Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

Overall consumption in the US is down less than 2% over 5 years, Your light auto savings amounts to far less we you consider all the other vehicles on the road, including 18 wheelers, 4X4's, SUV's and on and on. Again with world consumption up overall, we can assume that the policy does nothing on the big picture of oil prices which are determined by OPEC and not Obama.
To deny decreasing consumption decreases prices is to deny the laws of economics. Even going with your figures of a 2% decrease over the last 5 years; that ignores the reality that there would not have been a decrease at all if not for Obama's policies. Again, the laws of supply and demand step in. I am in no way ignoring the impact of fracking in the U.S. or the impact of OPEC manipulating prices; which have had the greatest impact on prices. I am certain Obama's policies contributed to the drop. And the policy I mentioned is not the only one.

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

Fracking on PRIVATE LAND tends to do that.....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
Fracking on private property exploded under Obamacrats, not repubtards, due to the removal of setback boundaries on "EcoPad drillers".

And he DIDN'T open PUBLIC LAND to it....you damn fool, if anything he HELD IT BACK, just like he did with a pipeline that would employ 30,000 workers!
So General, when would you like to begin regaling your audience with tales of heroism from your experiences in Vietnam?

If you were in the service, which I see you weren't, we usually only talk about it to men that were with us, or fellow Vets that have become friends, as I am with Hossfly, a real hero from Vietnam, but you little butt fucker, continue with your ape groans, and banana eating! Pathetic negro!
Quick, jump him before he gets away!

You were never in Vietnam, you never served your country in uniform, you never did anything besides talk.

Did you change your name from Ape Boy to Karnak while I was busy bitch slapping another subversive?

See if you can guess which one is me. Keep talking dickhead.

View attachment 37587

None! Porch Monkey!

I despise sniveling cowards like you who claim laurels belonging to men better than you.
The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

Fracking on PRIVATE LAND tends to do that.....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
Fracking on private property exploded under Obamacrats, not repubtards, due to the removal of setback boundaries on "EcoPad drillers".
Well if dems and obama were so into expanding oil extraction then why did the hack-in-chief reimpose drilling restrictions upon entering office? If you really believe obama has any thing to do with lower energy prices you are duped beyond help.

It's an undeniable fact that Obamacrats Exploded US Oil Production!!!!!!
They did NOTHING but put obstacles in the way... It was oil entrepreneurs that caused the oil spike, apparently you are that stupid!

Another liberal with his unfounded, superiority disorder!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
If you were in the service, which I see you weren't, we usually only talk about it to men that were with us, or fellow Vets that have become friends, as I am with Hossfly, a real hero from Vietnam, but you little butt fucker, continue with your ape groans, and banana eating! Pathetic negro!
Quick, jump him before he gets away!

You were never in Vietnam, you never served your country in uniform, you never did anything besides talk.

Did you change your name from Ape Boy to Karnak while I was busy bitch slapping another subversive?

See if you can guess which one is me. Keep talking dickhead.

View attachment 37587

None! Porch Monkey!

I despise sniveling cowards like you who claim laurels belonging to men better than you.

Then you'll love the Jakeass!, What was your MOS there boy, did you have one?
When Obama blocks drilling offshore and in Alaska and tries to block fracking those reduce supply and cause prices to go up.

Opening the Eastern Seaboard to oil companies is a prize the industry has sought for decades and is a blow to environmental groups. They argue that the move would put the coasts of Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia at risk for an environmental disaster like the BP spill that struck the Gulf Coast in 2010, when millions of barrels of oil washed ashore after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig.


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Obama designated the pristine waters of Bristol Bay as off limits to consideration for oil and gas leasing. This action safeguards one of the nation’s most productive fisheries and preserves an ecologically rich area of the Bering Sea off the coast of Alaska that is vital to the commercial fishing and tourism economy and to Alaska Native communities.

Bristol Bay is at the heart one of the world’s most valuable fisheries, helping to provide 40 percent of America’s wild-caught seafood and support a $2 billion annual fishing industry.

