Obama's Economy FAIL- 0.0% GDP Growth In The First Quarter

You need to look to know?? How dumb are you? Oh well, here ya go...

Labor Force Participation Rate

labor force as a percent of the civilian noninstitutional population.

BLS Glossary

... now then. .. do you think retired folks are, or are not, counted in the civilian noninstitutional population?

If you answer no, you are an imbecile. If you answer yes, you are calling yourself an imbecile for claiming earlier that retired folks are not a factor in the labor force participation rate.

So which is it?


YAWN; i said and is still say retirees arent counted in the labor force; because they arent

i said and i stil say retiring workers arent responsible for the 40-year low in LFPR; because they arent

you're going to have to do better than that
Yes, you did say that just before you said retired folks are not a factor in the labor force participation rate.

So answer the question I actually asked...

... do you think retired folks are, or are not, counted in the civilian noninstitutional population?

If you answer no, you are an imbecile. If you answer yes, you are calling yourself an imbecile for claiming earlier that retired folks are not a factor in the labor force participation rate.


again; what a boring loser; they are counted in the "civilian noninstitutional population"

they arent conted in the Labor Force
Since we agree they are counted in the civilian noninstitutional population number and since we agree the civilian noninstitutional population number IS a factor in the labor force participation rate -- do you understand now how fucking retarded you sounded when you idiotically claimed retired folks are NOT a factor in the labor force participation rate?

Is any of this sinking in yet, dumbfuck?
um no leftard; it wont sink in until you admit retirees arent counted in the labor force; hence not a signifigant reason for the low LFPR

Why the fuck would I ever admit retirees are in the labor force?? They're not. But they most certainly are a factor in the labor force participation rate.

You truly are the dumbest poster here.
IF I WASNT speaking the actual truth you wouldnt be such an angry idiot; trying to cover up you unhinged state with petty insults!! lol
I'm not angry. Why would I be? I think you're a flaming retard and right now, you're providing me tons of entertainment at your expense. Hell, I would be willing to pay for entertainment this enjoyable and yet, I get it here for free!

What's to be angered about that? :dunno:
Was it 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow in all 50 states?

Did I fucking say it was? Hell no. Can you read? It was 5% with an easy 20 inches of snow all over the NE now wasn't it. Especially in Feb.. Which is right in the middle of the first quarter. Which is where this all started.

You really don't read well do you?
I read well enough to know that you implied that the weather in NE was responsible for the 0.0% GDP and that is complete bullshit!

Which is it, Global Warming or the Frigid Winter....

Confusing as cluck :badgrin:

And more Eco 101


When all else fails, pre-emptively blame the weather...

h/t @RudyHavenstein

In other words, today's market-closed narrative will be:

  • if the number is 'good' - then it shows the resilience of the US economy (in spite of weather) and fits perfectly with The Fed's clearly positive stance to raising rates now that the US economy is resurgent...
  • and if the number is 'bad' - then it is transitorily due to the weather, enables The Fed to delay its rate hike slightly, and is thus bullish for stocks.
Because, when ISM is weak and ADP is weak what else could it be but the weather?


* * *

And Goldman expects nonfarm payroll job growth of 220k in March, below the consensus forecast of 245k.

Meteor-conomist s Payrolls Preview Zero Hedge
And more Eco 101


When all else fails, pre-emptively blame the weather...

h/t @RudyHavenstein

In other words, today's market-closed narrative will be:

  • if the number is 'good' - then it shows the resilience of the US economy (in spite of weather) and fits perfectly with The Fed's clearly positive stance to raising rates now that the US economy is resurgent...
  • and if the number is 'bad' - then it is transitorily due to the weather, enables The Fed to delay its rate hike slightly, and is thus bullish for stocks.
Because, when ISM is weak and ADP is weak what else could it be but the weather?


* * *

And Goldman expects nonfarm payroll job growth of 220k in March, below the consensus forecast of 245k.

