Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

List the things that Obama has done to drive oil & gas prices down.......

  • Gotten us out of the Middle East so the motive to attack the infrastructure over there is lessened/removed.
  • This allows the petroleum to be pumped more effeciently
  • This allows the markets to stabilize
  • This allows the price of extraction to fall
  • This prevents speculations from keeping the price artificially high
  • He has pushed for more hybrids thus dropping demand
List the things that Obama has done to drive oil & gas prices down.......

  • Gotten us out of the Middle East so the motive to attack the infrastructure over there is lessened/removed.
  • This allows the petroleum to be pumped more effeciently
  • This allows the markets to stabilize
  • This allows the price of extraction to fall
  • This prevents speculations from keeping the price artificially high
  • He has pushed for more hybrids thus dropping demand

Good to see somebody gets it. :thup:
Oh wait, I figured it out. The Republican congress who got blamed for things before they were even sworn in are responsible for lower gas prices! Thanks for that opinion RW, proves you're not a mindless hyper partisan with no way of proving your positions!
Uhm, nope. You still don't have it quite right yet..
National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer
What the fuck did Obama do to bring about lower gas prices?
But for Obama blocking oil and gas exploration on federal lands( not the unproductive areas Obama approved leases), the price would be lower than it is now.
Also, Obama's pets in the envirowacko movement do anything and everything they can to stop any project which would enhance our refining capability.
And another thing, the federal gas tax would have been increased had the Democrats somehow held the senate and won the House.
Look, I see your game here. It;s your Man Crush on Obama that makes you post such tripe.
Trust this when I tell you its a loser.

There is no single factor which has caused the dramatic drop in the price of Obamagas. It is a complex compilation of events which created an economic flux initiating a downward spiral in prices
These events include benghazi, fast and furious, IRS, keystone, ISIS and Ebola
However, it is not fair to give President Obama all the credit. Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren all contributed
World supply and demand determines pricing. end of story.

Such a child like concept of economics

Dont be such a child. Supply and demand control gas prices. The only thing Obama can do is add to the price through taxes.
What Determines Gas Prices

Then spread the word, because...

“Since the president has been president, the cost of gasoline has doubled. Not exactly what he might have hoped for. … He’s said it’s not my fault. By the way, we’ve gone from ‘Yes, we can’ to ‘It’s not my fault.’ Well, this is in fact his fault.” – Mitt Romney (March 2012)​

But yet --
Curiously overlooked, though, is just what a shift this rhetoric is from the approach that Romney took on the issue of gas prices while governor of Massachusetts. Befitting his profile as a moderate Republican who cared about the environment, Governor Romney responded to price spikes by describing them as the natural result of global market pressures and by calling for increases in fuel efficiency—the same approach that he now derides Obama for taking as president. -- When Romney Liked High Gas Prices

As I always say, having it both ways: Priceless.
Supply and demand is what we teach third graders

In reality, there is a complex interaction of many factors that dictate the price we pay for Obamagas
There is no obamagas you fucking retard. Supply and demand IS how it works, everything falls into one or the other. You're the third grader here.


I've learned a lot from this thread. Not about gas price propensity but about message board density.
Supply and demand is what we teach third graders

In reality, there is a complex interaction of many factors that dictate the price we pay for Obamagas
There is no obamagas you fucking retard. Supply and demand IS how it works, everything falls into one or the other. You're the third grader here.


I've learned a lot from this thread. Not about gas price propensity but about message board density.
:) Nice play on words.
List the things that Obama has done to drive oil & gas prices down.......

  • Gotten us out of the Middle East so the motive to attack the infrastructure over there is lessened/removed.
  • This allows the petroleum to be pumped more effeciently
  • This allows the markets to stabilize
  • This allows the price of extraction to fall
  • This prevents speculations from keeping the price artificially high
  • He has pushed for more hybrids thus dropping demand

Wow, Candy...that's one of the worst explanations of what's taken place I've ever seen.

It isn't a stable Middle East that has brought down the price of oil. The Middle East is so far from stable at this point it isn't funny!

What's brought down the price of both oil and natural gas is fracking. The massive influx of oil and natural gas from US sources has induced OPEC to cut it's prices dramatically.

Hybrids? You think it's hybrids that have dropped demand? It's been the worldwide economic downturn that's dropped demand! People haven't bought as much gasoline because they haven't been able to afford to fill up their vehicles when gas was $4 a gallon.
I can't believe I got 14 pages out of this bullshit thread

When I push buttons, I really push them
I can't believe I got 14 pages out of this bullshit thread

When I push buttons, I really push them

It boggles the mind that they still don't get how they're being played.

Boggles I tell ya.

Good god

All I have to do is start one thread complimenting Obama and I get 14 pages of outrage........You know, he really didn't do that

For christ sake. I just confirmed that Conservatives have ZERO sense of humor
I can't believe I got 14 pages out of this bullshit thread

When I push buttons, I really push them

It boggles the mind that they still don't get how they're being played.

Boggles I tell ya.

Good god

All I have to do is start one thread complimenting Obama and I get 14 pages of outrage........You know, he really didn't do that

For christ sake. I just confirmed that Conservatives have ZERO sense of humor
your are right, when it comes to Obama, most sane people see red.
I can't believe I got 14 pages out of this bullshit thread

When I push buttons, I really push them

It boggles the mind that they still don't get how they're being played.

Boggles I tell ya.

Good god

All I have to do is start one thread complimenting Obama and I get 14 pages of outrage........You know, he really didn't do that

For christ sake. I just confirmed that Conservatives have ZERO sense of humor
your are right, when it comes to Obama, most sane people see red.

You are one of the easiest rightwing nutjobs to play

Thanks for contributing

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