Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

After you claimed prices wouldn't come down in the U.S. until global demand eased, even though prices actually came down 46% despite global demand, I would suggest you are among the last people to accuse others of having no idea about market forces. :eek:

I didn't say prices wouldn't come down, I said the world market determines prices, not US consumption. You are the person claiming that Obama has brought prices down through his policies, even though they have had no effect on the world market. Pretty simple, you claim Obama brought prices down, you are wrong. The world market determines the price.
You didn't say prices wouldn't come down?? Let's review what you said ...

"The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up over 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up."

Well there it is ... straight from your keyboard. Unless you claim someone else typed that?

Which all has nothing to do with your claim that Obama's policies have effected any of the prices worldwide.
Now you're just posting evidence that you're delusional as I never made any such claim. :cuckoo:
Posts from about 864 to 874, no you are just playing games, night.
Here are those posts ... feel free to show which one of them is me claiming Obama's policies affected prices worldwide...

#865: "That included the cost of you blowing the cashier when you paid him."

#867: "What does any of that have to do with what I posted, which you called,"bullshit?"

#871: "You must be an idiot then because only an idiot would believe that either raising fuel efficiency standards doesn't lower consumption or that lower consumption doesn't lower demand or that lower demand doesn't lower prices. Which of those do you deny?"
And your jail time being butt fucked by Bubba

I'm going to bust you as the fucking lying coward you are at every opportunity. You wanted to make it personal from the very beginning, now you can have it your way.

Be my guest Porch monkey, just bend over to give Bubba a better CRACK at your ass..... Now that was funny!

So General, when would you like to begin regaling your audience with tales of heroism from your experiences in Vietnam?

If you were in the service, which I see you weren't, we usually only talk about it to men that were with us, or fellow Vets that have become friends, as I am with Hossfly, a real hero from Vietnam, but you little butt fucker, continue with your ape groans, and banana eating! Pathetic negro!
Quick, jump him before he gets away!

You were never in Vietnam, you never served your country in uniform, you never did anything besides talk.

Did you change your name from Ape Boy to Karnak while I was busy bitch slapping another subversive?
Despite yet another one of your rants, you still made the idiotic claim that an oil glut caused the refineries to shut down.

Then, in typical :gay: vagisil :gay: fashion, you posted a link proving what an imbecile you are.


You really are this stupid! It was explained yet you concentrate on an inconsequential item AFTER shown the facts... you need to be locked away, you are starting to manifest a dangerous state of mind!
Imbecile .... there is no explanation for your idiocy. You claimed refineries shut down because there is a glut of oil. You then posted an article indicating the glut was caused by the shut down.

I explained all that, you refuse to acknowledge the answer... Once you get your ass beaten in, you simply have to continue with your NPD obsession... Keep going, I'm chuckling, as I'm sure others are! You are just too pathetic to take seriously!

There is no explanation, you moron. You made a claim that was refuted by an article you posted. Sorry to interfere with your delusions, but no explanation in the world is going to change that article from reading the oil glut was caused by the refineries shut down -- to -- the refineries shut down due to the oil glut. I don't care if your dementia says otherwise.

I don't care what YOU think, I know what you wrote....You posted a link to an article explaining refineries shut down this time of year to perform maintenance. It doesn't actually explain why.

Now you're trying to spin your way out of stupidity as it doesn't actually explain why!ROTFLMFAO.... You hadn't a fucking clue, you knuckle dragger! Oh, the hilarity, I must PLAY with this fool much more!

You're completely insane, :gay: vagisil :gay: you post an article which refutes your idiotic claim that an oil glut caused refineries to shut down -- but rather than own up to your idiocy, you deride me for pointing out the article doesn't cite a reason for why refineries perform annual maintenance -- which it doesn't.

I'm going to bust you as the fucking lying coward you are at every opportunity. You wanted to make it personal from the very beginning, now you can have it your way.

Be my guest Porch monkey, just bend over to give Bubba a better CRACK at your ass..... Now that was funny!

So General, when would you like to begin regaling your audience with tales of heroism from your experiences in Vietnam?

If you were in the service, which I see you weren't, we usually only talk about it to men that were with us, or fellow Vets that have become friends, as I am with Hossfly, a real hero from Vietnam, but you little butt fucker, continue with your ape groans, and banana eating! Pathetic negro!
Quick, jump him before he gets away!

