Obamagate is Worse Than Watergate


Bart change my mind.jpg
Connecting the dots on how Mueller's pitbull Weissman orchestrated the plan to entrap Papadopulos:

Taken in combination with hindsight of the search for the cash, and lack of a pre-existing warrant at the airport, this is clear evidence of a coordinated operation to entrap Papadopoulos.

Remember, the preferred approach toward targeting Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn and George Papadopoulos surrounded FARA (Foreign Agent Registration Act) lobbying violations. Papadopoulos has stated the special counsel threatened him with charges of acting as a unregistered agent for Israel. There’s a clear picture here.

#1) Papadopoulos was lured to Israel and paid in Israel to give the outline of a FARA premise (ie. Papadopoulos is an agent of Israel). #2) Bringing $10,000 (or more) in cash into the U.S., without reporting, is a violation of U.S. treasury laws. Add into that aspect the FARA violation and the money can be compounded into #3) laundering charges.

[A “laundering” charge applies if the money is illegally obtained. The FARA violation would be the *illegal* aspect making the treasury charges heavier. Note: the use of the airport baggage-check avoids the need for a search warrant.]

Andrew Weissmann was conducting an entrapment scheme that would have ended up with three violations of law: (1) Treasury violation; (2) FARA violation; (3) Money laundering…. All it needed was Papadopoulos to carry the undeclared cash into the U.S.

However, because Papadopoulos suspected something, and left the money in Greece with his lawyers, upon arrival at the airport the operation collapsed in reverse. No money means no treasury violation, no laundering and no evidence of the consultancy agreement (which would have been repurposed in the DOJ filing to mean lobbying for Israel via Mr. Tawil who would have become a confidential informant and witness).

That operational collapse is why the FBI agents were “scrambling” at the airport and why they had no pre-existing criminal complaint. The entrapment’s success was contingent upon the cash.

Lastly, to repeat, this entire scenario was constructed by the DOJ/FBI team operation in 2017. The members of the Special Counsel were running the entrapment operation; the FBI agents were participating in the operation. This is not *investigating* criminal conduct; this is manufacturing criminal conduct.

EXPLOSIVE – FOIA Documents Show Evidence of Weissmann/Mueller Entrapment Scheme…
Obama covered up hiLIARy's use of the homebrew email server by ignoring her personal accounts for FOIA requests. Oopsie!

While legitimate FOIA requests were flowing in, the Obama administration was lying to requestors and saying the records didn’t exist. All the while, they knew Hillary had a private server full of official emails, to the point where even Obama himself would correspond with her via a pseudonym.

On January 10, 2013, Walter writes to Samuelson that she is not including “personal” accounts in the FOIA request search:

“Hi Heather – did you ever get any intell re what other agencies are doing re this FOIA request that seeks records about the number of email accounts associated with the Secretary (but isn’t specifying “personal” email accounts so we are interpreting as official accounts only). We are considering contacting the requester to find out exactly what it is they are looking for. Do you have any-concerns about that approach?”

Soon afterward, Samuelson responds, “White House Counsel was looking into this for me. I will circle back with them now to see if they have further guidance.”

CREW’s general counsel, Anne Weismann, submitted a FOIA request to the State Department on December 6, 2012, seeking “records sufficient to show the number of email accounts of or associated with Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the extent to which those email accounts are identifiable as those of or associated with Secretary Clinton.”

On May 10, 2013, [Information Programs and Services] replied toCREW, stating that “no records responsive to your request were located.”

The short of this is that Hillary kept all her official emails on her personal server. When outside parties would make requests, they would only search her unused official accounts and then respond back that no records existed. All the while, they knew Hillary was doing business outside of official channels in a way that clearly subverted FOIA laws.

New Documents Show Obama Administration Continually Lied About Knowledge of Hillary Email Server
I remember Maria as a ditzy morning host on a stock picking news broadcast on another channel, but she has evolved and shown she has a full grasp on the conspiracy to attack our democracy. And of course Lindsey Graham is now free from Swamp Rat McCain's oversight and can now tells it like it is. It is going to get crazy IMO. The investigation into ObamaGate and the subsequent indictments, trials, etc., of the individuals involved in the attack on our democracy might go on for years, well into President Trump's second term. The question is should the MSM be required to say they are fake news when they introduce their broadcasts, and democrats say they are fake representatives and senators who are only acting before they say anything? One of best TV shows of all time was 60's The Wild, Wild West. It is amazing no independent movie company has proposed a Russian Hoax movie. Anyhow, in The Wild, Wild West, James West and Artemus Gordon often foiled coup attempts on the USA. I guess the Russian Hoax screenplay could be tentatively called The Night Obama Tried To Give Crooked Hillary The Presidency. The other very troubling thing is, what will the fake news democrats do to obstruct justice beside that disgusting, ugly, obese, Fat Jerry Nadler waddling around claiming he is going to sue everyone who annoys him?

