Obamacare will question your sex life

Conservative legislators in Kansas earlier this year tried to get a bill passed that would have required AIDS victims to be quarantined.

Paging Lyndon LaRouche...

Damn, you got me. Since I never say that government is bad, and never point out that politicians only want to make it worse, you pointing out that Republicans do the same thing has me stumped.

Wait, that must be someone else.

he wasnt asking you.
This type of evaluation is not coming from the government so much as it is coming from the Joint Commission, the hospital accreditation agency. There are a lot of new questions these days, the newest at Vandy is 'do you feel safe at home, is anyone abusing you'.

When I do (did) a psych eval, I always asked about sexual orientation and sexual activity. Those things are VERY pertinent to psychiatric treatment because people have so many issues over them. Also men who are middle aged can have problems due to low testosterone. If I don't ask them, they ask me about it. And I find it amazing that they would rather ask me than their primary care provider. The VA is now testing all their patients for HIV, and staff are also being encouraged to be tested as well.

If the goal is to have one consolidated comprehensive medical record, then these questions would be part of it. Likely everyone involved in your care would be asking the questions in order to complete your chart. I don't know how many people on here go to the VA, but it is likely you are already asked about HIV risk factors, whether you are being abused, your diet, your sexual activity, your mental status, etc. etc. etc. Once the information is all in the chart and complete it is just updated according to specialty provider needs. We were even asking about rabies exposure becaus e there had been some cases of it due to soldiers handling animals in the middle east.

I do not believe the psychiatric information should be part of a comprehensive chart, though. There is too much potential for civil rights violations, and most people who do not work in that specialty have a poor understanding of the terminology and this could be harmful to the best interest of the patient.

When was the last time a dermatologist or cardiologist did a comphehensive chart? Not every doctor is with the VA. It might be malpractice for a dermatoligist to attempt a psych eval. It would certainly have no validity.
OK folks, the Joint Commission, a private money making company, is behind most of this. I dealt with them for 15 years:

The Downgrading of the Medical Degree: The new world order under Obamacare will see a paradigm shift wherein government-empowered administrators and other non-physicians make de facto medical decisions — effectively ruling over the practice of medicine by physicians. Through the abuse of “standards” imposed by the Feds, the AMA, and the pseudo-independent accrediting body, the “Joint Commission” (JCAHO), doctors are increasingly losing the freedom to exercise independent thought and the independent practice of their profession. By utilizing peer review practices which would not stand muster under standard constitutional law, hospital and health systems can label anyone a “disruptive,” “unruly” or “uncooperative” physician and destroy their ability to work.

Read more: Five reasons your doctor hates Obamacare | Washington Times Communities
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Five reasons your doctor hates Obamacare | Washington Times Communities

Doctors DON'T like it. But I dealt with TennCare in TN. This is no different. If a procedure needs to be done, the MD can appeal the decision. I did a lot of appeals for medications and hospitalizations. There is an art to it, and it is just another thing that providers are going to need to become savvy about.

The worst of the worst happened in TN. Many providers were accepting money under capitation and not providing the services. In fact, doctors there made so much money under capitation that they would never disclose exactly how much.

In reality, Obamacare sets up a system that will make it easier for your doctor, not the government, to take advantage of you financially. Been there. Seen it.
This type of evaluation is not coming from the government so much as it is coming from the Joint Commission, the hospital accreditation agency. There are a lot of new questions these days, the newest at Vandy is 'do you feel safe at home, is anyone abusing you'.

When I do (did) a psych eval, I always asked about sexual orientation and sexual activity. Those things are VERY pertinent to psychiatric treatment because people have so many issues over them. Also men who are middle aged can have problems due to low testosterone. If I don't ask them, they ask me about it. And I find it amazing that they would rather ask me than their primary care provider. The VA is now testing all their patients for HIV, and staff are also being encouraged to be tested as well.

If the goal is to have one consolidated comprehensive medical record, then these questions would be part of it. Likely everyone involved in your care would be asking the questions in order to complete your chart. I don't know how many people on here go to the VA, but it is likely you are already asked about HIV risk factors, whether you are being abused, your diet, your sexual activity, your mental status, etc. etc. etc. Once the information is all in the chart and complete it is just updated according to specialty provider needs. We were even asking about rabies exposure becaus e there had been some cases of it due to soldiers handling animals in the middle east.

I do not believe the psychiatric information should be part of a comprehensive chart, though. There is too much potential for civil rights violations, and most people who do not work in that specialty have a poor understanding of the terminology and this could be harmful to the best interest of the patient.

When was the last time a dermatologist or cardiologist did a comphehensive chart? Not every doctor is with the VA. It might be malpractice for a dermatoligist to attempt a psych eval. It would certainly have no validity.
a dermatologist would ask because it would clue them into what they are looking at.
This type of evaluation is not coming from the government so much as it is coming from the Joint Commission, the hospital accreditation agency. There are a lot of new questions these days, the newest at Vandy is 'do you feel safe at home, is anyone abusing you'.

