Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

Can you see the butthurt that $1.95 Obamagas brings?
Oh no, the $1.95 gas is because of the TEA PARTY.

How did you miss that? You been in a coma for 6 or 7 years?

Correct, the Tea Party and Republicans have been in control for the last 4 years and so it only makes sense that the entire blame for low gas prices are because of Republicans.

Tea-Party-gas Thanks for bring this to our attention RW. Tea Party gas it is.

Sounds better than Obama farting all over America with his gas. Seriously, I know you think you're back to sounding clever but you know how people make fun of the TP and call them "Tea baggers?" Yeah, you keep saying.... here it comes.... "Obamagas..." lol.
If I saw a newspaper in the store and the heading was "OBAMAGAS" .... Or maybe "RELIEF, OBAMAGAS!".... I would honestly think "Did Obama have to go to the hospital for intestine problems or something? I can't see why you feel "Obamagas" sounds catchy and good RW.
It's been fun watching you make yourself look like a dumb ass as usual RW, take care and remember no one takes you seriously because you're a joke =)
This is the Obama economy, stay tuned.

Actually, Sarah...this economic boom will be known as the Natural Gas and Shale Oil boom...because that's what's driving it. Since Barack Obama has been actively working against fossil fuel production since before he took office it's laughable to give him credit for any economic successes gained from the very industries that he tried to knee cap.

This economic growth is DESPITE Barack Obama's best efforts...not because of them!
I think it's about time for this thread to be moved to

The Rubber Room
RW killing them , the butthurt in this thread is Awesome !! Obamagas is $ 1.93 SW Arkansas Thanx Obama ..
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As President Obama continues to drop the price of Obamagas, Republicans can remind us how we would be paying 50 cents a gallon more if they were in charge

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Obama has absutely nothing to do with gas prices up or down.

Domestic production is up and the price of crude overseas is down hence the low gas prices.

Your an idiot.

If you're going to laugh "your" ass off, you will be there forever....get busy. PS: As you are calling others "idiot", you should take care to use the proper "you're" or "you are", not "your", dumbass.

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