Obama's foreign policy working

Do you dispute that Obama said unemployment will no go above 8% if stimulus passes ?
Pundits from both sides of the political spectrum are complimenting the way Obama has reacted to the newly disclosed Iranian nuclear enrichment plant.
Based on stronger relations with our allies Obama was able to show a united front against the Iranians. Even the bridges Obama has built with contries we do not consider close allies has added to the united front against Iran.
The united front has condemned the new plant and promised "sanctions that will bite" if the Iranians do not meet requirement put down by the allies.

International and Iranian reaction has shown a strength that the US did not have when they were going it alone.

Obama's move on not going through with the missle defence in Europe is looking like a smart move. The defence can be located closer to Isreal.

Working with the countries of the world is more effectives than working unilaterally.

First of all...lets get some facts out to thinking Americans....
This supposedly "new plant" is not so new after all. It's whereabouts and purpose have been known for quite some time by the IAEA, the world's intelligence agencies and the White House. You cannot build an enrichment facility in a couple weeks and then arm it with the most sophisticated aerial defense system the Russians have for sale without people knowing about it for quite some time. Obama chose this time, this opportunity, to make it public to get a feather in his cap on the international scene....nothing new here...just politics as usual..

Just as North Korea got the bomb under Clinton...Iran will get the bomb under Obama. U.S. Democrat Party foreign policy in action for all the world to see.

So yes....Knee Pad Diplomacy is working....AGAINST THE U.S.A.

This link has nothing to do with your previous allegation that the stimulous plan forced unemployment up. Did you post the wrong link?

omg, the link was about the success of the surge ......

the porkulous didn't " force" unemployment to go up, it didn't "stop" unemployment from going over 8% as promised .......:cuckoo:
What's gonna happen now.....does Obubblhead's speech writer send Ahmawhathisnooze a strongly worded letter about hope & change?

I'd like to say that I think Israel will take them out. I don't. I think Netanyahy recognizes that US is no longer backing and knows they can't deal with. WWII Germany again.

Bush gave Isreal lip service but his actions durring his presidency put Israel in substantialy greater peril.

I predict Isreal will be safer in 2012 than they are now based on actions taken by the Obama administration.

It did? What did it accomplish exactly? And what was it's original goal?

Surge brought violence down, the porkulous sent unemployment up .......

So, then driveby, you admit that this was a lie, right?

To steal a dem term, it's not a lie, i "misspoke"......:cool:

It could have sent unemployment up, there's no proof that it didn't. What we do know is it didn't keep unemployment below 8% as promised by Obama and the dems ..........
Do you dispute that Obama said unemployment will no go above 8% if stimulus passes ?


Should i have said his economists predicted ? Maybe Obama didn't say it verbatim ? ....

LA Times ignores Obama adviser's explanation for initial unemployment projection | Media Matters for America

I don't know what the heck you should do, but do know you links haven't a clue:

LA Times ignores Obama adviser's explanation for initial unemployment projection
June 09, 2009 2:11 pm ET

SUMMARY: The LA Times reported that Obama advisers had predicted "that with the stimulus spending, the U.S. unemployment rate this year would not exceed 8%. It now stands at 9.4%." But the Times did not note an adviser's explanation for the initial projection.​
Pundits from both sides of the political spectrum are complimenting the way Obama has reacted to the newly disclosed Iranian nuclear enrichment plant.
Based on stronger relations with our allies Obama was able to show a united front against the Iranians. Even the bridges Obama has built with contries we do not consider close allies has added to the united front against Iran.
The united front has condemned the new plant and promised "sanctions that will bite" if the Iranians do not meet requirement put down by the allies.

International and Iranian reaction has shown a strength that the US did not have when they were going it alone.

Obama's move on not going through with the missle defence in Europe is looking like a smart move. The defence can be located closer to Isreal.

Working with the countries of the world is more effectives than working unilaterally.

