Obama's Birth Cerificate: Is His Last Name The Issue?

I wouldn't call my self an "birther alarmist" but there is some legitimate issues with his certificate of live birth.

#1 On the certificate they call his father's race "African" Sorry but African is not a race. Back then they probably would have probably said "Negro" or "Colored" Remember that Gaddaffi is African also. perfectly normal for that time period.

#2 No one has seen the original copy of the certificate. All they released was a computer generated image. The state of hawaii has verified the original is in the records.

#3 Why does Obama have a connecticut social security number?
how do you know he does? also, SS numbers were applied for and gotten when you applied for work in those days....children were NOT issued them at birth

#4 You couldn't get a drivers license by bringing a laptop computer and a newspaper clipping that says your born in the States
and no one did. i got my passport recently with my colb, just as obama's

#5 There are lots of inconsistencies with his statements and his own autobiography with regards to his early childhood.
no inconsistancies with where he was birthed, hawaii

#6 Why spend millions $$$ to keep it secret.
proof? no one is spending millions to keep it secret. it's the law of hawaii.

#7 The issue is not ENTIRELY about his BC. He has refused to release is grade school, high school, and college records as well.
which is common...

In my gut I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. I just think he has a lot to hide and by releasing those documents it would show that he maybe he played the "foreigner" card when attending college. Maybe.....he didn't, another lie from birthers, go to factcheck . org, the foreign aid grant they said he got at occidental college did not even exist there

Obama won't come clean about his past and future generations have a right to know the "who, what, where, and why" of a former president.and over the next 40 years we will find out ....as with all presidents....shoot, we are still finding out things we didn't know, about presidents 50 years ago.

And before you Obama Loyalists start calling me racist or whatever; this has nothing to do with his race, or his politics. I would want any conservative president to release any info that people have raised concerns about as well.

YOU should do some more fact checking on your own....it is more than obvious that the birthers have nothing, no proof for ANY of their lies and accusations....no passport showing obama's mother traveling to kenya around obama's birth....no airline list that she is on, no embassy records of her being there, no birth certificate from kenya, no airline itinerary for her travel home, no customs log for her reentry in to the USA with baby in tow....NOTHING, no proof, just lies

please use your brain, and God given, deductive reasoning.

You're full of shit. Check out this thread and learn why, asshole. Racist? Fuck you.

Rightwinger got you good. That's why you're resorting to cussing at him. What he said is absolutely true. What a bad sport you are.

Bad sport?!?! For being pissed off that the motherf*cker called me a racist, and i sent him a link to a thread on this very board to show him how full of shit he was?! Your brain is toast, stupid. And of course, liberals resort to lies and mockery, lies and mockery.

Assholes times ten. And I'm sure the owners of this board appreciate Rightwinger calling this board a gay porn site, which is what he essentially did.

You guys are SO old news after last November. Just cant get your shit together yet and come down to earth, can you?

Everybody cusses. But when you pepper every single post with all these cuss words, you lose all credibility. You're a liar and an extremely sick human being. Get help.
I wouldn't call my self an "birther alarmist" but there is some legitimate issues with his certificate of live birth.

#1 On the certificate they call his father's race "African" Sorry but African is not a race. Back then they probably would have probably said "Negro" or "Colored" Remember that Gaddaffi is African also. perfectly normal for that time period.

#2 No one has seen the original copy of the certificate. All they released was a computer generated image. The state of hawaii has verified the original is in the records.

#3 Why does Obama have a connecticut social security number?
how do you know he does? also, SS numbers were applied for and gotten when you applied for work in those days....children were NOT issued them at birth

#4 You couldn't get a drivers license by bringing a laptop computer and a newspaper clipping that says your born in the States
and no one did. i got my passport recently with my colb, just as obama's

#5 There are lots of inconsistencies with his statements and his own autobiography with regards to his early childhood.
no inconsistancies with where he was birthed, hawaii

#6 Why spend millions $$$ to keep it secret.
proof? no one is spending millions to keep it secret. it's the law of hawaii.

#7 The issue is not ENTIRELY about his BC. He has refused to release is grade school, high school, and college records as well.
which is common...

