Obama's Brother Shows Obama Birth Certificate: KENYA

Obvious troll Twitter account.

Why doesn't Obama's birth certificate have a gold seal? Mine does.

Guess it depends on where you're form, mine doesn't have one.
Are you sure it's an original? everyone I've ever seen has a gold seal, not saying yours can't be real but I've never seen one without a golden seal that wasn't a copy...the whole purpose for making the seal gold is so that fakes cannot be passed off as real
Some places use a raised stamp. I always refer to them as "bumpy copies." There's no gold sticker on them.
The first clue that it isn't real is the measurements, if authentic, would be metric.

The first clue is this has been around since 2009.

Metric System Not Officially Used in Kenya Until 1967 - The Post & Email

he had information regarding Obama’s alleged birth record in Kenya. The interviewee had stated that he believed that the document exhibited by Smith in 2009 as a certified copy of the Kenyan birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama was “totally bogus…because Kenya was a country that was under British rule for many years, and when Obama was born, information on his birth record would have been given in metric measurements: height, weight, etc.”

Smith submitted the document as an exhibit along with a sworn affidavit in a lawsuit filed in California approximately two years ago and provided background information on how he allegedly obtained it from the Coast Provincel General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.

Thanks I didn't know that.
Filed with Court Declaration of Lucas Daniel Smith and a copy of Kenian hospital Birth Certificate for Barack Hussein Obama : OrlyTaitzEsq.com

Filed by Lucas Daniel Smith in 2009


The one Obama's half brother circulated is a copy of the one from 2009 that was already debunked.

This is nothing new.
Obvious troll Twitter account.

Why doesn't Obama's birth certificate have a gold seal? Mine does.

Guess it depends on where you're form, mine doesn't have one.
Are you sure it's an original? everyone I've ever seen has a gold seal, not saying yours can't be real but I've never seen one without a golden seal that wasn't a copy...the whole purpose for making the seal gold is so that fakes cannot be passed off as real
Who ever said Obama's was an original?
I don't know, who did?...unless I'm mistaken for which I apologize now, you are the one bringing it up

Both documents he had posted online were copies, certified by the state of Hawaii as being a true copy or abstract of his record on file with Hawaii's Department of Health.

The latter would be no problem for a president to get around...but my take on it is that his original cannot be produced because it was part of a political "dirty tricks campaign" along the lines of donald segretti [sp] of watergate fame...someone was probably hired to "make it disappear" just to cause Obama a headache, once the original could not be produced making the Kenya connection was far easier than him and his people proving he was born here
Obvious troll Twitter account.

Why doesn't Obama's birth certificate have a gold seal? Mine does.

Guess it depends on where you're form, mine doesn't have one.
Are you sure it's an original? everyone I've ever seen has a gold seal, not saying yours can't be real but I've never seen one without a golden seal that wasn't a copy...the whole purpose for making the seal gold is so that fakes cannot be passed off as real
Some places use a raised stamp. I always refer to them as "bumpy copies." There's no gold sticker on them.
The gold seal is not a "sticker" it is raised as well...I have only ever seen copies that were not gold.
Has anyone seen Trump's birth certificate?
Obvious troll Twitter account.

Why doesn't Obama's birth certificate have a gold seal? Mine does.

Guess it depends on where you're form, mine doesn't have one.
Are you sure it's an original? everyone I've ever seen has a gold seal, not saying yours can't be real but I've never seen one without a golden seal that wasn't a copy...the whole purpose for making the seal gold is so that fakes cannot be passed off as real
Who ever said Obama's was an original?
I don't know, who did?...unless I'm mistaken for which I apologize now, you are the one bringing it up

Both documents he had posted online were copies, certified by the state of Hawaii as being a true copy or abstract of his record on file with Hawaii's Department of Health.

