Obama's Birth Cerificate: Is His Last Name The Issue?

Racist are such assholes. Is it because they're stupid or simply such fucking losers they can't stand the fact that they couldn't be elected dog shit collectors and a person named Obama is the President of the United States?
Those seven presidents being talked about is refering their long ago ancestors. That is not dual citizens at birth for what Obama and Chester Arthur were because of their immediate fathers British citizenship status. Yes that link put together by Mario Apuzzo is right on the money and it shows only Woodrow Wilsons and Herbert Hoovers mothers were not American citizens at birth but they came naturalized automatically by the laws at the time for marrying their US Citizen husbands. It was called 'Derivitave Marriage'. So by the time Wilson and Hoover were born, both their parents were US Citizens thus making them natural born citizens at birth. They are apart of that special group born to two US parents (plural) since the grandfather clause ended.

Again, dual citizenship is conferred on US citizens by foreign governments.

A court in Indiana, in a case brought forward by birfers to throw out the election results, ruled that anyone born in the US is a natural born citizen and thus eligible to run for President.

The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. ...

The Court ... reaffirmed ... that the meaning of the words “citizen of the United States” and “natural-born citizen of the United States” “must be interpreted in the light of the common law, the principles and history of which were familiarly known to the framers of the constitution.” ...

The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance-also called „ligealty,‟ „obedience,‟ „faith,‟ or „power‟-of the king. The principle embraced all persons born within the king‟s allegiance, and subject to his protection. Such allegiance and protection were mutual, ... and were not restricted to natural-born subjects and naturalized subjects, or to those who had taken an oath of allegiance; but were predicable of aliens in amity, so long as they were within the kingdom. Children, born in England, of such aliens, were therefore natural-born subjects. ...

It thus clearly appears that by the law of England for the last three centuries, beginning before the settlement of this country, and continuing to the present day, aliens, while residing in the dominions possessed by the crown of England, were within the ... jurisdiction of the English sovereign; and therefore every child born in England of alien parents was a natural-born subject ...

The same rule was in force in all the English colonies upon this continent down to the time of the Declaration of Independence, and in the United States afterwards, and continued to prevail under the constitution as originally established. ...

All persons born in the allegiance of the king are natural-born subjects, and all persons born in the allegiance of the United States are natural-born citizens. Birth and allegiance go together. Such is the rule of the common law, and it is the common law of this country, as well as of England. ...

Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 ... we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are “natural born Citizens” for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents. Just as a person “born within the British dominions [was] a natural-born British subject” at the time of the framing of the U.S. Constitution, so too were those “born in the allegiance of the United States [] natural-born citizens.”

Hmm . . . are USAR and gstarz Muslim plants? They are certainly acting like such. What should be done?

Nah. You'd think they'd have gotten smarter plants, not dumbass ones who think that referring to one's heritage is somehow a confession that they were born there.

Ah, but maybe they're trying to make conservatives LOOK stupid!

A-ha! How clever, those clever Muslim terrorist Marxists...

EDIT - At least USAR isn't making this idiotic "He was born in Kenya" argument, so give him props for that.
Skippy (Toro) and Jake = Obama brown nose tinfoil hatters to the bitter end. The last of the weirder-than-the-birthers-anti-birthers, to paraphrase the liberal Huffington Post. You and I simply know them as assholes. Have fun with your two-man circle jerk.Toro even thinks the November election GOP landslide was a magical alignment of the stars, and not an utter repudiation of the democrat's increasingly socialist agenda. Doubtless they'll both have endless spin and excuses, baseless and inexcusable condemnations of racism and more magic star alignments as states pass the laws, Obama fights or drops out, and the GOP finishes the job of taking over the legislature in 2012, probably taking the presidency easily with a politically mortally wounded Obama spinning ineffectively or off the stage entirely. Reading older posts leading up to November, they and their ilk had all sorts of similar statements that proved to be entirely miscalculated and false about the 2010 elections, where they were sure the people would wake up and keep both houses. When a couple of guys are this thick in their own bullshit, who should expect them to stop now?
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I believe that most of the animosity directed at Obama is not related to race. Most of the rhetoric directed at Obama would have been directed at Hillary if she had been elected.

However, there are two issues that I think are primarily racially motivated. One is the idiocy that he was born in Africa and the other is his inability to speak without someone posting it on a teleprompter

I don't know how Hillary would have been treated, but it probably would not have been nice. Because there are also people that will never accept a female president.

Look at the birthers and the people that question where Obama was raised, who raised him, where he was educated, what religion he is, not believing he is Christian, and on and on. That has never happened to any other president that I know of. You can tell racists by the things they say and do. They don't have to use the "N" word.

Hey, idiot, if you're saying that the animosity many of us - indeed, a majority - now have toward obama is due to racist tendencies on our part you can, quite plainly, go fuck yourself.