When I do (did) a psych eval, I always asked about sexual orientation and sexual activity. Those things are VERY pertinent to psychiatric treatment because people have so many issues over them. Also men who are middle aged can have problems due to low testosterone. If I don't ask them, they ask me about it. And I find it amazing that they would rather ask me than their primary care provider. The VA is now testing all their patients for HIV, and staff are also being encouraged to be tested as well.

If the goal is to have one consolidated comprehensive medical record, then these questions would be part of it. Likely everyone involved in your care would be asking the questions in order to complete your chart. I don't know how many people on here go to the VA, but it is likely you are already asked about HIV risk factors, whether you are being abused, your diet, your sexual activity, your mental status, etc. etc. etc. Once the information is all in the chart and complete it is just updated according to specialty provider needs. We were even asking about rabies exposure becaus e there had been some cases of it due to soldiers handling animals in the middle east.

I do not believe the psychiatric information should be part of a comprehensive chart, though. There is too much potential for civil rights violations, and most people who do not work in that specialty have a poor understanding of the terminology and this could be harmful to the best interest of the patient.

When was the last time a dermatologist or cardiologist did a comphehensive chart? Not every doctor is with the VA. It might be malpractice for a dermatoligist to attempt a psych eval. It would certainly have no validity.

You missed the point. The comprehensive chart is to be an online chart. Until it is complete then every provider will be expected to ask whatever items remain. It will be the same chart for every provider. This is not unlike the VA already is, and other large facilities like Vanderbilt. You even have access to your own chart in the VA and at Vandy. And I expect you will under this system as well. It is much more efficient system than having ever how many different charts you now have. It also helps to stop doctor hopping and drug trafficking because every provider has all the information. I don't know why people are going ape shit over this. It is nothing new. ~yawn~
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Fair warning:

The article in the OP was written by Betsey McCaughey, an anti-Obamacare extremist who more or less invented the death panel myth.

One should be careful to accept at face value any of her propaganda.

anti-Obamacare extremist? :lol:

You progressives make me wonder, what you are progressing to :cuckoo:

Check my new user title :lmao:
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Conservative legislators in Kansas earlier this year tried to get a bill passed that would have required AIDS victims to be quarantined.

Paging Lyndon LaRouche...

Damn, you got me. Since I never say that government is bad, and never point out that politicians only want to make it worse, you pointing out that Republicans do the same thing has me stumped.

Wait, that must be someone else.

he wasnt asking you.

He didn't ask anyone anything.
This type of evaluation is not coming from the government so much as it is coming from the Joint Commission, the hospital accreditation agency. There are a lot of new questions these days, the newest at Vandy is 'do you feel safe at home, is anyone abusing you'.

When I do (did) a psych eval, I always asked about sexual orientation and sexual activity. Those things are VERY pertinent to psychiatric treatment because people have so many issues over them. Also men who are middle aged can have problems due to low testosterone. If I don't ask them, they ask me about it. And I find it amazing that they would rather ask me than their primary care provider. The VA is now testing all their patients for HIV, and staff are also being encouraged to be tested as well.

If the goal is to have one consolidated comprehensive medical record, then these questions would be part of it. Likely everyone involved in your care would be asking the questions in order to complete your chart. I don't know how many people on here go to the VA, but it is likely you are already asked about HIV risk factors, whether you are being abused, your diet, your sexual activity, your mental status, etc. etc. etc. Once the information is all in the chart and complete it is just updated according to specialty provider needs. We were even asking about rabies exposure becaus e there had been some cases of it due to soldiers handling animals in the middle east.

I do not believe the psychiatric information should be part of a comprehensive chart, though. There is too much potential for civil rights violations, and most people who do not work in that specialty have a poor understanding of the terminology and this could be harmful to the best interest of the patient.

When was the last time a dermatologist or cardiologist did a comphehensive chart? Not every doctor is with the VA. It might be malpractice for a dermatoligist to attempt a psych eval. It would certainly have no validity.

You missed the point. The comprehensive chart is to be an online chart. Until it is complete then every provider will be expected to ask whatever items remain. It will be the same chart for every provider. This is not unlike the VA already is, and other large facilities like Vanderbilt. You even have access to your own chart in the VA and at Vandy. And I expect you will under this system as well. It is much more eff

icient system than having ever how many different charts you now have. It also helps to stop doctor hopping and drug trafficking because every provider has all the information. I don't know why people are going ape shit over this. It is nothing new. ~yawn~

It is very new. It came along with obama's move to electronic medical records rather than doctors maintaining their own medical records. Filling such a chart with colorful personal information sounds quite entertaining. Surely with the application of some imagination the average person can invent an innovative sex life.

