Obama's Economy FAIL- 0.0% GDP Growth In The First Quarter

And the majority of them fell for the government pyramid scheme for their retirement. In fact they kept voting in favor of it.
Prior to Social Security, very few Americans could retire at all
And guess what? Today they still can't do it without putting the nation into deeper and deeper debt. Who's fault is that?

I blame a limp dick congress who has been unwilling to fix social security for decades
And the majority of them fell for the government pyramid scheme for their retirement. In fact they kept voting in favor of it.
Prior to Social Security, very few Americans could retire at all
And guess what? Today they still can't do it without putting the nation into deeper and deeper debt. Who's fault is that?

I blame a limp dick congress who has been unwilling to fix social security for decades
Umm, every time we try to fix it you assholes run around saying we're trying to throw granny off a cliff. I blame you fucking people.
Good lord. Obama can't do anything right, well, unless you consider the unpatriotic agenda- a transformation of success


The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2015 has been downgraded once again... to 0.0 percent on April 1, down from 2.3 percent on Feb 13th.

Following this morning's construction spending release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast for real residential investment growth increased from -1.1 percent to 1.8 percent. This was more than offset by declines in the nowcasts for real nonresidential structures investment growth (-19.3 percent to -22.5 percent) and real state and local government spending growth (0.3 percent to -0.8 percent)

It s Official Fed Sees 0.0 GDP Growth In The First Quarter Zero Hedge
Lol you guys have been waiting for this. After the consistent, robust growth of the last few years, there is finally a break in growth. Now you cherry pick this a proof of an Obama failure lol. You people are so predictable.
Yup, getting the 8 million jobs back that the Bush Great Recession lost and adding an additional 4.5 million is a failure.

What a bunch of fucking fruit loops.
You do mean the Pelosi/Reid/Dodd/Frank recession, but, of course you feel the need to suck up to Obamacraps.
The great majority of Americans do not agree with you fruit loops. You know it, I know it, and the GOP kingmakers know it. Ain't gonna be no Ted Cruz, no Mike Huckabee, or the other weirdies of the far right on our GOP ticket.
Spoke like a true liberal Geaux
Spoken like a true GOP mainstreamer who, with the scores of other millions of mainstreamers, are no longer putting up with you fruit loops.

Never met a Republican with your views. Not one


About 10,000 turn 62 every day.

A little over 3,000 retire every day.

Social Security Beneficiary Statistics
And the majority of them fell for the government pyramid scheme for their retirement. In fact they kept voting in favor of it.
Prior to Social Security, very few Americans could retire at all
And guess what? Today they still can't do it without putting the nation into deeper and deeper debt. Who's fault is that?

I blame a limp dick congress who has been unwilling to fix social security for decades
Umm, every time we try to fix it you assholes run around saying we're trying to throw granny off a cliff. I blame you fucking people.

Privatizing it is kind of like throwing granny off the cliff. Maybe we should look into making it more accountable and forget about privatizing it??? Oh'what a solution.
Privatization is killing the American middle class.

Federal government and most other civil services are their lowest numbers in two and half a decades.

Corporations make up only 1/3d the government load now compared to then.
Yup, getting the 8 million jobs back that the Bush Great Recession lost and adding an additional 4.5 million is a failure.

What a bunch of fucking fruit loops.
You do mean the Pelosi/Reid/Dodd/Frank recession, but, of course you feel the need to suck up to Obamacraps.
The great majority of Americans do not agree with you fruit loops. You know it, I know it, and the GOP kingmakers know it. Ain't gonna be no Ted Cruz, no Mike Huckabee, or the other weirdies of the far right on our GOP ticket.
Spoke like a true liberal Geaux
Spoken like a true GOP mainstreamer who, with the scores of other millions of mainstreamers, are no longer putting up with you fruit loops.

Never met a Republican with your views. Not one-Geaux
Then you have run in only bad circles.
Privatization is killing the American middle class.

Federal government and most other civil services are their lowest numbers in two and half a decades.

Corporations make up only 1/3d the government load now compared to then.

Bullshit pop, there are no "Republican's" like you.

There are only silly Rino's.
Privatization is killing the American middle class.

Federal government and most other civil services are their lowest numbers in two and half a decades.

