ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine

Don't think this wasn't the intention from the beginning:

Articles: ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine


What is being overlooked is the new and higher deductibles and total annual out-of-pocket expenditures, especially in the Bronze and Silver plans. The amount of these greatly exceeds the ability of most individuals and families to pay, thus providing the real possibility of personal bankruptcies due to medical bills and high losses for providers who cannot collect.


So what will happen? The family, being responsible citizens, will initially try to pay the bills, but that will soon prove impossible. They will ultimately default. And in any case, they will most likely end any college planning or retirement savings they were working toward.

But -- and this is the big but -- the entity chasing them for the money is not the government. Rather, it is the provider -- the doctor, hospital, lab, radiologist, etc. This permits the government to stand on the sidelines and shrug at the dastardly situation that government itself caused in the first place.

Once enough patients face this crisis, the provider will be painted as the devil, hurting all these working Americans and their finances. First there will be restrictions on how much the provider can ultimately collect. Eventually, providers will be eating a large portion of any of the money they don't collect at the point of service.

The government will neatly sidestep the mess they've set up on purpose, will be able to demonize the providers (who end up not getting paid), and can step in to "save the day." And saving the day means taking over the now-bankrupt assets of the provider side of the health care delivery system. Bingo: a full single-payer and provider system, under government control, without even having to fire a shot.

nahhhhh, those that make less than 250% of poverty will ALSO get cost sharing help from the gvt, which is an addition to the premium help....so those who can't afford the deductibles and out of pocket expense get additional help so there will not be any bankruptcies from them.....

maybe the people writing all of these articles to scare the pajesus out of everyone should do their RESEARCH first.....?
Don't think this wasn't the intention from the beginning:

Articles: ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine


What is being overlooked is the new and higher deductibles and total annual out-of-pocket expenditures, especially in the Bronze and Silver plans. The amount of these greatly exceeds the ability of most individuals and families to pay, thus providing the real possibility of personal bankruptcies due to medical bills and high losses for providers who cannot collect.


So what will happen? The family, being responsible citizens, will initially try to pay the bills, but that will soon prove impossible. They will ultimately default. And in any case, they will most likely end any college planning or retirement savings they were working toward.

But -- and this is the big but -- the entity chasing them for the money is not the government. Rather, it is the provider -- the doctor, hospital, lab, radiologist, etc. This permits the government to stand on the sidelines and shrug at the dastardly situation that government itself caused in the first place.

Once enough patients face this crisis, the provider will be painted as the devil, hurting all these working Americans and their finances. First there will be restrictions on how much the provider can ultimately collect. Eventually, providers will be eating a large portion of any of the money they don't collect at the point of service.

The government will neatly sidestep the mess they've set up on purpose, will be able to demonize the providers (who end up not getting paid), and can step in to "save the day." And saving the day means taking over the now-bankrupt assets of the provider side of the health care delivery system. Bingo: a full single-payer and provider system, under government control, without even having to fire a shot.

nahhhhh, those that make less than 250% of poverty will ALSO get cost sharing help from the gvt, which is an addition to the premium help....so those who can't afford the deductibles and out of pocket expense get additional help so there will not be any bankruptcies from them.....

maybe the people writing all of these articles to scare the pajesus out of everyone should do their RESEARCH first.....?

I didn't know that. Can you link to a source for that info.
She can't because it's made up.

Hmm. You think so?

We'll find out.
But the "cost sharing" of the legislation is designed to help insurance companies manage pools of insureds that end up with higher claims than anyone thought, not to help families with high deductibles. Democrats don't care about poor families, only rich insurers, who of course helped write the bill.
She can't because it's made up.

Hmm. You think so?

We'll find out.
But the "cost sharing" of the legislation is designed to help insurance companies manage pools of insureds that end up with higher claims than anyone thought, not to help families with high deductibles. Democrats don't care about poor families, only rich insurers, who of course helped write the bill.

Oh. You don't know that she made it up, then. You just said it because..........?
Hmm. You think so?

We'll find out.
But the "cost sharing" of the legislation is designed to help insurance companies manage pools of insureds that end up with higher claims than anyone thought, not to help families with high deductibles. Democrats don't care about poor families, only rich insurers, who of course helped write the bill.

Oh. You don't know that she made it up, then. You just said it because..........?

Well, either Care4all has read all 2000 pages of the orginal legislation as well as the 20k+ pages of regulations that have already been written, plus the thousands of proposed regulations and thus understands Obamacare better than virtually anyone else on the planet.
Or she's making shit up because she doesnt understand what "cost sharing" means in this context.
Take your pick.
We'll find out.
But the "cost sharing" of the legislation is designed to help insurance companies manage pools of insureds that end up with higher claims than anyone thought, not to help families with high deductibles. Democrats don't care about poor families, only rich insurers, who of course helped write the bill.