Meteor-conomist s Payrolls Preview Zero Hedge

And why should the economy grow with a President that has and I quote directly:
A) Obama said "I prefer single payer health system.." Means destroy 1,400 companies laying off 400,000 people and reducing tax revenue by $100 billion a year. Hell yes they tried to block Obamacare!!
B) Obama said "I prefer higher gas prices"... GEEZ... what a way to kill jobs!
C) Obama said If a utility wants to build coal burning it bankrupt them! Why in the hell would ANY president want bankrupt a company that provides jobs, tax revenue?
D) Obama has SIGNED the fewest Federal oil leases in over 25 years... all the lower gas prices due to private NOT Federal!
E) Obama said: "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
These are just a few of the ways GOP trying to block Obama's "jobs"... remember the "shovel ready jobs"???
Did GOP block the trillion-odd dollars of "stimulus money" which Obama and the Democrats breathlessly said we needed for "shovel ready" jobs to re-build roads and infrastructure?
So where did all that sweet stimulus money go?
Of the money spent in swing state Wisconsin, 80 percent went to public sector unions-those with already locked-in jobs.
In fact, right-to-work states got $266 less per person in stimulus money than heavily unionized states.
Where Democrats had a vast majority of representatives, their states got $460 per person more.

When Obama signed the stimulus bill in 2009, he promised it would provide "help for those hardest hit by our economic crisis." Clearly, it did not. The states hurt the most, the ones with more foreclosures, unemployment, and bankruptcy, got less money than richer states closer to power.
Washington, D.C. got the most stimulus money: $7,602 per capita.
Stimulus Money for Shovel Ready Projects Where Did It Go
YAWN; i said and is still say retirees arent counted in the labor force; because they arent

i said and i stil say retiring workers arent responsible for the 40-year low in LFPR; because they arent

you're going to have to do better than that
Yes, you did say that just before you said retired folks are not a factor in the labor force participation rate.

So answer the question I actually asked...

... do you think retired folks are, or are not, counted in the civilian noninstitutional population?

If you answer no, you are an imbecile. If you answer yes, you are calling yourself an imbecile for claiming earlier that retired folks are not a factor in the labor force participation rate.


again; what a boring loser; they are counted in the "civilian noninstitutional population"

they arent conted in the Labor Force

yawn; what a bore. seriously a petty insult from a loser like you means what again to me?

you are a sad apologist for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE
the country knows Dems/libs/Progs have failed; that's why they gave the House and the Senate back to the other guys and 2016 is looking pretty grim for the Jackass Party

retiring Baby Boomers are not the reason the Labor Participation rate is at a 38-year low; no matter how much you want to nit-pick
it's simply laughable the endless stream of excuses your ilk has for failing.
after 8-straight years of Progressive majority rule that ended just 2 months ago; the very richest got richer and the poorest got poorer; that isnt a Fox News talking point it is simply a fact.
it's also a fact that to the degree things have gotten better they started to get better when Democrats lost their grip on all parts of the law-making process when Republicans took the House back in 2010

libs are loser who lie to themselves
Since we agree they are counted in the civilian noninstitutional population number and since we agree the civilian noninstitutional population number IS a factor in the labor force participation rate -- do you understand now how fucking retarded you sounded when you idiotically claimed retired folks are NOT a factor in the labor force participation rate?

Is any of this sinking in yet, dumbfuck?
um no leftard; it wont sink in until you admit retirees arent counted in the labor force; hence not a signifigant reason for the low LFPR

Why the fuck would I ever admit retirees are in the labor force?? They're not. But they most certainly are a factor in the labor force participation rate.

You truly are the dumbest poster here.
Yes, you did say that just before you said retired folks are not a factor in the labor force participation rate.

So answer the question I actually asked...

... do you think retired folks are, or are not, counted in the civilian noninstitutional population?

If you answer no, you are an imbecile. If you answer yes, you are calling yourself an imbecile for claiming earlier that retired folks are not a factor in the labor force participation rate.


again; what a boring loser; they are counted in the "civilian noninstitutional population"

they arent conted in the Labor Force

yawn; what a bore. seriously a petty insult from a loser like you means what again to me?

you are a sad apologist for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE
the country knows Dems/libs/Progs have failed; that's why they gave the House and the Senate back to the other guys and 2016 is looking pretty grim for the Jackass Party

retiring Baby Boomers are not the reason the Labor Participation rate is at a 38-year low; no matter how much you want to nit-pick
it's simply laughable the endless stream of excuses your ilk has for failing.
after 8-straight years of Progressive majority rule that ended just 2 months ago; the very richest got richer and the poorest got poorer; that isnt a Fox News talking point it is simply a fact.
it's also a fact that to the degree things have gotten better they started to get better when Democrats lost their grip on all parts of the law-making process when Republicans took the House back in 2010

libs are loser who lie to themselves
Since we agree they are counted in the civilian noninstitutional population number and since we agree the civilian noninstitutional population number IS a factor in the labor force participation rate -- do you understand now how fucking retarded you sounded when you idiotically claimed retired folks are NOT a factor in the labor force participation rate?

