Obama's Birth Cerificate: Is His Last Name The Issue?

I don't know how Hillary would have been treated, but it probably would not have been nice. Because there are also people that will never accept a female president.

Look at the birthers and the people that question where Obama was raised, who raised him, where he was educated, what religion he is, not believing he is Christian, and on and on. That has never happened to any other president that I know of. You can tell racists by the things they say and do. They don't have to use the "N" word.

People were demanding that Bush produce documents on his service after the press could not find anything damaging enough. They (the press) tried to humiliate him over his grades, yet the press did not even look for Obama's grades. How is this racist?

They only wanted to see Bush's grades because he has a reputation of being kind of dumb.

Do please get your shit together; Bush's reputation was created by those same press people themselves by, among other things, printing the aesthetically stupid-sounding "Dubya" instead of "double you", "W", or "Double ya". That's the shitty, sneaky games liberals play, and now as November's elections proved, people are onto it and it's dying: the NY Times will almost certainly be gone in less than a decade if the current downward spiral for them continues, that's for sure: the "Old Gray Lady" is headed for the coffin.

By the way, Bush's grades were many times better than Gore's, who had a "C" average. Remember?

Going after Bush for nothing, but looking the other way with obama's citizenship record situation, in which obama himself has triggered probable cause by fighting in court to keep hidden records so otherwise harmless that even the huffington post calls his behavior bizarre, is the ultimate double standard. Enough of the new state laws will pass, and then the democrat party is headed for the end of the road forever if obama cannot qualify the records, and he'll wind up taking the liberal press that covered his ass with him.

To think that the same people - tea party types - who led the dems to the worst defeat in 70 years would be shamed and marginalized by the democrats and their operatives into giving up on so obvious a constitutional issue, will go down as one of the greatest political blunders of the history of the world. If Obama does not have the records, he will, in one stroke, destroy his own party and the press that covered for him.

There is no Hawaii government source in any official statement that has authenticated the imaged internet COLB as legitiment. Factcheck is NOT a government source.

USAR is a liar, pure and simple. George Will has called out the birfers, the warmers, the truthers, the anti-science, creationists of the far right as unworthy of the GOP. Will is right. Buckley was right in doing the same fifty and more years ago.

Your type will not control the party, USAR, periodl

Hey Jake, who the fuck do you think you are to call out anyone the way you do? Since when does your shit come in a pink box with a yellow ribbon, jerk off? What have you ever accomplished that gives you the right to hunch over a keyboard and determine who measures up by any objective standard, let alone calling them liars for simply disagreeing with your brown-nosing liberal democrat worldview? You're a worthless, know-it-all, obnoxious, obama-blow-job little bigmouth. :asshole:

I am a solid Republican who agrees with George Will. He is the intellectual and integrity equivalent of William Buckly who called out your slime predecessors from the 1950s. Your type will not control the party of Lincoln and Reagan. Birthers, warmers, truthers, John Birch, and racists and all of those suffering ODS cannot operated by objective standards, only by hate instead.

Yeah, the good Republicans will haul your trash out to the dumpster every day for the next fifty years if necessary.

George will on birther - Google Search
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I don't know how Hillary would have been treated, but it probably would not have been nice. Because there are also people that will never accept a female president.

Look at the birthers and the people that question where Obama was raised, who raised him, where he was educated, what religion he is, not believing he is Christian, and on and on. That has never happened to any other president that I know of. You can tell racists by the things they say and do. They don't have to use the "N" word.

People were demanding that Bush produce documents on his service after the press could not find anything damaging enough. They (the press) tried to humiliate him over his grades, yet the press did not even look for Obama's grades. How is this racist?

They only wanted to see Bush's grades because he has a reputation of being kind of dumb.

Yes, and why is the "black guy" getting special treatment here? We have only his word (and since you suggested we aire our disagreements with him), and that has not proven to be "truthful" since before he was elected. Why is he not researched and scrutinized as well as Bush, or Cheney? Are you suggesting that we give him a pass, just because he is "black"? We have only BHO's word (and it has been very misleading) on ANYTHING in his past. It seems that the people that are screaming about education and researching all people, republican would want to LEARN who this man is, and everything about his past. Otherwise, how are you going to tell his historical journey, truthfully?
USAR is a liar, pure and simple. George Will has called out the birfers, the warmers, the truthers, the anti-science, creationists of the far right as unworthy of the GOP. Will is right. Buckley was right in doing the same fifty and more years ago.

Your type will not control the party, USAR, periodl

Hey Jake, who the fuck do you think you are to call out anyone the way you do? Since when does your shit come in a pink box with a yellow ribbon, jerk off? What have you ever accomplished that gives you the right to hunch over a keyboard and determine who measures up by any objective standard, let alone calling them liars for simply disagreeing with your brown-nosing liberal democrat worldview? You're a worthless, know-it-all, obnoxious, obama-blow-job little bigmouth. :asshole:

I am a solid Republican who agrees with George Will. He is the intellectual and integrity equivalent of William Buckly who called out your slime predecessors from the 1950s. Your type will not control the party of Lincoln and Reagan. Birthers, warmers, truthers, John Birch, and racists and all of those suffering ODS cannot operated by objective standards, only by hate instead.