Oh. You don't know that she made it up, then. You just said it because..........?

Well, either Care4all has read all 2000 pages of the orginal legislation as well as the 20k+ pages of regulations that have already been written, plus the thousands of proposed regulations and thus understands Obamacare better than virtually anyone else on the planet.
Or she's making shit up because she doesnt understand what "cost sharing" means in this context.
Take your pick.


Are you 100%, beyond a hair of a doubt certain that what [MENTION=4748]Care4all[/MENTION] said is inaccurate?

That question can be answered completely with a single word, by the way.
What I know is what Kaiser Calculator says and what the exchange insurance companies in my state say....and they BOTH say that cost sharing expense for those making under 250% of poverty is part of the exchange.....for those who make less than this 250%.....

Give me a minute to find the stuff that I had read on it, and see if I can copy and paste what I found on to this thread....
Oh. You don't know that she made it up, then. You just said it because..........?

Well, either Care4all has read all 2000 pages of the orginal legislation as well as the 20k+ pages of regulations that have already been written, plus the thousands of proposed regulations and thus understands Obamacare better than virtually anyone else on the planet.
Or she's making shit up because she doesnt understand what "cost sharing" means in this context.
Take your pick.


Are you 100%, beyond a hair of a doubt certain that what [MENTION=4748]Care4all[/MENTION] said is inaccurate?

That question can be answered completely with a single word, by the way.

What kind of standard is 100% beyond a hair of a doubt? Do you have that certainty with regard to anything?
O, here's one source. That took 7 seconds on Google, something you obviously are incapable of.
Obamacare Bronze Health Insurance Plans
It seems out of pocket is capped at $6350. Now of course that is for each person. So total out of pocket for any given year can run over $12k. Lots of people bankrupt at that level.
So no, Obamacare will not prevent medical bankruptcies. It will increase them. Just as it increased uninsureds.
the thing is you don't have one choice ... you have many choices... for them to say the won't take obama care, which isn't a choice to have, the ACA isn't a health care provider its nothing more then a highway though all of providers you can choose from... what I discovered was if its a bronze plan it doesn't mean it will cost you less the same goes for the silver plan

Doctors can refuse Medicaid patients, even though those plans are administered via 'other providers'. I know, my son has Medicaid and no doctor we have ever gone to has accepted it. Same with Medicare. Same will be true with (un)aca. All these docs/hospitals have to do is refuse to participate in those particular plans, all they have to do is opt out. You're a complete moron. Please continue living under your rock, billy.

Your son has Medicaid.....and has never been able to use it?

Not what I said. We have insurance through the hub's work. We choose not to use the medicaid (figured someone else could use it more than us) but we always asked every doc we saw (numerous) if they took it. The answer was always no. The only exception was the optometrist and we did use it to get secondary pair of glasses because he broke his all the time when he was young.

The point is, the doctors that we saw did not take medicaid. The same will hold true with (un)aca plans.
Well, either Care4all has read all 2000 pages of the orginal legislation as well as the 20k+ pages of regulations that have already been written, plus the thousands of proposed regulations and thus understands Obamacare better than virtually anyone else on the planet.
Or she's making shit up because she doesnt understand what "cost sharing" means in this context.
Take your pick.


Are you 100%, beyond a hair of a doubt certain that what [MENTION=4748]Care4all[/MENTION] said is inaccurate?

That question can be answered completely with a single word, by the way.

What kind of standard is 100% beyond a hair of a doubt? Do you have that certainty with regard to anything?

You said she made it up. You could have said you think she made it up...or she probably made it up. You said it with certainty....I was wondering if you were certain.

I have not heard that claim before....and I am paying attention. So I asked her to provide the source. That is what people do when they are not certain.

I want what she said to be accurate....I am concerned that low income families will have difficulty paying the max out of pocket with some of the ACA plans.

You want what she said to be false.....because you are rooting for the ACA to fail.

I asked for further info.

You claimed that she was lying.

See the difference?
Doctors can refuse Medicaid patients, even though those plans are administered via 'other providers'. I know, my son has Medicaid and no doctor we have ever gone to has accepted it. Same with Medicare. Same will be true with (un)aca. All these docs/hospitals have to do is refuse to participate in those particular plans, all they have to do is opt out. You're a complete moron. Please continue living under your rock, billy.

Your son has Medicaid.....and has never been able to use it?

Not what I said. We have insurance through the hub's work. We choose not to use the medicaid (figured someone else could use it more than us) but we always asked every doc we saw (numerous) if they took it. The answer was always no. The only exception was the optometrist and we did use it to get secondary pair of glasses because he broke his all the time when he was young.