There is very little true in my electronic medical records as it is.
When was the last time a dermatologist or cardiologist did a comphehensive chart? Not every doctor is with the VA. It might be malpractice for a dermatoligist to attempt a psych eval. It would certainly have no validity.

You missed the point. The comprehensive chart is to be an online chart. Until it is complete then every provider will be expected to ask whatever items remain. It will be the same chart for every provider. This is not unlike the VA already is, and other large facilities like Vanderbilt. You even have access to your own chart in the VA and at Vandy. And I expect you will under this system as well. It is much more eff

icient system than having ever how many different charts you now have. It also helps to stop doctor hopping and drug trafficking because every provider has all the information. I don't know why people are going ape shit over this. It is nothing new. ~yawn~

It is very new. It came along with obama's move to electronic medical records rather than doctors maintaining their own medical records. Filling such a chart with colorful personal information sounds quite entertaining. Surely with the application of some imagination the average person can invent an innovative sex life.

There is very little true in my electronic medical records as it is.

It is not new. This kind of charting has been around for large facilities that have electronic records for at least a decade. I worked for the VA. They went electronic and all that information is in the VA charts. If you are a veteran you have access to your own chart through My Health eVet. https://www.myhealth.va.gov/index.html I have access to mine at Vandy. Just because every little practitioner in BFE Idaho or somewhere doesn't do this is not a sign that it is anything new. Because it isn't.
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You missed the point. The comprehensive chart is to be an online chart. Until it is complete then every provider will be expected to ask whatever items remain. It will be the same chart for every provider. This is not unlike the VA already is, and other large facilities like Vanderbilt. You even have access to your own chart in the VA and at Vandy. And I expect you will under this system as well. It is much more eff

icient system than having ever how many different charts you now have. It also helps to stop doctor hopping and drug trafficking because every provider has all the information. I don't know why people are going ape shit over this. It is nothing new. ~yawn~

It is very new. It came along with obama's move to electronic medical records rather than doctors maintaining their own medical records. Filling such a chart with colorful personal information sounds quite entertaining. Surely with the application of some imagination the average person can invent an innovative sex life.

There is very little true in my electronic medical records as it is.

It is not new. This kind of charting has been around for large facilities that have electronic records for at least a decade. I worked for the VA. They went electronic and all that information is in the VA charts. If you are a veteran you have access to your own chart through My Health eVet. https://www.myhealth.va.gov/index.html I have access to mine at Vandy. Just because every little practitioner in BFE Idaho or somewhere doesn't do this is not a sign that it is anything new. Because it isn't.

It also helps to stop doctor hopping

That can cut two ways. Will getting second and third opinions be called "doctor hopping" ?
Large facilities yes. But no one has to go to a large facility. No one, not even a vet has to go to the VA. This expands the procedures used in large facilities to everyone whether they want it or not. If you are a veteran and never went to a VA facility what's in your VA chart?

I might have no choice about my medical records being available to everyone. I can do everything possible to foul the information and make it useless. So can millions of others.
WTF Zoom? If your party supports it, and you support your party, what part of what I said was in error? Maybe you need to change party affiliation? Believe me, I've given it some thought lately.

Exactly what are they supporting? You mention trans-vag ultra sound in another post. The left screams this is invading a woman's body, etc. Really? You don't think the doctor should be sure how far along a woman is before performing an abortion? It's a thin line between when an abortion can and cannot be performed (20th week I believe). Two weeks over and ... well, there is test that can determine if the babby is under that 'line' to be aborted and left hollers and screams. The test would make abortion safer. The left screams.

You claim that Republicans support invading our sex lives. Last I checked it was the Dems that passed Obamacare, the same Obamacare that is forcing doctors to ask about our sex lives or get fined.

Something is very wrong when asking a question is more offensive than shoving a probe into someones pussy for the heck of it

Cripes you're dumb.

Once again, it isn't the doctor asking the questions that's the problem.

The ultra sound is to ensure how far along the fetus is.
It is very new. It came along with obama's move to electronic medical records rather than doctors maintaining their own medical records. Filling such a chart with colorful personal information sounds quite entertaining. Surely with the application of some imagination the average person can invent an innovative sex life.

There is very little true in my electronic medical records as it is.

It is not new. This kind of charting has been around for large facilities that have electronic records for at least a decade. I worked for the VA. They went electronic and all that information is in the VA charts. If you are a veteran you have access to your own chart through My Health eVet. https://www.myhealth.va.gov/index.html I have access to mine at Vandy. Just because every little practitioner in BFE Idaho or somewhere doesn't do this is not a sign that it is anything new. Because it isn't.

It also helps to stop doctor hopping

That can cut two ways. Will getting second and third opinions be called "doctor hopping" ?

That is a different process. I think even Medicaid pays for second opinions. I could be wrong, but I think it does. You tell the doctor you want another opinion before you come to a decision.

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