The latter would be no problem for a president to get around...but my take on it is that his original cannot be produced because it was part of a political "dirty tricks campaign" along the lines of donald segretti [sp] of watergate fame...someone was probably hired to "make it disappear" just to cause Obama a headache, once the original could not be produced making the Kenya connection was far easier than him and his people proving he was born here
The person who complained Obama's certificate did not have s gold seal.

As far as the rest of your post, Obama was not president when he obtained his first copy.
Who did the forensic document attestation to the birth certificate to debunk it?

Smith had since 2009 to get a court, any court, to accept it, and it went nowhere. You would think he could get a better photocopy. This looks like a copy of a copy of a copy, which looks like a star wars matte photo compilation. Did you notice the birth date was August, while the administration stamp wan't until February.
(Don't shoot the messenger - someone was going to post it....)

Breaking: Malik Obama Tweets Alleged Barack Obama Birth Certificate in Kenya

"Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama tweeted out a birth certificate on Thursday allegedly belonging to his brother Barack.

The certificate is from a hospital in Mombassa, Kenya.

Baby Barack was a bouncing 7 pounds 1 ounce. The certificate says Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Mombassa, KENYA."
somewhere someone has a footprint, dna... and a propensity for the truth. time will tell all. :)
Obvious troll Twitter account.

Why doesn't Obama's birth certificate have a gold seal? Mine does.

Guess it depends on where you're form, mine doesn't have one.
Are you sure it's an original? everyone I've ever seen has a gold seal, not saying yours can't be real but I've never seen one without a golden seal that wasn't a copy...the whole purpose for making the seal gold is so that fakes cannot be passed off as real
Who ever said Obama's was an original?
I don't know, who did?...unless I'm mistaken for which I apologize now, you are the one bringing it up

Both documents he had posted online were copies, certified by the state of Hawaii as being a true copy or abstract of his record on file with Hawaii's Department of Health.

The latter would be no problem for a president to get around...but my take on it is that his original cannot be produced because it was part of a political "dirty tricks campaign" along the lines of donald segretti [sp] of watergate fame...someone was probably hired to "make it disappear" just to cause Obama a headache, once the original could not be produced making the Kenya connection was far easier than him and his people proving he was born here
The person who complained Obama's certificate did not have s gold seal.
And why did you decide to ask me who said it?

As far as the rest of your post
Obama was not president when he obtained his first copy.

What does this have to do with the rest of my post?...I was explaining why he did/may not have had an original copy to produce.
(Don't shoot the messenger - someone was going to post it....)

Breaking: Malik Obama Tweets Alleged Barack Obama Birth Certificate in Kenya

"Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama tweeted out a birth certificate on Thursday allegedly belonging to his brother Barack.

The certificate is from a hospital in Mombassa, Kenya.

Baby Barack was a bouncing 7 pounds 1 ounce. The certificate says Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Mombassa, KENYA."
somewhere someone has a footprint, dna... and a propensity for the truth. time will tell all. :)


Obvious troll Twitter account.

Why doesn't Obama's birth certificate have a gold seal? Mine does.

Guess it depends on where you're form, mine doesn't have one.
Are you sure it's an original? everyone I've ever seen has a gold seal, not saying yours can't be real but I've never seen one without a golden seal that wasn't a copy...the whole purpose for making the seal gold is so that fakes cannot be passed off as real
Who ever said Obama's was an original?
I don't know, who did?...unless I'm mistaken for which I apologize now, you are the one bringing it up

Both documents he had posted online were copies, certified by the state of Hawaii as being a true copy or abstract of his record on file with Hawaii's Department of Health.

The latter would be no problem for a president to get around...but my take on it is that his original cannot be produced because it was part of a political "dirty tricks campaign" along the lines of donald segretti [sp] of watergate fame...someone was probably hired to "make it disappear" just to cause Obama a headache, once the original could not be produced making the Kenya connection was far easier than him and his people proving he was born here
The person who complained Obama's certificate did not have s gold seal.
And why did you decide to ask me who said it?
because you were the one to point out how copied don't have a gold seal.
As far as the rest of your post
Obama was not president when he obtained his first copy.