The point is, the doctors that we saw did not take medicaid. The same will hold true with (un)aca plans.

That is very odd. I must say.
O, here's one source. That took 7 seconds on Google, something you obviously are incapable of.
Obamacare Bronze Health Insurance Plans
It seems out of pocket is capped at $6350. Now of course that is for each person. So total out of pocket for any given year can run over $12k. Lots of people bankrupt at that level.
So no, Obamacare will not prevent medical bankruptcies. It will increase them. Just as it increased uninsureds.

That does not provide clarity regarding Care4all's claim.

Are you 100%, beyond a hair of a doubt certain that what [MENTION=4748]Care4all[/MENTION] said is inaccurate?

That question can be answered completely with a single word, by the way.

What kind of standard is 100% beyond a hair of a doubt? Do you have that certainty with regard to anything?

You said she made it up. You could have said you think she made it up...or she probably made it up. You said it with certainty....I was wondering if you were certain.

I have not heard that claim before....and I am paying attention. So I asked her to provide the source. That is what people do when they are not certain.

I want what she said to be accurate....I am concerned that low income families will have difficulty paying the max out of pocket with some of the ACA plans.

You want what she said to be false.....because you are rooting for the ACA to fail.

I asked for further info.

You claimed that she was lying.

See the difference?

She wrote "there will not be any bankruptcies from them.'" Even you admit that is not true.
The ACA will fail not because I want it to. It will fail because it was a poorly designed program improperly vetted passed using every dirty trick in the book to achieve a purely political goal.
Everything the Tea Party said about the ACA, which was condemned at the time, has turned out to be true.
O, here's one source. That took 7 seconds on Google, something you obviously are incapable of.
Obamacare Bronze Health Insurance Plans
It seems out of pocket is capped at $6350. Now of course that is for each person. So total out of pocket for any given year can run over $12k. Lots of people bankrupt at that level.
So no, Obamacare will not prevent medical bankruptcies. It will increase them. Just as it increased uninsureds.

That does not provide clarity regarding Care4all's claim.

OK then, knock yourself out.
Your son has Medicaid.....and has never been able to use it?

Not what I said. We have insurance through the hub's work. We choose not to use the medicaid (figured someone else could use it more than us) but we always asked every doc we saw (numerous) if they took it. The answer was always no. The only exception was the optometrist and we did use it to get secondary pair of glasses because he broke his all the time when he was young.

The point is, the doctors that we saw did not take medicaid. The same will hold true with (un)aca plans.

That is very odd. I must say.

What, that docs don't take medicaid? Why? The medicaid that we have is Keystone Mercy (it's called something else now, can't remember the name). It's an HMO. The docs we saw did not participate in that plan therefore, they did not take the medicaid insurance. The only way we could have used it was to go see the docs that the plan said we could see... (un)aca will work the same way. From what I've read, it will be even stricter. Kind of puts to rest whether obama lied or not about the whole 'if you like your doctor' line.
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Not what I said. We have insurance through the hub's work. We choose not to use the medicaid (figured someone else could use it more than us) but we always asked every doc we saw (numerous) if they took it. The answer was always no. The only exception was the optometrist and we did use it to get secondary pair of glasses because he broke his all the time when he was young.

The point is, the doctors that we saw did not take medicaid. The same will hold true with (un)aca plans.

That is very odd. I must say.

What, that docs don't take medicaid? Why? The medicaid that we have is Keystone Mercy (it's called something else now, can't remember the name). It's an HMO. The docs we saw did not participate in that plan therefore, they did not take the medicaid insurance. The only way we could have used it was to go see the docs that the plan said we could see... (un)aca will work the same way. From what I've read, it will be even stricter. Kind of puts to rest whether obama lied or not about the whole 'if you like your doctor

I think you might be jumping to conclusions based on less than complete information.

I have never met someone who has Medicaid and is listed as insured under an employer sponsored plan. I found that to be odd.
That is very odd. I must say.

What, that docs don't take medicaid? Why? The medicaid that we have is Keystone Mercy (it's called something else now, can't remember the name). It's an HMO. The docs we saw did not participate in that plan therefore, they did not take the medicaid insurance. The only way we could have used it was to go see the docs that the plan said we could see... (un)aca will work the same way. From what I've read, it will be even stricter. Kind of puts to rest whether obama lied or not about the whole 'if you like your doctor

I think you might be jumping to conclusions based on less than complete information.

I have never met someone who has Medicaid and is listed as insured under an employer sponsored plan. I found that to be odd.

No, I'm not. Docs will be opting out of (un)aca plans. http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/29/health/obamacare-doctors-limited/index.html

You can have other insurance and still have medicaid. It is just for him (he's special needs), no one else. On the form you have to list if you have any insurance and the info for it.
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