ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine

Have you read your Aetna policy from front to back? They denied me a policy several years ago because I had three nasal allergy RX prescribed within an 8 year period, and their cap was two. So I actually complained all the way to Hartford, CT and talked to a VP. She confirmed that was their rule.

My neighbors have an Aetna policy. He was diagnosed with throat cancer but no docs in our area of NJ would take their insurance so they had to drive to Phila weekly for his treatments.

You have Aetna? Get the Vaseline out, honey. It's gonna' hurt and you won't be able to sit down for a lonnnnng time.

I just had a $40,000 medical bill. They paid without a complaint. My surgeon was one of the best in the city.

Looks like the Presidendt's promise to you was kept. Glad you could get that needed surgery and not go into debt.

My late spouse's bill came to $1,300,000.00. And Empire Blue fought like hell. Cancer and heart disease are the battle grounds of the big insurers. They DO NOT want to pay for catastrophic illness. We had to get an attorney. $7000 in legal fees but we won in what is called a "walk away".
Don't think this wasn't the intention from the beginning:

Articles: ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine


What is being overlooked is the new and higher deductibles and total annual out-of-pocket expenditures, especially in the Bronze and Silver plans. The amount of these greatly exceeds the ability of most individuals and families to pay, thus providing the real possibility of personal bankruptcies due to medical bills and high losses for providers who cannot collect.


So what will happen? The family, being responsible citizens, will initially try to pay the bills, but that will soon prove impossible. They will ultimately default. And in any case, they will most likely end any college planning or retirement savings they were working toward.

But -- and this is the big but -- the entity chasing them for the money is not the government. Rather, it is the provider -- the doctor, hospital, lab, radiologist, etc. This permits the government to stand on the sidelines and shrug at the dastardly situation that government itself caused in the first place.

Once enough patients face this crisis, the provider will be painted as the devil, hurting all these working Americans and their finances. First there will be restrictions on how much the provider can ultimately collect. Eventually, providers will be eating a large portion of any of the money they don't collect at the point of service.

The government will neatly sidestep the mess they've set up on purpose, will be able to demonize the providers (who end up not getting paid), and can step in to "save the day." And saving the day means taking over the now-bankrupt assets of the provider side of the health care delivery system. Bingo: a full single-payer and provider system, under government control, without even having to fire a shot.

coming from the boards dumb fuck, what would you know, you haven't even gone to the web site yet ... you find some Koolaid to drink from and you gulp it down:lol::lol::lol::lol: ...

Why would I go to the website when my employer provides me with a very good Aetna policy? Even if I did go to the website, how does that square with Obama's promise that people who liked their policies could keep them?

BTW, you're in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuck."

well then coming from a position that you're one of those sucking off the corporation tit health care plan dumb fucks, who thinks he know what's going on ... hell you haven't gone to the web site yet, you haven't look at any thing that's is remotely factual, you make comments on the website without going there to verify if what you're saying is factual ...then you tell me, who has gone their, who has applied, that I'm in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuckr

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Don't think this wasn't the intention from the beginning:

Articles: ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine


What is being overlooked is the new and higher deductibles and total annual out-of-pocket expenditures, especially in the Bronze and Silver plans. The amount of these greatly exceeds the ability of most individuals and families to pay, thus providing the real possibility of personal bankruptcies due to medical bills and high losses for providers who cannot collect.


So what will happen? The family, being responsible citizens, will initially try to pay the bills, but that will soon prove impossible. They will ultimately default. And in any case, they will most likely end any college planning or retirement savings they were working toward.

But -- and this is the big but -- the entity chasing them for the money is not the government. Rather, it is the provider -- the doctor, hospital, lab, radiologist, etc. This permits the government to stand on the sidelines and shrug at the dastardly situation that government itself caused in the first place.

Once enough patients face this crisis, the provider will be painted as the devil, hurting all these working Americans and their finances. First there will be restrictions on how much the provider can ultimately collect. Eventually, providers will be eating a large portion of any of the money they don't collect at the point of service.

The government will neatly sidestep the mess they've set up on purpose, will be able to demonize the providers (who end up not getting paid), and can step in to "save the day." And saving the day means taking over the now-bankrupt assets of the provider side of the health care delivery system. Bingo: a full single-payer and provider system, under government control, without even having to fire a shot.


lets see here for the board koolaid drinker ...
currant fuck me in ths ass plan $550.00month
$25.00 copay
$5000,00 deductible
if I come in the next day with something else wrong
$5000.00 deductible
$5000.00 every time I come in for something different

OBAMA care(Affordable care Act)
silver plan
new plan $250.00 a month
$250. deductible max pay out $1200.00

save 300 dollar a month
total for a year $3600.00

so tell me dumb fuck again how obama Care (Affordable care Act) has higher deductibles and total annual out-of-pocket expenditures,in the bronze and silver plans we love to find out how you got so stupid

Take away the subsidy and what are the premiums, deductibles, oop expenses?