You were never in Vietnam, you never served your country in uniform, you never did anything besides talk.

Did you change your name from Ape Boy to Karnak while I was busy bitch slapping another subversive?

See if you can guess which one is me. Keep talking dickhead.

The increase in efficiency standards was 8%. That 887 million gallons figure does not specify a timeframe.

Overall consumption in the US is down less than 2% over 5 years, Your light auto savings amounts to far less we you consider all the other vehicles on the road, including 18 wheelers, 4X4's, SUV's and on and on. Again with world consumption up overall, we can assume that the policy does nothing on the big picture of oil prices which are determined by OPEC and not Obama.
To deny decreasing consumption decreases prices is to deny the laws of economics. Even going with your figures of a 2% decrease over the last 5 years; that ignores the reality that there would not have been a decrease at all if not for Obama's policies. Again, the laws of supply and demand step in. I am in no way ignoring the impact of fracking in the U.S. or the impact of OPEC manipulating prices; which have had the greatest impact on prices. I am certain Obama's policies contributed to the drop. And the policy I mentioned is not the only one.

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

Fracking on PRIVATE LAND tends to do that.....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
Fracking on private property exploded under Obamacrats, not repubtards, due to the removal of setback boundaries on "EcoPad drillers".
Overall consumption in the US is down less than 2% over 5 years, Your light auto savings amounts to far less we you consider all the other vehicles on the road, including 18 wheelers, 4X4's, SUV's and on and on. Again with world consumption up overall, we can assume that the policy does nothing on the big picture of oil prices which are determined by OPEC and not Obama.
To deny decreasing consumption decreases prices is to deny the laws of economics. Even going with your figures of a 2% decrease over the last 5 years; that ignores the reality that there would not have been a decrease at all if not for Obama's policies. Again, the laws of supply and demand step in. I am in no way ignoring the impact of fracking in the U.S. or the impact of OPEC manipulating prices; which have had the greatest impact on prices. I am certain Obama's policies contributed to the drop. And the policy I mentioned is not the only one.

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

Fracking on PRIVATE LAND tends to do that.....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
Fracking on private property exploded under Obamacrats, not repubtards, due to the removal of setback boundaries on "EcoPad drillers".
Well if dems and obama were so into expanding oil extraction then why did the hack-in-chief reimpose drilling restrictions upon entering office? If you really believe obama has any thing to do with lower energy prices you are duped beyond help.
To deny decreasing consumption decreases prices is to deny the laws of economics. Even going with your figures of a 2% decrease over the last 5 years; that ignores the reality that there would not have been a decrease at all if not for Obama's policies. Again, the laws of supply and demand step in. I am in no way ignoring the impact of fracking in the U.S. or the impact of OPEC manipulating prices; which have had the greatest impact on prices. I am certain Obama's policies contributed to the drop. And the policy I mentioned is not the only one.

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

Fracking on PRIVATE LAND tends to do that.....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
Fracking on private property exploded under Obamacrats, not repubtards, due to the removal of setback boundaries on "EcoPad drillers".
Well if dems and obama were so into expanding oil extraction then why did the hack-in-chief reimpose drilling restrictions upon entering office? If you really believe obama has any thing to do with lower energy prices you are duped beyond help.

It's an undeniable fact that Obamacrats Exploded US Oil Production!!!!!!
The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

Fracking on PRIVATE LAND tends to do that.....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
Fracking on private property exploded under Obamacrats, not repubtards, due to the removal of setback boundaries on "EcoPad drillers".
Well if dems and obama were so into expanding oil extraction then why did the hack-in-chief reimpose drilling restrictions upon entering office? If you really believe obama has any thing to do with lower energy prices you are duped beyond help.

Yep, you're duped. That increase is completely in spite of and totally disconnected to Obama energy policy. Without Obama impediments the increase on the right of your chart would be double.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

Fracking on PRIVATE LAND tends to do that.....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
Fracking on private property exploded under Obamacrats, not repubtards, due to the removal of setback boundaries on "EcoPad drillers".
Well if dems and obama were so into expanding oil extraction then why did the hack-in-chief reimpose drilling restrictions upon entering office? If you really believe obama has any thing to do with lower energy prices you are duped beyond help.

