ObamaCare's architects reap windfall as Washington lobbyists


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
The Political insiders love Obamacare as I've been saying ,if you know somebody in politics I'm sure you'll get excellent care the rest of us?

ObamaCare has become big business for an elite network of Washington lobbyists and consultants who helped shape the law from the inside.

More than 30 former administration officials, lawmakers and congressional staffers who worked on the healthcare law have set up shop on K Street since 2010.

Major lobbying firms such as Fierce, Isakowitz & Blalock, The Glover Park Group, Alston & Bird, BGR Group and Akin Gump can all boast an ObamaCare insider on their lobbying roster — putting them in a prime position to land coveted clients.

“When [Vice President] Biden leaned over [during healthcare signing] and said to [President] Obama, ‘This is a big f'n deal,’” said Ivan Adler, a headhunter at the McCormick Group, “he was right.”

Veterans of the healthcare push are now lobbying for corporate giants such as Delta Airlines, UPS, BP America and Coca-Cola, and for healthcare companies including GlaxoSmithKline, UnitedHealth Group and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

Ultimately, the clients are after one thing: expert help in dealing with the most sweeping overhaul of the country’s healthcare system in decades.

"Healthcare lobbying on K Street is as strong as it ever was, and it's due to the fact that the Affordable Care Act seems to be ever-changing," Adler said. "What's at stake is huge. ... Whenever there's a lot of money at stake, there's a lot of lobbying going on."

ObamaCare's architects reap windfall as Washington lobbyists - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com
Of course it does, the ObamaTax sheep don't realize he sold them out to the lawyers, insurance companies, drug companies...etc

that is what's sad about the people who voted for Obama and decided they should be slaves for him
And lobbyists reaped hundreds of millions from Bush boon doogles.

The best you can up with in defense of obiecare is...Bush? Really?

When 17% of the nations economy becomes up for grabs for the lobbyists and their cronies there will be a huge fight for that money. None of that being in the best interests of the people. Obiecare isn't about peoples health or getting them healthcare. It's people lining up for their share of the mandate money.
And lobbyists reaped hundreds of millions from Bush boon doogles.

The best you can up with in defense of obiecare is...Bush? Really?

When 17% of the nations economy becomes up for grabs for the lobbyists and their cronies there will be a huge fight for that money. None of that being in the best interests of the people. Obiecare isn't about peoples health or getting them healthcare. It's people lining up for their share of the mandate money.

Thats Jake's famous comeback... He doesn't have much else
I agree, but that is what we need for ALL Americans.

So you love the Idea of forciing Obama care on the folks that dont want it? and cant afford a extra $100 ~ $400 bucks a month on a part time job? what are you old and retarded? where is these folks going to get the money from?
If you ask me Obama care is tottal slave labor to pay for old fat fucks that sit on there ass and watch Soaps.
It is just like Car insurance I am blowing $80 bucks a month for asshole drivers, sick of it.
OP- Nothing like GOP lobbyists for money- and performing a short term service, trying to do good- not really lobbyists at all...

People have no clue about O-Care. I've argued with hater dupes for weeks here, then find out they've never heard of exchanges, subsidies, or everyone getting the same price regardless of preexisting conditions. Dupes know NOTHING but pure Pubcrappe about it, or most things...
I agree, but that is what we need for ALL Americans.

So you love the Idea of forciing Obama care on the folks that dont want it? and cant afford a extra $100 ~ $400 bucks a month on a part time job? what are you old and retarded? where is these folks going to get the money from?

No more freeloaders, and if you make less than 140% of poverty level, you get free medicaid, unless you live in some red states, which should be fun for Dems lol. And everyone under 4 times the poverty level gets help paying. STFU!! tyvm

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