The only reason this plan is lower cost is because someone else is picking up the tab.
coming from the boards dumb fuck, what would you know, you haven't even gone to the web site yet ... you find some Koolaid to drink from and you gulp it down:lol::lol::lol::lol: ...

Why would I go to the website when my employer provides me with a very good Aetna policy? Even if I did go to the website, how does that square with Obama's promise that people who liked their policies could keep them?

BTW, you're in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuck."

well then coming from a position that you're one of those sucking off the corporation tit health care plan dumb fucks, who thinks he know what's going on ... hell you haven't gone to the web site yet, you haven't look at any thing that's is remotely factual, you make comments on the website without going there to verify if what you're saying is factual ...then you tell me, who has gone, their who has applied, that I'm in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuckr
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:lol::lol::lol::woohoo::asshole:


The ACA website has failed because it was contracted out without bids to one of Michelle's cronies who didn't know what the hell he was doing. No surprise.

I have to say that I AM surprised that the government is so fragmented regarding its websites. The veterans LOVE the VA website, myhealthevet. They can log on and get lab results, order refills, get med teaching, and a host of other things. I have never heard of it not working well. The VA electronic chart works like a dream, it's the best I've ever used. It never occurred to me that the US government didn't have its own web developers for every agency.
coming from the boards dumb fuck, what would you know, you haven't even gone to the web site yet ... you find some Koolaid to drink from and you gulp it down:lol::lol::lol::lol: ...

Why would I go to the website when my employer provides me with a very good Aetna policy? Even if I did go to the website, how does that square with Obama's promise that people who liked their policies could keep them?

BTW, you're in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuck."

Have you read your Aetna policy from front to back? They denied me a policy several years ago because I had three nasal allergy RX prescribed within an 8 year period, and their cap was two. So I actually complained all the way to Hartford, CT and talked to a VP. She confirmed that was their rule.

My neighbors have an Aetna policy. He was diagnosed with throat cancer but no docs in our area of NJ would take their insurance so they had to drive to Phila weekly for his treatments.

You have Aetna? Get the Vaseline out, honey. It's gonna' hurt and you won't be able to sit down for a lonnnnng time.

And? Many docs and hospitals are refusing to take patients who will have obamacare and those people will have to go elsewhere. Right now, many docs refuse to take medicaid insurance and those people have to go elsewhere, they have to go to whoever will take the insurance.
coming from the boards dumb fuck, what would you know, you haven't even gone to the web site yet ... you find some Koolaid to drink from and you gulp it down:lol::lol::lol::lol: ...

Why would I go to the website when my employer provides me with a very good Aetna policy? Even if I did go to the website, how does that square with Obama's promise that people who liked their policies could keep them?

BTW, you're in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuck."

well then coming from a position that you're one of those sucking off the corporation tit health care plan dumb fucks, who thinks he know what's going on ... hell you haven't gone to the web site yet, you haven't look at any thing that's is remotely factual, you make comments on the website without going there to verify if what you're saying is factual ...then you tell me, who has gone their, who has applied, that I'm in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuckr


I've gone to the website. I can't get anything other than generic info, no specifics on any plan, without entering in personal info. Has that changed?
Why would I go to the website when my employer provides me with a very good Aetna policy? Even if I did go to the website, how does that square with Obama's promise that people who liked their policies could keep them?

BTW, you're in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuck."

Have you read your Aetna policy from front to back? They denied me a policy several years ago because I had three nasal allergy RX prescribed within an 8 year period, and their cap was two. So I actually complained all the way to Hartford, CT and talked to a VP. She confirmed that was their rule.

My neighbors have an Aetna policy. He was diagnosed with throat cancer but no docs in our area of NJ would take their insurance so they had to drive to Phila weekly for his treatments.

You have Aetna? Get the Vaseline out, honey. It's gonna' hurt and you won't be able to sit down for a lonnnnng time.