In my gut I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. I just think he has a lot to hide and by releasing those documents it would show that he maybe he played the "foreigner" card when attending college. Maybe.....he didn't, another lie from birthers, go to factcheck . org, the foreign aid grant they said he got at occidental college did not even exist there

Obama won't come clean about his past and future generations have a right to know the "who, what, where, and why" of a former president.and over the next 40 years we will find out ....as with all presidents....shoot, we are still finding out things we didn't know, about presidents 50 years ago.

And before you Obama Loyalists start calling me racist or whatever; this has nothing to do with his race, or his politics. I would want any conservative president to release any info that people have raised concerns about as well.

YOU should do some more fact checking on your own....it is more than obvious that the birthers have nothing, no proof for ANY of their lies and accusations....no passport showing obama's mother traveling to kenya around obama's birth....no airline list that she is on, no embassy records of her being there, no birth certificate from kenya, no airline itinerary for her travel home, no customs log for her reentry in to the USA with baby in tow....NOTHING, no proof, just lies

please use your brain, and God given, deductive reasoning.


Isn't that the truth??? Good post!!! I'd like to add something. Obama joined the race on February 10, 2007. He took the oath of office on January 20, 2009. These ignorant people never stop to think that Obama would have been stopped in that 2 year period, had he not been eligible to become president.

Get over it, you ignorant people!!!!! Do something useful for society instead of wasting your time on your fantasies.
I wouldn't call my self an "birther alarmist" but there is some legitimate issues with his certificate of live birth.

#1 On the certificate they call his father's race "African" Sorry but African is not a race. Back then they probably would have probably said "Negro" or "Colored" Remember that Gaddaffi is African also. perfectly normal for that time period.

#2 No one has seen the original copy of the certificate. All they released was a computer generated image. The state of hawaii has verified the original is in the records.

#3 Why does Obama have a connecticut social security number?
how do you know he does? also, SS numbers were applied for and gotten when you applied for work in those days....children were NOT issued them at birth

#4 You couldn't get a drivers license by bringing a laptop computer and a newspaper clipping that says your born in the States
and no one did. i got my passport recently with my colb, just as obama's

#5 There are lots of inconsistencies with his statements and his own autobiography with regards to his early childhood.
no inconsistancies with where he was birthed, hawaii

#6 Why spend millions $$$ to keep it secret.
proof? no one is spending millions to keep it secret. it's the law of hawaii.

#7 The issue is not ENTIRELY about his BC. He has refused to release is grade school, high school, and college records as well.
which is common...

In my gut I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. I just think he has a lot to hide and by releasing those documents it would show that he maybe he played the "foreigner" card when attending college. Maybe.....he didn't, another lie from birthers, go to factcheck . org, the foreign aid grant they said he got at occidental college did not even exist there

Obama won't come clean about his past and future generations have a right to know the "who, what, where, and why" of a former president.and over the next 40 years we will find out ....as with all presidents....shoot, we are still finding out things we didn't know, about presidents 50 years ago.

And before you Obama Loyalists start calling me racist or whatever; this has nothing to do with his race, or his politics. I would want any conservative president to release any info that people have raised concerns about as well.

YOU should do some more fact checking on your own....it is more than obvious that the birthers have nothing, no proof for ANY of their lies and accusations....no passport showing obama's mother traveling to kenya around obama's birth....no airline list that she is on, no embassy records of her being there, no birth certificate from kenya, no airline itinerary for her travel home, no customs log for her reentry in to the USA with baby in tow....NOTHING, no proof, just lies

please use your brain, and God given, deductive reasoning.


Why not just release it then? If he has nothing to hide they why not?????

You make an interesting point about not having any proof. Funny thing is I don't consider a computer generated image proof. If you do,that fine. We can agree to disagree

See the problem is we don't know a whole lot about his early life. We would like to no but he has spent millions trying to keep it secret. The following link was from 09 as well. From what I have heard it may be over 3 million now.

Obama law tab up to $1.7 million
I wouldn't call my self an "birther alarmist" but there is some legitimate issues with his certificate of live birth.

