Obama's Birth Cerificate: Is His Last Name The Issue?

Yes, and why is the "black guy" getting special treatment here? We have only his word (and since you suggested we aire our disagreements with him), and that has not proven to be "truthful" since before he was elected. Why is he not researched and scrutinized as well as Bush, or Cheney? Are you suggesting that we give him a pass, just because he is "black"? We have only BHO's word (and it has been very misleading) on ANYTHING in his past. It seems that the people that are screaming about education and researching all people, republican would want to LEARN who this man is, and everything about his past. Otherwise, how are you going to tell his historical journey, truthfully?

We don't even have records from when he was a State congressman or Senator.... He says he didn't have the funding to keep records....

huh? obama was responsible for funding the archives of his own senate records in illinois? you seriously believe that nonsense?

seems to me, the senate saves records of everyone, or no one

are you certain the Senate didn't save any of their records?????? that's unbelievable ollie...
It's another lie the birthers spread around hoping people believe them.
We don't even have records from when he was a State congressman or Senator.... He says he didn't have the funding to keep records....
And you're so up on the issue you don't even know if he was a congressman or Senator.

Birferism is a mental disease. George Will has pegged these losers spot on.
Spot on. Thanks for linking me up to Will's column, Jake.

Republicans? You two? You and Jake are so full of shit it's ridiculous. This is from the old 2008 message board playbook for liberals; pretend yo are either a 'concerned mainstream GOPer" when it comes to the citizenship issue or a conservative idealist/perfectionist who will not tolerate a "RINO" and would rather "stay home" than vote for one, all to undermine the GOP solidarity and try to suppress GOP turnout.

In case you missed the memo of the November 2010 elections, we understand the strategy. I successfully identified 2 such people alone on another board and when cornered by the admins they admitted their true viewpoint and fled. It's a dead approach, now.

To begin with, you liberal geniuses, conservatives and mainstream republicans never, ever refer to people involved in citizenship as 'birfers" - certainly not anymore. The majority of your posts also defend Obama, which is something even many democrats - and NO republicans do, ever, in 2011.

Lying bullshitters on an epic scale, and so out of touch with the people you're pretending to be that you are in a complete disconnect to even the basics.

Oh, and posting sexy girl avatars to make yourselves partially immune to your fellow male posters is an old trick, too.

It's pathetic tactics like this, engaged in by idiots who think they're being clever, that led to the 2010 GOP landslide, and it will be ten times worse in 2012. People have tasted the world tainted by the lying, liberal, Marxist scum that has become the democrat party of the second decade of the twenty-first century, and have collectively decided to crush it rather than embrace it. And we will. Easily. November, with the new tea party ground game, proved it.

Have a really nice day. I hope you enjoy the hours of your life you're wasting here, because 2012 is a done deal - but unlike many democrat congressmen who are retiring suddenly, now, I guess you didn't get that memo, either.

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Birferism is a mental disease. George Will has pegged these losers spot on.
Spot on. Thanks for linking me up to Will's column, Jake.

Republicans? You two? You and Jake are so full of shit it's ridiculous. This is from the old 2008 message board playbook for liberals; pretend yo are either a 'concerned mainstream GOPer" when it comes to the citizenship issue or a conservative idealist/perfectionist who will not tolerate a "RINO" and would rather "stay home" than vote for one, all to undermine the GOP solidarity and try to suppress GOP turnout.

In case you missed the memo of the November 2010 elections, we understand the strategy. I successfully identified 2 such people alone on another board and when cornered by the admins they admitted their true viewpoint and fled. It's a dead approach, now.

To begin with, you liberal geniuses, conservatives and mainstream republicans never, ever refer to people involved in citizenship as 'birfers" - certainly not anymore. The majority of your posts also defend Obama, which is something even many democrats - and NO republicans do, ever, in 2011.

Lying bullshitters on an epic scale, and so out of touch with the people you're pretending to be that you are in a complete disconnect to even the basics.

Oh, and posting sexy girl avatars to make yourselves partially immune to your fellow male posters is an old trick, too.

It's pathetic tactics like this, engaged in by idiots who think they're being clever, that led to the 2010 GOP landslide, and it will be ten times worse in 2012. People have tasted the world tainted by the lying, liberal, Marxist scum that has become the democrat party of the second decade of the twenty-first century, and have collectively decided to crush it rather than embrace it. And we will. Easily. November, with the new tea party ground game, proved it.

