Obama's Economy FAIL- 0.0% GDP Growth In The First Quarter

Bump for the 300th post to the OP

Winter Blues Can’t Be Blamed for Poor Economy — “About Those Jobs Numbers” For March 2015

It’s not a good Friday for the Obama Administration. A new report on jobless numbers, compiled by the federal government, came out today.

The official unemployment rate is 5.5 percent. That’s unchanged from last month, and that’s no cause for celebration. Even though this official number did not go up, the more complete and nearly double alternative unemployment measure and the workforce participation rate still points to peril. There are even more reminders that the American economy continues to underperform despite the assurances from the Obama Administration that things are getting better.

Winter Blues Can t Be Blamed for Poor Economy About Those Jobs Numbers For March 2015 - Amy Ridenour s National Center Blog - A Conservative Blog
Bump for the 300th post to the OP

Winter Blues Can’t Be Blamed for Poor Economy — “About Those Jobs Numbers” For March 2015

It’s not a good Friday for the Obama Administration. A new report on jobless numbers, compiled by the federal government, came out today.

The official unemployment rate is 5.5 percent. That’s unchanged from last month, and that’s no cause for celebration. Even though this official number did not go up, the more complete and nearly double alternative unemployment measure and the workforce participation rate still points to peril. There are even more reminders that the American economy continues to underperform despite the assurances from the Obama Administration that things are getting better.

Winter Blues Can t Be Blamed for Poor Economy About Those Jobs Numbers For March 2015 - Amy Ridenour s National Center Blog - A Conservative Blog
Why do hater dupes celebrate bad news for the country, and how much damage does Pub bs fear mongering do? "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME.
That's because the "hater dupes" on both ends of the spectrum have put their blind ideology over their country. Both ends.


I can certainly understand that someone like you wouldn't see that.

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Anyone who believes Obamamath that unemployment is 5.5% really does belong to his cult.
Why do hater dupes celebrate bad news for the country, and how much damage does Pub bs fear mongering do? "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME.
That's because the "hater dupes" on both ends of the spectrum have put their blind ideology over their country. Both ends.


I can understand that you wouldn't see that.

Your whole party is a disgrace. I don't remember any Dems rooting for the economy to fail under Boooosh. Brainwashed, ignorant, traitorous or close to it hater dupes are truly pathetic.
You know FrancoHFW.... reading your above lazy, careless,stupid comment (especilly) --Lazy because the little red dotted line tells you it is misspelled!) and then reading this: "I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry"

I just have to laugh at how stupid you appear and wonder if you really are as dumb as you evidence?
"Lazy"? "Careless"? It takes NO time to correctly spell especially when there is a little red dotted line...it is pure laziness and careless!
Then your "ignorance" shows when you make the above comment!
Simple reason enough not to believe a word you enter! You are too "lazy", "careless" and "stupid" by making the above statement!

Um.. Did you really just rant over a misspelled word?

What the heck, man..
Of course man... this FrancoHFW idiot shouts how "lazy" "careless" and "stupid" "dupes" are and then he is too lazy and careless to
pay attention to the little red dotted line that HELPS people like him.
Anyone who believes Obamamath that unemployment is 5.5% really does belong to his cult.
Oh? How are you claiming the UE rate is calculated differently under Onama?

Well it's not he won lie of year before. please, this whole administration is one big lie after another

At this point I just have to assume everything from this administration is a lie until proven otherwise

Why do hater dupes celebrate bad news for the country, and how much damage does Pub bs fear mongering do? "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME.
That's because the "hater dupes" on both ends of the spectrum have put their blind ideology over their country. Both ends.


I can understand that you wouldn't see that.

Your whole party is a disgrace. I don't remember any Dems rooting for the economy to fail under Boooosh. Brainwashed, ignorant, traitorous or close to it hater dupes are truly pathetic.
Great example of my point, thanks.

I don't vote Republican.

Did you think you had me there?

Wanna try again?

That's because the "hater dupes" on both ends of the spectrum have put their blind ideology over their country. Both ends.

Really, Why don't you link up a post showing a person on the left cheering when the jobs created number fell.

Are you seriously claiming that the Dems cheer when the economy doesn't do well? You know, cheering for an economic downturn like a goforit does? Seriously.

You sure as fuck can't prove that.
Why do hater dupes celebrate bad news for the country, and how much damage does Pub bs fear mongering do? "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME.
That's because the "hater dupes" on both ends of the spectrum have put their blind ideology over their country. Both ends.


I can understand that you wouldn't see that.

Your whole party is a disgrace. I don't remember any Dems rooting for the economy to fail under Boooosh. Brainwashed, ignorant, traitorous or close to it hater dupes are truly pathetic.
Great example of my point, thanks.

I don't vote Republican.

Did you think you had me there?

Wanna try again?

You sure as hell don't vote Dem. Whatever bs RW gang you vote for, it's part of the RW dupe America program, fool.
Why do hater dupes celebrate bad news for the country, and how much damage does Pub bs fear mongering do? "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME.
That's because the "hater dupes" on both ends of the spectrum have put their blind ideology over their country. Both ends.


