Obama's big government

Pass the Jobs Act, rehire the teachers, police, and firemen that are needed, and let's get moving. A tax cut for the bloated rich and growing the military to more than the rest of the world IS NUTS.

Obama has inteligent spending cuts to make, a small tax rise on the rich, and a plan to get ridiculous health costs under control. Assume the position, mindless obstructionists and silly dupes.
Bigness is not coming back in the game until it sees more demand for its products. And that's were stimulus helps.

100% CRAP.

Business won't come into the game until they feel the rules won't change.

We are walking away from business......the demand is there.....because of Obama.
Pass the Jobs Act, rehire the teachers, police, and firemen that are needed, and let's get moving. A tax cut for the bloated rich and growing the military to more than the rest of the world IS NUTS.

Obama has inteligent spending cuts to make, a small tax rise on the rich, and a plan to get ridiculous health costs under control. Assume the position, mindless obstructionists and silly dupes.

Assume the position, Pub dupe. Ya got nothing but the same pander to the rich BS. Snap out of it. Put on MSNBC and get the straight poop. It's all over (thank God) lol. You CAN'T spin the GOP's failure and dishonesty too much.

Obama has what to do with state and local government employment?? They are lower.. But the funny thing is that FEDERAL government employment has INCREASED right along with the federal government spending
Assume the position, Pub dupe. Ya got nothing but the same pander to the rich BS. Snap out of it. Put on MSNBC and get the straight poop. It's all over (thank God) lol. You CAN'T spin the GOP's failure and dishonesty too much.


You are going to have more Tea Party in congress this go around.

Kiss your entitlements good-bye.
BS. Gov't has not grown, and of course when you cut federal aid to states and localities they cut jobs, unfortunately mainly teachers and police.

Unions in most cases HAVE negotiated lower benefits, but Pubs have gone after collective bargaining ANYWAY- which they never ran on.
The Tea Party is about to fade into well deserved obscurity, at the hands of the GOP and the majority who see the as disfunctional, extremist, one track minded,"no compromise un-American" (TIME) Pub dupes.. Their candidates are twits. HAHA
Pass the Jobs Act, rehire the teachers, police, and firemen that are needed, and let's get moving. A tax cut for the bloated rich and growing the military to more than the rest of the world IS NUTS.

Obama has inteligent spending cuts to make, a small tax rise on the rich, and a plan to get ridiculous health costs under control. Assume the position, mindless obstructionists and silly dupes.

The day Obama has any real spending cuts to make is the day hell freezes over. Ditto getting HC costs under control, the man has NEVER offered any such thing. As usual, his liberal minion dupes accept everything bullshit campaign promise he makes as gospel.
Bigness is not coming back in the game until it sees more demand for its products. And that's were stimulus helps.

100% CRAP.

Business won't come into the game until they feel the rules won't change.

And you can provide any data to support that claim? Like may be polls showing majority of businessmen putting changing rules as the biggest obstacle?
Pass the Jobs Act, rehire the teachers, police, and firemen that are needed, and let's get moving. A tax cut for the bloated rich and growing the military to more than the rest of the world IS NUTS.

Obama has inteligent spending cuts to make, a small tax rise on the rich, and a plan to get ridiculous health costs under control. Assume the position, mindless obstructionists and silly dupes.

The day Obama has any real spending cuts to make is the day hell freezes over. Ditto getting HC costs under control, the man has NEVER offered any such thing. As usual, his liberal minion dupes accept everything bullshit campaign promise he makes as gospel.

Obama wants 4 trillion in cuts now, and rational cuts to the miltary and more. Romney wants to make the military bigger than the rest of the world COMBINED and a 5 trillion tax cut for the rich. IDIOCY, dupe. Change the channel and you might hear the facts, dupe of the greedy lying STOOPID Pub rich.

Frontline says Mass now has 2% yearly price rises, Clinton said o-care has them down to 4% already- as opposed to 15% for years (doubled under Boooosh), and nobody's arguing. Pubs LOVE the incredibly expensive, cruel mess we have now. Totally FOS. Where are their calls for nation exchanges and tort reform NOW? Snap out of it, dupe.
Pass the Jobs Act, rehire the teachers, police, and firemen that are needed, and let's get moving. A tax cut for the bloated rich and growing the military to more than the rest of the world IS NUTS.

Obama has inteligent spending cuts to make, a small tax rise on the rich, and a plan to get ridiculous health costs under control. Assume the position, mindless obstructionists and silly dupes.

The day Obama has any real spending cuts to make is the day hell freezes over. Ditto getting HC costs under control, the man has NEVER offered any such thing. As usual, his liberal minion dupes accept everything bullshit campaign promise he makes as gospel.

Obama wants 4 trillion in cuts now, and rational cuts to the miltary and more. Romney wants to make the military bigger than the rest of the world COMBINED and a 5 trillion tax cut for the rich. IDIOCY, dupe. Change the channel and you might hear the facts, dupe of the greedy lying STOOPID Pub rich.

