Obama's Economy FAIL- 0.0% GDP Growth In The First Quarter

Good lord. Obama can't do anything right, well, unless you consider the unpatriotic agenda- a transformation of success


The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2015 has been downgraded once again... to 0.0 percent on April 1, down from 2.3 percent on Feb 13th.

Following this morning's construction spending release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast for real residential investment growth increased from -1.1 percent to 1.8 percent. This was more than offset by declines in the nowcasts for real nonresidential structures investment growth (-19.3 percent to -22.5 percent) and real state and local government spending growth (0.3 percent to -0.8 percent)

It s Official Fed Sees 0.0 GDP Growth In The First Quarter Zero Hedge
This is hard to understand ...especially in light of the many programs to bolster the economy our President has proposed and managed to implement. Like ahhhh......
Why do hater dupes celebrate bad news for the country, and how much damage does Pub bs fear mongering do? "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME.
That's because the "hater dupes" on both ends of the spectrum have put their blind ideology over their country. Both ends.


I can understand that you wouldn't see that.

Your whole party is a disgrace. I don't remember any Dems rooting for the economy to fail under Boooosh. Brainwashed, ignorant, traitorous or close to it hater dupes are truly pathetic.

The Dems did worse under Bush... the cheered, rooted and encouraged the bad guys to kill our guys in Iraq using statements like these that
a Harvard study showed INCREASED violence 10% when statements like these were made!

Please explain to me how if I were a soldier I would feel having these Democrat leaders make these statements?

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

NOTE: You don't think the terrorists found Kerry calling OUR TROOPS terrorists absolutely EMBOLDENING???

Remember Kerry EARLIER wanted Bush to:
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
NOTE: The terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers.

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

Then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
Either Obama was so stupid not to realize his words would be used or he didn't care...either way it HELPED Terrorists!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

You can't convince me that the TERRORISTS were emboldened and encouraged and recruited more terrorists!
After all you idiots that bring up Abu Ghraib as a prime motivator for terrorists recruitment...
HOW MUCH more with idiots like the above making those
terrible disgusting statements calling our troops "civilian killers"... "terrorists"!
We were talking domestic policy, of course. Dems supported the war until the dishonesty of Boooshies became obvious (NOT ME!). Unfortunately, there were US atrocities when frustration set in. War is Hell. Thanks for the stupidest, longest wars EVER!
Good lord. Obama can't do anything right, well, unless you consider the unpatriotic agenda- a transformation of success


The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2015 has been downgraded once again... to 0.0 percent on April 1, down from 2.3 percent on Feb 13th.

Following this morning's construction spending release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast for real residential investment growth increased from -1.1 percent to 1.8 percent. This was more than offset by declines in the nowcasts for real nonresidential structures investment growth (-19.3 percent to -22.5 percent) and real state and local government spending growth (0.3 percent to -0.8 percent)

It s Official Fed Sees 0.0 GDP Growth In The First Quarter Zero Hedge
This is hard to understand ...especially in light of the many programs to bolster the economy our President has proposed and managed to implement. Like ahhhh......
It's also total BS- Growth was 2.5%. DUH.
Anyone who believes Obamamath that unemployment is 5.5% really does belong to his cult.
Oh? How are you claiming the UE rate is calculated differently under Onama?

Well it's not he won lie of year before. please, this whole administration is one big lie after another
But BLS is not part of the "administration." They fall under DOL administratively, but nobody outside the specific program office has any access to the raw data or influence on the data.

The night before release of a major indicator, the President gets a courtesy copy, and by the it's too late to change anything.

So you don
'T have a real argument, you just hate Obama.

I don't care for the man, voted against him twice, but the UE rate is not manipulated

oh ok, I guess you be the expert. and put me in my place by golly...must nice to be so naïve
Get that tin foil shipment in, conspiracy dingbat. BTW, Reagan changed the UE to this way....He's the lying POS if you're actually looking...
Why do hater dupes celebrate bad news for the country, and how much damage does Pub bs fear mongering do? "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME.
That's because the "hater dupes" on both ends of the spectrum have put their blind ideology over their country. Both ends.


I can understand that you wouldn't see that.

