Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

So then you don't actually read, do you.


Dude, you lied for your party - you fucked up.

Gas is $3.50 a gallon in California - your own link confirmed - as did my link.

Go say your prayers to Obama now.

Why do you continue lying when the evidence is right in front of your face? Do you think your interpretation is going to make a difference somehow?

Pothead, you couldn't whip a cappuccino if a barista held your hand. Rachel Carson done whupped your ass from the grave, after she wiped out the population of India. Why don't you tell us the derivation of the word "Nazi". You know -- a bonus track.

Your own what you think is a gotcha screencap lists AVERAGE California gas prices, which by definition far exceed the cheaper stations as they include for example the gougers down the street from the rental car agencies, and the $5+ one listed in SF.. The same page immediately to the right of that same image lists 13 stations ALL of which are under three bucks a gallon, with Obamagas as cheap as 2.65. Right now.

Dishonesty thy name is Pothead.

Yet I still manage to beat you into submission every time.

Here's the thing Huffer, I live here - I know what the gas prices are - $3.50 for regular unleaded. You need to puff up your little tin god, so you bluff and bluster that nuhn-un you can get Obamagas free with a cell phone.

You're a fucking retard, as are your little lefty buddies.
To deny decreasing consumption decreases prices is to deny the laws of economics. Even going with your figures of a 2% decrease over the last 5 years; that ignores the reality that there would not have been a decrease at all if not for Obama's policies. Again, the laws of supply and demand step in. I am in no way ignoring the impact of fracking in the U.S. or the impact of OPEC manipulating prices; which have had the greatest impact on prices. I am certain Obama's policies contributed to the drop. And the policy I mentioned is not the only one.

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

Fracking on PRIVATE LAND tends to do that.....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
Fracking on private property exploded under Obamacrats, not repubtards, due to the removal of setback boundaries on "EcoPad drillers".

And he DIDN'T open PUBLIC LAND to it....you damn fool, if anything he HELD IT BACK, just like he did with a pipeline that would employ 30,000 workers!

Overstated by 29,960 but hey that's pocket ball pocket change for Pennyante.
Gas is $3.50 a gallon for the cheapest here in California, dipshit.
Why do you continue lying when the evidence is right in front of your face? Do you think your interpretation is going to make a difference somehow?


You're a fucking moron. Your own link confirmed my claim.

View attachment 37596


Unfortunately what you posted was this:
Gas is $3.50 a gallon for the cheapest here in California, dipshit.

And yet...



EVEN THE AVERAGE isn't $3.50 for California, which means yeah you can find it for that, but hell you can find it here in Carolina for that much if you really want to but I paid 2.59 yesterday for premium. And I have to break the bad news: Orange County ain't exactly the center of the California universe. Get over yourself.

Your new word for the day: "average". If you get that down we'll move on to the derivation of "Nazi". Next year we'll move on to Rachel Carson.

Fucking nimrod.
Why do you continue lying when the evidence is right in front of your face? Do you think your interpretation is going to make a difference somehow?


You're a fucking moron. Your own link confirmed my claim.

View attachment 37596


I guess lying is your only option.

There's this element of the Bubbleosphere that has somehow convinced itself that even if they're caught in a demonstrable lie, if they just click their red shoes together three times and keep murmuring the same shit over and over and over it'll somehow become the reality. They used the same self-delusionary ploy to convince themselves that the ploy itself would work. Unfortunately it would take an audience of equally moronic drones to actually buy it. So nobody does, and they don't even notice.

Imbecile .... there is no explanation for your idiocy. You claimed refineries shut down because there is a glut of oil. You then posted an article indicating the glut was caused by the shut down.

I explained all that, you refuse to acknowledge the answer... Once you get your ass beaten in, you simply have to continue with your NPD obsession... Keep going, I'm chuckling, as I'm sure others are! You are just too pathetic to take seriously!

There is no explanation, you moron. You made a claim that was refuted by an article you posted. Sorry to interfere with your delusions, but no explanation in the world is going to change that article from reading the oil glut was caused by the refineries shut down -- to -- the refineries shut down due to the oil glut. I don't care if your dementia says otherwise.

I don't care what YOU think, I know what you wrote....You posted a link to an article explaining refineries shut down this time of year to perform maintenance. It doesn't actually explain why.

Now you're trying to spin your way out of stupidity as it doesn't actually explain why!ROTFLMFAO.... You hadn't a fucking clue, you knuckle dragger! Oh, the hilarity, I must PLAY with this fool much more!