#1 On the certificate they call his father's race "African" Sorry but African is not a race. Back then they probably would have probably said "Negro" or "Colored" Remember that Gaddaffi is African also. perfectly normal for that time period.

#2 No one has seen the original copy of the certificate. All they released was a computer generated image. The state of hawaii has verified the original is in the records.

#3 Why does Obama have a connecticut social security number?
how do you know he does? also, SS numbers were applied for and gotten when you applied for work in those days....children were NOT issued them at birth

#4 You couldn't get a drivers license by bringing a laptop computer and a newspaper clipping that says your born in the States
and no one did. i got my passport recently with my colb, just as obama's

#5 There are lots of inconsistencies with his statements and his own autobiography with regards to his early childhood.
no inconsistancies with where he was birthed, hawaii

#6 Why spend millions $$$ to keep it secret.
proof? no one is spending millions to keep it secret. it's the law of hawaii.

#7 The issue is not ENTIRELY about his BC. He has refused to release is grade school, high school, and college records as well.
which is common...

In my gut I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. I just think he has a lot to hide and by releasing those documents it would show that he maybe he played the "foreigner" card when attending college. Maybe.....he didn't, another lie from birthers, go to factcheck . org, the foreign aid grant they said he got at occidental college did not even exist there

Obama won't come clean about his past and future generations have a right to know the "who, what, where, and why" of a former president.and over the next 40 years we will find out ....as with all presidents....shoot, we are still finding out things we didn't know, about presidents 50 years ago.

And before you Obama Loyalists start calling me racist or whatever; this has nothing to do with his race, or his politics. I would want any conservative president to release any info that people have raised concerns about as well.

YOU should do some more fact checking on your own....it is more than obvious that the birthers have nothing, no proof for ANY of their lies and accusations....no passport showing obama's mother traveling to kenya around obama's birth....no airline list that she is on, no embassy records of her being there, no birth certificate from kenya, no airline itinerary for her travel home, no customs log for her reentry in to the USA with baby in tow....NOTHING, no proof, just lies

please use your brain, and God given, deductive reasoning.


Why not just release it then? If he has nothing to hide they why not?????

You make an interesting point about not having any proof. Funny thing is I don't consider a computer generated image proof. If you do,that fine. We can agree to disagree

See the problem is we don't know a whole lot about his early life. We would like to no but he has spent millions trying to keep it secret. The following link was from 09 as well. From what I have heard it may be over 3 million now.

Obama law tab up to $1.7 million

he provided a State NOTARIZED with seal, copy, which is what i used to get my passport, it is the computer generated form, notarized that all facts match the original on file. Go to factcheck . org....there are high definition pics showing the raised state seal notarization....

he presented the LEGAL, STATE birth certificate, as I did, for my passport.
YOU should do some more fact checking on your own....it is more than obvious that the birthers have nothing, no proof for ANY of their lies and accusations....no passport showing obama's mother traveling to kenya around obama's birth....no airline list that she is on, no embassy records of her being there, no birth certificate from kenya, no airline itinerary for her travel home, no customs log for her reentry in to the USA with baby in tow....NOTHING, no proof, just lies

please use your brain, and God given, deductive reasoning.


Why not just release it then? If he has nothing to hide they why not?????

You make an interesting point about not having any proof. Funny thing is I don't consider a computer generated image proof. If you do,that fine. We can agree to disagree

See the problem is we don't know a whole lot about his early life. We would like to no but he has spent millions trying to keep it secret. The following link was from 09 as well. From what I have heard it may be over 3 million now.

Obama law tab up to $1.7 million

he provided a State NOTARIZED with seal, copy, which is what i used to get my passport, it is the computer generated form, notarized that all facts match the original on file. Go to factcheck . org....there are high definition pics showing the raised state seal notarization....

he presented the LEGAL, STATE birth certificate, as I did, for my passport.
There is no Hawaii government source in any official statement that has authenticated the imaged internet COLB as legitiment. Factcheck is NOT a government source.
I wouldn't call my self an "birther alarmist" but there is some legitimate issues with his certificate of live birth.