President Obama Protects Alaska s Bristol Bay From Future Oil and Gas Drilling The White House

Obama says fracking can be a bridge to a clean-energy future. It s not that simple. - The Washington Post
You were never in Vietnam, you never served your country in uniform, you never did anything besides talk.

Did you change your name from Ape Boy to Karnak while I was busy bitch slapping another subversive?

See if you can guess which one is me. Keep talking dickhead.

View attachment 37587

None! Porch Monkey!

I despise sniveling cowards like you who claim laurels belonging to men better than you.

Then you'll love the Jakeass!, What was your MOS there boy, did you have one?

You are a chickenshit liar. I think people on this forum should know that you claim to have served this country in Vietnam. You are clearly lying.
Did you change your name from Ape Boy to Karnak while I was busy bitch slapping another subversive?

See if you can guess which one is me. Keep talking dickhead.

View attachment 37587

None! Porch Monkey!

I despise sniveling cowards like you who claim laurels belonging to men better than you.

Then you'll love the Jakeass!, What was your MOS there boy, did you have one?

You are a chickenshit liar. I think people on this forum should know that you claim to have served this country in Vietnam. You are clearly lying.
What was your MOS :ahole-1:, funny the Jakeass who claims to have spent 12 years in the service couldn't tell me that either!....I can wait on a porch monkey!
See if you can guess which one is me. Keep talking dickhead.

View attachment 37587

None! Porch Monkey!

I despise sniveling cowards like you who claim laurels belonging to men better than you.

Then you'll love the Jakeass!, What was your MOS there boy, did you have one?

You are a chickenshit liar. I think people on this forum should know that you claim to have served this country in Vietnam. You are clearly lying.
What was your MOS :ahole-1:, funny the Jakeass who claims to have spent 12 years in the service couldn't tell me that either!....I can wait on a porch monkey!

MOS 97c, MAC 37. Now let's hear your story.
You can blame whoever you want, you're ALWAYS wrong, or lying! We all know this!

Obamagas had dropped dollar a gallon until Republicans took over Congress

They obviously so us out to big oil

what a liar

Gas prices have skyrocketed since Republicans took the Congress

Why do they hate America?

Seriously, are you eight years old? All you do is post this same shallow, inane point over and over and over

The prices established for Obamagas are dependent on numerous factors which vary from state to state. These factors include Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, ISIS and Ebola
Since Republicans cheated to take over Congress, they have imposed numerous restrictictions that have had a negative impact on the price of Obamagas at the pump. These include Obamacare repeal votes, blocking immigration reform and threats of tax cuts for billionaires

Say what? All I hear is gurgling kool aid
Well if dems and obama were so into expanding oil extraction then why did the hack-in-chief reimpose drilling restrictions upon entering office?

He didn't re-impose a single restrictions. He took Bushes proposed plan and expanded upon it. Unfortunately it was released only a few weeks prior to the Horizon explosion, only then did the impose any kind of restriction and that was only on deep water wells.
Every day that oil remains below $60 a barrel is a day Vladimir Putin eats his own guts.

Since oil is less that $60 a barrel, yet gas is back up to $3 a gallon, WTF is going on?
Gas is nowhere near $3.00 a gallon, dipshit.

Nice try.

Gas is $3.50 a gallon for the cheapest here in California, dipshit.


lemme guess who lied.... hmmm.....
Every day that oil remains below $60 a barrel is a day Vladimir Putin eats his own guts.

Since oil is less that $60 a barrel, yet gas is back up to $3 a gallon, WTF is going on?
Gas is nowhere near $3.00 a gallon, dipshit.

Nice try.

Gas is $3.50 a gallon for the cheapest here in California, dipshit.


lemme guess who lied.... hmmm.....

Why would you need to guess?
Since oil is less that $60 a barrel, yet gas is back up to $3 a gallon, WTF is going on?
Gas is nowhere near $3.00 a gallon, dipshit.

Nice try.

Gas is $3.50 a gallon for the cheapest here in California, dipshit.


lemme guess who lied.... hmmm.....

Why would you need to guess?

Because the member whose ass you are handing back to him - is a member I have on ignore...

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