Yep, you're duped. That increase is completely in spite of and totally disconnected to Obama energy policy. Without Obama impediments the increase on the right of your chart would be double.

Wrong you duped dipshit! Multi Bore Drill Pads "EcoPad" exploded & became the norm only after the removal of setback boundaries on "EcoPad drillers" under Obamacrats. US oil production fell under Bushpublicans.

Under Obamacrats US oilsands production also takes off. Utah’s oil sands are being extracted for $25/barrel “without creating the expensive toxic wastelands that have resulted from oil sands projects in Western Canada.” In the USA we are using solvent to efficiently separate 99% of oil from crushed rock and sand. The process does not use any water eliminating “massive tailing ponds filled with gallons of toxic sludge”. Oil is extracted cheaply & virtually without a trace or toxic footprint on the environment.
Has anyone noticed since this thread was started gas has gone back over $2.00 dollars a gallon? Just saying.
"The uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress.”
- Mitch McConnell
Wow so lower gas prices are because of Obama high gas prices the Republican Congress.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

Fracking on PRIVATE LAND tends to do that.....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
Fracking on private property exploded under Obamacrats, not repubtards, due to the removal of setback boundaries on "EcoPad drillers".
Well if dems and obama were so into expanding oil extraction then why did the hack-in-chief reimpose drilling restrictions upon entering office? If you really believe obama has any thing to do with lower energy prices you are duped beyond help.

Yep, you're duped. That increase is completely in spite of and totally disconnected to Obama energy policy. Without Obama impediments the increase on the right of your chart would be double.
Nah, it would be ten fold. You're being too kind.
Can't wait to hear :gay: vagisil :gay: boast some more about how refineries have shut down due to an oil glut even though his own article pointed they actually shut down for their annual maintenance.

Oil last traded 2 minutes ago at $49.64 a bbl. Mighty low price for a $.40 increase in 2 weeks, as oil was trading then at -$1.50 to +$.50 bbl. on swings in the market

I blame the Republican Congress

You can blame whoever you want, you're ALWAYS wrong, or lying! We all know this!

Obamagas had dropped dollar a gallon until Republicans took over Congress

They obviously so us out to big oil

what a liar

Gas prices have skyrocketed since Republicans took the Congress

Why do they hate America?
kaz doesn't even know what his own party has done EVEN when it comes to their ploys on Presidential campaigns. :lol:

LOL, "Republican" is the worst word you know isn't it, Tyke? Oh yeah, well, you're worse than a Nazi, you're a REPUBLICAN. Bam! That stings, doesn't it? No, it just makes me think you're stupid. Tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are...
Can't wait to hear :gay: vagisil :gay: boast some more about how refineries have shut down due to an oil glut even though his own article pointed they actually shut down for their annual maintenance.

Obamagas is just one other thing the Republicans will try to overturn. Anything good for Americans is just not good for them.

Um...who has tried to raise gas prices other than Democrats? Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl

Democrats have no power to raise gas prices. Nor do Republicans. Nor do socialists, fascists, communists, anarchists, liberals, conservatives, Whigs, Tories, Greens, Reds, Blues, Purples, Know-Nothings or the entirely apolitical. It's determined in the international trading bazaar.

LOL, clueless as always. When Obama blocks drilling offshore and in Alaska and tries to block fracking those reduce supply and cause prices to go up. The obvious as always is way beyond you. Take an economics course, you'll learn about supply and demand curves in the first class
To clarify your nonsense, Obama did not block offshore drilling with the intent of driving prices up, nor did he block it permanently. He blocked offshore drilling in response to one of, if not thee worst, offshore oil rig disasters of all time when the Deepwater Horizon blew up and sank. Following that disaster, he enforced a moratorium on deep water drilling while an investigation was underway to ensure the safety of other such rigs. Just prior the Deepwater Horizon accident, Obama opened up many areas for offshore drilling ...


As far as Obama on fracking ... while he sought to increase regulations on fracking, he took heat from the left for opening the Gulf to fracking ....

Obama Opened Floodgates for Offshore Fracking in Recent Gulf of Mexico Lease Steve Horn

... took heat from a California judge after Obama opened federal land there to fracking...