#1 On the certificate they call his father's race "African" Sorry but African is not a race. Back then they probably would have probably said "Negro" or "Colored" Remember that Gaddaffi is African also. perfectly normal for that time period.

#2 No one has seen the original copy of the certificate. All they released was a computer generated image. The state of hawaii has verified the original is in the records.

#3 Why does Obama have a connecticut social security number?
how do you know he does? also, SS numbers were applied for and gotten when you applied for work in those days....children were NOT issued them at birth

#4 You couldn't get a drivers license by bringing a laptop computer and a newspaper clipping that says your born in the States
and no one did. i got my passport recently with my colb, just as obama's

#5 There are lots of inconsistencies with his statements and his own autobiography with regards to his early childhood.
no inconsistancies with where he was birthed, hawaii

#6 Why spend millions $$$ to keep it secret.
proof? no one is spending millions to keep it secret. it's the law of hawaii.

#7 The issue is not ENTIRELY about his BC. He has refused to release is grade school, high school, and college records as well.
which is common...

In my gut I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. I just think he has a lot to hide and by releasing those documents it would show that he maybe he played the "foreigner" card when attending college. Maybe.....he didn't, another lie from birthers, go to factcheck . org, the foreign aid grant they said he got at occidental college did not even exist there

Obama won't come clean about his past and future generations have a right to know the "who, what, where, and why" of a former president.and over the next 40 years we will find out ....as with all presidents....shoot, we are still finding out things we didn't know, about presidents 50 years ago.

And before you Obama Loyalists start calling me racist or whatever; this has nothing to do with his race, or his politics. I would want any conservative president to release any info that people have raised concerns about as well.

YOU should do some more fact checking on your own....it is more than obvious that the birthers have nothing, no proof for ANY of their lies and accusations....no passport showing obama's mother traveling to kenya around obama's birth....no airline list that she is on, no embassy records of her being there, no birth certificate from kenya, no airline itinerary for her travel home, no customs log for her reentry in to the USA with baby in tow....NOTHING, no proof, just lies

please use your brain, and God given, deductive reasoning.


Isn't that the truth??? Good post!!! I'd like to add something. Obama joined the race on February 10, 2007. He took the oath of office on January 20, 2009. These ignorant people never stop to think that Obama would have been stopped in that 2 year period, had he not been eligible to become president.
Not true. Obama was the MSMs boy. They never once brought up the fact that his fathers British Nationality made Obama a dual citizen at birth and that disqualified him from being eligible. I believe a deal was cut with the MSM and McCain, who I also don't believe was eligible because he was born off a US base in Panama to not bring up eligibility in exchange for Obama not raising it against him. Clinton was underminded by Obama in the primaries and she was fearful that she would be labled a racist and lose her base of black voters if she went after the eligibility issue. Obama was born in Hawaii but the Gov in Hawaii only said he could find a notation of something written in the Dept of Health archives. Something written? What could that be pertaining to his original vital records? No, the MSM and Obama played on the notion that the voters were uneducated on the original constitutions founders definitions of citizenship, dual citizenship, allegiances and natural born citizenship and the cases the SCOTUS presided over in the past 200yrs and it worked. Now that research has been done on case law and Chester Arthurs ineligibility and the revealing of the fraud committed with the OCON forms, it's not going to be easy for Obama this time, especially with 11 states wanting original vital records and affidavits to prove natural born citizenship eligibility for Article 2 Section 1.
US Army,

And Liebuster also,

You have been doing an incredibly good job here. In effect, you are leaving the left utterly empty in terms of responses. Any third party objective reader can see the degree to which your posts are really kicking the tar out of the Obama defenders, and that's what must be done non-stop from now through 2012.

I never saw the WND article on the expenditures to the law firm 'defending" Obama - i.e., co-conspiring in the potential fraud by blocking public access to the basic evidence that would determine Obama's eligibility, and maybe we need to start making the law firm itself famous. Why not? As long as the name is cited as they themselves represent it, and only the truth of their engagement is made public, then there is no slander or defamation. Seeing the letter posted and not just talking about it really brings the reality home of how much effort Obama and his lawyers are putting into not releasing his long form birth certificate and other citizenship records.

