument AGAINST federal government involvement in health insurance.


Next, the Presidential candidates will choose which voting groups get the higher subsidy and lowest deductibles.


Hey...Red States are chock full of low life smokers who do not know any better. Make them foot the bill for Obamacare. They are too stupid to know any better

not true. the most smokers are now concentrated in big leftard cities.

Yea....Kentucky is chock full of leftward cities. So is West Virginia
Yes, and then charge an additional tax on gays because the don't participate, within their couplings in creating children. Children being the key requirement for society, and the need for government itself.

What fun this, using government to pick winners and losers, and lifestyle choices can be?

Having children adds to our healthcare costs. Not as much as those fucking smokers, but enough to make a difference. Only problem is that people actually like children.....nobody wants anything to do with smokers

Your a funny guy, without children there is NO need for either healthcare or government. If they increase the cost of healthcare is moot.

Ask the smokers parent if they like smokers, wives, husband, friends, lovers.

Why the hate

Driving smokers from polite society has done more to reduce the death rate than any single action in the last 50 years. Making smokers outcasts has made us all healthier and happier
Having children adds to our healthcare costs. Not as much as those fucking smokers, but enough to make a difference. Only problem is that people actually like children.....nobody wants anything to do with smokers

Your a funny guy, without children there is NO need for either healthcare or government. If they increase the cost of healthcare is moot.

Ask the smokers parent if they like smokers, wives, husband, friends, lovers.

Why the hate

Driving smokers from polite society has done more to reduce the death rate than any single action in the last 50 years. Making smokers outcasts has made us all healthier and happier

Lucy, you got some spalnin to do

U.S. asthma rates are at an all-time high, CDC says. - Los Angeles Times

Asthma rates UP. How on earth can that be?

Yep, gettin rid of them nasty smokers made everyone more healthy:cuckoo:
The hubs smokes, we pay nearly $500/yr more on our premium (not obamacare, employer sponsored), always have. They should pay more -- higher risk pays more. Period. What isn't fair is that obese, diabetics, drunks, p/e's -- none have to pay more the rest of us have to foot the bill so they get to pay 'the same'. That is the bullshit part.

Then people who ski regularly, play impact sports, or do other risky things should have thier premiums impacted as well.

Some guy eating cheetos in a barco-lounger isnt going to require an airlift and 3 operations to unshatter his leg after failing to grab that wicked mogul.

And this is how it goes down: because we are all paying for each others' health care, how everyone else lives becomes our business.

Farewell, Liberty. Twas nice while it lasted.
Which will effectively price them out of the insurance market.

ObamaCare slams smokers with sky-high premium costs, could backfire | Fox News

Unlike drug addicts, alcoholics, or the obese -- all of whom represent higher-than-average medical costs -- smokers are the only such group with a pre-existing condition that ObamaCare penalizes. It allows insurance companies to charge smokers up to 50 percent more than non-smokers for an identical policy.

For example, premiums for a 64-year-old non-smoker, according to the Kaiser Health Calculator, cost $9,000 a year for a standard "silver" insurance plan.

The same policy for a smoker could cost $13,600.

When "affordable" health care is 33% to 50% of your income, it isn't so affordable any more.
So if you're a pack a day man, you can save $4,000 on insurance, up to $4200 on cigarettes, plus add years to your life by kicking the habit. These premiums are for a 64 year old who probably could have never qualified for individual health insurance prior to the ACA. However, this is nothing new. Prior to the ACA many companies charged more to smokers, up to $1000/mo.

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Your a funny guy, without children there is NO need for either healthcare or government. If they increase the cost of healthcare is moot.

Ask the smokers parent if they like smokers, wives, husband, friends, lovers.

Why the hate

Driving smokers from polite society has done more to reduce the death rate than any single action in the last 50 years. Making smokers outcasts has made us all healthier and happier

Lucy, you got some spalnin to do

U.S. asthma rates are at an all-time high, CDC says. - Los Angeles Times

Asthma rates UP. How on earth can that be?