Yeah, the good Republicans will haul your trash out to the dumpster every day for the next fifty years if necessary.

George will on birther - Google Search

It is getting deep, good thing I have my "high" boots on, if this keeps up I will have to hold my watch over my head to keep that stuff out of it.
There is no Hawaii government source in any official statement that has authenticated the imaged internet COLB as legitiment. Factcheck is NOT a government source.

USAR is a liar, pure and simple. George Will has called out the birfers, the warmers, the truthers, the anti-science, creationists of the far right as unworthy of the GOP. Will is right. Buckley was right in doing the same fifty and more years ago.

Your type will not control the party, USAR, periodl

Again the truth scares you. Here is a fact of truth:

There is no official statement from any Hawaiian government source that has authenticated the internet imaged COLB as legitiment. Otherwise prove me wrong.

Does not scare me at all because BHO is a Christian and American while you are trying to bail out with ODS. George Will condemned you guys well in his artice arguing the true conservatives have to distance themselves from you wackos.
Hey Jake, who the fuck do you think you are to call out anyone the way you do? Since when does your shit come in a pink box with a yellow ribbon, jerk off? What have you ever accomplished that gives you the right to hunch over a keyboard and determine who measures up by any objective standard, let alone calling them liars for simply disagreeing with your brown-nosing liberal democrat worldview? You're a worthless, know-it-all, obnoxious, obama-blow-job little bigmouth. :asshole:

I am a solid Republican who agrees with George Will. He is the intellectual and integrity equivalent of William Buckly who called out your slime predecessors from the 1950s. Your type will not control the party of Lincoln and Reagan. Birthers, warmers, truthers, John Birch, and racists and all of those suffering ODS cannot operated by objective standards, only by hate instead.

Yeah, the good Republicans will haul your trash out to the dumpster every day for the next fifty years if necessary.

George will on birther - Google Search

It is getting deep, good thing I have my "high" boots on, if this keeps up I will have to hold my watch over my head to keep that stuff out of it.

George Will is spot on and Gstarz/USAR are trying to undermine mainstream Republicanism. To watch guys like Newt and Huck go over to the dark side reveals just how twisted they are for power in the former's case and $$$ in the latter.
I am a solid Republican who agrees with George Will. He is the intellectual and integrity equivalent of William Buckly who called out your slime predecessors from the 1950s. Your type will not control the party of Lincoln and Reagan. Birthers, warmers, truthers, John Birch, and racists and all of those suffering ODS cannot operated by objective standards, only by hate instead.

Yeah, the good Republicans will haul your trash out to the dumpster every day for the next fifty years if necessary.

George will on birther - Google Search

It is getting deep, good thing I have my "high" boots on, if this keeps up I will have to hold my watch over my head to keep that stuff out of it.

George Will is spot on and Gstarz/USAR are trying to undermine mainstream Republicanism. To watch guys like Newt and Huck go over to the dark side reveals just how twisted they are for power in the former's case and $$$ in the latter.
how have Huck and Newt gone over to the dark side? can you catch me up?
Elvis, read George Will's article. He is clearly the intellectual conservative of integrity to Buckley. As Buckley opposed the wacks to the right of party in the fifties, Will has been doing it for almost a decade now.

George Will: Republicans must dismiss 'birther' nonsense or risk ...Mar 6, 2011 ... If pessimism is not creeping on little cat's feet into Republicans' thinking about their 2012 presidential prospects, that is another reason ...
www.news-press.com/.../George-Will-Republicans-must-dismiss-birther- nonsense-risk-credibility - Cached

George Will: Republicans must dismiss 'birther' nonsense or risk credibility | The News-Press | news-press.com
USAR is a liar, pure and simple. George Will has called out the birfers, the warmers, the truthers, the anti-science, creationists of the far right as unworthy of the GOP. Will is right. Buckley was right in doing the same fifty and more years ago.

Your type will not control the party, USAR, periodl

Again the truth scares you. Here is a fact of truth:

There is no official statement from any Hawaiian government source that has authenticated the internet imaged COLB as legitiment. Otherwise prove me wrong.

Does not scare me at all because BHO is a Christian and American while you are trying to bail out with ODS. George Will condemned you guys well in his artice arguing the true conservatives have to distance themselves from you wackos.
George Will is completely irrelevant to this fact here:

[There is no official statement from any Hawaiian government source that has authenticated the internet imaged COLB as legitiment.]