Is any of this sinking in yet, dumbfuck?
um no leftard; it wont sink in until you admit retirees arent counted in the labor force; hence not a signifigant reason for the low LFPR

Why the fuck would I ever admit retirees are in the labor force?? They're not. But they most certainly are a factor in the labor force participation rate.

You truly are the dumbest poster here.
Ummm ... did you forget to post a reply, DF?

Tell me again how retirees are not a factor in the labor force participation rate even though the civilian noninstitutional population is a factor and retirees fall into that category.


Jobs Report U.S. Adds 126 000 Jobs - WSJ

Jobs Report: U.S. Adds 126,000 Jobs; Unemployment Steady at 5.5%

Monthly gain is lowest since December 2013 as first quarter ends with a stumble

WASHINGTON—U.S. employers sharply slowed their hiring in March to the weakest pace in more than a year, the latest sign that the economy stumbled during a first quarter that was hampered in part by harsh winter weather.

Nonfarm payrolls rose by a seasonally adjusted 126,000 jobs in March, the Labor Department said Friday. That was the smallest gain since December 2013. The average monthly gain in the first quarter was 197,000, down from an average of 324,000 in the final three months of 2014.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Mother Nature made my Messiah fail!

Which doesn't seem to be in synch with what Obama said..."This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
From his June 4, 2008 speech on winning the Democratic primaries

Obama was right the rise of the oceans began to slow Watts Up With That
So then Because he is the Messiah and the oceans began to slow... why would they blame the weather for a 0% GDP in first quarter?
When you put yourself in the position Obama did with statements like the above NOTHING should be impossible with him.
So why more people on unemployment, or food stamps? The Messiah should be able to solve all those problems with a snap of his fingers right???
Remember I didn't say this but the Editor of Newsweek who once was asked about Bush:
"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way Today Cheers Obama s Football Play

YET this same Editor of NewsWeek Thomas...who Obama NOW bashes...gushed about Obama.....
"mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek s Evan Thomas Obama Is Sort of God
Jobs Report U.S. Adds 126 000 Jobs - WSJ

Jobs Report: U.S. Adds 126,000 Jobs; Unemployment Steady at 5.5%

Monthly gain is lowest since December 2013 as first quarter ends with a stumble

WASHINGTON—U.S. employers sharply slowed their hiring in March to the weakest pace in more than a year, the latest sign that the economy stumbled during a first quarter that was hampered in part by harsh winter weather.

Nonfarm payrolls rose by a seasonally adjusted 126,000 jobs in March, the Labor Department said Friday. That was the smallest gain since December 2013. The average monthly gain in the first quarter was 197,000, down from an average of 324,000 in the final three months of 2014.
True, it was weaker than expected and the weakest in more than a year, but mostly on the upside, 190K full time jobs were added and the unemployment rate remained at 5.5%, still within the range of full employment. And growth in the private sector extended to a record 61 consecutive months.
Jobs Report U.S. Adds 126 000 Jobs - WSJ

Jobs Report: U.S. Adds 126,000 Jobs; Unemployment Steady at 5.5%

Monthly gain is lowest since December 2013 as first quarter ends with a stumble

WASHINGTON—U.S. employers sharply slowed their hiring in March to the weakest pace in more than a year, the latest sign that the economy stumbled during a first quarter that was hampered in part by harsh winter weather.

Nonfarm payrolls rose by a seasonally adjusted 126,000 jobs in March, the Labor Department said Friday. That was the smallest gain since December 2013. The average monthly gain in the first quarter was 197,000, down from an average of 324,000 in the final three months of 2014.
True, it was weaker than expected and the weakest in more than a year, but mostly on the upside, 190K full time jobs were added and the unemployment rate remained at 5.5%, still within the range of full employment. And growth in the private sector extended to a record 61 consecutive months.

lol; more pathetic propaganda for the gullible
Jobs Report U.S. Adds 126 000 Jobs - WSJ

Jobs Report: U.S. Adds 126,000 Jobs; Unemployment Steady at 5.5%

Monthly gain is lowest since December 2013 as first quarter ends with a stumble

WASHINGTON—U.S. employers sharply slowed their hiring in March to the weakest pace in more than a year, the latest sign that the economy stumbled during a first quarter that was hampered in part by harsh winter weather.

