Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer

Federal oil & gas creation IS DOWN dumbass. The increase is from the PRIVATE SECTOR.

Gas prices are low DESPITE Obama.

Fucking lib idiot

Do I detect the smell of sour grapes?


The record setting drop in the price of Obamagas is sending conservatives who predicted $5 plus gas (sound familiar gramps?) into a tizzy
What the fuck are you talking about?
Look, genius, there is no doubt that if Obama had his way, he'd have found a method to halt the gas fracking and oil production that has been developed over the last few years. The guy HATES fossil fuel.
Just last week, the Chief Mouth warned us to "not get used to low gas prices".....Now why the fuck is he saying THAT?.....Can't we enjoy this for 5 fucking minutes without some diarrhea of the mouth left wing douche bag spewing liquid shit from his yapper?
Ya knwo what sewer boy....Fuck off. Get off your computer and bury your face back in Obama's trousers ...I bet if Obama stopped short, you'd get shit on your nose.
National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer

What the fuck did Obama do to bring about lower gas prices?
But for Obama blocking oil and gas exploration on federal lands( not the unproductive areas Obama approved leases), the price would be lower than it is now.
Also, Obama's pets in the envirowacko movement do anything and everything they can to stop any project which would enhance our refining capability.
And another thing, the federal gas tax would have been increased had the Democrats somehow held the senate and won the House.
Look, I see your game here. It;s your Man Crush on Obama that makes you post such tripe.
Trust this when I tell you its a loser.


This thread still defuckinglivers.

Nobody ever went broke underestimating etc.... unbelievable :rofl:
As President Obama continues to drop the price of Obamagas, Republicans can remind us how we would be paying 50 cents a gallon more if they were in charge

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Obama has absutely nothing to do with gas prices up or down.

Domestic production is up and the price of crude overseas is down hence the low gas prices.

Your an idiot.
This guy is a liberal troll. His Chosen One is head of a failing administration. So he's desperate to mention any ray of sunshine that could possibly be attributed to Obama.
National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer


It's just like the Clinton days!!! (giggle)
National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer

Federal oil & gas creation IS DOWN dumbass. The increase is from the PRIVATE SECTOR.

Gas prices are low DESPITE Obama.

Fucking lib idiot

But it was his fault when prices where high. Do you want me to go find the thread with you bitching about it?
As President Obama continues to drop the price of Obamagas, Republicans can remind us how we would be paying 50 cents a gallon more if they were in charge

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Obama has absutely nothing to do with gas prices up or down.

Domestic production is up and the price of crude overseas is down hence the low gas prices.

Your an idiot.
This guy is a liberal troll. His Chosen One is head of a failing administration. So he's desperate to mention any ray of sunshine that could possibly be attributed to Obama.



Fuel prices will stay low for 2-3 years.

After that, when America's exploration and development of our resources restarts the costs will make you yearn for the days of $4.50/gallon gas. And don't think for a minute that even "moderate" Republicans will hesitate to pile on new taxes which will remain when the masking low base price is long gone.

At the end of the cycle you'll pay more.

Much more.

Fuel prices will stay low for 2-3 years.

After that, when America's exploration and development of our resources restarts the costs will make you yearn for the days of $4.50/gallon gas. And don't think for a minute that even "moderate" Republicans will hesitate to pile on new taxes which will remain when the masking low base price is long gone.

At the end of the cycle you'll pay more.

Much more.

"Fact" ... "Speculation".

Know the difference.
The next Republican President better not be a golfer or go on vacation. He better not use his pen to write an Executive Order.

The price of gas better not go up on his watch.

No terror attacks better happen.

Or, boy, is there going to be hell to pay. :badgrin:
I'm sure if a terrorist attack does happen on the next republican president. He won't blame it on a video, and then rush off to Vegas.
Yeah, but will he go and attack the wrong country like the last repug president?
You mean Syria?

Price of Gasoline at the Ft. Lauderdale air port during the obomanations regime!


Can he be right, we are on the verge of economic collapse!

Have you no shame? You keep pumping out photoshopped pictures and bogus websites to support your lies.

And what are your pictures?... Those men were standing there next to the prices?.... You make yourself look like an ass, I don't have to do it to you!

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