The reason this has never happened to another president is because we never had another president who is pro-actively fighting like hell in court to keep his citizenship records hidden (much less doing so on taxpayer money, much of which is earned by the very people demanding to see the records), never had a president who at least was once a Muslim, sat in rev Wright's anti-white church of hate for 20 fucking years before political necessity drove him out and demanded that NASA's first priority is to "reach out to Muslims", never once had a President who associated with the likes of radical Marxist terrorists like William Ayres and Bernadine Dorn, and who in his own autobiography admitted to be sympathetic to Marxists, who had Marxist parents and grew up in the communist country of Indonesia, by his own admission.

So if after all that you still are determined to defend your democrat standard-bearer by calling classifying those who disagree with his policies and question his background, with the incomprehensibly insulting label of "racist", then I have two words as the only appropriate response: Fuck You.

The fact that you're cussing at me through your entire post tells me that you have no class and no sense, and that I hit a nerve. Secondly, look at the things you're saying about the prez and then tell me your hatred has nothing to do with race. You're a liar. Why don't you grow up and own it and quit trying to to justify your racism by saying things like Obama is trying to keep his citizenship hidden. That is so ignorant that I'm embarrassed for you.
Toro even thinks the November election GOP landslide was a magical alignment of the stars, and not an utter repudiation of the democrat's increasingly socialist agenda.


You want to back that up? Or are you going to "back it up" just like you backed up that Rasmussen was the most accurate poster, or that Obama not running in 2012 was a done deal, or that the writers of birfer laws had "scores" or constitutional experts advising them? I'm betting it's the latter.
Lets cycle back to our friends at Factcheck and FTS:

Fight the Smears: The Truth About Barack

"When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom's dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.'s children:

Read that last sentence again" That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.'s children." That means he was born a dual citizen. A dual citizen is not a natural born citizen.

British Nationality Act of 1948 (Part II, Section 5): Subject to the provisions of this section, a person born after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if his father is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies at the time of the birth."
British Nationality Act 1948

So Obama has British Citizenship at the time of birth, that is a given. Did he gain citizenship to Kenya? Yes - via Chapter VI, Section 87(2):

"(2) Every person who, having been born outside Kenya, is on
11th December, 1963 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or
a British protected person shall, if his father becomes, or would but for
his death have become, a citizen of Kenya by virtue of subsection (1),
become a citizen of Kenya on 12th December, 1963."

But did becoming a Kenyan Citizen terminate British Citizenship? We look into the Kenyan Constitution and find - NO, it did not. See Chapter VI, Section 95(1):

"95. (1) Every person who, under this Constitution or an Act of
Parliament, is a citizen of Kenya or who, under any law for the time
being in force in a country to which this section applies, is a citizen
of that country shall, by virtue of that citizenship, have the status of a
Commonwealth citizen."

So Obama has never renounced his British Citizenship gained at birth. He never 'automatically' lost it, even when Kenya became independent.

All U.S.presidents since the grandfather clause ran out were born to two U.S. citizens with the exception of Chester Arthur who was found out later not eligible.

He was not born in Kenya...you have no birth certificate stating such, you have no proof of any kind of such, you don't even have any legal documentation that his mother traveled there while pregnant, or any proof from any embassy or passport that shows any travel of his mother during the time of his birth....or any air line travel itinerary from any airline that she might have taken there....

That's the simple truth dear....

and Presidents can have duel citizenship. there is nothing that states otherwise.... natural born, living in the us for at least 14 years and being 35 is what the constitution states...

The reason we have no birth certificate stating such - "dear" - is that our fucked-up paranoid president has been fighting suits to keep exactly that or any long form certificate hidden from public view. That's the whole point, "dear". Get it now - maybe - "dear"?!

You're such a liar!!! But the truth never suits your purpose, does it??
Skippy (Toro) and Jake = Obama brown nose tinfoil hatters to the bitter end. The last of the weirder-than-the-birthers-anti-birthers, to paraphrase the liberal Huffington Post. You and I simply know them as assholes. Have fun with your two-man circle jerk.Toro even thinks the November election GOP landslide was a magical alignment of the stars, and not an utter repudiation of the democrat's increasingly socialist agenda. Doubtless they'll both have endless spin and excuses, baseless and inexcusable condemnations of racism and more magic star alignments as states pass the laws, Obama fights or drops out, and the GOP finishes the job of taking over the legislature in 2012, probably taking the presidency easily with a politically mortally wounded Obama spinning ineffectively or off the stage entirely. Reading older posts leading up to November, they and their ilk had all sorts of similar statements that proved to be entirely miscalculated and false about the 2010 elections, where they were sure the people would wake up and keep both houses. When a couple of guys are this thick in their own bullshit, who should expect them to stop now?

Go take your meds. You're making less sense in every new post.
I don't think that calling birthers racist is uncalled for. Their motives are very clear

Your motive is also clear. Using race as a political chip in your war with your bitter enemies, the Republicans. Blacks are A OK with you, as long as they are good and agree with you. Think what you don't approve of and you will do your best to destroy them.

Yeah, that's not racist. Allowing them to agree with you. I applaud you on your open mindedness...
I don't think that calling birthers racist is uncalled for. Their motives are very clear

Your motive is also clear. Using race as a political chip in your war with your bitter enemies, the Republicans. Blacks are A OK with you, as long as they are good and agree with you. Think what you don't approve of and you will do your best to destroy them.