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I remember Maria as a ditzy morning host on a stock picking news broadcast on another channel, but she has evolved and shown she has a full grasp on the conspiracy to attack our democracy. And of course Lindsey Graham is now free from Swamp Rat McCain's oversight and can now tells it like it is. It is going to get crazy IMO. The investigation into ObamaGate and the subsequent indictments, trials, etc., of the individuals involved in the attack on our democracy might go on for years, well into President Trump's second term. The question is should the MSM be required to say they are fake news when they introduce their broadcasts, and democrats say they are fake representatives and senators who are only acting before they say anything? One of best TV shows of all time was 60's The Wild, Wild West. It is amazing no independent movie company has proposed a Russian Hoax movie. Anyhow, in The Wild, Wild West, James West and Artemus Gordon often foiled coup attempts on the USA. I guess the Russian Hoax screenplay could be tentatively called The Night Obama Tried To Give Crooked Hillary The Presidency. The other very troubling thing is, what will the fake news democrats do to obstruct justice beside that disgusting, ugly, obese, Fat Jerry Nadler waddling around claiming he is going to sue everyone who annoys him?

Proposed Title: The Incredibly Weak Creatures Who Stopped Reporting and Became Corrupt Zombies.

The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!? (1964) - IMDb
I remember Maria as a ditzy morning host on a stock picking news broadcast on another channel, but she has evolved and shown she has a full grasp on the conspiracy to attack our democracy. And of course Lindsey Graham is now free from Swamp Rat McCain's oversight and can now tells it like it is. It is going to get crazy IMO. The investigation into ObamaGate and the subsequent indictments, trials, etc., of the individuals involved in the attack on our democracy might go on for years, well into President Trump's second term. The question is should the MSM be required to say they are fake news when they introduce their broadcasts, and democrats say they are fake representatives and senators who are only acting before they say anything? One of best TV shows of all time was 60's The Wild, Wild West. It is amazing no independent movie company has proposed a Russian Hoax movie. Anyhow, in The Wild, Wild West, James West and Artemus Gordon often foiled coup attempts on the USA. I guess the Russian Hoax screenplay could be tentatively called The Night Obama Tried To Give Crooked Hillary The Presidency. The other very troubling thing is, what will the fake news democrats do to obstruct justice beside that disgusting, ugly, obese, Fat Jerry Nadler waddling around claiming he is going to sue everyone who annoys him?

And I'm digging Lindsay 2.0.

Oopsie: once the FISA warrants are declassified, the Dems' cover will be blown!

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S. Carolina) appeared on Maria Bartiromo's Sunday show and said he is trying to declassify documents related to the use of the Steele dossier to obtain a FISA warrant on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page.

"There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier -- all the pages of it -- and it has verification to one side," Graham told Bartiromo. "There really is no verification, other than media reports that were generated by reporters that received the dossier."

"So, the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. It was used to get a warrant. They knew the author of the dossier was on the Democrat Party payroll. He hated Trump; they got the warrant anyway. Most Americans should be very upset about that. I'm very upset about it. And we're going to get to the bottom of it."

The Morning Briefing: Lindsey Graham Working to Declassify FISA Docs
Are we to believe that Social Security is slavery by Government? By this time Republicans had predicted if we passed the Social Security Bill we would be a Communist state.
Are we to believe that Social Security is slavery by Government? By this time Republicans had predicted if we passed the Social Security Bill we would be a Communist state.

Medieval peasants revolted when they had to pay taxes of 33% to their lords. The overall tax burden on working Americans is over 50% (income, payroll, property, sales, gas and embedded taxes). Yep, that's de facto slavery.
Oopsie! Barr has appointed someone to examine the FBI's spying on Trump. A lot of Dems are going to be charged with some very serious crimes - no doubt.

Attorney General William Barr has appointed US Attorney John H. Durham of Connecticut to examine the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation to determine if the FBI's spying on the Trump campaign was "lawful and appropriate," according to Fox News.

The move comes as the Trump administration has demanded answers over the use of "informants" on his 2016 campaign.

According to Fox, Barr is "serious" and has assembled a team from the DOJ to participate in the probe, adding that Durham is known as a "hard-charging, bulldog" prosecutor according to their source.

Sources familiar with matter say the focus of the probe includes the pre-transition period -- prior to Nov. 7, 2016 - - including the use and initiation of informants, as well as potential Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses.

