Obamacare will question your sex life

Conservatives - Waaaaahhh Obama gonna ask me about mah sex life and Michelle gonna water board me, gwaaahhhhh

Well, i guess I would be less worried if I didn't have anything to share. But I consider my intimate encounters with my wife as sacred and private and dont really feel like sharing them without a reason to.

Dude calm the fuck down with this victim shit. A doctor will ask for MEDICAL reasons not how tight your wife is or what her favorite position is.


I've never been anything but calm. If the dr needs to know something about my sex life to make a medical deterimination I will be the judge of that. I don't need the law telling my doctor to ask me such questions nor compelling me to answer such questions. We are all well educated individuals with advanced degrees. I am fairly confident that if we are in a situation where such a question needs to be asked, we can figure that out without the law interfering in our confidential doctor patient relationship.

Of course, it is quite possible that you aren't as smart as my doctor and I. Or that your doctor is not that smart. Perhaps they need the Federal government to tell them how to do the job they studied for years to become proficient at. I don't know.

Regardless, the Federal Government has absolutely no reason to pass a law on the matter. It's inappropriate and unecessary. Now calm down and stop freaking out over it.
Our Overlords are creepy pervs, among other character flaws.
Obamacare will question your sex life | New York Post

‘Are you sexually active? If so, with one partner, multiple partners or same-sex partners?”

Be ready to answer those questions and more the next time you go to the doctor, whether it’s the dermatologist or the cardiologist and no matter if the questions are unrelated to why you’re seeking medical help. And you can thank the Obama health law.

“This is nasty business,” says New York cardiologist Dr. Adam Budzikowski. He called the sex questions “insensitive, stupid and very intrusive.” He couldn’t think of an occasion when a cardiologist would need such information — but he knows he’ll be pushed to ask for it.

The president’s “reforms” aim to turn doctors into government agents, pressuring them financially to ask questions they consider inappropriate and unnecessary, and to violate their Hippocratic Oath to keep patients’ records confidential.

Embarrassing though it may be, you confide things to a doctor you wouldn’t tell anyone else. But this is entirely different.

Doctors and hospitals who don’t comply with the federal government’s electronic-health-records requirements forgo incentive payments now; starting in 2015, they’ll face financial penalties from Medicare and Medicaid. The Department of Health and Human Services has already paid out over $12.7 billion for these incentives.

I have been in an electronic health data base for six years. No one ever asked me about my sex life.

Of course if you have an STD, what the hell would you expect?
It must serve some vital national security interest for the goverment to have the details of every one's sex life.

Liberals will tell us what that is as soon as they make one up.
Well, i guess I would be less worried if I didn't have anything to share. But I consider my intimate encounters with my wife as sacred and private and dont really feel like sharing them without a reason to.

Dude calm the fuck down with this victim shit. A doctor will ask for MEDICAL reasons not how tight your wife is or what her favorite position is.


I've never been anything but calm. If the dr needs to know something about my sex life to make a medical deterimination I will be the judge of that. I don't need the law telling my doctor to ask me such questions nor compelling me to answer such questions. We are all well educated individuals with advanced degrees. I am fairly confident that if we are in a situation where such a question needs to be asked, we can figure that out without the law interfering in our confidential doctor patient relationship.

Of course, it is quite possible that you aren't as smart as my doctor and I. Or that your doctor is not that smart. Perhaps they need the Federal government to tell them how to do the job they studied for years to become proficient at. I don't know.

Regardless, the Federal Government has absolutely no reason to pass a law on the matter. It's inappropriate and unecessary. Now calm down and stop freaking out over it.

Well then Doc...Why are you even at the Doctor if you got it all figured out? For fucks sake
It must serve some vital national security interest for the goverment to have the details of every one's sex life.

Liberals will tell us what that is as soon as they make one up.

It's a tad tempting to make stuff up, such as:

I am into auto-erotic asphyxiation while performing before a line up of inflatable Clown dolls.

I am regularly serviced by my Doberman Pinscher.

I am into self-pleasure with organic vegetables.

I have several partners of differing and indeterminate gender that I met at the local Power Exchange.

Try it! It's fun!
Today, maybe. What of it? The question still stands, Just because YOU, PERSONALLY don't want to, doesn't mean the policies of the party YOU PERSONALLY SUPPORT don't LOVE BUTTING INTO PEOPLES PEOPLES SEX LIVES.

Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas, sweet pea.

Oh, ok. I'll remember that using that big old broad brush is ok in your book.

You sound pissy. Late night? Have another cup of coffee!

WTF Zoom? If your party supports it, and you support your party, what part of what I said was in error? Maybe you need to change party affiliation? Believe me, I've given it some thought lately.

Exactly what are they supporting? You mention trans-vag ultra sound in another post. The left screams this is invading a woman's body, etc. Really? You don't think the doctor should be sure how far along a woman is before performing an abortion? It's a thin line between when an abortion can and cannot be performed (20th week I believe). Two weeks over and ... well, there is test that can determine if the babby is under that 'line' to be aborted and left hollers and screams. The test would make abortion safer. The left screams.

You claim that Republicans support invading our sex lives. Last I checked it was the Dems that passed Obamacare, the same Obamacare that is forcing doctors to ask about our sex lives or get fined.
Dude calm the fuck down with this victim shit. A doctor will ask for MEDICAL reasons not how tight your wife is or what her favorite position is.


I've never been anything but calm. If the dr needs to know something about my sex life to make a medical deterimination I will be the judge of that. I don't need the law telling my doctor to ask me such questions nor compelling me to answer such questions. We are all well educated individuals with advanced degrees. I am fairly confident that if we are in a situation where such a question needs to be asked, we can figure that out without the law interfering in our confidential doctor patient relationship.

Of course, it is quite possible that you aren't as smart as my doctor and I. Or that your doctor is not that smart. Perhaps they need the Federal government to tell them how to do the job they studied for years to become proficient at. I don't know.

Regardless, the Federal Government has absolutely no reason to pass a law on the matter. It's inappropriate and unecessary. Now calm down and stop freaking out over it.

Well then Doc...Why are you even at the Doctor if you got it all figured out? For fucks sake

Clearly I was wrong. It's not quite possible that you aren't as smart as my doctor and I. You definitely aren't as smart as my doctor and I. Otherwise you wouldn't be making such stupid statements.
Obamacare will question your sex life | New York Post

‘Are you sexually active? If so, with one partner, multiple partners or same-sex partners?”

Be ready to answer those questions and more the next time you go to the doctor, whether it’s the dermatologist or the cardiologist and no matter if the questions are unrelated to why you’re seeking medical help. And you can thank the Obama health law.

“This is nasty business,” says New York cardiologist Dr. Adam Budzikowski. He called the sex questions “insensitive, stupid and very intrusive.” He couldn’t think of an occasion when a cardiologist would need such information — but he knows he’ll be pushed to ask for it.

The president’s “reforms” aim to turn doctors into government agents, pressuring them financially to ask questions they consider inappropriate and unnecessary, and to violate their Hippocratic Oath to keep patients’ records confidential.

Embarrassing though it may be, you confide things to a doctor you wouldn’t tell anyone else. But this is entirely different.

Doctors and hospitals who don’t comply with the federal government’s electronic-health-records requirements forgo incentive payments now; starting in 2015, they’ll face financial penalties from Medicare and Medicaid. The Department of Health and Human Services has already paid out over $12.7 billion for these incentives.

I have been in an electronic health data base for six years. No one ever asked me about my sex life.

Of course if you have an STD, what the hell would you expect?

Was yours designed by the federal government?
Conservatives - Waaaaahhh Obama gonna ask me about mah sex life and Michelle gonna water board me, gwaaahhhhh

Well, i guess I would be less worried if I didn't have anything to share. But I consider my intimate encounters with my wife as sacred and private and dont really feel like sharing them without a reason to.

Dude calm the fuck down with this victim shit. A doctor will ask for MEDICAL reasons not how tight your wife is or what her favorite position is.


The doctor asking the questions/having the information isn't the problem.
It must serve some vital national security interest for the goverment to have the details of every one's sex life.

Liberals will tell us what that is as soon as they make one up.

It's a tad tempting to make stuff up, such as:

I am into auto-erotic asphyxiation while performing before a line up of inflatable Clown dolls.

I am regularly serviced by my Doberman Pinscher.

I am into self-pleasure with organic vegetables.

I have several partners of differing and indeterminate gender that I met at the local Power Exchange.