Have a really nice day. I hope you enjoy the hours of your life you're wasting here, because 2012 is a done deal - but unlike many democrat congressmen who are retiring suddenly, now, I guess you didn't get that memo, either.

Well, I've been away for a few months now. Looks like another flea-ridden dropout has joined the USMB birther ranks.

Hope you enjoy your irrelevancy.

And your stupid bolded large font looks like a ridiculous cry for attention, either that or you wear that the same way an underendowed, insecure hayseed overcompensates with big tires.
I wonder what the over/under is on when GStarz has his Epic Meltdown Thread.

It'll be amusing to watch his head explode when none of his birfer bills pass.
Spot on. Thanks for linking me up to Will's column, Jake.

Republicans? You two? You and Jake are so full of shit it's ridiculous. This is from the old 2008 message board playbook for liberals; pretend yo are either a 'concerned mainstream GOPer" when it comes to the citizenship issue or a conservative idealist/perfectionist who will not tolerate a "RINO" and would rather "stay home" than vote for one, all to undermine the GOP solidarity and try to suppress GOP turnout.

In case you missed the memo of the November 2010 elections, we understand the strategy. I successfully identified 2 such people alone on another board and when cornered by the admins they admitted their true viewpoint and fled. It's a dead approach, now.

To begin with, you liberal geniuses, conservatives and mainstream republicans never, ever refer to people involved in citizenship as 'birfers" - certainly not anymore. The majority of your posts also defend Obama, which is something even many democrats - and NO republicans do, ever, in 2011.

Lying bullshitters on an epic scale, and so out of touch with the people you're pretending to be that you are in a complete disconnect to even the basics.

Oh, and posting sexy girl avatars to make yourselves partially immune to your fellow male posters is an old trick, too.

It's pathetic tactics like this, engaged in by idiots who think they're being clever, that led to the 2010 GOP landslide, and it will be ten times worse in 2012. People have tasted the world tainted by the lying, liberal, Marxist scum that has become the democrat party of the second decade of the twenty-first century, and have collectively decided to crush it rather than embrace it. And we will. Easily. November, with the new tea party ground game, proved it.

Have a really nice day. I hope you enjoy the hours of your life you're wasting here, because 2012 is a done deal - but unlike many democrat congressmen who are retiring suddenly, now, I guess you didn't get that memo, either.

Well, I've been away for a few months now. Looks like another flea-ridden dropout has joined the USMB birther ranks.

Hope you enjoy your irrelevancy.

And your stupid bolded large font looks like a ridiculous cry for attention, either that or you wear that the same way an underendowed, insecure hayseed overcompensates with big tires.

Yeah, I know - you're all on the same talking point page about the over-sized font being indicative of someone looking for attention, but never complained about Madeline doing the same thing, who inspired me to so distinguish my posts, also. You just don;t like the fact that the truth is highlighted in bold.

Pull your pants up, mister - this is no place for intellectually dishonest cross-dressers. You can shut the fuck up, too, hypocrite.
Republicans? You two? You and Jake are so full of shit it's ridiculous. This is from the old 2008 message board playbook for liberals; pretend yo are either a 'concerned mainstream GOPer" when it comes to the citizenship issue or a conservative idealist/perfectionist who will not tolerate a "RINO" and would rather "stay home" than vote for one, all to undermine the GOP solidarity and try to suppress GOP turnout.

In case you missed the memo of the November 2010 elections, we understand the strategy. I successfully identified 2 such people alone on another board and when cornered by the admins they admitted their true viewpoint and fled. It's a dead approach, now.

To begin with, you liberal geniuses, conservatives and mainstream republicans never, ever refer to people involved in citizenship as 'birfers" - certainly not anymore. The majority of your posts also defend Obama, which is something even many democrats - and NO republicans do, ever, in 2011.

Lying bullshitters on an epic scale, and so out of touch with the people you're pretending to be that you are in a complete disconnect to even the basics.

Oh, and posting sexy girl avatars to make yourselves partially immune to your fellow male posters is an old trick, too.