An informant working for U.S. intelligence posed as a Cambridge University research assistant in September 2016 to try extracting any possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia from George Papadopoulos, then a Trump foreign policy adviser, it emerged earlier this month. Papadopoulos told Fox News the informant tried to "seduce" him as part of the "bizarre" episode.

Durham previously has investigated law enforcement corruption, the destruction of CIA videotapes and the Boston FBI office's relationship with mobsters. He is set to continue to serve as the chief federal prosecutor in Connecticut. -Fox News

Barr Appoints US Attorney To Investigate FBI/DOJ Spying On Trump; Has Investigated FBI Before
Oopsie! Barr has appointed someone to examine the FBI's spying on Trump. A lot of Dems are going to be charged with some very serious crimes - no doubt.

Attorney General William Barr has appointed US Attorney John H. Durham of Connecticut to examine the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation to determine if the FBI's spying on the Trump campaign was "lawful and appropriate," according to Fox News.

The move comes as the Trump administration has demanded answers over the use of "informants" on his 2016 campaign.

According to Fox, Barr is "serious" and has assembled a team from the DOJ to participate in the probe, adding that Durham is known as a "hard-charging, bulldog" prosecutor according to their source.

Sources familiar with matter say the focus of the probe includes the pre-transition period -- prior to Nov. 7, 2016 - - including the use and initiation of informants, as well as potential Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses.

An informant working for U.S. intelligence posed as a Cambridge University research assistant in September 2016 to try extracting any possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia from George Papadopoulos, then a Trump foreign policy adviser, it emerged earlier this month. Papadopoulos told Fox News the informant tried to "seduce" him as part of the "bizarre" episode.

Durham previously has investigated law enforcement corruption, the destruction of CIA videotapes and the Boston FBI office's relationship with mobsters. He is set to continue to serve as the chief federal prosecutor in Connecticut. -Fox News

Barr Appoints US Attorney To Investigate FBI/DOJ Spying On Trump; Has Investigated FBI Before

Yep, and according to Fox, FEMA prisons were to be filled with gun owners when our military attacked Texas. They say all kinds of crazy stuff.
Dragonlady said:
Judicial Watch is run by the originator of Clinton Derangement Syndrome
So What ??
All They Do Is Use FOIA To Get Documents Released To The Public
They Don't Write Them

Not To Fear
No High Ranking Democrat
Will Ever Be Held To Any Accountability For Anything
Your Worse Than Double Standard Is Safe
That ever 'gate' gets worse since Nixon's time should be an obvious sympthom of dystopia ,save for the usual partisan tools whom perpetuate it's continuance ~S~
Oopsie! Barr has appointed someone to examine the FBI's spying on Trump. A lot of Dems are going to be charged with some very serious crimes - no doubt.

Attorney General William Barr has appointed US Attorney John H. Durham of Connecticut to examine the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation to determine if the FBI's spying on the Trump campaign was "lawful and appropriate," according to Fox News.

The move comes as the Trump administration has demanded answers over the use of "informants" on his 2016 campaign.

According to Fox, Barr is "serious" and has assembled a team from the DOJ to participate in the probe, adding that Durham is known as a "hard-charging, bulldog" prosecutor according to their source.

Sources familiar with matter say the focus of the probe includes the pre-transition period -- prior to Nov. 7, 2016 - - including the use and initiation of informants, as well as potential Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses.

An informant working for U.S. intelligence posed as a Cambridge University research assistant in September 2016 to try extracting any possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia from George Papadopoulos, then a Trump foreign policy adviser, it emerged earlier this month. Papadopoulos told Fox News the informant tried to "seduce" him as part of the "bizarre" episode.

Durham previously has investigated law enforcement corruption, the destruction of CIA videotapes and the Boston FBI office's relationship with mobsters. He is set to continue to serve as the chief federal prosecutor in Connecticut. -Fox News

Barr Appoints US Attorney To Investigate FBI/DOJ Spying On Trump; Has Investigated FBI Before

Yep, and according to Fox, FEMA prisons were to be filled with gun owners when our military attacked Texas. They say all kinds of crazy stuff.

Linky? I never said any such thing.
Connecting the dots on how Mueller's pitbull Weissman orchestrated the plan to entrap Papadopulos:

Taken in combination with hindsight of the search for the cash, and lack of a pre-existing warrant at the airport, this is clear evidence of a coordinated operation to entrap Papadopoulos.

Remember, the preferred approach toward targeting Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn and George Papadopoulos surrounded FARA (Foreign Agent Registration Act) lobbying violations. Papadopoulos has stated the special counsel threatened him with charges of acting as a unregistered agent for Israel. There’s a clear picture here.

