Obama's Entire Account Of bin Laden's Death Is One Big Lie

The issue is almost four years old (OBL's death older than that), and just now Geaux is going along with the nonsense.

Let's place this in the conspiracy forum, so the conspiracy nutters can have a field day.
The issue is almost four years old (OBL's death older than that), and just now Geaux is going along with the nonsense.

Let's place this in the conspiracy forum, so the conspiracy nutters can have a field day.

Your the second here to call for action against the thread. Typical leftist progressive thought in that they know what's best for all concerned

I'm simply listing an article for review. If you don't like it, shove off.

Go back to reading your Karl Marx manifesto

SassyIrishLass still has not recaptured Route Irish.

She lies regularly as does Geaux.

This OP is based on nonsense.
The issue is almost four years old (OBL's death older than that), and just now Geaux is going along with the nonsense.

Let's place this in the conspiracy forum, so the conspiracy nutters can have a field day.

Your the second here to call for action against the thread. Typical leftist progressive thought in that they know what's best for all concerned I'm simply listing an article for review. If you don't like it, shove off. Go back to reading your Karl Marx manifesto
Obama is dead. Santa Claus never lived. Route Irish was not captured by the bad guys last year. Your OP has no traction.

You don't like Obama, we get it, but understand that he won twice, which means the majority of people don't even pay attention to you.

Geaux, speak out in foolishness and get called out for your foolishness. This OP belongs in the Conspiracy Forum.
The issue is almost four years old (OBL's death older than that), and just now Geaux is going along with the nonsense.

Let's place this in the conspiracy forum, so the conspiracy nutters can have a field day.

Your the second here to call for action against the thread. Typical leftist progressive thought in that they know what's best for all concerned I'm simply listing an article for review. If you don't like it, shove off. Go back to reading your Karl Marx manifesto
Obama is dead. Santa Claus never lived. Route Irish was not captured by the bad guys last year. Your OP has no traction.

You don't like Obama, we get it, but understand that he won twice, which means the majority of people don't even pay attention to you.

Geaux, speak out in foolishness and get called out for your foolishness. This OP belongs in the Conspiracy Forum.

Considering the source, the majority of people, are IDIOTS.

Which is why fences make good neighbors and I still have the voice of 'real' America

This story is going viral everywhere on the net. I saw it pick up steam yesterday afternoon after the popular Hillary supporting website 'The Hill' ran it. Then 'Business Insider' website picked it up. CNN and Boston Globe has now gone with the story as of 36 minutes ago. They wouldn't be running it if it didn't have legs.
I see allowing progtard trolling is still being protected here... shocker...

SassyIrishLass still has not recaptured Route Irish.

She lies regularly as does Geaux.

This OP is based on nonsense.
And how do the Roswell Aliens figure into this bizarre conspiracy theory.

Because it's always the Roswell Aliens.

And how do the Roswell Aliens figure into this bizarre conspiracy theory.

Because it's always the Roswell Aliens.

I have no reason to discredit the story


Elvis, right? Elvis was involved here somewhere!

Hey, the point of the matter is that Obama did what Bush promised and failed to do- Have Bin Laden take a dirt nap. (Or in this case, a Water Nap)

But here's what REALLY happened.

And how do the Roswell Aliens figure into this bizarre conspiracy theory.

Because it's always the Roswell Aliens.

I have no reason to discredit the story


Elvis, right? Elvis was involved here somewhere!

The cross-dressing ghost of Ed D. Wood, Jr!!!

Why is it not shocking to hear that Obama lied

Who would of thunk?


The last time famed US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh made news in the global media was with his massive, 5000-word expose from April of 2014 "The Red Line and the Rat Line" revealing the true motives behind the Syrian near-war of 2013 including what we had said from the very beginning: the very professionally created YouTube clips showing the consequences of what was said to have been an Assad poison gas attack, were nothing but a fake (subsequent reports identified the propaganda source as Rami Abdul Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, whose entire operation has been funded by an unidentified European country.)