It's pathetic tactics like this, engaged in by idiots who think they're being clever, that led to the 2010 GOP landslide, and it will be ten times worse in 2012. People have tasted the world tainted by the lying, liberal, Marxist scum that has become the democrat party of the second decade of the twenty-first century, and have collectively decided to crush it rather than embrace it. And we will. Easily. November, with the new tea party ground game, proved it.

Have a really nice day. I hope you enjoy the hours of your life you're wasting here, because 2012 is a done deal - but unlike many democrat congressmen who are retiring suddenly, now, I guess you didn't get that memo, either.

Well, I've been away for a few months now. Looks like another flea-ridden dropout has joined the USMB birther ranks.

Hope you enjoy your irrelevancy.

And your stupid bolded large font looks like a ridiculous cry for attention, either that or you wear that the same way an underendowed, insecure hayseed overcompensates with big tires.

Yeah, I know - you're all on the same talking point page about the over-sized font being indicative of someone looking for attention, but never complained about Madeline doing the same thing, who inspired me to so distinguish my posts, also. You just don;t like the fact that the truth is highlighted in bold.

Pull your pants up, mister - this is no place for intellectually dishonest cross-dressers. You can shut the fuck up, too, hypocrite.

Madeline said she had a visual problem. What's your problem, Beelzebubber? I mean, besides screaming for attention?
I wonder what the over/under is on when GStarz has his Epic Meltdown Thread.

It'll be amusing to watch his head explode when none of his birfer bills pass.

After last November's elections when all you hold dear was soundly repudiated by the biggest democrat loss in 70 years, and people realized Obama's political capital with the voters in next to zero, I'm not worried about it. They'll pass. Besides, if you didn't have your head up your ass, you would want Obama to release his records and make us look foolish. instead, you have made it clear that you're pinning your hopes on 13 new laws not passing to save your beloved Marxist-for-a-day.

Geez, Toro, it never occurred to me, but reading your posts makes me realize that you can't fix asshole. I guess you'll just have to go through life broken.
I wonder what the over/under is on when GStarz has his Epic Meltdown Thread.

It'll be amusing to watch his head explode when none of his birfer bills pass.

After last November's elections when all you hold dear was soundly repudiated by the biggest democrat loss in 70 years, and people realized Obama's political capital with the voters in next to zero, I'm not worried about it. They'll pass. Besides, if you didn't have your head up your ass, you would want Obama to release his records and make us look foolish. instead, you have made it clear that you're pinning your hopes on 13 new laws not passing to save your beloved Marxist-for-a-day.

Geez, Toro, it never occurred to me, but reading your posts makes me realize that you can't fix asshole. I guess you'll just have to go through life broken.

I supported the Republicans last November, GTardz.

GStarz:<Cannot process> <Head explodes>

I give you two months. Of course, it is getting kind of hard to differentiate. It seems there is a little meltdown in all your posts lately.
Yeah, I know - you're all on the same talking point page about the over-sized font being indicative of someone looking for attention, but never complained about Madeline doing the same thing, who inspired me to so distinguish my posts, also. You just don;t like the fact that the truth is highlighted in bold.

Pull your pants up, mister - this is no place for intellectually dishonest cross-dressers. You can shut the fuck up, too, hypocrite.

I've seen Maddy bitched at on multiple occasions for her unusual text.
Republicans? You two? You and Jake are so full of shit it's ridiculous. This is from the old 2008 message board playbook for liberals; pretend yo are either a 'concerned mainstream GOPer" when it comes to the citizenship issue or a conservative idealist/perfectionist who will not tolerate a "RINO" and would rather "stay home" than vote for one, all to undermine the GOP solidarity and try to suppress GOP turnout.

In case you missed the memo of the November 2010 elections, we understand the strategy. I successfully identified 2 such people alone on another board and when cornered by the admins they admitted their true viewpoint and fled. It's a dead approach, now.

To begin with, you liberal geniuses, conservatives and mainstream republicans never, ever refer to people involved in citizenship as 'birfers" - certainly not anymore. The majority of your posts also defend Obama, which is something even many democrats - and NO republicans do, ever, in 2011.

Lying bullshitters on an epic scale, and so out of touch with the people you're pretending to be that you are in a complete disconnect to even the basics.