I just had a $40,000 medical bill. They paid without a complaint. My surgeon was one of the best in the city.

look like you love your corporate freebies huh ... sucking off the corporate freebies tit again are ya??? figures complains about people who haven't any health care, then you racks up a 40,000 cost from your corporate welfare tit and hates the Idea that other shouldn't get the same treatment ... whats that running down your lip corporate welfare tit milk
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Why would I go to the website when my employer provides me with a very good Aetna policy? Even if I did go to the website, how does that square with Obama's promise that people who liked their policies could keep them?

BTW, you're in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuck."

well then coming from a position that you're one of those sucking off the corporation tit health care plan dumb fucks, who thinks he know what's going on ... hell you haven't gone to the web site yet, you haven't look at any thing that's is remotely factual, you make comments on the website without going there to verify if what you're saying is factual ...then you tell me, who has gone their, who has applied, that I'm in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuckr


I've gone to the website. I can't get anything other than generic info, no specifics on any plan, without entering in personal info. Has that changed?

did ya try calling in??? if your state is run by republicans good luck with that mine is a blue state I got right in the first day ... in any thing you do these days if you're going to apply you have to give out personal info ... there hasn't been any info problems yet .... I know the republicans will tell you thing like there might be, but like everything they say, its a lie... if you want info you have to give info its that simple ...if you don't want it going over the wire then call in ...
Don't think this wasn't the intention from the beginning:

Articles: ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine


What is being overlooked is the new and higher deductibles and total annual out-of-pocket expenditures, especially in the Bronze and Silver plans. The amount of these greatly exceeds the ability of most individuals and families to pay, thus providing the real possibility of personal bankruptcies due to medical bills and high losses for providers who cannot collect.


So what will happen? The family, being responsible citizens, will initially try to pay the bills, but that will soon prove impossible. They will ultimately default. And in any case, they will most likely end any college planning or retirement savings they were working toward.

But -- and this is the big but -- the entity chasing them for the money is not the government. Rather, it is the provider -- the doctor, hospital, lab, radiologist, etc. This permits the government to stand on the sidelines and shrug at the dastardly situation that government itself caused in the first place.

Once enough patients face this crisis, the provider will be painted as the devil, hurting all these working Americans and their finances. First there will be restrictions on how much the provider can ultimately collect. Eventually, providers will be eating a large portion of any of the money they don't collect at the point of service.

The government will neatly sidestep the mess they've set up on purpose, will be able to demonize the providers (who end up not getting paid), and can step in to "save the day." And saving the day means taking over the now-bankrupt assets of the provider side of the health care delivery system. Bingo: a full single-payer and provider system, under government control, without even having to fire a shot.


lets see here for the board koolaid drinker ...
currant fuck me in ths ass plan $550.00month
$25.00 copay
$5000,00 deductible
if I come in the next day with something else wrong
$5000.00 deductible
$5000.00 every time I come in for something different

Thanks for showing everyone that you're a dumb fuck. That isn't how deductibles work, moron. Haven't you ever filed an insurance claim? Your deductible is for the entire year. I went to the emergency clinic 3 times this year. The co-pays for each time contributed to the amount of my deductible I had fulfilled. By the third time I had no more out-of-pocket expenses.

Liberals: Bringing new meaning to the concept "utterly clueless."

yes that's how my deductible worked dumb fuck for my currant plan... they specifically made sure that I understood that it wasn't for the whole year ... that they told me every time I applied for something in the same year, that was a different problem, I had to pay 5000 dollars up front dumb fuck ... not every body gets to suck off the corporate welfare tit like you do ...
Many people can not as the website is still down.

Also the exchanges are not cheaper than what people had before they are more expensive on average. Thus, the promises of Obamacare are false. Anyone still believing in Obamacare might as well become a part of the truther movement.

No. You are speaking in talking points. Anyone who wants to can find out what plans are available to them on the exchnge. Your claim that the plans on the exchange are more expensive on average is not substantiated. It is anecdotal at best at this point.

And please....stop talking about a law as though it needs to be believed in. We don't believe in Obamcare. We are hopeful that it succeeds....we think it will...we KNOW it is an improvement over what we had. But believe in? Stupid phrase.

Yes, you are a true believer. All reports have indicted that the plans on the exchange are more expensive than the plans people are having cancelled, especially if you are male and under 35.

and the dumb fuck didn't go and look for Himself
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Don't think this wasn't the intention from the beginning:

Articles: ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine


What is being overlooked is the new and higher deductibles and total annual out-of-pocket expenditures, especially in the Bronze and Silver plans. The amount of these greatly exceeds the ability of most individuals and families to pay, thus providing the real possibility of personal bankruptcies due to medical bills and high losses for providers who cannot collect.


