Obamacare will question your sex life

Shouldn't republicans be thrilled about this? Don't you all love butting into people's sex lives?

No, dumbshit. That's the whole point. For years the Dems have lied about "The GOP wants a policeman in your bedroom." It was a lie.
The truth is the Democrats want a policeman and an accountant in your bedroom. Everything the left says about conservatives is true. Only it's true about the Left, not conservatives. Leftists are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.

Oh please. I guess I forgot how pure and righteous republicans are :cool:

No, you forgot how lying and deceitful Democrats are.
See the bolded, above. No, WE ALL don't LOVE BUTTING INTO PEOPLE'S SEX LIVES.

'Straight fucking face'? What are you, 12?

Today, maybe. What of it? The question still stands, Just because YOU, PERSONALLY don't want to, doesn't mean the policies of the party YOU PERSONALLY SUPPORT don't LOVE BUTTING INTO PEOPLES PEOPLES SEX LIVES.

Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas, sweet pea.

Oh, ok. I'll remember that using that big old broad brush is ok in your book.

You sound pissy. Late night? Have another cup of coffee!

WTF Zoom? If your party supports it, and you support your party, what part of what I said was in error? Maybe you need to change party affiliation? Believe me, I've given it some thought lately.
See the bolded, above. No, WE ALL don't LOVE BUTTING INTO PEOPLE'S SEX LIVES.

'Straight fucking face'? What are you, 12?

Today, maybe. What of it? The question still stands, Just because YOU, PERSONALLY don't want to, doesn't mean the policies of the party YOU PERSONALLY SUPPORT don't LOVE BUTTING INTO PEOPLES PEOPLES SEX LIVES.

Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas, sweet pea.

Oh, ok. I'll remember that using that big old broad brush is ok in your book.

You sound pissy. Late night? Have another cup of coffee!

And no, this late into the day working the graveyard shift... caffeine is the enemy
A 2500+ page bill is going to be inquiring about my sex life? I didn't know paper could do that.
Tell the GP that you have an active sex life. Tell the dermatologist that you only fuck your dog. Tell the podiatrist that you are a confirmed homosexual.

When that hits your electronic medical records and gets examined by a monitor, the SWHTF! The NSA will probably arrest you for lying to a government official.
Before there was a cure for syphilis or gonorrhea, there was a time everyone was required to take a blood test for STDs no matter what the reason for their doctor's visit.

It worked.

Didn't you just call someone else the king of making shit up in another thread? Are you jealous that he is better at it than you?
Before there was a cure for syphilis or gonorrhea, there was a time everyone was required to take a blood test for STDs no matter what the reason for their doctor's visit.

It worked.

again - a LIE

Not at all. Syphilis tests have been mandatory in the past. As early as 1938 New York made it a mandatory test to get a marriage license. Was mandatory testing instrumental in finding a cure, I doubt it. The discovery of penicillin was the most instrumental part of curing syphilis.

No test has ever been mandatory for everyone going to a doctor, even in Soviet Russia. The more you lie, the dumber you look.
Tell the GP that you have an active sex life. Tell the dermatologist that you only fuck your dog. Tell the podiatrist that you are a confirmed homosexual.

When that hits your electronic medical records and gets examined by a monitor, the SWHTF! The NSA will probably arrest you for lying to a government official.

Oh for fuck sake, they'll take one look at you and condemn you to the comedy file. Especially the homosexual part. Giving a party and nobody comes...
The efforts to control syphilis in the United States essentially began with the appointment of Dr. Thomas Parran as Surgeon General in 1936. He immediately called for a broad-based publicity campaign to call attention to the ravages and costs of uncontrolled syphilis.[3] He estimated that 10% of all Americans would be infected sometime during their lives.[4] That year he sponsored the National Venereal Disease Conference in Washington, DC, and brought together medical, business, and civic leaders to address the syphilis epidemic. In 1938 Congress passed the National Venereal Control Act, which established syphilis control efforts at the national level. Dr. Parran succeeded in making "syphilis" an acceptable word in society.

