Obama's Birth Cerificate: Is His Last Name The Issue?

Your motive is also clear. Using race as a political chip in your war with your bitter enemies, the Republicans. Blacks are A OK with you, as long as they are good and agree with you. Think what you don't approve of and you will do your best to destroy them.

Yeah, that's not racist. Allowing them to agree with you. I applaud you on your open mindedness...

When it comes to Obama, most opposition is political and ideological. That does not mean that race does not come into play. I fail to see any political or ideological benefit from fabricating a story that somehow Obama was secretely born in Africa.
The only benefit I can see is to appeal to racists who are not too bright to begin with.

Ane YES....Sometimes it is about race
Right, that's why Kerry, Gore, Biden, Chillery and other white liberals get it so easy, they're white. You have worked long and hard for that level of cluelessness and deserve recognition. Here you go... :clap2:

I'm not a birther and I don't support or sympathize with their cause. Obama won according to the rules and I believe he was born in Hawaii anyway. Though if the situation were reversed you and your idiot liberal brethren would be making it a huge issue instead of downplaying it. Like with Bush in the National Guard. A complete non-story to begin with that didn't even stop when the supposed docs were forgeries.

But it is the left that makes race a constant issue and destroys any black not liberal. Until you learn to allow blacks to disagree with you, you deserve to point your finger at no one but yourself. You're right, sometimes it's about race. Look in the mirror first. It's about race.

JFK was white and I did not see any stories made up that he was secretly born in Ireland.

What potential political or ideological benefit can be gained by making up a story that Obama was born in Africa? There is a definite appeal to racists in the story. Obama is not the same as the rest of us. Hence the stories that he is a Muslim and that he was born in Kenya
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Like with Bush in the National Guard. A complete non-story to begin with that didn't even stop when the supposed docs were forgeries.

Would you care to compare the Bush National Guard stories to the Kerry Swiftboat stories?
Like with Bush in the National Guard. A complete non-story to begin with that didn't even stop when the supposed docs were forgeries.

Would you care to compare the Bush National Guard stories to the Kerry Swiftboat stories?
Regarding them as candidates, neither story was an issue to me or would have changed my view of them. Which is they were both horrible candidates. And if I liked them as candidates neither would have made me vote against them.

However, as a story, there was a lot more to the swiftboat in what Kerry did and he was continuing to lie about it and refused to provide documentation on his three purple hearts. A theme with liberals, apparently. And not one they allow Republicans to practice. Also, the media drilled National Guard into the ground and was completely uninterested in swiftboat except regarding analyzing the accusers. Once again the left benefited from a flagrant double standard in the media.

As for me though, I do think any of these old stories should be given little attention. It is what they will do as President that's important.
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You're the idiot. Tea baggers want smaller government for everyone. It is in fact liberals who think we need to have policies that are driven by race. Small government where we make our own choices MAXIMIZES equality. At best you pulled that out of your ass. Or worse, you're listening to the liberal media, the military wing of the Democratic party, demonize their opposition.

And as I pointed out. Race is used as a wedge issue by the left. And they destroy any black not succumbing to their liberal will. But you're worried about racism in the Tea Party. Moron.

"Tea baggers?"

First, I have never referred to the Tea Party as "Tea baggers." The people who support the Tea Party seem to take affront to that. In fact, the only negative things I have ever said about the Tea Party was merely to point their contradictions, like those who say we should cut government spending but not the spending that affects them.

Second, I assumed you were a reasonable fellow. I didn't realize you were throwing your hat in with the brain-dread moronic fringe of the right. I never mentioned the Tea Party. I said "birthers." Got that? They're different. Or are you too dumb to not know the difference. No doubt that race is too often thrown around by the left. But that doesn't obviate that there are more racists who are birthers than who are not. It's merely confirmation bias. Go look that up.
When it comes to Obama, most opposition is political and ideological. That does not mean that race does not come into play. I fail to see any political or ideological benefit from fabricating a story that somehow Obama was secretely born in Africa.
The only benefit I can see is to appeal to racists who are not too bright to begin with.

Ane YES....Sometimes it is about race
Right, that's why Kerry, Gore, Biden, Chillery and other white liberals get it so easy, they're white. You have worked long and hard for that level of cluelessness and deserve recognition. Here you go... :clap2:

I'm not a birther and I don't support or sympathize with their cause. Obama won according to the rules and I believe he was born in Hawaii anyway. Though if the situation were reversed you and your idiot liberal brethren would be making it a huge issue instead of downplaying it. Like with Bush in the National Guard. A complete non-story to begin with that didn't even stop when the supposed docs were forgeries.