So what will happen? The family, being responsible citizens, will initially try to pay the bills, but that will soon prove impossible. They will ultimately default. And in any case, they will most likely end any college planning or retirement savings they were working toward.

But -- and this is the big but -- the entity chasing them for the money is not the government. Rather, it is the provider -- the doctor, hospital, lab, radiologist, etc. This permits the government to stand on the sidelines and shrug at the dastardly situation that government itself caused in the first place.

Once enough patients face this crisis, the provider will be painted as the devil, hurting all these working Americans and their finances. First there will be restrictions on how much the provider can ultimately collect. Eventually, providers will be eating a large portion of any of the money they don't collect at the point of service.

The government will neatly sidestep the mess they've set up on purpose, will be able to demonize the providers (who end up not getting paid), and can step in to "save the day." And saving the day means taking over the now-bankrupt assets of the provider side of the health care delivery system. Bingo: a full single-payer and provider system, under government control, without even having to fire a shot.


lets see here for the board koolaid drinker ...
currant fuck me in ths ass plan $550.00month
$25.00 copay
$5000,00 deductible
if I come in the next day with something else wrong
$5000.00 deductible
$5000.00 every time I come in for something different

OBAMA care(Affordable care Act)
silver plan
new plan $250.00 a month
$250. deductible max pay out $1200.00

save 300 dollar a month
total for a year $3600.00

so tell me dumb fuck again how obama Care (Affordable care Act) has higher deductibles and total annual out-of-pocket expenditures,in the bronze and silver plans we love to find out how you got so stupid

I have never in my many years on this earth ever heard of their being a deductible for each illness/accident. It is per year on all policies I have ever seen for true health insurance. And I have dealt with finding them both individually as well as for employers.

Would you mind telling us who your policy was through and whether through an employer or self?
Why would I go to the website when my employer provides me with a very good Aetna policy? Even if I did go to the website, how does that square with Obama's promise that people who liked their policies could keep them?

BTW, you're in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuck."

well then coming from a position that you're one of those sucking off the corporation tit health care plan dumb fucks, who thinks he know what's going on ... hell you haven't gone to the web site yet, you haven't look at any thing that's is remotely factual, you make comments on the website without going there to verify if what you're saying is factual ...then you tell me, who has gone their, who has applied, that I'm in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuckr


I've gone to the website. I can't get anything other than generic info, no specifics on any plan, without entering in personal info. Has that changed?

Yes. You can see the plans. You cannot check if you qualify for a subsidy without applying. But you can see all the plans available to you in your location.
well then coming from a position that you're one of those sucking off the corporation tit health care plan dumb fucks, who thinks he know what's going on ... hell you haven't gone to the web site yet, you haven't look at any thing that's is remotely factual, you make comments on the website without going there to verify if what you're saying is factual ...then you tell me, who has gone their, who has applied, that I'm in no position to be calling anyone a "dumbfuckr


I've gone to the website. I can't get anything other than generic info, no specifics on any plan, without entering in personal info. Has that changed?

did ya try calling in??? if your state is run by republicans good luck with that mine is a blue state I got right in the first day ... in any thing you do these days if you're going to apply you have to give out personal info ... there hasn't been any info problems yet .... I know the republicans will tell you thing like there might be, but like everything they say, its a lie... if you want info you have to give info its that simple ...if you don't want it going over the wire then call in ...

Prove you've been on the website, your word is shit.
I've gone to the website. I can't get anything other than generic info, no specifics on any plan, without entering in personal info. Has that changed?

did ya try calling in??? if your state is run by republicans good luck with that mine is a blue state I got right in the first day ... in any thing you do these days if you're going to apply you have to give out personal info ... there hasn't been any info problems yet .... I know the republicans will tell you thing like there might be, but like everything they say, its a lie... if you want info you have to give info its that simple ...if you don't want it going over the wire then call in ...

Prove you've been on the website, your word is shit.

He was one of the six who got through in the first two days.
I know precisely what I'm facing. I've known it since I received the September 26 letter from my health insurer. As to what I'm going to do? No clue. Either come up with an extra $800/month to maintain a similar level of coverage (ain't gonna happen), or accept a shit policy to keep the premiums at a manageable level. Either way I'm fucked.

An extra $800 to maintain a similar plan, huh? I guess that option was in the letter you received. Have you looked on the exchnge yet?

Yes it was included with the letter. As were several other ACA-compliant options, containing $12,000 annual deductibles. I know what's on the exchange, and it ain't pretty. There's no two ways about it... I, along with tens of millions of other Americans, are fucked.

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