Frontline says Mass now has 2% yearly price rises, Clinton said o-care has them down to 4% already- as opposed to 15% for years (doubled under Boooosh), and nobody's arguing. Pubs LOVE the incredibly expensive, cruel mess we have now. Totally FOS. Where are their calls for nation exchanges and tort reform NOW? Snap out of it, dupe.

4 trillion in cuts, don't make me laugh. Why didn't he say that last year when he put out his budget or this year? Cuz he's got no intention whatsoever of ever cutting anything, all his cuts are down the road after his residency is over, don't hand me this lying bullshit that he will make cuts now. Anyone who believes that is an idiot.

5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich? Have you lost your fucking mind? Show me a link to where Romney says that. What a moron, you are lying out your ass. Frontline, what the fuck is Frontline? Show me a link to that in the Washington Post or some other real news source. What an ignorant tool.
Obama has what to do with state and local government employment?? They are lower.. But the funny thing is that FEDERAL government employment has INCREASED right along with the federal government spending

At first, I thought this was an out and out lie considering ALL the propaganda that has been thrown out here has said the exact opposite so I looked it up and:
Total Government Employment Since 1962
Low and behold, you are telling the truth. Obama has not shrunk the federal government one single iota. So much for the OP, it is a bunch of bullshit.

Unfortunately, 2011 is not available. I wonder why it takes so long to publish such basic information?
Obama has what to do with state and local government employment?? They are lower.. But the funny thing is that FEDERAL government employment has INCREASED right along with the federal government spending

At first, I thought this was an out and out lie considering ALL the propaganda that has been thrown out here has said the exact opposite so I looked it up and:
Total Government Employment Since 1962
Low and behold, you are telling the truth. Obama has not shrunk the federal government one single iota. So much for the OP, it is a bunch of bullshit.

Unfortunately, 2011 is not available. I wonder why it takes so long to publish such basic information?

No doubt that there are propaganda lies on both sides.... but the big lie indeed, in this situation, is perpetuated by the progressive wingers... that being that government has shrunk... in every aspect, it has grown.. in reach, in spending, in numbers, etc... and this is not a good thing.. our government has become a leviathan... it has become much more than it was ever intended to be and much more than it is empowered by the sovereign states (thru the constitution) to be
Obama has what to do with state and local government employment?? They are lower.. But the funny thing is that FEDERAL government employment has INCREASED right along with the federal government spending

At first, I thought this was an out and out lie considering ALL the propaganda that has been thrown out here has said the exact opposite so I looked it up and:
Total Government Employment Since 1962
Low and behold, you are telling the truth. Obama has not shrunk the federal government one single iota. So much for the OP, it is a bunch of bullshit.

Unfortunately, 2011 is not available. I wonder why it takes so long to publish such basic information?

The federal government employment is tiny compared to that of the state and local governments.

So no matter how you spin it, the Pubs stories about big Obama government are lies, pure and simply.
Obama has what to do with state and local government employment?? They are lower.. But the funny thing is that FEDERAL government employment has INCREASED right along with the federal government spending

At first, I thought this was an out and out lie considering ALL the propaganda that has been thrown out here has said the exact opposite so I looked it up and:
Total Government Employment Since 1962
Low and behold, you are telling the truth. Obama has not shrunk the federal government one single iota. So much for the OP, it is a bunch of bullshit.

Unfortunately, 2011 is not available. I wonder why it takes so long to publish such basic information?

The federal government employment is tiny compared to that of the state and local governments.

So no matter how you spin it, the Pubs stories about big Obama government are lies, pure and simply.

Tiny? Seen the federal budget lately?
At first, I thought this was an out and out lie considering ALL the propaganda that has been thrown out here has said the exact opposite so I looked it up and:
Total Government Employment Since 1962
Low and behold, you are telling the truth. Obama has not shrunk the federal government one single iota. So much for the OP, it is a bunch of bullshit.

Unfortunately, 2011 is not available. I wonder why it takes so long to publish such basic information?

The federal government employment is tiny compared to that of the state and local governments.

So no matter how you spin it, the Pubs stories about big Obama government are lies, pure and simply.

Tiny? Seen the federal budget lately?

The federal budget is not being spent on government employee salaries, genius. Almost all of it goes to Medicare payments, Social Security and military.

Government employment grew under Bush -- not so much under Obama.

I love this graphic! The stimulus was supposed to save our flailing economy -- look at the chart - can anyone guess where the stimulus effect took place? Now can you tell me what effect a trillion dollars of debt had on the economy?

...and the left wants a BIGGER stimulus??? OMG -- could they be any more clueless on matters of money?
Bigness is not coming back in the game until it sees more demand for its products. And that's were stimulus helps.

100% CRAP.

Business won't come into the game until they feel the rules won't change.

And you can provide any data to support that claim? Like may be polls showing majority of businessmen putting changing rules as the biggest obstacle?

Now, businesses are worried about another recession. They will tighten in advance of business falling off.

You morons will never learn.

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