You're completely insane, :gay: vagisil :gay: you post an article which refutes your idiotic claim that an oil glut caused refineries to shut down -- but rather than own up to your idiocy, you deride me for pointing out the article doesn't cite a reason for why refineries perform annual maintenance -- which it doesn't.


You even admitted YOU had no idea, and apparently cause and effect you have no idea about either, You' dumber that the Porch Ape, and that's hard to do! Doesn't site a reason? YOU are supposed to know the reason, or STFU, idiot, posting with no information... You are hilarious, I see your ....


keeps you coming back....I LOVE IT! :ahole-1::gay:Pawned.....again!
Poor, demented, :gay: vagisil :gay:. It's losing this argument so bad, it's resorting to lies. :rolleyes: I never said I don't know.

But g'head ... tell the forum again how a glut of oil is what caused refineries to shut down.

Why do you continue lying when the evidence is right in front of your face? Do you think your interpretation is going to make a difference somehow?


You're a fucking moron. Your own link confirmed my claim.

View attachment 37596


I guess lying is your only option.

There's this element of the Bubbleosphere that has somehow convinced itself that even if they're caught in a demonstrable lie, if they just click their red shoes together three times and keep murmuring the same shit over and over and over it'll somehow become the reality. They used the same self-delusionary ploy to convince themselves that the ploy itself would work. Unfortunately it would take an audience of equally moronic drones to actually buy it. So nobody does, and they don't even notice.


I attribute much of this kind of behavior to the standards set by FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, GOP politicians and their lobbyists, etc. If they get caught in a lie, they simply deny it and move on to the next lie, as though the first lie never happened. The strategy is to do as much damage as possible with constant distortions and mischaracterizations, while claiming some plausible deniability with the obvious lies as simply error or opinion. They calculate that the damage done to their targets far outweighs any damage done to their own supposed credibility. It's a zero sum game.
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Pothead, you couldn't whip a cappuccino if a barista held your hand. Rachel Carson done whupped your ass from the grave, after she wiped out the population of India. Why don't you tell us the derivation of the word "Nazi". You know -- a bonus track.

Your own what you think is a gotcha screencap lists AVERAGE California gas prices, which by definition far exceed the cheaper stations as they include for example the gougers down the street from the rental car agencies, and the $5+ one listed in SF.. The same page immediately to the right of that same image lists 13 stations ALL of which are under three bucks a gallon, with Obamagas as cheap as 2.65. Right now.

Dishonesty thy name is Pothead.

Yet I still manage to beat you into submission every time.

Here's the thing Huffer, I live here - I know what the gas prices are - $3.50 for regular unleaded. You need to puff up your little tin god, so you bluff and bluster that nuhn-un you can get Obamagas free with a cell phone.

You're a fucking retard, as are your little lefty buddies.
Hey, look ... gas for under three bucks. You should fill up quick before they raise the price to $3.50. :lol:


Pothead, you couldn't whip a cappuccino if a barista held your hand. Rachel Carson done whupped your ass from the grave, after she wiped out the population of India. Why don't you tell us the derivation of the word "Nazi". You know -- a bonus track.

Your own what you think is a gotcha screencap lists AVERAGE California gas prices, which by definition far exceed the cheaper stations as they include for example the gougers down the street from the rental car agencies, and the $5+ one listed in SF.. The same page immediately to the right of that same image lists 13 stations ALL of which are under three bucks a gallon, with Obamagas as cheap as 2.65. Right now.

Dishonesty thy name is Pothead.

Yet I still manage to beat you into submission every time.

Here's the thing Huffer, I live here - I know what the gas prices are - $3.50 for regular unleaded. You need to puff up your little tin god, so you bluff and bluster that nuhn-un you can get Obamagas free with a cell phone.

You're a fucking retard, as are your little lefty buddies.
Hey, look ... gas for under three bucks. You should fill up quick before they raise the price to $3.50. :lol:


He can't go to "USC gas". That's too much like a university. Might be polluted with 10% Knowledgeol.
As President Obama continues to drop the price of Obamagas, Republicans can remind us how we would be paying 50 cents a gallon more if they were in charge

Obama, has done everything in his power to destroy the oil, gas, and coal industries. That is the reason that our economy continues to struggle, and our real unemployment rate is so high. Oil prices are dropping because Governors in oil producing western states told Obama, and the EPA to take a hike. Then they started fracking. Obama's policies stink. After you add in all the people who've dropped out of the job market back in the true unemployment rate is over 11%. The percentage of Americans working now is lower than it was during the great depression. If Obama is successful in his agenda he'll be remembered as the enemy who brought the United States to its knees. Liberals are racist, anti American, anti military, pro radical Islam, and pro socialist. We the people promised that we'd show up at the polls last November. We kept that promise. In 2016 we're going to clean house again. :)
When things go well, there is no way Obama deserves credit.