Your whole party is a disgrace. I don't remember any Dems rooting for the economy to fail under Boooosh. Brainwashed, ignorant, traitorous or close to it hater dupes are truly pathetic.

The Dems did worse under Bush... the cheered, rooted and encouraged the bad guys to kill our guys in Iraq using statements like these that
a Harvard study showed INCREASED violence 10% when statements like these were made!

Please explain to me how if I were a soldier I would feel having these Democrat leaders make these statements?

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

NOTE: You don't think the terrorists found Kerry calling OUR TROOPS terrorists absolutely EMBOLDENING???

Remember Kerry EARLIER wanted Bush to:
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
NOTE: The terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers.

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

Then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
Either Obama was so stupid not to realize his words would be used or he didn't care...either way it HELPED Terrorists!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

You can't convince me that the TERRORISTS were emboldened and encouraged and recruited more terrorists!
After all you idiots that bring up Abu Ghraib as a prime motivator for terrorists recruitment...
HOW MUCH more with idiots like the above making those
terrible disgusting statements calling our troops "civilian killers"... "terrorists"!
We were talking domestic policy, of course. Dems supported the war until the dishonesty of Boooshies became obvious (NOT ME!). Unfortunately, there were US atrocities when frustration set in. War is Hell. Thanks for the stupidest, longest wars EVER!

YES unfortunately BUT YOU don't use them for political gain! You don't make statements that help kill more troops.
So why do you think there were 6 years of Iraq conflict when Saddam was overthrown in the first six weeks?
Because Democrats seeking political gain WANTED the conflict to continue and more troops be killed.
They evidenced this by constantly and daily with the aid of the MSM showing body counts. Making statements that helped ONLY the enemy.

During WWI and WWII if the MSM had barraged Americans with negative, destructive news about those conflicts we'd still be fighting them!

And this crap about "pulling the troops" out... we still have US troops are spread across the globe: approximately 66,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 80,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region; .United States military deployments - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So when the enemies see statements like what the Democrats made, they killed more people including US troops!
ISIS would never be as powerful if US troops were still in Iraq!
Germany had Werwolf (pronounced[ˈveːɐ̯vɔlf], German for "werewolf") was the name given to a Nazi plan, which began development in 1944,[2] to create a resistance force which would operate behind enemy lines as the Allies advanced through Germany itself. However Werwolf's propaganda value far outweighed its actual achievements. Werwolf - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Think what the German resistance would have been if there hadn't been US troops in Germany after 60 years!
Anyone who believes Obamamath that unemployment is 5.5% really does belong to his cult.
Oh? How are you claiming the UE rate is calculated differently under Onama?

Well it's not he won lie of year before. please, this whole administration is one big lie after another
But BLS is not part of the "administration." They fall under DOL administratively, but nobody outside the specific program office has any access to the raw data or influence on the data.

The night before release of a major indicator, the President gets a courtesy copy, and by the it's too late to change anything.

So you don
'T have a real argument, you just hate Obama.

I don't care for the man, voted against him twice, but the UE rate is not manipulated

oh ok, I guess you be the expert. and put me in my place by golly...must nice to be so naïve
I worked at BLS for well over a decade, under Clinton, Bush, and Obama. I know people who have been there since Carter, so yes, I do know what I'm talking about.
Your whole party is a disgrace. I don't remember any Dems rooting for the economy to fail under Boooosh. Brainwashed, ignorant, traitorous or close to it hater dupes are truly pathetic.
Great example of my point, thanks.

I don't vote Republican.

Did you think you had me there?

Wanna try again?

You sure as hell don't vote Dem. Whatever bs RW gang you vote for, it's part of the RW dupe America program, fool.
You just keep proving my point. You can't help yourself.

And I usually vote Dem in state and local elections. But I can't be associated with people like you on the national elections.

Why don't you look at the policies and hate you support, instead of relying on who you vote against? Pretty nonsensical.
You're not going to understand. You're a True Believer, and I know there's nothing I can say that is outside of your vacuum that will click.

One of the many things that fascinates me about people like you is whether the non-stop hate and nastiness you spew online provides some kind of temporary catharsis, or whether you're like this all the time. You're certainly not trying to heal wounds, change minds, civilly discuss issues or bring people together, so behavior like this must be some kind of personal salve for you.