Needless to say, the White House did not respond to Hersh's requests for comment.

Among the many allegations of Hersh's report are that:

  • bin Laden had been a prisoner of the Pakistan intelligence at the Abbottabad compound since 2006 (something revealed previously in "Osama bin Laden 'protected by Pakistan in return for Saudi cash")
  • that the two most senior Pakistani military leaders knew of the raid in advance and had made sure that the two helicopters delivering the Seals to Abbottabad could cross Pakistani airspace without triggering any alarms;
  • that the CIA did not learn of bin Laden’s whereabouts by tracking his couriers, as the White House has claimed since May 2011, but from a former senior Pakistani intelligence officer who betrayed the secret in return for much of the $25 million reward offered by the US,
  • and that, while Obama did order the raid and the Seal team did carry it out, many other aspects of the administration’s account were false.
Hersh notes that the Obama administration originally agreed to announce bin Laden had been killed in a drone strike rather than shot during an active Special Forces mission:

... a carefully constructed cover story would be issued: Obama would announce that DNA analysis confirmed that bin Laden had been killed in a drone raid in the Hindu Kush, on Afghanistan’s side of the border. The Americans who planned the mission assured Kayani and Pasha that their co-operation would never be made public. It was understood by all that if the Pakistani role became known, there would be violent protests – bin Laden was considered a hero by many Pakistanis – and Pasha and Kayani and their families would be in danger, and the Pakistani army publicly disgraced.

It was clear to all by this point, the retired official said, that bin Laden would not survive: ‘Pasha told us at a meeting in April that he could not risk leaving bin Laden in the compound now that we know he’s there. Too many people in the Pakistani chain of command know about the mission. He and Kayani had to tell the whole story to the directors of the air defence command and to a few local commanders.

At the end bin Laden was murdered, plain and simple:

‘Of course the guys knew the target was bin Laden and he was there under Pakistani control,’ the retired official said. ‘Otherwise, they would not have done the mission without air cover. It was clearly and absolutely a premeditated murder.’ A former Seal commander, who has led and participated in dozens of similar missions over the past decade, assured me that ‘we were not going to keep bin Laden alive – to allow the terrorist to live. By law, we know what we’re doing inside Pakistan is a homicide. We’ve come to grips with that. Each one of us, when we do these missions, say to ourselves, “Let’s face it. We’re going to commit a murder.”’ The White House’s initial account claimed that bin Laden had been brandishing a weapon; the story was aimed at deflecting those who questioned the legality of the US administration’s targeted assassination programme. The US has consistently maintained, despite widely reported remarks by people involved with the mission, that bin Laden would have been taken alive if he had immediately surrendered.

Seymour Hersh Obama s Entire Account Of bin Laden s Death Is One Big Lie This Is What Really Happened Zero Hedge


And how do the Roswell Aliens figure into this bizarre conspiracy theory.

Because it's always the Roswell Aliens.

I have no reason to discredit the story


Willfully ignorant. Say it with pride, bro!

Why is it not shocking to hear that Obama lied

Who would of thunk?


The last time famed US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh made news in the global media was with his massive, 5000-word expose from April of 2014 "The Red Line and the Rat Line" revealing the true motives behind the Syrian near-war of 2013 including what we had said from the very beginning: the very professionally created YouTube clips showing the consequences of what was said to have been an Assad poison gas attack, were nothing but a fake (subsequent reports identified the propaganda source as Rami Abdul Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, whose entire operation has been funded by an unidentified European country.)

Needless to say, the White House did not respond to Hersh's requests for comment.