Now prove me wrong.
People were demanding that Bush produce documents on his service after the press could not find anything damaging enough. They (the press) tried to humiliate him over his grades, yet the press did not even look for Obama's grades. How is this racist?

They only wanted to see Bush's grades because he has a reputation of being kind of dumb.

Yes, and why is the "black guy" getting special treatment here? We have only his word (and since you suggested we aire our disagreements with him), and that has not proven to be "truthful" since before he was elected. Why is he not researched and scrutinized as well as Bush, or Cheney? Are you suggesting that we give him a pass, just because he is "black"? We have only BHO's word (and it has been very misleading) on ANYTHING in his past. It seems that the people that are screaming about education and researching all people, republican would want to LEARN who this man is, and everything about his past. Otherwise, how are you going to tell his historical journey, truthfully?

We don't even have records from when he was a State congressman or Senator.... He says he didn't have the funding to keep records....
Elvis, read George Will's article. He is clearly the intellectual conservative of integrity to Buckley. As Buckley opposed the wacks to the right of party in the fifties, Will has been doing it for almost a decade now.

George Will: Republicans must dismiss 'birther' nonsense or risk ...Mar 6, 2011 ... If pessimism is not creeping on little cat's feet into Republicans' thinking about their 2012 presidential prospects, that is another reason ...
www.news-press.com/.../George-Will-Republicans-must-dismiss-birther- nonsense-risk-credibility - Cached

George Will: Republicans must dismiss 'birther' nonsense or risk credibility | The News-Press | news-press.com

They DO need to drop the "birther" issue.... get into office and THEN launch a full investigation to get to the bottom of it, so it does'nt happen again. I dont care about Obamas BC anymore... I want to be for DAMN sure the next asshat to try and not show it gets knocked out of the election all together.
Lets just follow the rules!

Damn he has no pride.... Lies like a damn rug!

Yet he is believed.... :eusa_angel:

I think more & more Americans are waking up to his lies .... Now lets hope they vote in 2012.

It's up to us, my friend, on the right, to see to it that all of America get's the message and turn out. No one can do it for us. We have the ground game with the tea party, and 2010 was a harbinger of things to come. But we can take no chances. If we want to grow old in the same country in which we grew up, now is the time to do the heavy lifting. And we'll blast them back all the way to the stone age. Nothing less will do.
They only wanted to see Bush's grades because he has a reputation of being kind of dumb.

Yes, and why is the "black guy" getting special treatment here? We have only his word (and since you suggested we aire our disagreements with him), and that has not proven to be "truthful" since before he was elected. Why is he not researched and scrutinized as well as Bush, or Cheney? Are you suggesting that we give him a pass, just because he is "black"? We have only BHO's word (and it has been very misleading) on ANYTHING in his past. It seems that the people that are screaming about education and researching all people, republican would want to LEARN who this man is, and everything about his past. Otherwise, how are you going to tell his historical journey, truthfully?

We don't even have records from when he was a State congressman or Senator.... He says he didn't have the funding to keep records....

huh? obama was responsible for funding the archives of his own senate records in illinois? you seriously believe that nonsense?

seems to me, the senate saves records of everyone, or no one

are you certain the Senate didn't save any of their records?????? that's unbelievable ollie...
Yes, and why is the "black guy" getting special treatment here? We have only his word (and since you suggested we aire our disagreements with him), and that has not proven to be "truthful" since before he was elected. Why is he not researched and scrutinized as well as Bush, or Cheney? Are you suggesting that we give him a pass, just because he is "black"? We have only BHO's word (and it has been very misleading) on ANYTHING in his past. It seems that the people that are screaming about education and researching all people, republican would want to LEARN who this man is, and everything about his past. Otherwise, how are you going to tell his historical journey, truthfully?

We don't even have records from when he was a State congressman or Senator.... He says he didn't have the funding to keep records....

huh? obama was responsible for funding the archives of his own senate records in illinois? you seriously believe that nonsense?

seems to me, the senate saves records of everyone, or no one

are you certain the Senate didn't save any of their records?????? that's unbelievable ollie...
Care................it's true. He has no records. Please look it up.You seem to be a reasonable person. Just look at his past.
Again the truth scares you. Here is a fact of truth:

There is no official statement from any Hawaiian government source that has authenticated the internet imaged COLB as legitiment. Otherwise prove me wrong.

Does not scare me at all because BHO is a Christian and American while you are trying to bail out with ODS. George Will condemned you guys well in his artice arguing the true conservatives have to distance themselves from you wackos.
George Will is completely irrelevant to this fact here:

[There is no official statement from any Hawaiian government source that has authenticated the internet imaged COLB as legitiment.]

Now prove me wrong.

Don't have to, because you have no evidence whatsoever to show that BHO is not a legally born in America citizen. Yes, Will is absolutely spot on about the folks to the far right, how think, and why you are all not worthy of the GOP and its traditions. Birferism is a mental disease.

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