If someone farts in an elevator in Wyoming, though, that is Obama's fault.
As President Obama continues to drop the price of Obamagas, Republicans can remind us how we would be paying 50 cents a gallon more if they were in charge

Obama, has done everything in his power to destroy the oil, gas, and coal industries. That is the reason that our economy continues to struggle, and our real unemployment rate is so high. Oil prices are dropping because Governors in oil producing western states told Obama, and the EPA to take a hike. Then they started fracking. Obama's policies stink. After you add in all the people who've dropped out of the job market back in the true unemployment rate is over 11%. The percentage of Americans working now is lower than it was during the great depression. If Obama is successful in his agenda he'll be remembered as the enemy who brought the United States to its knees. Liberals are racist, anti American, anti military, pro radical Islam, and pro socialist. We the people promised that we'd show up at the polls last November. We kept that promise. In 2016 we're going to clean house again. :)
Nice rightwing diatribe. My favorite part was about the percentage of employed Americans being less now than during the Great Depression.

G'head .... prove it ...
We the people promised that we'd show up at the polls last November. We kept that promise.

By showing up in record low numbers? LOL. Like every item in your post, it's 180 Degrees from reality.
When Obama blocks drilling offshore and in Alaska and tries to block fracking those reduce supply and cause prices to go up.

Opening the Eastern Seaboard to oil companies is a prize the industry has sought for decades and is a blow to environmental groups. They argue that the move would put the coasts of Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia at risk for an environmental disaster like the BP spill that struck the Gulf Coast in 2010, when millions of barrels of oil washed ashore after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig.


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Obama designated the pristine waters of Bristol Bay as off limits to consideration for oil and gas leasing. This action safeguards one of the nation’s most productive fisheries and preserves an ecologically rich area of the Bering Sea off the coast of Alaska that is vital to the commercial fishing and tourism economy and to Alaska Native communities.

Bristol Bay is at the heart one of the world’s most valuable fisheries, helping to provide 40 percent of America’s wild-caught seafood and support a $2 billion annual fishing industry.

President Obama Protects Alaska s Bristol Bay From Future Oil and Gas Drilling The White House

Obama says fracking can be a bridge to a clean-energy future. It s not that simple. - The Washington Post

The discussion is about economics, Skippy. Having a reason doesn't change the economic impact of the policy. I am not conceding your point, I'm just not letting you move the goal posts

Except two out of the three of the policies apply downward pressure on prices. The fight for drilling rights in ANWR is as old as the refuge and has little influence on prices. The President has not permanently blocked offshore drilling. He has not regulated fracking and in fact has encouraged it.

Every article liberals are pointing to is recent, when Obama ran in front of the parade. Yes, now he's taking credit. After it happened. That can't cause it to happen, before he was fighting every initiative.

You can say he is supporting it now, sort of, but nothing you or the other liberals have presented has shown he caused it when he was fighting it. That's why articles saying he supports domestic energy are all a year old or less
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Every article liberals are pointing to is recent, when Obama ran in front of the parade.

That's why articles saying he supports domestic energy are all a year old or less


Published: March 31, 2010

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is proposing to open vast expanses of water along the Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the north coast of Alaska to oil and natural gas drilling, much of it for the first time, officials said Tuesday.

The proposal — a compromise that will please oil companies and domestic drilling advocates but anger some residents of affected states and many environmental organizations — would end a longstanding moratorium on oil exploration along the East Coast from the northern tip of Delaware to the central coast of Florida, covering 167 million acres of ocean.
Every article liberals are pointing to is recent, when Obama ran in front of the parade.

That's why articles saying he supports domestic energy are all a year old or less


Published: March 31, 2010

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is proposing to open vast expanses of water along the Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the north coast of Alaska to oil and natural gas drilling, much of it for the first time, officials said Tuesday.

The proposal — a compromise that will please oil companies and domestic drilling advocates but anger some residents of affected states and many environmental organizations — would end a longstanding moratorium on oil exploration along the East Coast from the northern tip of Delaware to the central coast of Florida, covering 167 million acres of ocean.

Now a "proposal" drives down prices? Do you have any idea how many times the liberal media has written what Obama is considering, or as they always like to say "mulling?"

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