What does this have to do with the rest of my post?...I was explaining why he did/may not have had an original copy to produce.
Which you predicated upon him being president...

"The latter would be no problem for a president to get around..."

... which he wasn't when he obtained his first copy.
Ok, Obama supporters are going to say all day this is fake, and Obama detractors will say all day this is legit.

If it's not, the world goes on. If TRUE...Let's talk about the implications:

Everything Obama did / signed goes 'bye-bye'?
He gets deported?
He goes to JAIL?

ironically (befittingly), Guantanamo.... but he'll self exile to indonesia before that. what a story.
You conservatives wonder why liberals think you are gullible and uneducated. This is why. You keep spewing nonsense like the birther movement. Fuhrer Trump even said Obama was American.
do you really know that much about it (obama's provenance) ?
Guess it depends on where you're form, mine doesn't have one.
Are you sure it's an original? everyone I've ever seen has a gold seal, not saying yours can't be real but I've never seen one without a golden seal that wasn't a copy...the whole purpose for making the seal gold is so that fakes cannot be passed off as real
Who ever said Obama's was an original?
I don't know, who did?...unless I'm mistaken for which I apologize now, you are the one bringing it up

Both documents he had posted online were copies, certified by the state of Hawaii as being a true copy or abstract of his record on file with Hawaii's Department of Health.

The latter would be no problem for a president to get around...but my take on it is that his original cannot be produced because it was part of a political "dirty tricks campaign" along the lines of donald segretti [sp] of watergate fame...someone was probably hired to "make it disappear" just to cause Obama a headache, once the original could not be produced making the Kenya connection was far easier than him and his people proving he was born here
The person who complained Obama's certificate did not have s gold seal.
And why did you decide to ask me who said it?
because you were the one to point out how copied don't have a gold seal.

Because he said his birth certificate did not have a gold seal

As far as the rest of your post
Obama was not president when he obtained his first copy.

What does this have to do with the rest of my post?...I was explaining why he did/may not have had an original copy to produce.
Which you predicated upon him being president...

No I did not, you just keep insisting that is the case, truth is I don't know at what point the certificate was "made to disappear"..

"The latter would be no problem for a president to get around..."
... which he wasn't when he obtained his first copy.

I think this may be where it all goes sideways for us, the above quote goes to the copy produced after he became president [whether it was legit or not is not my point at this time] and was just meant to quell any objection you may think I may have to it [i.e. I don't really care what the certificate was based on at this point] so I could get to my point that if there is no original birth certificate it may be due to someone lifting it making anything that turns up as proof suspect at best...it could be as simple as:
Obama gets copy:
someone at some point steals original:
Obama then becomes president:
Proof of original U.S. CERTIFICATE demanded by opponents claiming he was born in Kenya cannot be produced:
Have we yet discovered the answer to your original question as to "who ever said Obama's was original"?[/QUOTE]
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Why are you people so obsessed over the birth certificate? His being born in Hawaii or Kenya either one is not what makes him a US citizen. His mother was a US citizen and therefore, so is he.

Much ado about nothing and so many wasted electrons!
Because everyone could sense he was a liar. It was just hard to prove.

He is and was a proven liar. Much ado about nothing.
(Don't shoot the messenger - someone was going to post it....)

Breaking: Malik Obama Tweets Alleged Barack Obama Birth Certificate in Kenya

"Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama tweeted out a birth certificate on Thursday allegedly belonging to his brother Barack.

The certificate is from a hospital in Mombassa, Kenya.

Baby Barack was a bouncing 7 pounds 1 ounce. The certificate says Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Mombassa, KENYA."

I'm not a fan of Obama first off, but this is bullshit and doesn't mean a thing. Obama's mother was an American citizen, therefore, a citizen, natural born according to our laws, end of story.

But The Wire Tapper In Chief was born in Kenya, and is a Radical Muslim. So he committed Fraud, and he was not eligible to even run for President.

Oh well! The damage is done.

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