Who knows!
You brainwahed hater dupes don't listen to facts. That's why it's called brainwashing...I've never seen anyone change a dupe mind with the truth. SEE sig, especially the last line. I only hate your BS politics, not you- you're a victim...

How 'bout those Cubs? On Wisconsin! Ever been to Europe? I'm way overdue for a return, and want to see India and thereabouts...

THis IS a POLITICS board. Dems don't hate like brainwashed bigots duh...
Great example of my point, thanks.

I don't vote Republican.

Did you think you had me there?

Wanna try again?

You sure as hell don't vote Dem. Whatever bs RW gang you vote for, it's part of the RW dupe America program, fool.
You just keep proving my point. You can't help yourself.

And I usually vote Dem in state and local elections. But I can't be associated with people like you on the national elections.

Why don't you look at the policies and hate you support, instead of relying on who you vote against? Pretty nonsensical.
You're not going to understand. You're a True Believer, and I know there's nothing I can say that is outside of your vacuum that will click.

One of the many things that fascinates me about people like you is whether the non-stop hate and nastiness you spew online provides some kind of temporary catharsis, or whether you're like this all the time. You're certainly not trying to heal wounds, change minds, civilly discuss issues or bring people together, so behavior like this must be some kind of personal salve for you.

Who knows!
You brainwahed hater dupes don't listen to facts. That's why it's called brainwashing...I've never seen anyone change a dupe mind with the truth. SEE sig, especially the last line. I only hate your BS politics, not you- you're a victim...

How 'bout those Cubs? On Wisconsin! Ever been to Europe? I'm way overdue for a return, and want to see India and thereabouts...

THis IS a POLITICS board. Dems don't hate like brainwashed bigots duh...
Holy crap.


Because Democrats seeking political gain WANTED the conflict to continue and more troops be killed.
They evidenced this by constantly and daily with the aid of the MSM showing body counts. Making statements that helped ONLY the enemy.

I have known this for some time now but worth repeating,.

You are one fucked up individual. Really. You are fucking crazy.
Anyone who believes Obamamath that unemployment is 5.5% really does belong to his cult.
Oh? How are you claiming the UE rate is calculated differently under Onama?

Well it's not he won lie of year before. please, this whole administration is one big lie after another
But BLS is not part of the "administration." They fall under DOL administratively, but nobody outside the specific program office has any access to the raw data or influence on the data.

The night before release of a major indicator, the President gets a courtesy copy, and by the it's too late to change anything.

So you don
'T have a real argument, you just hate Obama.

I don't care for the man, voted against him twice, but the UE rate is not manipulated

oh ok, I guess you be the expert. and put me in my place by golly...must nice to be so naïve
Get that tin foil shipment in, conspiracy dingbat. BTW, Reagan changed the UE to this way....He's the lying POS if you're actually looking...
There were no real changes under Reagan. Military were included as employed, but the civilian rate was still published. I don't know what changes you had in mind. The two major changes to the CPS were in 1967 and 1994. But the definition of unemployed only had one minor change in 94
Because Democrats seeking political gain WANTED the conflict to continue and more troops be killed.
They evidenced this by constantly and daily with the aid of the MSM showing body counts. Making statements that helped ONLY the enemy.

Hey mac, is this one of those fine examples of right wingers trying to bring us together?
Notice you didn't have jack shit to say about this fucked up post from myths. Why's that?
Was it politically correct to make the comment she did?
Anyone who believes Obamamath that unemployment is 5.5% really does belong to his cult.
Oh? How are you claiming the UE rate is calculated differently under Onama?

Well it's not he won lie of year before. please, this whole administration is one big lie after another
But BLS is not part of the "administration." They fall under DOL administratively, but nobody outside the specific program office has any access to the raw data or influence on the data.

The night before release of a major indicator, the President gets a courtesy copy, and by the it's too late to change anything.

So you don
'T have a real argument, you just hate Obama.

I don't care for the man, voted against him twice, but the UE rate is not manipulated

oh ok, I guess you be the expert. and put me in my place by golly...must nice to be so naïve
I worked at BLS for well over a decade, under Clinton, Bush, and Obama. I know people who have been there since Carter, so yes, I do know what I'm talking about.

