Obamagate is Worse Than Watergate

Mollie Hemingway has an excellent piece on the leaks to the NYT regarding how four Trump associates were spied upon - and how the Coup Conspirators are freaking out because they no longer control the DOJ/FBI/CIA. The cover up is being uncovered.

The leak that fueled the Thursday NYT bombshell was likely placed in anticipation of the formal release of even more damaging information about how U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies potentially abused their authority to punish the government’s political enemies. The article specifically references the forthcoming release of an extensive inspector general review of potential improprieties at the Department of Justice (DOJ).

By leaking the information to the friendliest of friendly reporters, including Michael Schmidt at the Times, the individuals who ran the anti-Trump operation are likely hoping to spin the news in their favor.

This Explains the Anti-Barr Freakout
So long as anti-Trump operatives controlled the FBI and DOJ, this type of leaking and concealing of information worked well. Most major media outlets have chosen to ignore the spying scandal in favor of non-stop anti-Trump advocacy. That left actual fact-finding and truth-seeking to a small group of media outlets and a handful of elected lawmakers tasked with oversight of the nation’s spy agencies.

When William Barr took over as attorney general, it was the first time in years the agency had any real political accountability. Trump’s first attorney general recused himself from overseeing anything related to the 2016 campaign, and his deputy who took over is alleged to have been involved in a conspiracy to oust the president.

While Barr was adamant that Mueller’s special counsel probe be unimpeded and his report fully published, he scared the anti-Trump forces in and out of government when he said spying on opposing political campaigns is inappropriate. His public vow to examine whether the widespread spying operation against Trump and his affiliates was lawful and appropriate sent shockwaves through an organized anti-Trump political operation that had completely controlled the narrative until recently

NYT Confirms Obama Admin Used Multiple Spies Against Trump In 2016
Good point: It wasn't really Spying, it was actually ENTRAPMENT.

Obamagate is Worse Than Watergate!

And then the Mueller report came out - blowing the Russian collusion narrative out of the water, while painting a damning picture that suggests the entire genesis of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation, Crossfire Hurricane, was a setup.

One of those brave enough to risk his reputation laying out what was going on before the Mueller report dropped is conservative commentator and former US Secret Service agent Dan Bongino - who has repeatedly mentioned the suspicious role of self-described Clinton Foundation member Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor who seeded the rumor that Russia had 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton to Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos on April 26, 2016 - shortly after returning from Moscow, according to the Mueller report.


In short - based on what we know, it appears that Joseph Mifsud was part of a setup by Western intelligence services on then-candidate Donald Trump.

"This Was Not Spying, It Was Entrapment": Bongino Spits Fire As Nunes Demands Mifsud Docs
Get ready for a tsunami of reports on the abject corruption of the Obama Admin.

First up: JW reports that Obama had thousands of emails from hiLIARy's illegal homebrew server:

View attachment 257637

Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House - Judicial Watch

Stay complacent, swampy.

It will be more amusing to see your wee peabrain sized head explode if the pressure continues to build up.

What pressure. Judicial Watch is run by the originator of Clinton Derangement Syndrome, an affiliation you seem to share.

Of course Obama has Clinton’s emails. She was his SS. They were in constant touch.

Clinton’s server wasn’t illegal. There is nothing nefarious about it. Everyone in Washington knew about it. They passed a law against using private servers AFTER Clinton left office because of Hillary.

It only became an issue in 2016 as a way to smear her potential candidacy and you lemmings are still on about it.

The whole Hillary email scandal was a witch hunt, and about as valid as the brother hysteria.

Gawd but conservatives will fall for anything!

^^^ Dwelling in a hardened Prog Bubble ^^^

I dwell in a foreign country you stupid bitch. I get media from all around the world and only on this message board do I read this level of Russian based propaganda being spewed by a hardcore group of Russian trolls.

Every day, you filth are trying to convince Americans that their President is not undermining their democracy, the Russians are a fun bunch, and Trump is the best President ever, all reasonable evidence to the contrary. Trump is destroying farmers in the Mid-West in his trade war with China, he's destroying manufactuing in the North-East with his steel tariffs, and agriculture everywhere by ignoring climate change. But he's all over trying to build that wall.

"Stupid bitch"...."you filth"

You seem so nice
A bit of a smoking gun: notes from the Deputy SecState that the Steele dossier was a political document prepped for release prior to the 2016 election.