YOU should do some more fact checking on your own....it is more than obvious that the birthers have nothing, no proof for ANY of their lies and accusations....no passport showing obama's mother traveling to kenya around obama's birth....no airline list that she is on, no embassy records of her being there, no birth certificate from kenya, no airline itinerary for her travel home, no customs log for her reentry in to the USA with baby in tow....NOTHING, no proof, just lies

please use your brain, and God given, deductive reasoning.


Why not just release it then? If he has nothing to hide they why not?????

You make an interesting point about not having any proof. Funny thing is I don't consider a computer generated image proof. If you do,that fine. We can agree to disagree

See the problem is we don't know a whole lot about his early life. We would like to no but he has spent millions trying to keep it secret. The following link was from 09 as well. From what I have heard it may be over 3 million now.

Obama law tab up to $1.7 million

he provided a State NOTARIZED with seal, copy, which is what i used to get my passport, it is the computer generated form, notarized that all facts match the original on file. Go to factcheck . org....there are high definition pics showing the raised state seal notarization....

he presented the LEGAL, STATE birth certificate, as I did, for my passport.

The original on file? If there is an original on file then that is what should be released NOT a state notarized with seal copy. The person who put the 'state notarized seal' on it and signed it could be an Obama supporter who does not want him to be taken out of office.

BTW, I thought they said there is no certificate on file, only a 'mention' of his birth. :eusa_think:
Why not just release it then? If he has nothing to hide they why not?????

You make an interesting point about not having any proof. Funny thing is I don't consider a computer generated image proof. If you do,that fine. We can agree to disagree

See the problem is we don't know a whole lot about his early life. We would like to no but he has spent millions trying to keep it secret. The following link was from 09 as well. From what I have heard it may be over 3 million now.

Obama law tab up to $1.7 million

he provided a State NOTARIZED with seal, copy, which is what i used to get my passport, it is the computer generated form, notarized that all facts match the original on file. Go to factcheck . org....there are high definition pics showing the raised state seal notarization....

he presented the LEGAL, STATE birth certificate, as I did, for my passport.

The original on file? If there is an original on file then that is what should be released NOT a state notarized with seal copy. The person who put the 'state notarized seal' on it and signed it could be an Obama supporter who does not want him to be taken out of office.

BTW, I thought they said there is no certificate on file, only a 'mention' of his birth. :eusa_think:


You big jerk. Do you actually think I am going to answer your pop quiz?? All you'll do is tell me I'm wrong and insult the prez a little more. Forget you, ass hole. That's what I call someone who IS simple.

Honey, you are the one that is saying he is a great President. I asked you to back it up with some evidence. Is that too much for you, poor thing.

This is not a race thing. Obama is 'driving' this country in his Presidency similar to Carter. I didn't care for Crter's Presidency, either. Does that make me racist?

Did you disagree with President Bush on anything; does that make you racist? (IMHO, it does not, but we are focusing on your definition of racism)

If you want to get past your hatred of common sense, maybe we could have a discussion, Honey.

I did not say Obama was a great president, you lying sack. And you just don't get it. Talking to you is a waste of time. The last post you did is dumber than the one before it.

Great points: Obama is not a great President therefore all people that declare him lacking must be racists.

Honey, why are you saying that I am dumb?
Sorry, Lumpy. I gave this a lot of thought. There is just no other explanation for this kind of hate. Some people will never, ever accept a black president. No matter what.

I believe that most of the animosity directed at Obama is not related to race. Most of the rhetoric directed at Obama would have been directed at Hillary if she had been elected.

However, there are two issues that I think are primarily racially motivated. One is the idiocy that he was born in Africa and the other is his inability to speak without someone posting it on a teleprompter

I don't know how Hillary would have been treated, but it probably would not have been nice. Because there are also people that will never accept a female president.

Look at the birthers and the people that question where Obama was raised, who raised him, where he was educated, what religion he is, not believing he is Christian, and on and on. That has never happened to any other president that I know of. You can tell racists by the things they say and do. They don't have to use the "N" word.