Among the many allegations of Hersh's report are that:

  • bin Laden had been a prisoner of the Pakistan intelligence at the Abbottabad compound since 2006 (something revealed previously in "Osama bin Laden 'protected by Pakistan in return for Saudi cash")
  • that the two most senior Pakistani military leaders knew of the raid in advance and had made sure that the two helicopters delivering the Seals to Abbottabad could cross Pakistani airspace without triggering any alarms;
  • that the CIA did not learn of bin Laden’s whereabouts by tracking his couriers, as the White House has claimed since May 2011, but from a former senior Pakistani intelligence officer who betrayed the secret in return for much of the $25 million reward offered by the US,
  • and that, while Obama did order the raid and the Seal team did carry it out, many other aspects of the administration’s account were false.
Hersh notes that the Obama administration originally agreed to announce bin Laden had been killed in a drone strike rather than shot during an active Special Forces mission:

... a carefully constructed cover story would be issued: Obama would announce that DNA analysis confirmed that bin Laden had been killed in a drone raid in the Hindu Kush, on Afghanistan’s side of the border. The Americans who planned the mission assured Kayani and Pasha that their co-operation would never be made public. It was understood by all that if the Pakistani role became known, there would be violent protests – bin Laden was considered a hero by many Pakistanis – and Pasha and Kayani and their families would be in danger, and the Pakistani army publicly disgraced.

It was clear to all by this point, the retired official said, that bin Laden would not survive: ‘Pasha told us at a meeting in April that he could not risk leaving bin Laden in the compound now that we know he’s there. Too many people in the Pakistani chain of command know about the mission. He and Kayani had to tell the whole story to the directors of the air defence command and to a few local commanders.

At the end bin Laden was murdered, plain and simple:

‘Of course the guys knew the target was bin Laden and he was there under Pakistani control,’ the retired official said. ‘Otherwise, they would not have done the mission without air cover. It was clearly and absolutely a premeditated murder.’ A former Seal commander, who has led and participated in dozens of similar missions over the past decade, assured me that ‘we were not going to keep bin Laden alive – to allow the terrorist to live. By law, we know what we’re doing inside Pakistan is a homicide. We’ve come to grips with that. Each one of us, when we do these missions, say to ourselves, “Let’s face it. We’re going to commit a murder.”’ The White House’s initial account claimed that bin Laden had been brandishing a weapon; the story was aimed at deflecting those who questioned the legality of the US administration’s targeted assassination programme. The US has consistently maintained, despite widely reported remarks by people involved with the mission, that bin Laden would have been taken alive if he had immediately surrendered.

Seymour Hersh Obama s Entire Account Of bin Laden s Death Is One Big Lie This Is What Really Happened Zero Hedge
Yes, we know you really hate that OBL was killed.

Given Obungle's past lies and his history of embellishment...

Given yours and the OP's near daily lie-fest, nobody believes either of you and for good reason.
The issue is almost four years old (OBL's death older than that), and just now Geaux is going along with the nonsense.

Let's place this in the conspiracy forum, so the conspiracy nutters can have a field day.

Your the second here to call for action against the thread. Typical leftist progressive thought in that they know what's best for all concerned I'm simply listing an article for review. If you don't like it, shove off. Go back to reading your Karl Marx manifesto
Obama is dead. Santa Claus never lived. Route Irish was not captured by the bad guys last year. Your OP has no traction.

You don't like Obama, we get it, but understand that he won twice, which means the majority of people don't even pay attention to you.

Geaux, speak out in foolishness and get called out for your foolishness. This OP belongs in the Conspiracy Forum.
Considering the source, the majority of people, are IDIOTS. Which is why fences make good neighbors and I still have the voice of 'real' America -Geaux
No, you don't. :lol: Believing you or SassyRouteIrish is a strain on the brain. Your source is not reputable, and you cannot budge the official story of OBL's death.
What make us more credible liars than Obama?
Exactly the point! Right-wing liars are NOT more credible liars than Obama!!! The Right are quite a bit LESS credible liars than Obama, which says it all!
this is a tough one. As it involves our Military men and women.

BUT, I haven't believed a word this man says since they shoved OscamCare on us and he won Lie of the year over it...
I see allowing progtard trolling is still being protected here... shocker...

