Obamacare will question your sex life

Fair warning:

The article in the OP was written by Betsey McCaughey, an anti-Obamacare extremist who more or less invented the death panel myth.

One should be careful to accept at face value any of her propaganda.
Maybe obama needs this information to include in his next autoerotic biography.

Indeed. Just imagine the Composite Sex Partner he'll create with all this G2!
Obamacare will question your sex life | New York Post

‘Are you sexually active? If so, with one partner, multiple partners or same-sex partners?”

Be ready to answer those questions and more the next time you go to the doctor, whether it’s the dermatologist or the cardiologist and no matter if the questions are unrelated to why you’re seeking medical help. And you can thank the Obama health law.

“This is nasty business,” says New York cardiologist Dr. Adam Budzikowski. He called the sex questions “insensitive, stupid and very intrusive.” He couldn’t think of an occasion when a cardiologist would need such information — but he knows he’ll be pushed to ask for it.

The president’s “reforms” aim to turn doctors into government agents, pressuring them financially to ask questions they consider inappropriate and unnecessary, and to violate their Hippocratic Oath to keep patients’ records confidential.

Embarrassing though it may be, you confide things to a doctor you wouldn’t tell anyone else. But this is entirely different.

Doctors and hospitals who don’t comply with the federal government’s electronic-health-records requirements forgo incentive payments now; starting in 2015, they’ll face financial penalties from Medicare and Medicaid. The Department of Health and Human Services has already paid out over $12.7 billion for these incentives.

Aren't these questions pretty much asked already anyways?:confused:

Like so many things these days, the Obama haters report completely different experiences than others.
I've heard that Obama has made it so the government can demand you reveal your social security number just to be eligible to apply for your social security.
The point in all that is written in this thread by the leftards, they LOVE it when big mama and papa government stick their ever increasingly big intrusive nose into your private life, end of story.

If there was no government, libtards would die.
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Oh, ok. I'll remember that using that big old broad brush is ok in your book.

You sound pissy. Late night? Have another cup of coffee!

WTF Zoom? If your party supports it, and you support your party, what part of what I said was in error? Maybe you need to change party affiliation? Believe me, I've given it some thought lately.

Exactly what are they supporting? You mention trans-vag ultra sound in another post. The left screams this is invading a woman's body, etc. Really? You don't think the doctor should be sure how far along a woman is before performing an abortion? It's a thin line between when an abortion can and cannot be performed (20th week I believe). Two weeks over and ... well, there is test that can determine if the babby is under that 'line' to be aborted and left hollers and screams. The test would make abortion safer. The left screams.

You claim that Republicans support invading our sex lives. Last I checked it was the Dems that passed Obamacare, the same Obamacare that is forcing doctors to ask about our sex lives or get fined.

Something is very wrong when asking a question is more offensive than shoving a probe into someones pussy for the heck of it
I've heard that Obama has made it so the government can demand you reveal your social security number just to be eligible to apply for your social security.

The point in all that is written in this thread by the leftards, they LOVE it when big mama and papa government stick their ever increasingly big intrusive nose into your private life, end of story.

If there was no government, libtards would die.

You mean like controlling a woman's reproduction? ... or who you marry?

Hypocrite does not even begin to describe the vicious right and their desire to control every move we make.
The point in all that is written in this thread by the leftards, they LOVE it when big mama and papa government stick their ever increasingly big intrusive nose into your private life, end of story.

If there was no government, libtards would die.

You mean like controlling a woman's reproduction? ... or who you marry?

Hypocrite does not even begin to describe the vicious right and their desire to control every move we make.



CHANGE just for the sake of CHANGE is NOT what ANYONE needs. You shit stain leftists are about to get a hard fucking lesson in that next year, because most Americans are sick of listening to the kind of BULL SHIT you just REGURGITATED above... moron.
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This type of evaluation is not coming from the government so much as it is coming from the Joint Commission, the hospital accreditation agency. There are a lot of new questions these days, the newest at Vandy is 'do you feel safe at home, is anyone abusing you'.

When I do (did) a psych eval, I always asked about sexual orientation and sexual activity. Those things are VERY pertinent to psychiatric treatment because people have so many issues over them. Also men who are middle aged can have problems due to low testosterone. If I don't ask them, they ask me about it. And I find it amazing that they would rather ask me than their primary care provider. The VA is now testing all their patients for HIV, and staff are also being encouraged to be tested as well.

If the goal is to have one consolidated comprehensive medical record, then these questions would be part of it. Likely everyone involved in your care would be asking the questions in order to complete your chart. I don't know how many people on here go to the VA, but it is likely you are already asked about HIV risk factors, whether you are being abused, your diet, your sexual activity, your mental status, etc. etc. etc. Once the information is all in the chart and complete it is just updated according to specialty provider needs. We were even asking about rabies exposure because there had been some cases of it due to soldiers handling animals in the middle east.

I do not believe the psychiatric information should be part of a comprehensive chart, though. There is too much potential for civil rights violations, and most people who do not work in that specialty have a poor understanding of the terminology and this could be harmful to the best interest of the patient.
I spent 25 years in health care dealing with accrediting agencies. I remember when all they tried to accomplish was to get the provider to write a treatment plan. Each review their requirements become more in depth, and they are requiring more and more comprehensive data be in the charts. It was back in the mid 90s when the VA started asking patients if they had Living Wills, if they wanted to make a Living Will, and assessing competency to do so.

Back in the 90s I was a trained HIV counselor at the VA. I had to advise veterans who wanted to get tested about the civil rights violations that could occur if they tested positive.
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The creepiest part is that Obamacare is using doctors to spy on people and they will no longer respect the doctor-patient confidentiality.

It's startling just how much responsibility has been taken from doctors and given to government. Doctors used to ask questions necessary to the patient's health, with the assurance it would be kept confidential. And doctors used to talk with patients and come up with the best course to take care of their health. Now we'll have doctors asking questions on behalf of an oppressive government and the health care will be decided by some non-physician pukehead bureaucrat. Doctors will become puppets, allowed to dispense health care only when allowed by government and only if they've been obedient.

Sex questions won't be the only intrusive and unnecessary questions. This is only the beginning. It's clear by the oppressive and intrusive language in Obamacare laws that the government intends to control every aspect of our lives.
you should never leave your home again. Also turn off your internet as well. trust me its for the best

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