Obama's biggest success...

Giving credence and a voice to the once subdued race pimps and hustlers. He has driven a steak deep through the heart of race relations with his words and actions. Constantly stepping into the private affairs of localities with stupid comments like "If I had a son" & "The cops acted stupidly"

Seeing that this type of bullshit was going to be supported entities like MSNBC went from spewing partisan hate mixed with occasional facts to straight up race baiting as a format.

Obama's election has really been bad for our country in more ways than one would think about.

That's what happens when you are foolish enough to send a boy to do a man's job.
I have the feeling that he doesn't represent my interests, he doesn't look out for my welfare, he does everything he can to prevent me from liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

He's turned me into a part-time employee, robbed me through his regulations and his excise taxes, and has taken away my favorite smokes. His IRS has harassed me with audits and put me out of business.

Personally, I don't even think he likes America so being an American seems to be more of a liability with this guy than being a foreigner.

I didn't vote for him. You probably did. You can have him. I'm just trying to keep my head above water till he's gone.

Maybe you should accept personal responsibility for your life.

Actually, in all truthiness, I understand what you're saying--but it's not a particularly "Obama" issue. Any American president is likely to screw you over a barrel. So is the Senate, and so will the Congress. They do not work for you or care about you. They are elected by big money, and they become rich by working for them.

This system of governance--particularly our election process--is absolutely horrible for the middle class.

Why don't you pull your lip over your head and swallow.

Don't you dare lecture me about taking responsibility for my life. Because of Obama and the Dems in the Senate over 800,000 federal employees are currently on furlough turning them from full-time employees to part-time employees.

So go fuck yourself.

It is a safe bet that he/she does NOT lecture food stamp recipient free loaders, inner city drug addicts, criminals, whores with five kids by seven fathers none of whom support either the kids or the whore, the grade school dropouts or the college graduates (neither can sign their name except with an "X") about taking charge of their own lives.

Don't get angry with the creep. The only emotion he/she deserves from you is PITY.
Maybe you should accept personal responsibility for your life.

Actually, in all truthiness, I understand what you're saying--but it's not a particularly "Obama" issue. Any American president is likely to screw you over a barrel. So is the Senate, and so will the Congress. They do not work for you or care about you. They are elected by big money, and they become rich by working for them.

This system of governance--particularly our election process--is absolutely horrible for the middle class.

Why don't you pull your lip over your head and swallow.

Don't you dare lecture me about taking responsibility for my life. Because of Obama and the Dems in the Senate over 800,000 federal employees are currently on furlough turning them from full-time employees to part-time employees.

So go fuck yourself.

Sorry. That was an obviously poor attempt at humor--it was intended to be tongue-in-cheek. I'm sorry for your circumstances, and you are not alone.

I personally spent a lot of money and time investing in a graduate level education that no longer has any marketplace value. So, yeah, I'm bitter too--and clinging to a job I don't care for, and working for incompetent fools.

I'm one of those 70%+ disaffected employeed Americans. I understand that over 30% of those disaffected employees actively undermine their employers.

American companies are shooting themselves in the ass. Most of us are happy to watch as it happens, because we are no longer stakeholders.

Yet, you seem to be supportive of a Party and a President who are hell bent on keeping you there.

You are either blind or a fool. Or both.
It does not matter what that man says or does.........he will be known to some as a President who set race relations back in this country. It was decided before he took office.

I personally had great hopes it would be the exact opposite. I have begun to believe, some of his reactions are due to getting caught up in the thinking that rather than some of us actually not liking his progressive policies, we don't like them because we are racists. He can't seem to separate the two. And that is totally unfortunate for all of us.


Yeah........you want racial divisions in this country. Without it you wouldn't win a single election.
I personally had great hopes it would be the exact opposite. I have begun to believe, some of his reactions are due to getting caught up in the thinking that rather than some of us actually not liking his progressive policies, we don't like them because we are racists. He can't seem to separate the two. And that is totally unfortunate for all of us.


Yeah........you want racial divisions in this country. Without it you wouldn't win a single election.

That is a ridiculous thing to say. I invite you to question me.....one at a time....in order to determine if I am a person who wants racial division in this country.

And...I ain't running for anything, dummy.

Yeah........you want racial divisions in this country. Without it you wouldn't win a single election.

That is a ridiculous thing to say. I invite you to question me.....one at a time....in order to determine if I am a person who wants racial division in this country.

And...I ain't running for anything, dummy.


If you didn't have race-baiting you wouldn't have the black vote and you wouldn't have the Hispanic vote.
Yeah........you want racial divisions in this country. Without it you wouldn't win a single election.

That is a ridiculous thing to say. I invite you to question me.....one at a time....in order to determine if I am a person who wants racial division in this country.

And...I ain't running for anything, dummy.


If you didn't have race-baiting you wouldn't have the black vote and you wouldn't have the Hispanic vote.

It seems that racist assholes are not fond of being called racist assholes. Who knew?
That is a ridiculous thing to say. I invite you to question me.....one at a time....in order to determine if I am a person who wants racial division in this country.

And...I ain't running for anything, dummy.


If you didn't have race-baiting you wouldn't have the black vote and you wouldn't have the Hispanic vote.

It seems that racist assholes are not fond of being called racist assholes. Who knew?

But when the whole thing has been manufactured by race-baiters it is especially offensive.
Gramps.....you are in love with the word troll. You have no idea what it means.

President Obama has NEVER indicated that he feels his opposition is racist. That is bullshit.

A troll is someone who posts with the sole intent to irritate others. I don't th8nk you are a racist so it's either trolling or blind ignorance
Obama's biggest success is throwing the Republicans into an eight year long hissy fit and bringing about the demise of the Republican party

even hannity and limbaugh are getting bamboozled. all they talked to today was about st. skiddles instead of focusing on obama failures
Obama's biggest success is throwing the Republicans into an eight year long hissy fit and bringing about the demise of the Republican party

even hannity and limbaugh are getting bamboozled. all they talked to today was about st. skiddles instead of focusing on obama failures

obama has retired. He's going to spend the next 3 1/2 years going on vacation and playing golf.

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