Yep, gettin rid of them nasty smokers made everyone more healthy:cuckoo:
Asthma has many triggers and smoking is just one of them. Most people that have asthma will have it whether they smoke or not however smoking will often make Asthma attacks worse.
To be honest, not only smokers have to be charged more, but also those with a BMI over 30.

People who spend a lot of time outdoors and get skin cancer should pay more too. You might imagine it's only going to be smokers. It's going to start there, but no one knows where it will end. Everything is dangerous. Go hiking and break your leg.
Which will effectively price them out of the insurance market.

ObamaCare slams smokers with sky-high premium costs, could backfire | Fox News

Unlike drug addicts, alcoholics, or the obese -- all of whom represent higher-than-average medical costs -- smokers are the only such group with a pre-existing condition that ObamaCare penalizes. It allows insurance companies to charge smokers up to 50 percent more than non-smokers for an identical policy.

For example, premiums for a 64-year-old non-smoker, according to the Kaiser Health Calculator, cost $9,000 a year for a standard "silver" insurance plan.

The same policy for a smoker could cost $13,600.

When "affordable" health care is 33% to 50% of your income, it isn't so affordable any more.

hopefully a good deal if not most of the people who voted for obama.....are smokers. I WANT them to suffer. I WANT them to cry about what it is costing them. I WANT them to hate obamacare as the see themselves going bankrupt.
Skiing, playing impact sports, etc are not pre-existing conditions. Being obese is, being a diabetic is, smoking is. These things are known to cause associated health issues.

People with p/e's absolutely should pay more for their health insurance. obamacare or no obamacare. If you are a higher risk you pay more for being a higher risk because you cost more to insure. Period.

Again, risk is risk. Someone who skis or skydives, or does anything else like that has a higher risk of costing money due to accident, or even from the long term wear and tear those actions put on a body.

Are you ok with people who are not higher risk paying more so that those who are higher risk get to pay 'the same'? I'm not.
I'm ok with charging higher risk subscribers more for health insurance provided it doesn't price them out of the market. Charging more for people who are older and to smokers makes sense even thou it can increase premiums 25% to 50%. Charging more for someone diagnosed with lung cancer would mean no insurance coverage for most people.
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You can't mandate more things be covered and have rates go down.

For standard affordable and accessible care for EVERYBODY, we can come up with a reasonable rate. It will be cheaper in the long run than this awful state we have had for twenty years.

No it isn't. It will implode and gov't will scream 'single payer'.

Try adding in oil changes, inspection, tire rotation, etc. onto everyone's car insurance and watch those premiums skyrocket ... just as health insurance rates have/are. Nothing is free, as obamacare claims. Nothing. If you're not paying for it someone else is.

Are you ok with gov't mandating what must be covered?

Then you can blame big industry and their congress critters who were cowering us with what govt was letting them get away with.

Hint? Now govt is cowering big industry. How about that?
Which will effectively price them out of the insurance market.

ObamaCare slams smokers with sky-high premium costs, could backfire | Fox News

Unlike drug addicts, alcoholics, or the obese -- all of whom represent higher-than-average medical costs -- smokers are the only such group with a pre-existing condition that ObamaCare penalizes. It allows insurance companies to charge smokers up to 50 percent more than non-smokers for an identical policy.

For example, premiums for a 64-year-old non-smoker, according to the Kaiser Health Calculator, cost $9,000 a year for a standard "silver" insurance plan.

The same policy for a smoker could cost $13,600.

When "affordable" health care is 33% to 50% of your income, it isn't so affordable any more.

hopefully a good deal if not most of the people who voted for obama.....are smokers. I WANT them to suffer. I WANT them to cry about what it is costing them. I WANT them to hate obamacare as the see themselves going bankrupt.
I would like to see them stop smoking. I lost a dear friend to lung cancer and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
I lost a dear friend in a car accident now I want everyone to stop driving.
I know of somebody who choked to death eating something.

Everyone should stop eating.
I know of somebody who choked to death eating something.

Everyone should stop eating.

Another false equivalency. Move along.

Extra: come on, guys, you are smarter than that, or are you just weary?

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