Well are you working there under Obama? if not, you don't know what you're talking about. but you can beat your chest all you like
Well are you working there under Obama? if not, you don't know what you're talking about.

Guess what staph. You ain't working there either. And you sure as fuck don't know what you are talking about. Ever.
Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.

So it's 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow everywhere? You are full of excuses and those good at making them are rarely good at anything else. Pucker up and keep defending your boy.
Oh? How are you claiming the UE rate is calculated differently under Onama?

Well it's not he won lie of year before. please, this whole administration is one big lie after another
But BLS is not part of the "administration." They fall under DOL administratively, but nobody outside the specific program office has any access to the raw data or influence on the data.

The night before release of a major indicator, the President gets a courtesy copy, and by the it's too late to change anything.

So you don
'T have a real argument, you just hate Obama.

I don't care for the man, voted against him twice, but the UE rate is not manipulated

oh ok, I guess you be the expert. and put me in my place by golly...must nice to be so naïve
I worked at BLS for well over a decade, under Clinton, Bush, and Obama. I know people who have been there since Carter, so yes, I do know what I'm talking about.

Well are you working there under Obama? if not, you don't know what you're talking about. but you can beat your chest all you like
I did work there under Obama, yes.

But that shouldn't even matter, it's ridiculous to claim the numbers must be wrong just because Obama's president.

It would be practically impossible to manipulate the numbers no matter who is President
Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.

Stupid is thinking it was 5 degrees and snowed in all 50 states for two months.

Where I live, it never got to 5 degrees once and we haven't had 20 inches of snow in the last 5 years combined.

Zeke must be of the mindset that if it happens where he lives it must happen everywhere.
Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.

Stupid is thinking it was 5 degrees and snowed in all 50 states for two months.

Where I live, it never got to 5 degrees once and we haven't had 20 inches of snow in the last 5 years combined.

Zeke must be of the mindset that if it happens where he lives it must happen everywhere.
The NE financial centers have been crushed the last 2 years- and Cal ag in huge drought.
Oh? How are you claiming the UE rate is calculated differently under Onama?

Well it's not he won lie of year before. please, this whole administration is one big lie after another
But BLS is not part of the "administration." They fall under DOL administratively, but nobody outside the specific program office has any access to the raw data or influence on the data.

The night before release of a major indicator, the President gets a courtesy copy, and by the it's too late to change anything.

So you don
'T have a real argument, you just hate Obama.

I don't care for the man, voted against him twice, but the UE rate is not manipulated

oh ok, I guess you be the expert. and put me in my place by golly...must nice to be so naïve
Get that tin foil shipment in, conspiracy dingbat. BTW, Reagan changed the UE to this way....He's the lying POS if you're actually looking...
There were no real changes under Reagan. Military were included as employed, but the civilian rate was still published. I don't know what changes you had in mind. The two major changes to the CPS were in 1967 and 1994. But the definition of unemployed only had one minor change in 94
Drat- I thought the '94 thing was under Reagan. Not counting discouraged at all after a year seems to be the problem that Pub dupes are hysterical about. WHY did they do the '94 thing?
Did you take a stupid pill before you logged on?

What was happening in the country the first quarter of this year. Particularly the first two months of the first quarter.
Do a Google if you can about what happens in that Jan, Feb time frame that might effect spending patterns of consumers and business's.

You smart enough to use Google or you want me to explain to you what was happening in Jan and Feb 2015.

Here is a hint; you try building a house when it is 5 degrees out with 20 inches of snow. Your supplies and building material can't get on site, the employees can'g get to work.. It's so cold nothing works right.

You really are stupid.

Stupid is thinking it was 5 degrees and snowed in all 50 states for two months.

Where I live, it never got to 5 degrees once and we haven't had 20 inches of snow in the last 5 years combined.

Zeke must be of the mindset that if it happens where he lives it must happen everywhere.
The NE financial centers have been crushed the last 2 years- and Cal ag in huge drought.

Not everywhere in the country is the NE and Cal ag has had a drought for years. Even California's idiot governor Brown recognized the extended drought.

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