Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

One hundred twenty one pages later, and the President still does not set gas prices.
Maybe your president doesn't.

Oh, wait - Bush set them at over $4.00 per gallon.

My mistake.

No he didn't. The President does not set gas prices.

Not what the GOP was saying just a few short years ago:

The Republican presidential candidate, speaking in an interview with Fox News, said he "absolutely" believes Mr. Obama is responsible for high gas prices, contending that "he has not pursued policies that convince the world that America is going to become energy secure, energy independent."

Mitt Romney: Obama to blame for high gas prices

During a private meeting earlier this month, Boehner urged GOP lawmakers to make rising gas prices a big issue against Democrats and the White House.

Boehner hits Obama over high gas prices

Higher gas prices: The Republican plan to blame high gas prices on President Obama.
Do we need any more proof that Obama controls the price of Obamagas?

And I do like my $1.75 Obamagas

Slam dunk.
is it any wonder Keystone XL was cancelled today? Thank you Mr. President

Gas prices have droped 75 cents since Obama vetoed Keystone
Showing the right was wrong yet again.
Drill baby drill... Here in this country.

Why? With prices so low it is just not profitable to explore and drill in ND anymore.

I'm guessing his point is that low prices are the result of increased domestic production.

Oh sure next you'll be saying the the cycle of the oil market just doesn't coincided with the political cycle and any attempt to blame or credit a president for the prices on his watch is pure politics!


Just called yesterday, $1.88 for heating oil!!!! Gosh I wish I had 10 more 200 gallon oil tank reserves to fill!!

This cheaper oil is going to make this Christmas a heck of a lot nicer on the gift giving this year!

Just called yesterday, $1.88 for heating oil!!!! Gosh I wish I had 10 more 200 gallon oil tank reserves to fill!!

This cheaper oil is going to make this Christmas a heck of a lot nicer on the gift giving this year!



Come to think of it, I haven't stubbed my toes since November of 2008. Even before He came into office the era of Obama has seen, in all ten of my toes, unprecedented health and prosperity.
That's stupid

Obama doesn't have anything to do with toes

He doesn't have anything to do with gas until prices go down and you butt lickers want to give him credit for something else he didn't do. When it goes up, you run from the issue like a welfare leech does when offered a job.

Come to think of it, I haven't stubbed my toes since November of 2008. Even before He came into office the era of Obama has seen, in all ten of my toes, unprecedented health and prosperity.
That's stupid

Obama doesn't have anything to do with toes

Maybe I just have more confidence in my stride what with my newfound ease of mind living in such a wondrous time. Anywho, we have Obamacare now. There is no part of us that is not the governments business head to toe. Why not embrace the warm glowing warming glow?

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