People were demanding that Bush produce documents on his service after the press could not find anything damaging enough. They (the press) tried to humiliate him over his grades, yet the press did not even look for Obama's grades. How is this racist?
Why not just release it then? If he has nothing to hide they why not?????

You make an interesting point about not having any proof. Funny thing is I don't consider a computer generated image proof. If you do,that fine. We can agree to disagree

See the problem is we don't know a whole lot about his early life. We would like to no but he has spent millions trying to keep it secret. The following link was from 09 as well. From what I have heard it may be over 3 million now.

Obama law tab up to $1.7 million

he provided a State NOTARIZED with seal, copy, which is what i used to get my passport, it is the computer generated form, notarized that all facts match the original on file. Go to factcheck . org....there are high definition pics showing the raised state seal notarization....

he presented the LEGAL, STATE birth certificate, as I did, for my passport.
There is no Hawaii government source in any official statement that has authenticated the imaged internet COLB as legitiment. Factcheck is NOT a government source.

USAR is a liar, pure and simple. George Will has called out the birfers, the warmers, the truthers, the anti-science, creationists of the far right as unworthy of the GOP. Will is right. Buckley was right in doing the same fifty and more years ago.

Your type will not control the party, USAR, periodl
I believe that most of the animosity directed at Obama is not related to race. Most of the rhetoric directed at Obama would have been directed at Hillary if she had been elected.

However, there are two issues that I think are primarily racially motivated. One is the idiocy that he was born in Africa and the other is his inability to speak without someone posting it on a teleprompter

I don't know how Hillary would have been treated, but it probably would not have been nice. Because there are also people that will never accept a female president.

Look at the birthers and the people that question where Obama was raised, who raised him, where he was educated, what religion he is, not believing he is Christian, and on and on. That has never happened to any other president that I know of. You can tell racists by the things they say and do. They don't have to use the "N" word.

People were demanding that Bush produce documents on his service after the press could not find anything damaging enough. They (the press) tried to humiliate him over his grades, yet the press did not even look for Obama's grades. How is this racist?

Anyone who is arguing BHO has a Kenyan world view rooted in anti-colonialism is mentally feeble, ignorant, or malignantly motivated. And if they are the latter, they are racist as well. Huckabee, Gingrich, Bachmann, and Palin are all outside the pale of decency, and good Republicans will not support them.
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he provided a State NOTARIZED with seal, copy, which is what i used to get my passport, it is the computer generated form, notarized that all facts match the original on file. Go to factcheck . org....there are high definition pics showing the raised state seal notarization....

he presented the LEGAL, STATE birth certificate, as I did, for my passport.
There is no Hawaii government source in any official statement that has authenticated the imaged internet COLB as legitiment. Factcheck is NOT a government source.

USAR is a liar, pure and simple. George Will has called out the birfers, the warmers, the truthers, the anti-science, creationists of the far right as unworthy of the GOP. Will is right. Buckley was right in doing the same fifty and more years ago.

Your type will not control the party, USAR, periodl

Again the truth scares you. Here is a fact of truth:

There is no official statement from any Hawaiian government source that has authenticated the internet imaged COLB as legitiment. Otherwise prove me wrong.
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he provided a State NOTARIZED with seal, copy, which is what i used to get my passport, it is the computer generated form, notarized that all facts match the original on file. Go to factcheck . org....there are high definition pics showing the raised state seal notarization....

he presented the LEGAL, STATE birth certificate, as I did, for my passport.
There is no Hawaii government source in any official statement that has authenticated the imaged internet COLB as legitiment. Factcheck is NOT a government source.

USAR is a liar, pure and simple. George Will has called out the birfers, the warmers, the truthers, the anti-science, creationists of the far right as unworthy of the GOP. Will is right. Buckley was right in doing the same fifty and more years ago.

Your type will not control the party, USAR, periodl

Hey Jake, who the fuck do you think you are to call out anyone the way you do? Since when does your shit come in a pink box with a yellow ribbon, jerk off? What have you ever accomplished that gives you the right to hunch over a keyboard and determine who measures up by any objective standard, let alone calling them liars for simply disagreeing with your brown-nosing liberal democrat worldview?