Nonfarm payrolls rose by a seasonally adjusted 126,000 jobs in March, the Labor Department said Friday. That was the smallest gain since December 2013. The average monthly gain in the first quarter was 197,000, down from an average of 324,000 in the final three months of 2014.
True, it was weaker than expected and the weakest in more than a year, but mostly on the upside, 190K full time jobs were added and the unemployment rate remained at 5.5%, still within the range of full employment. And growth in the private sector extended to a record 61 consecutive months.

lol; more pathetic propaganda for the gullible
Sure, to a conservative, stating facts is "propaganda." :rolleyes:

I do this stuff for a living, and I don't remember a stranger economic period. Every time I get my hopes up with this economic data, that economic data comes along and wrecks it. Every time the economic data looks scary, along comes some good news.

That does happen, but I don't remember it happening for this long - what, three, four years?

May not change for a while. The foundation for growth is definitely there, but so are some pretty significant dangers.


Danger is the name of the game. That's one of the real problems with our economy nowadays. Things have been pushed to the brink. The "key" to success nowadays is to bet the house every single day and be "good" enough that you get away with it. And if things go bust, pass the consequences down to the bottom rungs.

I do this stuff for a living, and I don't remember a stranger economic period. Every time I get my hopes up with this economic data, that economic data comes along and wrecks it. Every time the economic data looks scary, along comes some good news.

That does happen, but I don't remember it happening for this long - what, three, four years?

May not change for a while. The foundation for growth is definitely there, but so are some pretty significant dangers.


Danger is the name of the game. That's one of the real problems with our economy nowadays. Things have been pushed to the brink. The "key" to success nowadays is to bet the house every single day and be "good" enough that you get away with it. And if things go bust, pass the consequences down to the bottom rungs.
What really blows my mind is how we chose to allow Too Big To Fail to remain after the meltdown.

It's obviously about money & politics, but I underestimated how weak our "leaders" are.

And I already knew they were pretty weak.

Jobs Report U.S. Adds 126 000 Jobs - WSJ

Jobs Report: U.S. Adds 126,000 Jobs; Unemployment Steady at 5.5%

Monthly gain is lowest since December 2013 as first quarter ends with a stumble

WASHINGTON—U.S. employers sharply slowed their hiring in March to the weakest pace in more than a year, the latest sign that the economy stumbled during a first quarter that was hampered in part by harsh winter weather.

Nonfarm payrolls rose by a seasonally adjusted 126,000 jobs in March, the Labor Department said Friday. That was the smallest gain since December 2013. The average monthly gain in the first quarter was 197,000, down from an average of 324,000 in the final three months of 2014.
True, it was weaker than expected and the weakest in more than a year, but mostly on the upside, 190K full time jobs were added and the unemployment rate remained at 5.5%, still within the range of full employment. And growth in the private sector extended to a record 61 consecutive months.

lol; more pathetic propaganda for the gullible
Ok,....you prefer ADP's figure of 189,000 more private sector payroll jobs? Cool. Though why you think the government's propaganda would give a lower number than ADP is a mystery to me.

I do this stuff for a living, and I don't remember a stranger economic period. Every time I get my hopes up with this economic data, that economic data comes along and wrecks it. Every time the economic data looks scary, along comes some good news.

That does happen, but I don't remember it happening for this long - what, three, four years?

May not change for a while. The foundation for growth is definitely there, but so are some pretty significant dangers.


Danger is the name of the game. That's one of the real problems with our economy nowadays. Things have been pushed to the brink. The "key" to success nowadays is to bet the house every single day and be "good" enough that you get away with it. And if things go bust, pass the consequences down to the bottom rungs.
What really blows my mind is how we chose to allow Too Big To Fail to remain after the meltdown.

It's obviously about money & politics, but I underestimated how weak our "leaders" are.

And I already knew they were pretty weak.

They werent weak. The opposite. They wrote too big to fail into law, guaranteeing big banks etc limited competition from upstarts and guaranteeing them a decent living. In return the companies contributed to Congressional campaigns. Nothing weak about it.

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