I can understand that you wouldn't see that.

Your whole party is a disgrace. I don't remember any Dems rooting for the economy to fail under Boooosh. Brainwashed, ignorant, traitorous or close to it hater dupes are truly pathetic.
Great example of my point, thanks.

I don't vote Republican.

Did you think you had me there?

Wanna try again?

You sure as hell don't vote Dem. Whatever bs RW gang you vote for, it's part of the RW dupe America program, fool.
You just keep proving my point. You can't help yourself.

And I usually vote Dem in state and local elections. But I can't be associated with people like you on the national elections.

Why do hater dupes celebrate bad news for the country, and how much damage does Pub bs fear mongering do? "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME.
That's because the "hater dupes" on both ends of the spectrum have put their blind ideology over their country. Both ends.


I can understand that you wouldn't see that.

Your whole party is a disgrace. I don't remember any Dems rooting for the economy to fail under Boooosh. Brainwashed, ignorant, traitorous or close to it hater dupes are truly pathetic.
Great example of my point, thanks.

I don't vote Republican.

Did you think you had me there?

Wanna try again?

You sure as hell don't vote Dem. Whatever bs RW gang you vote for, it's part of the RW dupe America program, fool.
You just keep proving my point. You can't help yourself.

And I usually vote Dem in state and local elections. But I can't be associated with people like you on the national elections.

Why don't you look at the policies and hate you support, instead of relying on who you vote against? Pretty nonsensical.
Why do hater dupes celebrate bad news for the country, and how much damage does Pub bs fear mongering do? "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME.
That's because the "hater dupes" on both ends of the spectrum have put their blind ideology over their country. Both ends.


I can understand that you wouldn't see that.

Your whole party is a disgrace. I don't remember any Dems rooting for the economy to fail under Boooosh. Brainwashed, ignorant, traitorous or close to it hater dupes are truly pathetic.

The Dems did worse under Bush... the cheered, rooted and encouraged the bad guys to kill our guys in Iraq using statements like these that
a Harvard study showed INCREASED violence 10% when statements like these were made!

Please explain to me how if I were a soldier I would feel having these Democrat leaders make these statements?

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

NOTE: You don't think the terrorists found Kerry calling OUR TROOPS terrorists absolutely EMBOLDENING???

Remember Kerry EARLIER wanted Bush to:
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
NOTE: The terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers.

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

Then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
Either Obama was so stupid not to realize his words would be used or he didn't care...either way it HELPED Terrorists!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

You can't convince me that the TERRORISTS were emboldened and encouraged and recruited more terrorists!
After all you idiots that bring up Abu Ghraib as a prime motivator for terrorists recruitment...
HOW MUCH more with idiots like the above making those
terrible disgusting statements calling our troops "civilian killers"... "terrorists"!
Anyone who believes Obamamath that unemployment is 5.5% really does belong to his cult.
Oh? How are you claiming the UE rate is calculated differently under Onama?

Well it's not he won lie of year before. please, this whole administration is one big lie after another
But BLS is not part of the "administration." They fall under DOL administratively, but nobody outside the specific program office has any access to the raw data or influence on the data.

The night before release of a major indicator, the President gets a courtesy copy, and by the it's too late to change anything.

So you don
'T have a real argument, you just hate Obama.

I don't care for the man, voted against him twice, but the UE rate is not manipulated
That's because the "hater dupes" on both ends of the spectrum have put their blind ideology over their country. Both ends.


I can understand that you wouldn't see that.

Your whole party is a disgrace. I don't remember any Dems rooting for the economy to fail under Boooosh. Brainwashed, ignorant, traitorous or close to it hater dupes are truly pathetic.
Great example of my point, thanks.

I don't vote Republican.

Did you think you had me there?

Wanna try again?

You sure as hell don't vote Dem. Whatever bs RW gang you vote for, it's part of the RW dupe America program, fool.
You just keep proving my point. You can't help yourself.

And I usually vote Dem in state and local elections. But I can't be associated with people like you on the national elections.

Why don't you look at the policies and hate you support, instead of relying on who you vote against? Pretty nonsensical.
You're not going to understand. You're a True Believer, and I know there's nothing I can say that is outside of your vacuum that will click.

One of the many things that fascinates me about people like you is whether the non-stop hate and nastiness you spew online provides some kind of temporary catharsis, or whether you're like this all the time. You're certainly not trying to heal wounds, change minds, civilly discuss issues or bring people together, so behavior like this must be some kind of personal salve for you.

Who knows!
Anyone who believes Obamamath that unemployment is 5.5% really does belong to his cult.
Oh? How are you claiming the UE rate is calculated differently under Onama?

Well it's not he won lie of year before. please, this whole administration is one big lie after another
But BLS is not part of the "administration." They fall under DOL administratively, but nobody outside the specific program office has any access to the raw data or influence on the data.

The night before release of a major indicator, the President gets a courtesy copy, and by the it's too late to change anything.

So you don
'T have a real argument, you just hate Obama.

I don't care for the man, voted against him twice, but the UE rate is not manipulated

oh ok, I guess you be the expert. and put me in my place by golly...must nice to be so naïve

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