Corporations make up only 1/3d the government load now compared to then.

Bullshit pop, there are no "Republican's" like you.

There are only silly Rino's.

RINOs... such a funny concept. Almost like high school peer pressure.

"Believe what we believe or you won't be part of the club anymore!"

Group-think in politics is so interesting.
Privatization is killing the American middle class.

Federal government and most other civil services are their lowest numbers in two and half a decades.

Corporations make up only 1/3d the government load now compared to then.

Bullshit pop, there are no "Republican's" like you.

There are only silly Rino's.

RINOs... such a funny concept. Almost like high school peer pressure.

"Believe what we believe or you won't be part of the club anymore!"

Group-think in politics is so interesting.
Especilly with lockstep GOP- lockstep in believing a pile of crap and ignoring facts and science. A disgrace.
Privatization is killing the American middle class.

Federal government and most other civil services are their lowest numbers in two and half a decades.

Corporations make up only 1/3d the government load now compared to then.

Bullshit pop, there are no "Republican's" like you.

There are only silly Rino's.

RINOs... such a funny concept. Almost like high school peer pressure.

"Believe what we believe or you won't be part of the club anymore!"

Group-think in politics is so interesting.

Group think is a natural element of being a extremist idiot.
Privatization is killing the American middle class.

Federal government and most other civil services are their lowest numbers in two and half a decades.

Corporations make up only 1/3d the government load now compared to then.

Bullshit pop, there are no "Republican's" like you.

There are only silly Rino's.

RINOs... such a funny concept. Almost like high school peer pressure.

"Believe what we believe or you won't be part of the club anymore!"

Group-think in politics is so interesting.
Especilly with lockstep GOP- lockstep in believing a pile of crap and ignoring facts and science. A disgrace.

You know FrancoHFW.... reading your above lazy, careless,stupid comment (especilly) --Lazy because the little red dotted line tells you it is misspelled!) and then reading this: "I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry"

I just have to laugh at how stupid you appear and wonder if you really are as dumb as you evidence?
"Lazy"? "Careless"? It takes NO time to correctly spell especially when there is a little red dotted line...it is pure laziness and careless!
Then your "ignorance" shows when you make the above comment!
Simple reason enough not to believe a word you enter! You are too "lazy", "careless" and "stupid" by making the above statement!
You know FrancoHFW.... reading your above lazy, careless,stupid comment (especilly) --Lazy because the little red dotted line tells you it is misspelled!) and then reading this: "I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry"

I just have to laugh at how stupid you appear and wonder if you really are as dumb as you evidence?
"Lazy"? "Careless"? It takes NO time to correctly spell especially when there is a little red dotted line...it is pure laziness and careless!
Then your "ignorance" shows when you make the above comment!
Simple reason enough not to believe a word you enter! You are too "lazy", "careless" and "stupid" by making the above statement!

Um.. Did you really just rant over a misspelled word?

What the heck, man..
You know FrancoHFW.... reading your above lazy, careless,stupid comment (especilly) --Lazy because the little red dotted line tells you it is misspelled!) and then reading this: "I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry"

I just have to laugh at how stupid you appear and wonder if you really are as dumb as you evidence?
"Lazy"? "Careless"? It takes NO time to correctly spell especially when there is a little red dotted line...it is pure laziness and careless!
Then your "ignorance" shows when you make the above comment!
Simple reason enough not to believe a word you enter! You are too "lazy", "careless" and "stupid" by making the above statement!

I would also like to point out that this post has more than its fair share of grammatical issues.

"You know FrancoHFW.... reading your above lazy, careless,stupid comment (especilly) --Lazy because the little red dotted line tells you it is misspelled!)" You're only using half a set of parenthesis for your last statement. Also, you need a space between 'careless,' and 'stupid'. The little red dotted line you know so much about should have shown up.

"I just have to laugh at how stupid you appear and wonder if you really are as dumb as you evidence?" This isn't a question. A period is sufficient.

Another error is your habit to put every word you feel is important in "quotes" as if it makes you "seem" more "intelligent" than you "are" :wink_2: I'm gonna stop here, because I'm bored.

Point is, don't correct someone's grammar when yours is even worse. It makes you look like a tool. :beer:

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