Oh, and posting sexy girl avatars to make yourselves partially immune to your fellow male posters is an old trick, too.

It's pathetic tactics like this, engaged in by idiots who think they're being clever, that led to the 2010 GOP landslide, and it will be ten times worse in 2012. People have tasted the world tainted by the lying, liberal, Marxist scum that has become the democrat party of the second decade of the twenty-first century, and have collectively decided to crush it rather than embrace it. And we will. Easily. November, with the new tea party ground game, proved it.

Have a really nice day. I hope you enjoy the hours of your life you're wasting here, because 2012 is a done deal - but unlike many democrat congressmen who are retiring suddenly, now, I guess you didn't get that memo, either.

Well, I've been away for a few months now. Looks like another flea-ridden dropout has joined the USMB birther ranks.

Hope you enjoy your irrelevancy.

And your stupid bolded large font looks like a ridiculous cry for attention, either that or you wear that the same way an underendowed, insecure hayseed overcompensates with big tires.

Yeah, I know - you're all on the same talking point page about the over-sized font being indicative of someone looking for attention, but never complained about Madeline doing the same thing, who inspired me to so distinguish my posts, also. You just don;t like the fact that the truth is highlighted in bold.

Pull your pants up, mister - this is no place for intellectually dishonest cross-dressers. You can shut the fuck up, too, hypocrite.
When a half-eyed bozo is on a streetcorner waving his arms and scaring little children and passersby the talking pointers are generally on the same page. That being that idiot over there is either insane or looking for attention.

When enough people, from different ideologies and backgrounds tell you the same thing, maybe it's time to look inward.

and thanks for the 'crossdressing' comment. Must say - that's a first for me here. Gave me the biggest laugh of the morning. I can only imagine your experience with women on the internet must be AOL Hot4U chat rooms and other sordid, sad, lonely memories.
I've seen Maddy bitched at on multiple occasions for her unusual text.
This GStarz nutjob has some real special talents I tell ya.

His/her first month here and it already knows whether I commented about Maddy's style. How many ways can one person talk out of their ass? Obviously more than one. lol.
Second, I assumed you were a reasonable fellow. I didn't realize you were throwing your hat in with the brain-dread moronic fringe of the right

Got it, I'm throwing my hat in with the brain dead, and you write complete crap like this. Bull shit the left is using to destroy those they can't debate.

All birthers aren't racists, but I do think that you will find a higher proportion of racists amongst birthers than the general population

You are worse then the wacko left. Rightwinger is obviously a moron and no one listens to him but the looney left. You couch your hate and bigotry in idiotic statements that feed the left looney trolls while trying to sound "reasonable."

Yes, and why is the "black guy" getting special treatment here? We have only his word (and since you suggested we aire our disagreements with him), and that has not proven to be "truthful" since before he was elected. Why is he not researched and scrutinized as well as Bush, or Cheney? Are you suggesting that we give him a pass, just because he is "black"? We have only BHO's word (and it has been very misleading) on ANYTHING in his past. It seems that the people that are screaming about education and researching all people, republican would want to LEARN who this man is, and everything about his past. Otherwise, how are you going to tell his historical journey, truthfully?

We don't even have records from when he was a State congressman or Senator.... He says he didn't have the funding to keep records....

huh? obama was responsible for funding the archives of his own senate records in illinois? you seriously believe that nonsense?

seems to me, the senate saves records of everyone, or no one

are you certain the Senate didn't save any of their records?????? that's unbelievable ollie...

I can only repeat what I hear and see.

"In the Democratic presidential debate in Philadelphia on Oct. 30, Obama said to Clinton: "We have just gone through one of the most secretive administrations in our history, and not releasing, I think, these records at the same time, Hillary, as you're making the claim that this is the basis for your experience, I think, is a problem."


"But two Chicago newspapers have said the Obama campaign has not responded to their requests for comparable papers from his career.

On NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, moderator Tim Russert asked Obama about the papers from his state legislative days, from 1997 to 2004.

Obama first said, “We did not keep those records.”

Obama records requests prove fruitless - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Of course he does go on to explain further

"“The stuff that I did not keep has to do with, for example, my schedule. I didn’t have a schedule. I was a state senator. I wasn’t intending to have the Barack Obama State Senate Library. I didn’t have 50 or 500 people to, to help me archive these issues.”