You're a worthless, know-it-all, obnoxious, obama-blow-job little bigmouth.

YOU should do some more fact checking on your own....it is more than obvious that the birthers have nothing, no proof for ANY of their lies and accusations....no passport showing obama's mother traveling to kenya around obama's birth....no airline list that she is on, no embassy records of her being there, no birth certificate from kenya, no airline itinerary for her travel home, no customs log for her reentry in to the USA with baby in tow....NOTHING, no proof, just lies

please use your brain, and God given, deductive reasoning.


Isn't that the truth??? Good post!!! I'd like to add something. Obama joined the race on February 10, 2007. He took the oath of office on January 20, 2009. These ignorant people never stop to think that Obama would have been stopped in that 2 year period, had he not been eligible to become president.
Not true. Obama was the MSMs boy. They never once brought up the fact that his fathers British Nationality made Obama a dual citizen at birth and that disqualified him from being eligible. I believe a deal was cut with the MSM and McCain, who I also don't believe was eligible because he was born off a US base in Panama to not bring up eligibility in exchange for Obama not raising it against him. Clinton was underminded by Obama in the primaries and she was fearful that she would be labled a racist and lose her base of black voters if she went after the eligibility issue. Obama was born in Hawaii but the Gov in Hawaii only said he could find a notation of something written in the Dept of Health archives. Something written? What could that be pertaining to his original vital records? No, the MSM and Obama played on the notion that the voters were uneducated on the original constitutions founders definitions of citizenship, dual citizenship, allegiances and natural born citizenship and the cases the SCOTUS presided over in the past 200yrs and it worked. Now that research has been done on case law and Chester Arthurs ineligibility and the revealing of the fraud committed with the OCON forms, it's not going to be easy for Obama this time, especially with 11 states wanting original vital records and affidavits to prove natural born citizenship eligibility for Article 2 Section 1.

ANOTHER Obama conspiracy??? That guy is amazing!!! And you??? You are so far gone now that it's impossible to reach you.
Honey, you are the one that is saying he is a great President. I asked you to back it up with some evidence. Is that too much for you, poor thing.

This is not a race thing. Obama is 'driving' this country in his Presidency similar to Carter. I didn't care for Crter's Presidency, either. Does that make me racist?

Did you disagree with President Bush on anything; does that make you racist? (IMHO, it does not, but we are focusing on your definition of racism)

If you want to get past your hatred of common sense, maybe we could have a discussion, Honey.

I did not say Obama was a great president, you lying sack. And you just don't get it. Talking to you is a waste of time. The last post you did is dumber than the one before it.

Great points: Obama is not a great President therefore all people that declare him lacking must be racists.

Honey, why are you saying that I am dumb?

This is so tiresome. If you don't like Obama's policies, just say so. What they are, why you don't like them, or any other thoughts you may have about his policies and performance. But when everything about him is questioned, like where he was born, his religion, his schooling, his parents, where he grew up, it's very fishy!! No other president has ever gone through that. The motive, as I see it, is that some people do not want a black prez and will not accept it. So they are desperate to find ANYTHING to discredit him.

But Obama has nothing in his past that has come to light. These people are just wasting their time.
I believe that most of the animosity directed at Obama is not related to race. Most of the rhetoric directed at Obama would have been directed at Hillary if she had been elected.

However, there are two issues that I think are primarily racially motivated. One is the idiocy that he was born in Africa and the other is his inability to speak without someone posting it on a teleprompter

I don't know how Hillary would have been treated, but it probably would not have been nice. Because there are also people that will never accept a female president.

Look at the birthers and the people that question where Obama was raised, who raised him, where he was educated, what religion he is, not believing he is Christian, and on and on. That has never happened to any other president that I know of. You can tell racists by the things they say and do. They don't have to use the "N" word.

People were demanding that Bush produce documents on his service after the press could not find anything damaging enough. They (the press) tried to humiliate him over his grades, yet the press did not even look for Obama's grades. How is this racist?

They only wanted to see Bush's grades because he has a reputation of being kind of dumb.

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