If ever there were an admission that taints the FBI’s secret warrant to surveil Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written account of her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele shows the Hillary Clinton campaign-funded British intelligence operative admitted that his research was political and facing an Election Day deadline.

And that confession occurred 10 days before the FBI used Steele’s now-discredited dossier to justify securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page and the campaign’s ties to Russia.

Steele’s client “is keen to see this information come to light prior to November 8,” the date of the 2016 election, Kavalec wrote in a typed summary of her meeting with Steele and Tatyana Duran, a colleague from Steele’s Orbis Security firm. The memos were unearthed a few days ago through open-records litigation by the conservative group Citizens United.

Kavalec’s notes do not appear to have been provided to the House Intelligence Committee during its Russia probe, according to former Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.). "They tried to hide a lot of documents from us during our investigation, and it usually turns out there’s a reason for it," Nunes told me. Senate and House Judiciary investigators told me they did not know about them, even though they investigated Steele’s behavior in 2017-18.

One member of Congress transmitted the memos this week to the Department of Justice’s inspector general, fearing its investigation of FISA abuses may not have had access to them.


Sources tell me there also are handwritten notes from the meeting, with information about Steele’s political ties, that have not been given to Congress. “There’s a connection to Hillary Clinton in the notes,” said one source who has seen them.

Perhaps those will come to light soon.

Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election
A bit of a smoking gun: notes from the Deputy SecState that the Steele dossier was a political document prepped for release prior to the 2016 election.

If ever there were an admission that taints the FBI’s secret warrant to surveil Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written account of her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele shows the Hillary Clinton campaign-funded British intelligence operative admitted that his research was political and facing an Election Day deadline.

And that confession occurred 10 days before the FBI used Steele’s now-discredited dossier to justify securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page and the campaign’s ties to Russia.

Steele’s client “is keen to see this information come to light prior to November 8,” the date of the 2016 election, Kavalec wrote in a typed summary of her meeting with Steele and Tatyana Duran, a colleague from Steele’s Orbis Security firm. The memos were unearthed a few days ago through open-records litigation by the conservative group Citizens United.

Kavalec’s notes do not appear to have been provided to the House Intelligence Committee during its Russia probe, according to former Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.). "They tried to hide a lot of documents from us during our investigation, and it usually turns out there’s a reason for it," Nunes told me. Senate and House Judiciary investigators told me they did not know about them, even though they investigated Steele’s behavior in 2017-18.

One member of Congress transmitted the memos this week to the Department of Justice’s inspector general, fearing its investigation of FISA abuses may not have had access to them.


Sources tell me there also are handwritten notes from the meeting, with information about Steele’s political ties, that have not been given to Congress. “There’s a connection to Hillary Clinton in the notes,” said one source who has seen them.

Perhaps those will come to light soon.

Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election

No, that's a connection to Kavalec, not Hillary.
This is why Brennan, Clapper and Comey are amping up their attack on Trump: they are the real Russian Colluders:

But aside from clearing Trump and his associates from being potential moles in the United States government, the Mueller report did detail Russian attempts to spread propaganda in the U.S.—though if a hundred grand on Facebook can make a yuge difference in a nationwide election against someone with 100 percent name ID and a billion dollars to spend, then campaign advertising models need some serious revamping.

However, the Russians did not only spread anti-Clinton propaganda. They took both sides of contentious issues from Colin Kaepernick to Black Lives Matter. The GRU even pushed both pro- and anti-Trump rallies.

As psychological operations (PSYOPs) go, the GRU’s 2016 campaign to divide Americans and spread unprecedented mistrust in election results was a smashing success, one of the most successful in history.

And the GRU’s MVP Agents of Influence, James Clapper and John Brennan, can claim a lot of the credit.


And Brennan and Clapper not only played right along—they still are. Willfully and maliciously.

What makes it more serious than the blather of useful idiots like the Washington Press Corps, is that James Clapper and John Brennan are trading on their former insider knowledge.

So when former DNI John Brennan accuses the president of treason, or ex-CIA Director James Clapper says that Trump is proof that former KGB officer Vladimir Putin still knows how to handle an asset, it’s carries more weight than tonight’s Rachel Maddow conspiracy, a Don Lemon incoherent monologue, or an Ana Navarro hissy fit.

But if anyone is a Russian asset, it’s these two agents of influence.

Brennan and Clapper Are Still Working as Agents of Influence for Russian Military Intelligence
More info on the devastating report about Kavalec's meeting with Steeled:

Kavalec’s handwritten notes clearly flagged in multiple places that Steele might be talking to the media.