First of all...lets get some facts out to thinking Americans....
This supposedly "new plant" is not so new after all. It's whereabouts and purpose have been known for quite some time by the IAEA, the world's intelligence agencies and the White House. You cannot build an enrichment facility in a couple weeks and then arm it with the most sophisticated aerial defense system the Russians have for sale without people knowing about it for quite some time. Obama chose this time, this opportunity, to make it public to get a feather in his cap on the international scene....nothing new here...just politics as usual..

Just as North Korea got the bomb under Clinton...Iran will get the bomb under Obama. U.S. Democrat Party foreign policy in action for all the world to see.

So yes....Knee Pad Diplomacy is working....AGAINST THE U.S.A.

The plant has been suspected or known about for years. even prior to Obama. The reason it came out now is Iran reported it in the last week to the International Atomic Commission.

Korea developed their nuclear bomb while Bush was in office.

Iran made their largest strides toward developing a nuclear weapon while Bush was in office.

Get your facts straight.
There is nothing going on regarding 'international diplomacy' that is leading to better relations. What's happening regarding Iran is beyond dangerous. Russia? Where to first? Ukraine or Poland? They've already grabbed Georgia.
Pundits from both sides of the political spectrum are complimenting the way Obama has reacted to the newly disclosed Iranian nuclear enrichment plant.
Based on stronger relations with our allies Obama was able to show a united front against the Iranians. Even the bridges Obama has built with contries we do not consider close allies has added to the united front against Iran.
The united front has condemned the new plant and promised "sanctions that will bite" if the Iranians do not meet requirement put down by the allies.

International and Iranian reaction has shown a strength that the US did not have when they were going it alone.

Obama's move on not going through with the missle defence in Europe is looking like a smart move. The defence can be located closer to Isreal.

Working with the countries of the world is more effectives than working unilaterally.

First of all...lets get some facts out to thinking Americans....
This supposedly "new plant" is not so new after all. It's whereabouts and purpose have been known for quite some time by the IAEA, the world's intelligence agencies and the White House. You cannot build an enrichment facility in a couple weeks and then arm it with the most sophisticated aerial defense system the Russians have for sale without people knowing about it for quite some time. Obama chose this time, this opportunity, to make it public to get a feather in his cap on the international scene....nothing new here...just politics as usual..

Just as North Korea got the bomb under Clinton...Iran will get the bomb under Obama. U.S. Democrat Party foreign policy in action for all the world to see.

So yes....Knee Pad Diplomacy is working....AGAINST THE U.S.A.

The plant has been suspected or known about for years. even prior to Obama. The reason it came out now is Iran reported it in the last week to the International Atomic Commission.

Korea developed their nuclear bomb while Bush was in office.

Iran made their largest strides toward developing a nuclear weapon while Bush was in office.

Get your facts straight.
Wuss Bush Jr. allowed Iran to continue developing nuclear weapons. Thank God a real man came along to deal with Iran.

I don't know what the heck you should do, but do know you links haven't a clue:

LA Times ignores Obama adviser's explanation for initial unemployment projection
June 09, 2009 2:11 pm ET

SUMMARY: The LA Times reported that Obama advisers had predicted "that with the stimulus spending, the U.S. unemployment rate this year would not exceed 8%. It now stands at 9.4%." But the Times did not note an adviser's explanation for the initial projection.​

The promise regarding the stimulus not allowing unemployment to go above 8% combined with the fact that unemployment is now at 9.7 % concludes me to think the stimulus is NOT working. I don't need a link for that, my link proved Obama advisors claimed unemployment would not go above 8%.

Where the heck is your link to defend your position ?

Prove to me the stimulus slowed down unemployment, and i don't wanna hear that " created or saved" X amount of jobs bullshit .......
Pundits from both sides of the political spectrum are complimenting the way Obama has reacted to the newly disclosed Iranian nuclear enrichment plant.
Based on stronger relations with our allies Obama was able to show a united front against the Iranians. Even the bridges Obama has built with contries we do not consider close allies has added to the united front against Iran.
The united front has condemned the new plant and promised "sanctions that will bite" if the Iranians do not meet requirement put down by the allies.

