ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine

I know precisely what I'm facing. I've known it since I received the September 26 letter from my health insurer. As to what I'm going to do? No clue. Either come up with an extra $800/month to maintain a similar level of coverage (ain't gonna happen), or accept a shit policy to keep the premiums at a manageable level. Either way I'm fucked.

An extra $800 to maintain a similar plan, huh? I guess that option was in the letter you received. Have you looked on the exchnge yet?

Yes it was included with the letter. As were several other ACA-compliant options, containing $12,000 annual deductibles. I know what's on the exchange, and it ain't pretty. There's no two ways about it... I, along with tens of millions of other Americans, are fucked.

How about giving me the name of the plan you have now, and give me your state of residence along with number of people on the plan. Also, what are your current premiums?


Who pays the next dollar after the deductible is met? And the next. And the next.....and so on?

You dummies act like people will only get sick or injured....leading to thousands of dollars of medical bills....if they buy insurance under the ACA.

Your logic is flawed.

Apparently you have never heard of co-insurance, why does this not surprise me?

But....I have heard of a max out of pocket......and it is to be 12,700 for a family plan under the ACA.

Don't forget to add in the amount of monthly premiums.

In many cases, there is still a co-pay after the deductible has been met.

Also, if the base deductible of $6,350 for each family member of four is met by only one member only that member will be in the 'clear'. If two family members meet the deductible then the entire family is in the 'clear'.

BUT what if each family member only met $6,000 of their deductible?
Apparently you have never heard of co-insurance, why does this not surprise me?

But....I have heard of a max out of pocket......and it is to be 12,700 for a family plan under the ACA.

Don't forget to add in the amount of monthly premiums.

In many cases, there is still a co-pay after the deductible has been met.

Also, if the base deductible of $6,350 for each family member of four is met by only one member only that member will be in the 'clear'. If two family members meet the deductible then the entire family is in the 'clear'.

BUT what if each family member only met $6,000 of their deductible?

You are correct. Insurance is expensive. But having it....any of the plans that are compliant...will insure you against going bankrupt due to catastrophic illness. And all of the complaint plans encourage preventive care ( covered ) so that serious problems can be detected before they bankrupt you.

We all want insurance to be cheaper. Is that going to rest from this law? Hope so. But I know it was not getting cheaper for the last 20 years without the law.
Your response is typical bullshit.
If someone has a relatively minor issue, not catastrophic, then he is screwed. He will be liable for the first $5k in bills in addition to spending money on premiums. And that is the case for most people. Most people do not contract dire illnesses requiring $1M or so.
The truth is over 90% of people were happy with their insurance prior to Obamacare.
the truth is also Obamacare ahs resulted in considerably higher premiums, higher costs, and fewer doctors than what we had.
Your response is typical bullshit.
If someone has a relatively minor issue, not catastrophic, then he is screwed. He will be liable for the first $5k in bills in addition to spending money on premiums. And that is the case for most people. Most people do not contract dire illnesses requiring $1M or so.
The truth is over 90% of people were happy with their insurance prior to Obamacare.
the truth is also Obamacare ahs resulted in considerably higher premiums, higher costs, and fewer doctors than what we had.

How much will the uninsured person pay for the same minor issue? Less?

Please understand, Perry,Cain,Romney supporter.....INSURANCE PREMIUMS ARE NOT PAYING FOR HEALTH CARE.....they are paying for insurance against the costs of health care. Shit.....you act as though an uninsured person does not get a bill.

Fucking enough stupidity already!
Your response is typical bullshit.
If someone has a relatively minor issue, not catastrophic, then he is screwed. He will be liable for the first $5k in bills in addition to spending money on premiums. And that is the case for most people. Most people do not contract dire illnesses requiring $1M or so.
The truth is over 90% of people were happy with their insurance prior to Obamacare.
the truth is also Obamacare ahs resulted in considerably higher premiums, higher costs, and fewer doctors than what we had.

How much will the uninsured person pay for the same minor issue? Less?

Please understand, Perry,Cain,Romney supporter.....INSURANCE PREMIUMS ARE NOT PAYING FOR HEALTH CARE.....they are paying for insurance against the costs of health care. Shit.....you act as though an uninsured person does not get a bill.