I believe he still doesn't have a schedule, or anything else that resembles organization.
We don't even have records from when he was a State congressman or Senator.... He says he didn't have the funding to keep records....
And you're so up on the issue you don't even know if he was a congressman or Senator.


But I quoted him pretty damned well from memory didn't I. The man is hiding something. I don't know what but I do believe we the people, his employers, should know about whatever it is.
Second, I assumed you were a reasonable fellow. I didn't realize you were throwing your hat in with the brain-dread moronic fringe of the right

Got it, I'm throwing my hat in with the brain dead, and you write complete crap like this. Bull shit the left is using to destroy those they can't debate.

All birthers aren't racists, but I do think that you will find a higher proportion of racists amongst birthers than the general population

You are worse then the wacko left. Rightwinger is obviously a moron and no one listens to him but the looney left. You couch your hate and bigotry in idiotic statements that feed the left looney trolls while trying to sound "reasonable."


IOW, groups like the KKK and other white supremacists are less likely to believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Got it. Outstanding thinking. Good to see that you aren't blinded by ideology. :thup:
Second, I assumed you were a reasonable fellow. I didn't realize you were throwing your hat in with the brain-dread moronic fringe of the right

Got it, I'm throwing my hat in with the brain dead, and you write complete crap like this. Bull shit the left is using to destroy those they can't debate.

All birthers aren't racists, but I do think that you will find a higher proportion of racists amongst birthers than the general population

You are worse then the wacko left. Rightwinger is obviously a moron and no one listens to him but the looney left. You couch your hate and bigotry in idiotic statements that feed the left looney trolls while trying to sound "reasonable."


IOW, groups like the KKK and other white supremacists are less likely to believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Got it. Outstanding thinking. Good to see that you aren't blinded by ideology. :thup:

You think tea baggers are more racist then other parties and it's my ideological blindness that makes me think you're full of it. Got it. An intellectual powerhouse you are. Small government, it's racist. Only an ideolog wouldn't see that. Gotcha...

And now the tea party is the KKK and other white supremacists. You're not a moron like right winger, you're just an asshole.
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We don't even have records from when he was a State congressman or Senator.... He says he didn't have the funding to keep records....
And you're so up on the issue you don't even know if he was a congressman or Senator.


But I quoted him pretty damned well from memory didn't I. The man is hiding something. I don't know what but I do believe we the people, his employers, should know about whatever it is.

as with all presidents, you will eventually find out...we are still finding out things about our previous presidents going back 50 years...yeah, it stinks that we have to wait so long, but that goes for all of them, not just obama.... the woodwork will eventually tell all....if we live long enough....
Got it, I'm throwing my hat in with the brain dead, and you write complete crap like this. Bull shit the left is using to destroy those they can't debate.

You are worse then the wacko left. Rightwinger is obviously a moron and no one listens to him but the looney left. You couch your hate and bigotry in idiotic statements that feed the left looney trolls while trying to sound "reasonable."


IOW, groups like the KKK and other white supremacists are less likely to believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Got it. Outstanding thinking. Good to see that you aren't blinded by ideology. :thup:

You think tea baggers are more racist then other parties and it's my ideological blindness that makes me think you're full of it. Got it. An intellectual powerhouse you are. Small government, it's racist. Only an ideolog wouldn't see that. Gotcha...

And now the tea party is the KKK and other white supremacists. You're not a moron like right winger, you're just an asshole.

I said "birthers." I never said "Tea Party." Why do you keep equating the two? Do you not know the difference? FFS, I made that clear earlier.
IOW, groups like the KKK and other white supremacists are less likely to believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Got it. Outstanding thinking. Good to see that you aren't blinded by ideology. :thup:

You think tea baggers are more racist then other parties and it's my ideological blindness that makes me think you're full of it. Got it. An intellectual powerhouse you are. Small government, it's racist. Only an ideolog wouldn't see that. Gotcha...

And now the tea party is the KKK and other white supremacists. You're not a moron like right winger, you're just an asshole.

I said "birthers." I never said "Tea Party." Why do you keep equating the two? Do you not know the difference? FFS, I made that clear earlier.

Oh, birthers. Well, I agree with you then. Never mind

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