International and Iranian reaction has shown a strength that the US did not have when they were going it alone.

Obama's move on not going through with the missle defence in Europe is looking like a smart move. The defence can be located closer to Isreal.

Working with the countries of the world is more effectives than working unilaterally.

First of all...lets get some facts out to thinking Americans....
This supposedly "new plant" is not so new after all. It's whereabouts and purpose have been known for quite some time by the IAEA, the world's intelligence agencies and the White House. You cannot build an enrichment facility in a couple weeks and then arm it with the most sophisticated aerial defense system the Russians have for sale without people knowing about it for quite some time. Obama chose this time, this opportunity, to make it public to get a feather in his cap on the international scene....nothing new here...just politics as usual..

Just as North Korea got the bomb under Clinton...Iran will get the bomb under Obama. U.S. Democrat Party foreign policy in action for all the world to see.

So yes....Knee Pad Diplomacy is working....AGAINST THE U.S.A.

The plant has been suspected or known about for years. even prior to Obama. The reason it came out now is Iran reported it in the last week to the International Atomic Commission.

Korea developed their nuclear bomb while Bush was in office.

Iran made their largest strides toward developing a nuclear weapon while Bush was in office.

Get your facts straight.

But Yet Obama says he wants talks with Iran...no pretenses...and they spring this shit today?

Sorry. It doesn't wash. You claim Bush was responsible for this when DemocRATS were against his polocies all the while.

SPARE US your stupidity sport. It ain't a pretty sight...and frankly as I have said? you look supremely STUPID.
First of all...lets get some facts out to thinking Americans....
This supposedly "new plant" is not so new after all. It's whereabouts and purpose have been known for quite some time by the IAEA, the world's intelligence agencies and the White House. You cannot build an enrichment facility in a couple weeks and then arm it with the most sophisticated aerial defense system the Russians have for sale without people knowing about it for quite some time. Obama chose this time, this opportunity, to make it public to get a feather in his cap on the international scene....nothing new here...just politics as usual..

Just as North Korea got the bomb under Clinton...Iran will get the bomb under Obama. U.S. Democrat Party foreign policy in action for all the world to see.

So yes....Knee Pad Diplomacy is working....AGAINST THE U.S.A.

The plant has been suspected or known about for years. even prior to Obama. The reason it came out now is Iran reported it in the last week to the International Atomic Commission.

Korea developed their nuclear bomb while Bush was in office.

Iran made their largest strides toward developing a nuclear weapon while Bush was in office.

Get your facts straight.
Wuss Bush Jr. allowed Iran to continue developing nuclear weapons. Thank God a real man came along to deal with Iran.

Bush Allowed it? Show us where he told them to "Go-Ahead".

We'll wait for your answer. You damned well better have a great undisputable LINK that supports your answer.
Pundits from both sides of the political spectrum are complimenting the way Obama has reacted to the newly disclosed Iranian nuclear enrichment plant.
Based on stronger relations with our allies Obama was able to show a united front against the Iranians. Even the bridges Obama has built with contries we do not consider close allies has added to the united front against Iran.
The united front has condemned the new plant and promised "sanctions that will bite" if the Iranians do not meet requirement put down by the allies.

International and Iranian reaction has shown a strength that the US did not have when they were going it alone.

Obama's move on not going through with the missle defence in Europe is looking like a smart move. The defence can be located closer to Isreal.

Working with the countries of the world is more effectives than working unilaterally.

Not only is working with other countries more effective, it's a hell of a lot cheaper.

Obama is doing a great job with foreign policy. The Taliban are on the run in Pakistan, Hezbollah lost the election in Lebanon, and the government of Iran was almost overturned.

And then there are the Somali pirates...
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