SassyIrishLass still has not recaptured Route Irish.

She lies regularly as does Geaux.

This OP is based on nonsense.
And how do the Roswell Aliens figure into this bizarre conspiracy theory.

Because it's always the Roswell Aliens.

And how do the Roswell Aliens figure into this bizarre conspiracy theory.

Because it's always the Roswell Aliens.

I have no reason to discredit the story


Elvis, right? Elvis was involved here somewhere!

Hey, the point of the matter is that Obama did what Bush promised and failed to do- Have Bin Laden take a dirt nap. (Or in this case, a Water Nap)

But here's what REALLY happened.

And how do the Roswell Aliens figure into this bizarre conspiracy theory.

Because it's always the Roswell Aliens.

I have no reason to discredit the story


Elvis, right? Elvis was involved here somewhere!

The cross-dressing ghost of Ed D. Wood, Jr!!!

Why is it not shocking to hear that Obama lied

Who would of thunk?


The last time famed US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh made news in the global media was with his massive, 5000-word expose from April of 2014 "The Red Line and the Rat Line" revealing the true motives behind the Syrian near-war of 2013 including what we had said from the very beginning: the very professionally created YouTube clips showing the consequences of what was said to have been an Assad poison gas attack, were nothing but a fake (subsequent reports identified the propaganda source as Rami Abdul Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, whose entire operation has been funded by an unidentified European country.)

Needless to say, the White House did not respond to Hersh's requests for comment.

Among the many allegations of Hersh's report are that:

  • bin Laden had been a prisoner of the Pakistan intelligence at the Abbottabad compound since 2006 (something revealed previously in "Osama bin Laden 'protected by Pakistan in return for Saudi cash")
  • that the two most senior Pakistani military leaders knew of the raid in advance and had made sure that the two helicopters delivering the Seals to Abbottabad could cross Pakistani airspace without triggering any alarms;
  • that the CIA did not learn of bin Laden’s whereabouts by tracking his couriers, as the White House has claimed since May 2011, but from a former senior Pakistani intelligence officer who betrayed the secret in return for much of the $25 million reward offered by the US,
  • and that, while Obama did order the raid and the Seal team did carry it out, many other aspects of the administration’s account were false.
Hersh notes that the Obama administration originally agreed to announce bin Laden had been killed in a drone strike rather than shot during an active Special Forces mission:

... a carefully constructed cover story would be issued: Obama would announce that DNA analysis confirmed that bin Laden had been killed in a drone raid in the Hindu Kush, on Afghanistan’s side of the border. The Americans who planned the mission assured Kayani and Pasha that their co-operation would never be made public. It was understood by all that if the Pakistani role became known, there would be violent protests – bin Laden was considered a hero by many Pakistanis – and Pasha and Kayani and their families would be in danger, and the Pakistani army publicly disgraced.

It was clear to all by this point, the retired official said, that bin Laden would not survive: ‘Pasha told us at a meeting in April that he could not risk leaving bin Laden in the compound now that we know he’s there. Too many people in the Pakistani chain of command know about the mission. He and Kayani had to tell the whole story to the directors of the air defence command and to a few local commanders.

At the end bin Laden was murdered, plain and simple:

‘Of course the guys knew the target was bin Laden and he was there under Pakistani control,’ the retired official said. ‘Otherwise, they would not have done the mission without air cover. It was clearly and absolutely a premeditated murder.’ A former Seal commander, who has led and participated in dozens of similar missions over the past decade, assured me that ‘we were not going to keep bin Laden alive – to allow the terrorist to live. By law, we know what we’re doing inside Pakistan is a homicide. We’ve come to grips with that. Each one of us, when we do these missions, say to ourselves, “Let’s face it. We’re going to commit a murder.”’ The White House’s initial account claimed that bin Laden had been brandishing a weapon; the story was aimed at deflecting those who questioned the legality of the US administration’s targeted assassination programme. The US has consistently maintained, despite widely reported remarks by people involved with the mission, that bin Laden would have been taken alive if he had immediately surrendered.