“June — reporting started,” she wrote. “NYT and WP have,” she added, in an apparent reference to The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Later she quoted Steele as suggesting he was “managing” four priorities — “Client needs, FBI, WashPo/NYT, source protection,” her handwritten notes show.

Those same notes suggest Steele spun some wild theories to State, including one that the Russians had a “plant in DNC” and had assembled an “HRC dossier,” apparent references to the Democratic National Committee and Clinton.

She expounded in her typed memo. “The Russians have succeeded in placing an agent inside the DNC,” she quoted Steele as saying.

Steele offered Kavalec other wild information that easily could have been debunked before the FISA application — and eventually was, in many cases, after the media reported the allegations — including that:

  • Trump lawyer Michael Cohen traveled to Prague to meet with Russians;
  • Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort owed the Russians $100 million and was the “go-between” from Russian President Vladimir Putin to Trump;
  • Trump adviser Carter Page met with a senior Russian businessman tied to Putin;
  • The Russians secretly communicated with Trump through a computer system.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, released last month, dispelled all those wild theories while hardly mentioning Steele, except for a passing reference to his dossier being “unverified.” That’s significant, because the FISA request from October 2016 that rested heavily on Steele’s information was marked “verified application” before the FBI submitted it to the court.

And, as I reported earlier this week, Kavalec’s memo clearly warned that Steele had admitted his client was “keen” to get his information out before Election Day. In other words, he had a political, rather than an intelligence, deadline.

FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
More evidence is out proving the Obama administration Directors knew the Report was bogus and illegally used it anyway.

It is now proven the Obama administration protected Hillary, colluded with foreign governments (Ukraine) and spies, illegally spied on Trump's team during an election, and engaged in a failed coup attempt.

Ironic that Hillary cut her political teeth by working on Watergate and years later she is one of the main figures in the middle of an even bigger 'Watergate'...
Jordan nails it on the head:

"He's going to get to the bottom of everything, he's going to find out how and why this investigation started in the first place. Never mind what he said three and a half weeks ago when he testified before the Senate Finance Committee. He said four very interest things: First he said there was a failure of leadership at the upper echelon of the FBI."

"Second thing he said...spying did occur. Third, he said, there's a basis for my concern about the spying that took place. And maybe the most interest thing - two terms he used that frankly I find frightening - he said in his judgment that it looks like there might have been unauthorized surveillance and political surveillance."

"I don't know if the FBI went after Trump in six ways, but they sure went after him in two ways. One was the dossier...the FBI used one party's oppo research to get a warrant from a secret court to spy on another campaign."

"When they went to the court they didn't tell the court important things like who paid for it, that Christopher Steele had said he was desperate to stop Trump, and they didn't tell them that Steele had been fired by the FBI because he was out talking to the press."

"Second, just last Thursday, New York Times story, the FBI sent an investigator pretending to be somebody else to talk with George Papadopoulos who was working with the Trump campaign. You know what they call that? It's called spying. Think about the term he used: Political surveillance."

"I Will Not Yield" - In Epic Rant, Jim Jordan Accuses Dems Of Sweeping 'Spygate' Coverup
Oopsie. Mueller's "Investigative Contract Services" (which the embeds are desperately trying to keep confidential) may actually be Steele and Fusion GPS - in order to provide a cover up for the fact that the Obama Admin had been spying on political opponents well before the FISA warrant fracas.

The question I have is whether Weissmann and Mueller hired Perkins Coie?

From the beginning most people have thought the Fusion-GPS objective was to dig up dirt on Trump for political exploitation. However, with all the recent information outlined there’s actually a more significant role for Fusion.

The overall intelligence apparatus of the U.S. government was already conducting political surveillance on their political opposition. The systems of the intelligence apparatus such as FISA-702(16)(17) databases searches were being exploited months (if not years) beforehand. When NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers discovered the use of the database he shut down contractor access on April 18th, 2016.

When Fusion GPS was hired by the DNC and Clinton team, also in April of 2016, it now appears the purpose was to provide cover for government surveillance already taking place. Perhaps part of that motive was fear of what NSA Mike Rogers might do.

The Obama administration (U.S. government intelligence apparatus) needed an external source of information that could cover their domestic surveillance and spy operations. That’s why Fusion GPS was hired, and why emphasis was put on using European and Australian intelligence contacts to create the plausible process to continue surveillance that was always taking place.

This corrupt weaponizing of the U.S. intelligence apparatus is MUCH BIGGER than anyone currently absorbs. The Steele Dossier was an eventual part of the cover-story.

When Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were discussing the “insurance policy” in August 2016, they were not discussing insurance from the perspective of their success, ie. Clinton elected; they were discussing insurance from the position of: if they failed.

If Clinton was elected, great; everything continues as normal. However, if Clinton was not elected the weaponization of government needed a cover story, a plausible legitimate reason for why political surveillance/spying was taking place. This is the insurance policy need…. This is why they needed the Steele Dossier.

Regardless of anything happening to stop them, the intelligence community was conducting surveillance of their political opposition. To validate that surveillance the intelligence community needed a plausible FBI counterintelligence operation. That’s where John Brennan (CIA) comes in.

Sperry: Mueller Paid $732,000 For Investigative Contractor Services….
More evidence that the Obama Admin started the cover up of hiLIARy's home brew email server as far back as 2012!

These documents suggest the Obama White House knew about the Clinton email lies being told to the public at least as early as December 2012,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “A federal court granted Judicial Watch discovery into the Clinton emails because the court wanted answers about a government cover-up of the Clinton emails. And now we have answers because it looks like the Obama White House orchestrated the Clinton email cover-up.”

JUDICIAL WATCH: New Records Reveal Obama White House Paranoid, Tracking FOIA Request For Hillary Clinton Emails
More evidence that the Obama Admin started the cover up of hiLIARy's home brew email server as far back as 2012!

These documents suggest the Obama White House knew about the Clinton email lies being told to the public at least as early as December 2012,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “A federal court granted Judicial Watch discovery into the Clinton emails because the court wanted answers about a government cover-up of the Clinton emails. And now we have answers because it looks like the Obama White House orchestrated the Clinton email cover-up.”

JUDICIAL WATCH: New Records Reveal Obama White House Paranoid, Tracking FOIA Request For Hillary Clinton Emails

The Democrats are lost souls and the Devil is waiting.
More evidence that the Obama Admin started the cover up of hiLIARy's home brew email server as far back as 2012!

These documents suggest the Obama White House knew about the Clinton email lies being told to the public at least as early as December 2012,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “A federal court granted Judicial Watch discovery into the Clinton emails because the court wanted answers about a government cover-up of the Clinton emails. And now we have answers because it looks like the Obama White House orchestrated the Clinton email cover-up.”

JUDICIAL WATCH: New Records Reveal Obama White House Paranoid, Tracking FOIA Request For Hillary Clinton Emails

The Democrats are lost souls and the Devil is waiting.

They're currently in the 8th and 9th Circles.
Democrat Mantra, slavery is good.

More specifically:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Totalitarianism is Liberal
Democrat Mantra, slavery is good.

More specifically:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Totalitarianism is Liberal

I used two parking spaces in an Atlanta Walmart for my new truck and the black woman called me an ignoramus. Her outburst shocked me. I had no idea she knew about Lewis Carrol.
Democrat Mantra, slavery is good.

More specifically:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Totalitarianism is Liberal
oh yea, lets see...
Democrat Mantra, slavery is good.

More specifically:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Totalitarianism is Liberal
oh yea, lets see...

Trump is the worst dictator ever. No gassed Jews. No spying on journalists. No spying on political opponents. No jailed politcal opponents. No nationalized industries.

But he did eat two scoops of vanilla ice cream and say "Pussy". That's about all you've got, bub.
Democrat Mantra, slavery is good.

More specifically:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Totalitarianism is Liberal

I used two parking spaces in an Atlanta Walmart for my new truck and the black woman called me an ignoramus. Her outburst shocked me. I had no idea she knew about Lewis Carrol.

Democrat Mantra, slavery is good.

More specifically:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Totalitarianism is Liberal

I used two parking spaces in an Atlanta Walmart for my new truck and the black woman called me an ignoramus. Her outburst shocked me. I had no idea she knew about Lewis Carrol.

'if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.'
Democrat Mantra, slavery is good.

More specifically:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Totalitarianism is Liberal

I used two parking spaces in an Atlanta Walmart for my new truck and the black woman called me an ignoramus. Her outburst shocked me. I had no idea she knew about Lewis Carrol.

Democrat Mantra, slavery is good.

More specifically:

Hooray for me and fuck them.

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Totalitarianism is Liberal

I used two parking spaces in an Atlanta Walmart for my new truck and the black woman called me an ignoramus. Her outburst shocked me. I had no idea she knew about Lewis Carrol.

'if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.'

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