ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine

Don't think this wasn't the intention from the beginning:

Articles: ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine


What is being overlooked is the new and higher deductibles and total annual out-of-pocket expenditures, especially in the Bronze and Silver plans. The amount of these greatly exceeds the ability of most individuals and families to pay, thus providing the real possibility of personal bankruptcies due to medical bills and high losses for providers who cannot collect.


So what will happen? The family, being responsible citizens, will initially try to pay the bills, but that will soon prove impossible. They will ultimately default. And in any case, they will most likely end any college planning or retirement savings they were working toward.

But -- and this is the big but -- the entity chasing them for the money is not the government. Rather, it is the provider -- the doctor, hospital, lab, radiologist, etc. This permits the government to stand on the sidelines and shrug at the dastardly situation that government itself caused in the first place.

Once enough patients face this crisis, the provider will be painted as the devil, hurting all these working Americans and their finances. First there will be restrictions on how much the provider can ultimately collect. Eventually, providers will be eating a large portion of any of the money they don't collect at the point of service.

The government will neatly sidestep the mess they've set up on purpose, will be able to demonize the providers (who end up not getting paid), and can step in to "save the day." And saving the day means taking over the now-bankrupt assets of the provider side of the health care delivery system. Bingo: a full single-payer and provider system, under government control, without even having to fire a shot.


lets see here for the board koolaid drinker ...
currant fuck me in ths ass plan $550.00month
$25.00 copay
$5000,00 deductible
if I come in the next day with something else wrong
$5000.00 deductible
$5000.00 every time I come in for something different

OBAMA care(Affordable care Act)
silver plan
new plan $250.00 a month
$250. deductible max pay out $1200.00

save 300 dollar a month
total for a year $3600.00

so tell me dumb fuck again how obama Care (Affordable care Act) has higher deductibles and total annual out-of-pocket expenditures,in the bronze and silver plans we love to find out how you got so stupid

I have never in my many years on this earth ever heard of their being a deductible for each illness/accident. It is per year on all policies I have ever seen for true health insurance. And I have dealt with finding them both individually as well as for employers.

Would you mind telling us who your policy was through and whether through an employer or self?

I hadn't ever heard of such of a thing either ... it was either take that policy or have nothing at all ... in 3 years I will be able to get medicare ... this was through covered colorado they had many plans you could pick from ...if you had a preexisting condition, or you weren't able to get health care through a provider because you had a pimple lanced on your ass once, the state of Colorado offered you a plan ... this was their plan through one of the private sector providers ... that's all I could get ... I could have had a better policy but that would cost me through the nose...
well then coming from a position that you're one of those sucking off the corporation tit health care plan dumb fucks, who thinks he know what's going on ... hell you haven't gone to the web site yet, you haven't look at any thing that's is remotely factual, you make comments on the website without going there to verify if what you're saying is factual ...then you tell me, who has gone their, who has applied, that I'm in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuckr


I've gone to the website. I can't get anything other than generic info, no specifics on any plan, without entering in personal info. Has that changed?

Yes. You can see the plans. You cannot check if you qualify for a subsidy without applying. But you can see all the plans available to you in your location.

the states that are blue has a PDF file you can go through ... I would suggest you to go through a broker there are plenty of brokers out their who don't charge you ... they can save you from a lot of brain damage from all the plans they have ...
I've gone to the website. I can't get anything other than generic info, no specifics on any plan, without entering in personal info. Has that changed?

did ya try calling in??? if your state is run by republicans good luck with that mine is a blue state I got right in the first day ... in any thing you do these days if you're going to apply you have to give out personal info ... there hasn't been any info problems yet .... I know the republicans will tell you thing like there might be, but like everything they say, its a lie... if you want info you have to give info its that simple ...if you don't want it going over the wire then call in ...

Prove you've been on the website, your word is shit.
to get this PDS file you have to have gone on to the web site ... and your word is worth shit too ... I have a PDF file ...but I'm not sure how to up load it I never uploaded a PDF file before the only place you can get this file is from the web site ...
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Everybody knows obamacare is full of landmines, but the sheeple know their masters voice and when their master says move forward they must obey.
I've gone to the website. I can't get anything other than generic info, no specifics on any plan, without entering in personal info. Has that changed?

Yes. You can see the plans. You cannot check if you qualify for a subsidy without applying. But you can see all the plans available to you in your location.

I just tried to get info again. I filled out the generic questions they asked (individual, age, looking for health not dental, etc.) All it does is give me the same page it always did with zero info on any plans, nothing specific. Says I have to enter my personal info to get that.

your not signing up for little league your signing up for health care ... there is a browser that you can look though, but that browser speaks to you in generic terms ... you have to find out if you get a subsidy or not thats based on personal information something you refuse to give out ... can't help ya there ...
Everybody knows obamacare is full of landmines, but the sheeple know their masters voice and when their master says move forward they must obey.
just like you repub-lie-tards ... do you ever get tired of having lower back pain???? are you tired every time you fart you shit your pants???? may if you stood up strait for once instead of being bent over all the time taking it in from your repub-lie-tard masters, you wouldn't shit your pants so often...
Hell. The whole POS is a landmine.

When folks get a load of their deductables believe me, they will not be happy and the Dems will be kissing their asses goodby along with those cushy Govt jobs.

Bye Bye.

If high deductible policies were "sub standard" before Obamacare, what does that say about Obamacare policies, that people are forced to buy?
Obamacare is like the Producers of government programs. If you set out to draft the worst,most expensive, least efficient program you coudln't do worse than this. Then again, Dems did it so no surprise.

It's Obama's wealth redistribution program through Obamacare.

The have's having to pay for the have-not's. Unfortunately it's wealth redistribution that hits the middle class in this country right between the eyes.