Seymour Hersh Obama s Entire Account Of bin Laden s Death Is One Big Lie This Is What Really Happened Zero Hedge


And how do the Roswell Aliens figure into this bizarre conspiracy theory.

Because it's always the Roswell Aliens.

I have no reason to discredit the story


Willfully ignorant. Say it with pride, bro!

Why is it not shocking to hear that Obama lied

Who would of thunk?


The last time famed US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh made news in the global media was with his massive, 5000-word expose from April of 2014 "The Red Line and the Rat Line" revealing the true motives behind the Syrian near-war of 2013 including what we had said from the very beginning: the very professionally created YouTube clips showing the consequences of what was said to have been an Assad poison gas attack, were nothing but a fake (subsequent reports identified the propaganda source as Rami Abdul Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, whose entire operation has been funded by an unidentified European country.)

Needless to say, the White House did not respond to Hersh's requests for comment.

Among the many allegations of Hersh's report are that:

  • bin Laden had been a prisoner of the Pakistan intelligence at the Abbottabad compound since 2006 (something revealed previously in "Osama bin Laden 'protected by Pakistan in return for Saudi cash")
  • that the two most senior Pakistani military leaders knew of the raid in advance and had made sure that the two helicopters delivering the Seals to Abbottabad could cross Pakistani airspace without triggering any alarms;
  • that the CIA did not learn of bin Laden’s whereabouts by tracking his couriers, as the White House has claimed since May 2011, but from a former senior Pakistani intelligence officer who betrayed the secret in return for much of the $25 million reward offered by the US,
  • and that, while Obama did order the raid and the Seal team did carry it out, many other aspects of the administration’s account were false.
Hersh notes that the Obama administration originally agreed to announce bin Laden had been killed in a drone strike rather than shot during an active Special Forces mission:

... a carefully constructed cover story would be issued: Obama would announce that DNA analysis confirmed that bin Laden had been killed in a drone raid in the Hindu Kush, on Afghanistan’s side of the border. The Americans who planned the mission assured Kayani and Pasha that their co-operation would never be made public. It was understood by all that if the Pakistani role became known, there would be violent protests – bin Laden was considered a hero by many Pakistanis – and Pasha and Kayani and their families would be in danger, and the Pakistani army publicly disgraced.

It was clear to all by this point, the retired official said, that bin Laden would not survive: ‘Pasha told us at a meeting in April that he could not risk leaving bin Laden in the compound now that we know he’s there. Too many people in the Pakistani chain of command know about the mission. He and Kayani had to tell the whole story to the directors of the air defence command and to a few local commanders.

At the end bin Laden was murdered, plain and simple:

‘Of course the guys knew the target was bin Laden and he was there under Pakistani control,’ the retired official said. ‘Otherwise, they would not have done the mission without air cover. It was clearly and absolutely a premeditated murder.’ A former Seal commander, who has led and participated in dozens of similar missions over the past decade, assured me that ‘we were not going to keep bin Laden alive – to allow the terrorist to live. By law, we know what we’re doing inside Pakistan is a homicide. We’ve come to grips with that. Each one of us, when we do these missions, say to ourselves, “Let’s face it. We’re going to commit a murder.”’ The White House’s initial account claimed that bin Laden had been brandishing a weapon; the story was aimed at deflecting those who questioned the legality of the US administration’s targeted assassination programme. The US has consistently maintained, despite widely reported remarks by people involved with the mission, that bin Laden would have been taken alive if he had immediately surrendered.

Seymour Hersh Obama s Entire Account Of bin Laden s Death Is One Big Lie This Is What Really Happened Zero Hedge
Yes, we know you really hate that OBL was killed.

Given Obungle's past lies and his history of embellishment...

Given yours and the OP's near daily lie-fest, nobody believes either of you and for good reason.

Would you care for a tissue, Pole Rider?

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