Judge rules administration overlooked fracking risks in California mineral leases Reuters

... and pushed for even more fracking to create hundreds of thousands of jobs ...

Obama Pushes Natural-Gas Fracking to Create 600 000 Jobs - Bloomberg Business

After fighting the parade Obama ran to the front, no shit, this doesn't contradict what I said
Oil last traded 2 minutes ago at $49.64 a bbl. Mighty low price for a $.40 increase in 2 weeks, as oil was trading then at -$1.50 to +$.50 bbl. on swings in the market

I blame the Republican Congress

You can blame whoever you want, you're ALWAYS wrong, or lying! We all know this!

Obamagas had dropped dollar a gallon until Republicans took over Congress

They obviously so us out to big oil

what a liar

Gas prices have skyrocketed since Republicans took the Congress

Why do they hate America?

Seriously, are you eight years old? All you do is post this same shallow, inane point over and over and over
I blame the Republican Congress

You can blame whoever you want, you're ALWAYS wrong, or lying! We all know this!

Obamagas had dropped dollar a gallon until Republicans took over Congress

They obviously so us out to big oil

what a liar

Gas prices have skyrocketed since Republicans took the Congress

Why do they hate America?

Seriously, are you eight years old? All you do is post this same shallow, inane point over and over and over

The prices established for Obamagas are dependent on numerous factors which vary from state to state. These factors include Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, ISIS and Ebola
Since Republicans cheated to take over Congress, they have imposed numerous restrictictions that have had a negative impact on the price of Obamagas at the pump. These include Obamacare repeal votes, blocking immigration reform and threats of tax cuts for billionaires
You really are this stupid! It was explained yet you concentrate on an inconsequential item AFTER shown the facts... you need to be locked away, you are starting to manifest a dangerous state of mind!
Imbecile .... there is no explanation for your idiocy. You claimed refineries shut down because there is a glut of oil. You then posted an article indicating the glut was caused by the shut down.

I explained all that, you refuse to acknowledge the answer... Once you get your ass beaten in, you simply have to continue with your NPD obsession... Keep going, I'm chuckling, as I'm sure others are! You are just too pathetic to take seriously!

There is no explanation, you moron. You made a claim that was refuted by an article you posted. Sorry to interfere with your delusions, but no explanation in the world is going to change that article from reading the oil glut was caused by the refineries shut down -- to -- the refineries shut down due to the oil glut. I don't care if your dementia says otherwise.

I don't care what YOU think, I know what you wrote....You posted a link to an article explaining refineries shut down this time of year to perform maintenance. It doesn't actually explain why.

Now you're trying to spin your way out of stupidity as it doesn't actually explain why!ROTFLMFAO.... You hadn't a fucking clue, you knuckle dragger! Oh, the hilarity, I must PLAY with this fool much more!

You're completely insane, :gay: vagisil :gay: you post an article which refutes your idiotic claim that an oil glut caused refineries to shut down -- but rather than own up to your idiocy, you deride me for pointing out the article doesn't cite a reason for why refineries perform annual maintenance -- which it doesn't.


You even admitted YOU had no idea, and apparently cause and effect you have no idea about either, You' dumber that the Porch Ape, and that's hard to do! Doesn't site a reason? YOU are supposed to know the reason, or STFU, idiot, posting with no information... You are hilarious, I see your ....


keeps you coming back....I LOVE IT! :ahole-1::gay:Pawned.....again!
Be my guest Porch monkey, just bend over to give Bubba a better CRACK at your ass..... Now that was funny!

So General, when would you like to begin regaling your audience with tales of heroism from your experiences in Vietnam?

If you were in the service, which I see you weren't, we usually only talk about it to men that were with us, or fellow Vets that have become friends, as I am with Hossfly, a real hero from Vietnam, but you little butt fucker, continue with your ape groans, and banana eating! Pathetic negro!
Quick, jump him before he gets away!

You were never in Vietnam, you never served your country in uniform, you never did anything besides talk.

Did you change your name from Ape Boy to Karnak while I was busy bitch slapping another subversive?

See if you can guess which one is me. Keep talking dickhead.

View attachment 37587

None! Porch Monkey!

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