Fucking enough stupidity already!

The uninsured person and the insured person get the same bill.

The uninsured person adds it to the still relatively small tax they're paying for not having insurance.

The insured person adds it to the premiums they're already paying -- premiums which can be so onerous that they don't have enough money left over to be able to afford going to the doctor, whatever the deductible is.

Obamacare will result in many responsible citizens having less access to healthcare than they had last year when they still had affordable insurance.
well then coming from a position that you're one of those sucking off the corporation tit health care plan dumb fucks, who thinks he know what's going on ... hell you haven't gone to the web site yet, you haven't look at any thing that's is remotely factual, you make comments on the website without going there to verify if what you're saying is factual ...then you tell me, who has gone their, who has applied, that I'm in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuckr


I've gone to the website. I can't get anything other than generic info, no specifics on any plan, without entering in personal info. Has that changed?

did ya try calling in??? if your state is run by republicans good luck with that mine is a blue state I got right in the first day ... in any thing you do these days if you're going to apply you have to give out personal info ... there hasn't been any info problems yet .... I know the republicans will tell you thing like there might be, but like everything they say, its a lie... if you want info you have to give info its that simple ...if you don't want it going over the wire then call in ...

False. I can get tons of info on different products on the interwebs without entering in my personal info. You shouldn't have to 'apply' to find out what you're applying for. Oh wait, it's modeled after 'we have to pass the bill to see what's in it', isn't it? :cuckoo:

You didn't answer my question so I take it, no you can't get real info on real plans without entering your personal info.
well then coming from a position that you're one of those sucking off the corporation tit health care plan dumb fucks, who thinks he know what's going on ... hell you haven't gone to the web site yet, you haven't look at any thing that's is remotely factual, you make comments on the website without going there to verify if what you're saying is factual ...then you tell me, who has gone their, who has applied, that I'm in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuckr


I've gone to the website. I can't get anything other than generic info, no specifics on any plan, without entering in personal info. Has that changed?

Yes. You can see the plans. You cannot check if you qualify for a subsidy without applying. But you can see all the plans available to you in your location.

I just tried to get info again. I filled out the generic questions they asked (individual, age, looking for health not dental, etc.) All it does is give me the same page it always did with zero info on any plans, nothing specific. Says I have to enter my personal info to get that.
I've gone to the website. I can't get anything other than generic info, no specifics on any plan, without entering in personal info. Has that changed?

did ya try calling in??? if your state is run by republicans good luck with that mine is a blue state I got right in the first day ... in any thing you do these days if you're going to apply you have to give out personal info ... there hasn't been any info problems yet .... I know the republicans will tell you thing like there might be, but like everything they say, its a lie... if you want info you have to give info its that simple ...if you don't want it going over the wire then call in ...

False. I can get tons of info on different products on the interwebs without entering in my personal info. You shouldn't have to 'apply' to find out what you're applying for. Oh wait, it's modeled after 'we have to pass the bill to see what's in it', isn't it? :cuckoo:

You didn't answer my question so I take it, no you can't get real info on real plans without entering your personal info.

I answered your question.

OK. You win. It is horrible for the middle class.

You wore me own with stupid.

If you're worn own with stupid, it wasn't my doing.

I stated fact. You're too much of a hack to acknowledge that some people will be reluctant to seek needed care because they won't have enough money left in the bank to afford the deductible after the big bite their premiums already took out of their bank accounts.

Responsible people balanced the costs of their mortgages, car payments, tuition, insurance, etc. When their insurance costs are doubled that throws the rest out of whack and soaks up discretionary funds. Many people will not have enough left over to afford the out of pocket so they'll put off going to the doctor.
did ya try calling in??? if your state is run by republicans good luck with that mine is a blue state I got right in the first day ... in any thing you do these days if you're going to apply you have to give out personal info ... there hasn't been any info problems yet .... I know the republicans will tell you thing like there might be, but like everything they say, its a lie... if you want info you have to give info its that simple ...if you don't want it going over the wire then call in ...