#1) Papadopoulos was lured to Israel and paid in Israel to give the outline of a FARA premise (ie. Papadopoulos is an agent of Israel). #2) Bringing $10,000 (or more) in cash into the U.S., without reporting, is a violation of U.S. treasury laws. Add into that aspect the FARA violation and the money can be compounded into #3) laundering charges.

[A “laundering” charge applies if the money is illegally obtained. The FARA violation would be the *illegal* aspect making the treasury charges heavier. Note: the use of the airport baggage-check avoids the need for a search warrant.]

Andrew Weissmann was conducting an entrapment scheme that would have ended up with three violations of law: (1) Treasury violation; (2) FARA violation; (3) Money laundering…. All it needed was Papadopoulos to carry the undeclared cash into the U.S.

However, because Papadopoulos suspected something, and left the money in Greece with his lawyers, upon arrival at the airport the operation collapsed in reverse. No money means no treasury violation, no laundering and no evidence of the consultancy agreement (which would have been repurposed in the DOJ filing to mean lobbying for Israel via Mr. Tawil who would have become a confidential informant and witness).

That operational collapse is why the FBI agents were “scrambling” at the airport and why they had no pre-existing criminal complaint. The entrapment’s success was contingent upon the cash.

Lastly, to repeat, this entire scenario was constructed by the DOJ/FBI team operation in 2017. The members of the Special Counsel were running the entrapment operation; the FBI agents were participating in the operation. This is not *investigating* criminal conduct; this is manufacturing criminal conduct.

EXPLOSIVE – FOIA Documents Show Evidence of Weissmann/Mueller Entrapment Scheme…
said years ago papadopoulos was setup. of course i was just being stupid.

no - i saw who did what and what they represented w/o trying to pick a side.
Oopsie! Barr has appointed someone to examine the FBI's spying on Trump. A lot of Dems are going to be charged with some very serious crimes - no doubt.

Attorney General William Barr has appointed US Attorney John H. Durham of Connecticut to examine the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation to determine if the FBI's spying on the Trump campaign was "lawful and appropriate," according to Fox News.

The move comes as the Trump administration has demanded answers over the use of "informants" on his 2016 campaign.

According to Fox, Barr is "serious" and has assembled a team from the DOJ to participate in the probe, adding that Durham is known as a "hard-charging, bulldog" prosecutor according to their source.

Sources familiar with matter say the focus of the probe includes the pre-transition period -- prior to Nov. 7, 2016 - - including the use and initiation of informants, as well as potential Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses.

An informant working for U.S. intelligence posed as a Cambridge University research assistant in September 2016 to try extracting any possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia from George Papadopoulos, then a Trump foreign policy adviser, it emerged earlier this month. Papadopoulos told Fox News the informant tried to "seduce" him as part of the "bizarre" episode.

Durham previously has investigated law enforcement corruption, the destruction of CIA videotapes and the Boston FBI office's relationship with mobsters. He is set to continue to serve as the chief federal prosecutor in Connecticut. -Fox News

Barr Appoints US Attorney To Investigate FBI/DOJ Spying On Trump; Has Investigated FBI Before

Yep, and according to Fox, FEMA prisons were to be filled with gun owners when our military attacked Texas. They say all kinds of crazy stuff.
most mainstream media does.
Now we're getting to the really fun part: the creeps are turning on each other. The big question: will any of them flip on Obabble or hiLIARy?

A high-level dispute over which senior government officials pushed the unverified Steele dossier amid efforts to surveil the Trump campaign has broken out into the open again, after it emerged that Attorney General William Barr appointed a U.S. attorney to examine the origins of the Russia investigation and determine if the FBI and DOJ's actions were "lawful and appropriate."

Sources familiar with the records told Fox News that a late-2016 email chain indicated then-FBI Director James Comey told bureau subordinates that then-CIA Director John Brennan insisted the dossier be included in the intelligence community assessment on Russian interference, known as the ICA.

Fox News was told that the email chain – not yet public -- referred to the dossier as "crown material," but it was not clear why this apparent code was used. On Tuesday night, former GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy said on Fox News' "The Story with Martha MacCallum" that "Comey has a better argument than Brennan, based on what I've seen."

Dispute erupts over whether Brennan, Comey pushed Steele dossier, as DOJ probe into misconduct begins
Oopsie! Barr is now getting the help of the CIA to investigate the Obabble Admin's corruption.

Attorney General William Barr has enlisted the help of the CIA to investigate whether the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign was motivated by partisan bias, CNN reported Tuesday.

CIA director Gina Haspel, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, and FBI director Chris Wray are all participating in the investigation, which Barr first announced publicly during a congressional hearing last month.

CIA Enlisted by William Barr to Investigate Russia Probe Origins | National Review

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