Try it! It's fun!

Don't upset the prudes on the left by mentioning the Power Exchange.
Exactly what are they supporting? You mention trans-vag ultra sound in another post. The left screams this is invading a woman's body, etc. Really? You don't think the doctor should be sure how far along a woman is before performing an abortion? It's a thin line between when an abortion can and cannot be performed (20th week I believe). Two weeks over and ... well, there is test that can determine if the babby is under that 'line' to be aborted and left hollers and screams. The test would make abortion safer. The left screams.

You claim that Republicans support invading our sex lives. Last I checked it was the Dems that passed Obamacare, the same Obamacare that is forcing doctors to ask about our sex lives or get fined.

The Democrats are obsessed with our sex lives. I think it might be because they want to be sure their sex lives are normal. Which it probably isnt.
It must serve some vital national security interest for the goverment to have the details of every one's sex life.

Liberals will tell us what that is as soon as they make one up.

It's a tad tempting to make stuff up, such as:

I am into auto-erotic asphyxiation while performing before a line up of inflatable Clown dolls.

I am regularly serviced by my Doberman Pinscher.

I am into self-pleasure with organic vegetables.

I have several partners of differing and indeterminate gender that I met at the local Power Exchange.

Try it! It's fun!
What woukd be fun is to tell each of the doctors something different. Would that be lying to a government official?
It must serve some vital national security interest for the goverment to have the details of every one's sex life.

Liberals will tell us what that is as soon as they make one up.

It's a tad tempting to make stuff up, such as:

I am into auto-erotic asphyxiation while performing before a line up of inflatable Clown dolls.

I am regularly serviced by my Doberman Pinscher.

I am into self-pleasure with organic vegetables.

I have several partners of differing and indeterminate gender that I met at the local Power Exchange.

Try it! It's fun!
What woukd be fun is to tell each of the doctors something different. Would that be lying to a government official?

Well, if they compare notes they are breaching patient-doctor confidentiality.

How this info will actually be used is to get dirt on political opponents and Inconvenient People such as tea partiers.
I've never been anything but calm. If the dr needs to know something about my sex life to make a medical deterimination I will be the judge of that. I don't need the law telling my doctor to ask me such questions nor compelling me to answer such questions. We are all well educated individuals with advanced degrees. I am fairly confident that if we are in a situation where such a question needs to be asked, we can figure that out without the law interfering in our confidential doctor patient relationship.

Of course, it is quite possible that you aren't as smart as my doctor and I. Or that your doctor is not that smart. Perhaps they need the Federal government to tell them how to do the job they studied for years to become proficient at. I don't know.

Regardless, the Federal Government has absolutely no reason to pass a law on the matter. It's inappropriate and unecessary. Now calm down and stop freaking out over it.

Well then Doc...Why are you even at the Doctor if you got it all figured out? For fucks sake

Clearly I was wrong. It's not quite possible that you aren't as smart as my doctor and I. You definitely aren't as smart as my doctor and I. Otherwise you wouldn't be making such stupid statements.

It all goes back to the insults when you have nothing else to give...
Well then Doc...Why are you even at the Doctor if you got it all figured out? For fucks sake

Clearly I was wrong. It's not quite possible that you aren't as smart as my doctor and I. You definitely aren't as smart as my doctor and I. Otherwise you wouldn't be making such stupid statements.

It all goes back to the insults when you have nothing else to give...

So you're conceding the point. You were after all the one who started with the insults.

Or did you forget that?
Well, i guess I would be less worried if I didn't have anything to share. But I consider my intimate encounters with my wife as sacred and private and dont really feel like sharing them without a reason to.

Dude calm the fuck down with this victim shit. A doctor will ask for MEDICAL reasons not how tight your wife is or what her favorite position is.


Why are people tripping me out? Docs ask these questions regularly.:confused:


If not - you are not obliged to answer.

And that is the difference - in the freedom of answer or not.
Clearly I was wrong. It's not quite possible that you aren't as smart as my doctor and I. You definitely aren't as smart as my doctor and I. Otherwise you wouldn't be making such stupid statements.

It all goes back to the insults when you have nothing else to give...

So you're conceding the point. You were after all the one who started with the insults.

Or did you forget that?

Apparently he did. :lol:

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