False. I can get tons of info on different products on the interwebs without entering in my personal info. You shouldn't have to 'apply' to find out what you're applying for. Oh wait, it's modeled after 'we have to pass the bill to see what's in it', isn't it? :cuckoo:

You didn't answer my question so I take it, no you can't get real info on real plans without entering your personal info.

I answered your question.

No, you really didn't. But you did in another post. Except that answer turned out not to be true, I can't get info on plans without entering in my personal info first.
False. I can get tons of info on different products on the interwebs without entering in my personal info. You shouldn't have to 'apply' to find out what you're applying for. Oh wait, it's modeled after 'we have to pass the bill to see what's in it', isn't it? :cuckoo:

You didn't answer my question so I take it, no you can't get real info on real plans without entering your personal info.

I answered your question.

No, you really didn't. But you did in another post. Except that answer turned out not to be true, I can't get info on plans without entering in my personal info first.

Take the name if the plan that you see on the healthcare.gov website and google it. The details will be there. It is an extra step......but not too daunting.

OK. You win. It is horrible for the middle class.

You wore me own with stupid.

If you're worn own with stupid, it wasn't my doing.

I stated fact. You're too much of a hack to acknowledge that some people will be reluctant to seek needed care because they won't have enough money left in the bank to afford the deductible after the big bite their premiums already took out of their bank accounts.

Responsible people balanced the costs of their mortgages, car payments, tuition, insurance, etc. When their insurance costs are doubled that throws the rest out of whack and soaks up discretionary funds. Many people will not have enough left over to afford the out of pocket so they'll put off going to the doctor.

Lets just stop. You are pretending that being uninsured is an incentive to seek care. You are pretending that having insurance that only covers a few bucks is incentive to seek care. I have lost the desire to keep explaining it over and over today. Maybe tomorrow.
OK. You win. It is horrible for the middle class.

You wore me own with stupid.

If you're worn own with stupid, it wasn't my doing.

I stated fact. You're too much of a hack to acknowledge that some people will be reluctant to seek needed care because they won't have enough money left in the bank to afford the deductible after the big bite their premiums already took out of their bank accounts.

Responsible people balanced the costs of their mortgages, car payments, tuition, insurance, etc. When their insurance costs are doubled that throws the rest out of whack and soaks up discretionary funds. Many people will not have enough left over to afford the out of pocket so they'll put off going to the doctor.

Lets just stop. You are pretending that being uninsured is an incentive to seek care. You are pretending that having insurance that only covers a few bucks is incentive to seek care. I have lost the desire to keep explaining it over and over today. Maybe tomorrow.

I am not pretending that being uninsured is an incentive to seek care. Not in the slightest.

However I am not surprised that you would choose to put words in my mouth rather than recognize the factual nature of what I actually said.
If you're worn own with stupid, it wasn't my doing.

I stated fact. You're too much of a hack to acknowledge that some people will be reluctant to seek needed care because they won't have enough money left in the bank to afford the deductible after the big bite their premiums already took out of their bank accounts.

Responsible people balanced the costs of their mortgages, car payments, tuition, insurance, etc. When their insurance costs are doubled that throws the rest out of whack and soaks up discretionary funds. Many people will not have enough left over to afford the out of pocket so they'll put off going to the doctor.

Lets just stop. You are pretending that being uninsured is an incentive to seek care. You are pretending that having insurance that only covers a few bucks is incentive to seek care. I have lost the desire to keep explaining it over and over today. Maybe tomorrow.

I am not pretending that being uninsured is an incentive to seek care. Not in the slightest.

However I am not surprised that you would choose to put words in my mouth rather than recognize the factual nature of what I actually said.

I already gave you the win. How about moving on. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Lets just stop. You are pretending that being uninsured is an incentive to seek care. You are pretending that having insurance that only covers a few bucks is incentive to seek care. I have lost the desire to keep explaining it over and over today. Maybe tomorrow.

I am not pretending that being uninsured is an incentive to seek care. Not in the slightest.

However I am not surprised that you would choose to put words in my mouth rather than recognize the factual nature of what I actually said.

I already gave you the win. How about moving on. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

You lied about [edit: misstated] my position. :cool:

Happy Thanksgiving. :D Have a lovely day.
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