Obama's Collectivist Dreams Unraveling


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
It appears this may just be the final undoing of the tenets of liberalism.

Obama and his allies swept into 2008 after a devastating financial crisis(though it was largely the D-controlled Congress's support of subprime mortgages + Fannie Mae that caused it.......remember, Dodd, Frank, and Obama were the top 3 Fannie Mae recipients). Obama's goal was to fundamentally transform the USA, bankrupt the coal industry, take over healthcare, and expand entitlements (perhaps by hurting the economy, aka Cloward-Piven). In 2010, Obama's socialist ambitions were hampered by lovers of the freedom in the resurgent tea party/GOP, which took over the House and nearly took the Senate. This led Obama to double down and enlist the IRS in cracking down on these patriotic groups. Despite ultimately leading to the downgrade of America's AAA rating, Obama got reelected thanks to voter fraud, massive minority voting(Obama did better with whites than Reagan 1980!), Hurricane Sandy, and the faux media outrage over Romney's "47%" remark. Now, after getting re-elected, Obama's hit a new low. His approval's at 40.4% according to Real Clear Politics. The GOP now leads in the Generic Ballot. Republicans have at least a 50/50 shot of taking the Senate. Chris Christie now leads Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania, and other GOP contenders like Rand Paul and even Ted Cruz are leading in Colorado and are making up a lot of ground from before. Obama's lies about us being able to keep our healthcare were deliberately planned so they wouldn't affect the 2012 election. Unfortunately, the aftermath of that big lie is enormous. Americans who lost their health insurance will vote like crazy in 2014 to oust the Democrats and repeal this monstrous, Alinsky-styled takeover bill sold to us as healthcare reform.

November 2014 is coming!

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