Yeah, that's not racist. Allowing them to agree with you. I applaud you on your open mindedness...

Bingo! You nailed it.
I don't think that calling birthers racist is uncalled for. Their motives are very clear

Your motive is also clear. Using race as a political chip in your war with your bitter enemies, the Republicans. Blacks are A OK with you, as long as they are good and agree with you. Think what you don't approve of and you will do your best to destroy them.

Yeah, that's not racist. Allowing them to agree with you. I applaud you on your open mindedness...

All birthers aren't racists, but I do think that you will find a higher proportion of racists amongst birthers than the general population. In this thread, I see no reason to assume GStarz is a racist but US Army Retired has made racist comments in the past.
I don't think that calling birthers racist is uncalled for. Their motives are very clear

Your motive is also clear. Using race as a political chip in your war with your bitter enemies, the Republicans. Blacks are A OK with you, as long as they are good and agree with you. Think what you don't approve of and you will do your best to destroy them.

Yeah, that's not racist. Allowing them to agree with you. I applaud you on your open mindedness...

All birthers aren't racists, but I do think that you will find a higher proportion of racists amongst birthers than the general population. In this thread, I see no reason to assume GStarz is a racist but US Army Retired has made racist comments in the past.

Asshole throwing out unsubstantiated claims of the grossest sort. Unconscionable, Obama brown noser. Some people have no shame. Disgusting.
Your motive is also clear. Using race as a political chip in your war with your bitter enemies, the Republicans. Blacks are A OK with you, as long as they are good and agree with you. Think what you don't approve of and you will do your best to destroy them.

Yeah, that's not racist. Allowing them to agree with you. I applaud you on your open mindedness...

All birthers aren't racists, but I do think that you will find a higher proportion of racists amongst birthers than the general population. In this thread, I see no reason to assume GStarz is a racist but US Army Retired has made racist comments in the past.

Asshole throwing out unsubstantiated claims of the grossest sort. Unconscionable, Obama brown noser. Some people have no shame. Disgusting.

You're not a racist, GTardz, at least not what I've seen, but you are an idiot.
All birthers aren't racists, but I do think that you will find a higher proportion of racists amongst birthers than the general population. In this thread, I see no reason to assume GStarz is a racist but US Army Retired has made racist comments in the past.

Asshole throwing out unsubstantiated claims of the grossest sort. Unconscionable, Obama brown noser. Some people have no shame. Disgusting.

You're not a racist, GTardz, at least not what I've seen, but you are an idiot.

You're the idiot. Tea baggers want smaller government for everyone. It is in fact liberals who think we need to have policies that are driven by race. Small government where we make our own choices MAXIMIZES equality. At best you pulled that out of your ass. Or worse, you're listening to the liberal media, the military wing of the Democratic party, demonize their opposition.

And as I pointed out. Race is used as a wedge issue by the left. And they destroy any black not succumbing to their liberal will. But you're worried about racism in the Tea Party. Moron.
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I don't think that calling birthers racist is uncalled for. Their motives are very clear

Your motive is also clear. Using race as a political chip in your war with your bitter enemies, the Republicans. Blacks are A OK with you, as long as they are good and agree with you. Think what you don't approve of and you will do your best to destroy them.

Yeah, that's not racist. Allowing them to agree with you. I applaud you on your open mindedness...

When it comes to Obama, most opposition is political and ideological. That does not mean that race does not come into play. I fail to see any political or ideological benefit from fabricating a story that somehow Obama was secretely born in Africa.
The only benefit I can see is to appeal to racists who are not too bright to begin with.

Ane YES....Sometimes it is about race
I don't think that calling birthers racist is uncalled for. Their motives are very clear

Your motive is also clear. Using race as a political chip in your war with your bitter enemies, the Republicans. Blacks are A OK with you, as long as they are good and agree with you. Think what you don't approve of and you will do your best to destroy them.

Yeah, that's not racist. Allowing them to agree with you. I applaud you on your open mindedness...

When it comes to Obama, most opposition is political and ideological. That does not mean that race does not come into play. I fail to see any political or ideological benefit from fabricating a story that somehow Obama was secretely born in Africa.
The only benefit I can see is to appeal to racists who are not too bright to begin with.

Ane YES....Sometimes it is about race
Right, that's why Kerry, Gore, Biden, Chillery and other white liberals get it so easy, they're white. You have worked long and hard for that level of cluelessness and deserve recognition. Here you go... :clap2:

I'm not a birther and I don't support or sympathize with their cause. Obama won according to the rules and I believe he was born in Hawaii anyway. Though if the situation were reversed you and your idiot liberal brethren would be making it a huge issue instead of downplaying it. Like with Bush in the National Guard. A complete non-story to begin with that didn't even stop when the supposed docs were forgeries.

But it is the left that makes race a constant issue and destroys any black not liberal. Until you learn to allow blacks to disagree with you, you deserve to point your finger at no one but yourself. You're right, sometimes it's about race. Look in the mirror first. It's about race.
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