But it is the left that makes race a constant issue and destroys any black not liberal. Until you learn to allow blacks to disagree with you, you deserve to point your finger at no one but yourself. You're right, sometimes it's about race. Look in the mirror first. It's about race.

JFK was white and I did not see any stories made up that he was secretly born in Ireland.

What potential political or ideological benefit can be gained by making up a story that Obama was born in Africa? There is a definite appeal to racists in the story. Obama is not the same as the rest of us. Hence the stories that he is a Muslim and that he was born in Kenya

You're full of shit. Check out this thread and learn why, asshole. Racist? Fuck you.
Right, that's why Kerry, Gore, Biden, Chillery and other white liberals get it so easy, they're white. You have worked long and hard for that level of cluelessness and deserve recognition. Here you go... :clap2:

I'm not a birther and I don't support or sympathize with their cause. Obama won according to the rules and I believe he was born in Hawaii anyway. Though if the situation were reversed you and your idiot liberal brethren would be making it a huge issue instead of downplaying it. Like with Bush in the National Guard. A complete non-story to begin with that didn't even stop when the supposed docs were forgeries.

But it is the left that makes race a constant issue and destroys any black not liberal. Until you learn to allow blacks to disagree with you, you deserve to point your finger at no one but yourself. You're right, sometimes it's about race. Look in the mirror first. It's about race.

JFK was white and I did not see any stories made up that he was secretly born in Ireland.

What potential political or ideological benefit can be gained by making up a story that Obama was born in Africa? There is a definite appeal to racists in the story. Obama is not the same as the rest of us. Hence the stories that he is a Muslim and that he was born in Kenya

You're full of shit. Check out this thread and learn why, asshole. Racist? Fuck you.

Why did you send me to a porn site?
JFK was white and I did not see any stories made up that he was secretly born in Ireland.

What potential political or ideological benefit can be gained by making up a story that Obama was born in Africa? There is a definite appeal to racists in the story. Obama is not the same as the rest of us. Hence the stories that he is a Muslim and that he was born in Kenya

You're full of shit. Check out this thread and learn why, asshole. Racist? Fuck you.

Why did you send me to a porn site?

A gay porn site?
]Asshole throwing out unsubstantiated claims of the grossest sort. Unconscionable, Obama brown noser. Some people have no shame. Disgusting.[/SIZE][/FONT]

Gstarz, you are projecting your own complete lack of self-esteem onto others. Yes, you are disgusting, yes, you have no shame, yes, you are unconscionable, yes, you throw out unsubstantial claims, yes, you edit your posts. Yes, you are a sick mind, gstarz.
I doubt that gstarz is openly gay.

Not that there is anything wrong with that

I have no problems with gstarz being gay and posting on this board. Birthers can be gay too...nothing to be ashamed of
Like with Bush in the National Guard. A complete non-story to begin with that didn't even stop when the supposed docs were forgeries.
Would you care to compare the Bush National Guard stories to the Kerry Swiftboat stories?

Both smear attempts were simply lousy, simply immoral, simply hurtful, simply motivated by the same hatred as are communists and fascists.
I don't think that calling birthers racist is uncalled for. Their motives are very clear

Your motive is also clear. Using race as a political chip in your war with your bitter enemies, the Republicans. Blacks are A OK with you, as long as they are good and agree with you. Think what you don't approve of and you will do your best to destroy them.

Yeah, that's not racist. Allowing them to agree with you. I applaud you on your open mindedness...

When it comes to Obama, most opposition is political and ideological. That does not mean that race does not come into play. I fail to see any political or ideological benefit from fabricating a story that somehow Obama was secretely born in Africa.
The only benefit I can see is to appeal to racists who are not too bright to begin with.
Ane YES....Sometimes it is about race

Right, that's why Kerry, Gore, Biden, Chillery and other white liberals get it so easy, they're white. You have worked long and hard for that level of cluelessness and deserve recognition. Here you go... :clap2:

I'm not a birther and I don't support or sympathize with their cause. Obama won according to the rules and I believe he was born in Hawaii anyway. Though if the situation were reversed you and your idiot liberal brethren would be making it a huge issue instead of downplaying it. Like with Bush in the National Guard. A complete non-story to begin with that didn't even stop when the supposed docs were forgeries.

But it is the left that makes race a constant issue and destroys any black not liberal. Until you learn to allow blacks to disagree with you, you deserve to point your finger at no one but yourself. You're right, sometimes it's about race. Look in the mirror first. It's about race.

