Obama's $400,000 speech could prompt Congress to go after his pension


The Clintons & Obama earn hundreds of millions off nothing but their names. That labels them hacks.

Trump earns billions because he knows how to do shit.

Which is more genuine and valuable? Not just to themselves but society, such as the work force?
Many did skippy. It happened under Clinton when they required military retirees and their spouses to enroll in medicare instead of just using CHAMPUS the military health care insurance, when they turned 65, it's called Tricare today.
All retirees who had previously reached 65 were included.


Tricare (styled TRICARE), formerly known as the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), is a health care program of the United States Department of Defense Military Health System.

b. All military branches continued to make the promise of free medical care to enhance enlistments and retention until 1992, stating that this was deferred compensation for past services.

4. In 1994 Congress enacted law to establish the military TRICARE health system providing three levels of medical insurance for active duty, their dependents and military retirees and their dependents under age 65.

a. Military retirees and their dependents age 65 and over were excluded from military health care insurance. They were eligible for Medicare only and most forced to purchase expensive supplemental medical insurance. The promised free health care became nonexistent for those ages 65 and over.

History of Military Healthcare

In reality survivor benefits are about half what the normal pension would be and it's reduced as the children become of age. His wife cooperated with the investigation and helped to identify assets that the government seized. She is also prohibited from making future monies on books or other publicity around the case. His children were totally innocent, aren't you regressive all for taking care of the children?

She shouldn't be getting "survivors" benefits until Hanssen is put to death, or dies of natural causes. Why is she getting paid while her husband is still alive?

Why does the government do anything, maybe you should address your questions to them.

I'll pass on paying to listen to most Politicians. Donald Trump and Ron Paul would be the only ones i would consider paying to listen to. Interesting folks.

Most, as you know, have their stump speeches committed to memory so they can't say anything politically incorrect. Trump and Paul both speak extemporaneously, therefore far more interesting. Also, changes the voice and hand movements make the talk much more interesting.

My Kiwanis Club had a bar-b-que at our fairgrounds. Campaigning Jimmy Carter was the speaker and I got to meet and introduce him. Listening to him talk was excruciating. He had a dreadful, Southern monotone. I couldn't imagine him as president. Oh well!
She shouldn't be getting "survivors" benefits until Hanssen is put to death, or dies of natural causes. Why is she getting paid while her husband is still alive?

Was she guilty of anything? You sure do have a lot of interest in two-bit issues.

I take it that you're a strong supporter of deporting any illegal aliens guilty of a crime regardless if it means separating a family or not. Good for you!
The American people should go after ALL their pensions. No one in America has a job where you serve 1 term / 4 - 6 years and then you get a retirement for the rest of your life. No one except politicians. WTF?!
And, bingo.
Last year, then-president Barack Obama vetoed a bill that would have curbed the pensions of former presidents if they took outside income of $400,000 or more.

So now that former president Barack Obama has decided to accept $400,000 for an upcoming Wall Street speech, the sponsors of that bill say they'll reintroduce that bill in hopes that President Trump will sign it.

"The Obama hypocrisy on this issue is revealing," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and sponsor of the 2016 bill. "His veto was very self-serving."

Chaffetz and Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, the sponsor of the companion Senate bill, say they will re-introduce the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act this month. The bill would cap presidential pensions at $200,000, with another $200,000 for expenses. But those payments would be reduced dollar-for-dollar once their outside income exceeds $400,000.

The issue isn't a partisan one — or at least, it wasn't last year. The bill passed both the House and Senate with no opposition, and no veto threat had come from the White House.

So when Obama's veto came one Friday night last July — on the last day for him to sign or veto the legislation — it took lawmakers by surprise. It was the 11th of Obama's 12 vetoes.

Obama's $400,000 speech could prompt Congress to go after his pension

Now this is a bill that will have bipartisan support.

What possibly could have prompted this veto.

Obama became such a shill as his term progressed.
I'll pass on paying to listen to most Politicians. Donald Trump and Ron Paul would be the only ones i would consider paying to listen to. Interesting folks.

Most, as you know, have their stump speeches committed to memory so they can't say anything politically incorrect. Trump and Paul both speak extemporaneously, therefore far more interesting. Also, changes the voice and hand movements make the talk much more interesting.

My Kiwanis Club had a bar-b-que at our fairgrounds. Campaigning Jimmy Carter was the speaker and I got to meet and introduce him. Listening to him talk was excruciating. He had a dreadful, Southern monotone. I couldn't imagine him as president. Oh well!

Yeah, they have to be interesting. Obama is a very boring and predictable speaker. I don't get how he can demand $400,000. At least with Trump, you're getting someone who truly speaks his mind. He's interesting and unpredictable. It could actually be fun listening to him. But in general, i'm not up for paying to listen to Politicians speak. I don't really understand why so many enjoy doing that.

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