Welcome to your hope and change
you don't pay one dime through the health care plan in taxes ... this has nothing to do with whose paying for the have-not's
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An extra $800 to maintain a similar plan, huh? I guess that option was in the letter you received. Have you looked on the exchnge yet?

Many people can not as the website is still down.

Also the exchanges are not cheaper than what people had before they are more expensive on average. Thus, the promises of Obamacare are false. Anyone still believing in Obamacare might as well become a part of the truther movement.
they are not more expensive in my State compared to the Individual plan rate before the exchange....for my age $700 a month on the exchange, but it was $1000 a month before the exchange.

they are more expensive plans on the exchange, than group rate plans with employment....

I don't understand why the exchange insurers can't bring insurance prices down to group rate plan rates for the thousands buying insurance on the exchange? You'd think that they could be considered "a group" and get better rates for each plan?

does your state have a republican governor ??? OK one other thing your 700 is based on you income if you makes less then 25K a year you will get a 450 subsidy ... it also depends if you're married and how many children you have ... so if you're want to know how much then you need to go to the web site give out the information they require to get your actual costs
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Everybody knows obamacare is full of landmines, but the sheeple know their masters voice and when their master says move forward they must obey.
just like you repub-lie-tards ... do you ever get tired of having lower back pain???? are you tired every time you fart you shit your pants???? may if you stood up strait for once instead of being bent over all the time taking it in from your repub-lie-tard masters, you wouldn't shit your pants so often...

cats out of the bag dumb ass it's already been shown obama lied.
Ya know...

IF ACA is not going to work out for people. or if it will?

The people will discover that themselves.

Some of you apparently think you can convince people what THEIR REALITY will be.

Arguing about the outcome for other people is just dumber than hell.
Ya know...

IF ACA is not going to work out for people. or if it will?

The people will discover that themselves.

Some of you apparently think you can convince people what THEIR REALITY will be.

Arguing about the outcome for other people is just dumber than hell.

oh so now it's they'll learn soon enough? Sure after obama won an election based on a lie, and after it became law of the land. that shit don't fly.
Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. H. View Post
I know precisely what I'm facing. I've known it since I received the September 26 letter from my health insurer. As to what I'm going to do? No clue. Either come up with an extra $800/month to maintain a similar level of coverage (ain't gonna happen), or accept a shit policy to keep the premiums at a manageable level. Either way I'm fucked.

above is a person who I have talked about... they get a cancellation notice on their past health care plan with a new plan telling them how much it will cost you ... these are the types of people that have been soooooooo brain washed by the media they listen too, the right wing media that they feel they are in dire straits... ... go to the web site sign up jump through all the hoops then come back here and tell us what you got and is it better .... until then you haven't a leg to stand on
Ya know...

IF ACA is not going to work out for people. or if it will?

The people will discover that themselves.

Some of you apparently think you can convince people what THEIR REALITY will be.

Arguing about the outcome for other people is just dumber than hell.

oh so now it's they'll learn soon enough? Sure after obama won an election based on a lie, and after it became law of the land. that shit don't fly.

face it you're clueless ... we all can see that by your remarks ... you're embarrassing yourself:up_yours:
Ya know...

IF ACA is not going to work out for people. or if it will?

The people will discover that themselves.

Some of you apparently think you can convince people what THEIR REALITY will be.

Arguing about the outcome for other people is just dumber than hell.

oh so now it's they'll learn soon enough? Sure after obama won an election based on a lie, and after it became law of the land. that shit don't fly.

face it you're clueless ... we all can see that by your remarks ... you're embarrassing yourself:up_yours:

Unlike you I'm not a sheeple. go suck on obama's asshole some more, so you can get more of those talking points.
Ya know...

IF ACA is not going to work out for people. or if it will?

The people will discover that themselves.

Some of you apparently think you can convince people what THEIR REALITY will be.

Arguing about the outcome for other people is just dumber than hell.

oh so now it's they'll learn soon enough? Sure after obama won an election based on a lie, and after it became law of the land. that shit don't fly.

face it you're clueless ... we all can see that by your remarks ... you're embarrassing yourself:up_yours:

Priceless projection.
You can't spell, your grammar is terrible and you cannot create a complete sentence....are we supposed to take you serious?
I think every insurance company that has used this change to lie to their customers and try to trick them into buying more expensive policies should be booted from the system.

This is why I supported a single payer system from the get-go. Eliminate the profit-motive from the entire system and prices will drop like a rock. So will scum-sucking, money-grubbing assholes like (seemingly) every other insurance agent in this nation. We NEED to put them out of business.
oh so now it's they'll learn soon enough? Sure after obama won an election based on a lie, and after it became law of the land. that shit don't fly.

face it you're clueless ... we all can see that by your remarks ... you're embarrassing yourself:up_yours:

Priceless projection.
You can't spell, your grammar is terrible and you cannot create a complete sentence....are we supposed to take you serious?

It's ok I understood what he meant.
I'm just that smart. I don't get hung up on other grammar mistakes
oh so now it's they'll learn soon enough? Sure after obama won an election based on a lie, and after it became law of the land. that shit don't fly.

face it you're clueless ... we all can see that by your remarks ... you're embarrassing yourself:up_yours:

Priceless projection.
You can't spell, your grammar is terrible and you cannot create a complete sentence....are we supposed to take you serious?

I have asked him to switch sides. Sadly, he has not complied.
face it you're clueless ... we all can see that by your remarks ... you're embarrassing yourself:up_yours:

Priceless projection.
You can't spell, your grammar is terrible and you cannot create a complete sentence....are we supposed to take you serious?

It's ok I understood what he meant.
I'm just that smart. I don't get hung up on other grammar mistakes

No. It is that you are just that stupid....and don't know it when someone makes a grammar mistake. You know this to be the case.

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