The word mandatory does not appear in that link, that makes you a lying sack of shit.
Stupid, stupid reactionaries, huh?

Doctors, public and private, often ask insensitive, stupid and very intrusive questions.

Which explains why a cardiologists, who is also a doctor, is complaining about asking about things he does not see as necessary to his practice.
Conservative legislators in Kansas earlier this year tried to get a bill passed that would have required AIDS victims to be quarantined.

Paging Lyndon LaRouche...

Damn, you got me. Since I never say that government is bad, and never point out that politicians only want to make it worse, you pointing out that Republicans do the same thing has me stumped.

Wait, that must be someone else.
I've gone to the doc with strep throat and have had him ask me if I was pregnant. When I said no he then proceeded to ask 'how do I know I'm not pregnant, when was the last time I had sex, had my period, did we use protection, what did we use'. I looked at him, told him I answered his question and to get on with the strep test.

Docs asking questions in relation to why you are seeing them is one thing; government requiring such and being provided the information? How is anyone ok with this?

He asked if you were pregnant because the drugs used to treat strep throat can affect a baby. Amazingly enough, not a single doctor in my life has ever asked me if I was pregnant before they treated me.
again - a LIE

Not at all. Syphilis tests have been mandatory in the past. As early as 1938 New York made it a mandatory test to get a marriage license. Was mandatory testing instrumental in finding a cure, I doubt it. The discovery of penicillin was the most instrumental part of curing syphilis.

No test has ever been mandatory for everyone going to a doctor, even in Soviet Russia. The more you lie, the dumber you look.

Because that masculine MANLY MAN with the BARE CHEST would never DO such a thing.

He's HAWT and all, MASCULINE, and would never even be INTERESTED in such shit, only the WARS that lead to PROFIT. The SWEETHEART of the American RIGHT would never, not EVER have a brocrush on THE EVIL EMPIRE we waged the COLD WAR against...

That's right, VLAD, the sound you hear is the "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" sung by the American Right, almost as if it was against their own will, and somehow still, something they can't resist.
Conservative legislators in Kansas earlier this year tried to get a bill passed that would have required AIDS victims to be quarantined.

Paging Lyndon LaRouche...

But that's different..

CDC - NCHHSTP - Tuskegee Study - Timeline

that could never go wrong.

The study initially involved 600 black men – 399 with syphilis, 201 who did not have the disease. The study was conducted without the benefit of patients' informed consent. Researchers told the men they were being treated for "bad blood," a local term used to describe several ailments, including syphilis, anemia, and fatigue. In truth, they did not receive the proper treatment needed to cure their illness. In exchange for taking part in the study, the men received free medical exams, free meals, and burial insurance. Although originally projected to last 6 months, the study actually went on for 40 years.
CDC - NCHHSTP - Tuskegee Study - Timeline

You support the government that did that, while I think it should be cut to the bare bones so that it can't do it again.

Which of us is crazy?
Doctors, not Obamacare, will ask you about your sex life | The Incidental Economist

When I was a medical student, my teachers explained that – as physicians – we would be privy to people’s most private information. They would tell us things about themselves that they might tell no other human being. It was stressed that this was an honor, something to be noted and respected. We would keep those things secret, both by law and by social contract......

As an adult, when I go to a checkup, my doctors still asks me about my sexual health. They ask if I’m sexually active. The best among them have the courage to ask if I’m sexually active with anyone other than my wife. Why? Not because they’re prying busybodies; they ask because having multiple sexual partners greatly increases your risk of sexually transmitted infections. They’re looking out for my health, and want to advise me best on how to manage it.

Understand, please, that I can refuse to answer these questions. I can also lie. How would they know? But lying about my sexual activity to my physician would be akin to lying about my aches and pains. If I don’t tell the physician what’s going on, it’s hard for him or her to help me.

This is the way it’s always been.

Not surprisingly, this latest "sky is falling" crap is from our old fave liars -- Murdoch via Betsy McCaughey and rw's aren't smart enough to do any research for themselves.

Apparently, they're also too dumb to talk openly and honestly to their doctor.

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