JFK was white and I did not see any stories made up that he was secretly born in Ireland.

What potential political or ideological benefit can be gained by making up a story that Obama was born in Africa? There is a definite appeal to racists in the story. Obama is not the same as the rest of us. Hence the stories that he is a Muslim and that he was born in Kenya

You're full of shit. Check out this thread and learn why, asshole. Racist? Fuck you.

Rightwinger got you good. That's why you're resorting to cussing at him. What he said is absolutely true. What a bad sport you are.
JFK was white and I did not see any stories made up that he was secretly born in Ireland.

What potential political or ideological benefit can be gained by making up a story that Obama was born in Africa? There is a definite appeal to racists in the story. Obama is not the same as the rest of us. Hence the stories that he is a Muslim and that he was born in Kenya

You're full of shit. Check out this thread and learn why, asshole. Racist? Fuck you.

Rightwinger got you good. That's why you're resorting to cussing at him. What he said is absolutely true. What a bad sport you are.

Bad sport?!?! For being pissed off that the motherf*cker called me a racist, and i sent him a link to a thread on this very board to show him how full of shit he was?! Your brain is toast, stupid. And of course, liberals resort to lies and mockery, lies and mockery.

Assholes times ten. And I'm sure the owners of this board appreciate Rightwinger calling this board a gay porn site, which is what he essentially did.

You guys are SO old news after last November. Just cant get your shit together yet and come down to earth, can you?
gstarz, you are a birfer and a racist. Your posts and their language continually demonstrate those terrible beliefs and that bad behavior. The more you defend your immoral behavior, the more obvious your racism.
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Birthers are the biggest bunch of (a) desperate sore losers (b) bigoted sore losers (c) willfully ignorant sore losers (d)willfully ignorant and bigoted sore losers (e) all of the above.

According to the birthers: Forty some odd years ago, phony birth announcements were planted in two Hawiian newspapers, then the Hawaiian DOT was paid off, then later the Illinois DOT, then U.S. State Dept., the Secret Service and the FBI. This was all done by the secret cabal of communist/socialist/islamo-fascist/liberal Democrats who are out to destroy America and rule the world!

And yet the vast majority of birthers are carrying the equivalent of what Obama produced for examination as to his birth certificate.....good for acquiring driver's licenses, passports, and various loans and job opportunities.

And these birther bumpkins wonder why America isn't taken seriously as a country of intelligence by the other industrialized nations.

I wouldn't call my self an "birther alarmist" but there is some legitimate issues with his certificate of live birth.

#1 On the certificate they call his father's race "African" Sorry but African is not a race. Back then they probably would have probably said "Negro" or "Colored" Remember that Gaddaffi is African also.

#2 No one has seen the original copy of the certificate. All they released was a computer generated image.

#3 Why does Obama have a connecticut social security number?

#4 You couldn't get a drivers license by bringing a laptop computer and a newspaper clipping that says your born in the States

#5 There are lots of inconsistencies with his statements and his own autobiography with regards to his early childhood.

#6 Why spend millions $$$ to keep it secret.

#7 The issue is not ENTIRELY about his BC. He has refused to release is grade school, high school, and college records as well.

In my gut I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. I just think he has a lot to hide and by releasing those documents it would show that he maybe he played the "foreigner" card when attending college. Maybe.....

Obama won't come clean about his past and future generations have a right to know the "who, what, where, and why" of a former president.

And before you Obama Loyalists start calling me racist or whatever; this has nothing to do with his race, or his politics. I would want any conservative president to release any info that people have raised concerns about as well.
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Birthers are the biggest bunch of (a) desperate sore losers (b) bigoted sore losers (c) willfully ignorant sore losers (d)willfully ignorant and bigoted sore losers (e) all of the above.

According to the birthers: Forty some odd years ago, phony birth announcements were planted in two Hawiian newspapers, then the Hawaiian DOT was paid off, then later the Illinois DOT, then U.S. State Dept., the Secret Service and the FBI. This was all done by the secret cabal of communist/socialist/islamo-fascist/liberal Democrats who are out to destroy America and rule the world!

And yet the vast majority of birthers are carrying the equivalent of what Obama produced for examination as to his birth certificate.....good for acquiring driver's licenses, passports, and various loans and job opportunities.

And these birther bumpkins wonder why America isn't taken seriously as a country of intelligence by the other industrialized nations.


Last I heard there is only a computer generated image for "examination" if you can call it that.

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