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Obama's Foreign Policy.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
We all know there are numerous threats in the world. The Russian takeover of Ukraine....
ISIS taking over Syria and much of Iraq. The growing threat of China....

So many challenges for Obama.

So what exactly is his foreign policy?

I think I can sum it up very simply. :)


:lol: Please discuss.
Obama continues to defeat America's enemies....Bin Laden, Gaddafi, Somali pirates, ISIS, the Republican Party, etc
Reagan sat back and watched the Shia and Sunni fight each other.

Reagan was smart.

So is Obama.
Obama continues to defeat America's enemies....Bin Laden, Gaddafi, Somali pirates, ISIS, the Republican Party, etc

Yes..everything is going so well...obama really has things under control.
Bin laden is dead..Look how peaceful that has made the M.E.
He defeated ISIS? You really say that with a straight face?
obama said they were the JV team...They execute american journalists in front of the world now.
Libya is in excellent shape due to obamas policy there. They attack and murder embassy staff and an ambassador. Great work your boy is doing...

obama is a clueless narcissist who thought the world would welcome such a "progressive" american "leader"

Well, he was right..in the wrong way.

The rest of the world looks and sees a weak, aimless U.S. more interested in gay football players than world events and they take advantage of the situation.

The rest of the world sees american journalists beheaded while obama giggles and clowns on the golf course.
obama promised "change" and the people clapped and cheered.
Now food prices are the highest in history, the country is 17 TRILLION dollars in debt, taxes are higher than ever before, unemployment is crippling the economy, his ACA is a complete disaster (my insurance went up 15%. My salary didnt, though.), the IRS is abusing its' power in targeted attacks against political enemies, he is purposely flooding the country with illegal aliens....american foreign policy is ....no one knows what it is...he claims to end the war as he simultaneously "surges" troops into afghanistan.
The country is more divided by race and politics than at any time in the last 50 years.

No one can seriously think these are good, prosperous times in america because of obama.

but see...they just HAD to have their "black" president..and now they have so much emotionally invested that they can't admit he is a failure.

...but he's actually a "success" and he's accomplishing exactly what he set out to do.

Overwhelm and collapse the system he hates. He's using the cloward-pivens strategy to wreck the country that white people built.
He wanted to purposely weaken america because as most negroes, he resents the white man and what we accomplished in this country.

He thought the world would clap and cheer like his sycophants at his campaign stops...but the world is a dangerous place and humans are devious...but he'd rather be out riding in his plane and attending campaign functions than be in the oval office actually working the problems.
He doesn't even take his PDB in person..He gets briefed "electronically".

All good. This nation is too far gone to save anyway. No amount of "voting" can fix this...Let it collapse and we'll rebuild a smaller one out of the rubble..
Many white americans are learning a hard lesson now about their "post racial" president....
...and even though americans are being beheaded, essentially on television....even though they have threatened to come to america and attack us..and they will, too..They're already here.... the southern border is still wide open and illegals still flood across...If that isn't a national security issue that demands immediate correction,, then nothing is and obviously the whole DHS, TSA "patriot act" is a big fraud.

Let it go, though. We'll make the necessary corrections and rebuild a better, stronger, smaller nation out of the debris left.
Obama continues to defeat America's enemies....Bin Laden, Gaddafi, Somali pirates, ISIS, the Republican Party, etc

Yes..everything is going so well...obama really has things under control.
Bin laden is dead..Look how peaceful that has made the M.E.
He defeated ISIS? You really say that with a straight face?
obama said they were the JV team...They execute american journalists in front of the world now.
Libya is in excellent shape due to obamas policy there. They attack and murder embassy staff and an ambassador. Great work your boy is doing...

obama is a clueless narcissist who thought the world would welcome such a "progressive" american "leader"

Well, he was right..in the wrong way.

The rest of the world looks and sees a weak, aimless U.S. more interested in gay football players than world events and they take advantage of the situation.

The rest of the world sees american journalists beheaded while obama giggles and clowns on the golf course.
obama promised "change" and the people clapped and cheered.
Now food prices are the highest in history, the country is 17 TRILLION dollars in debt, taxes are higher than ever before, unemployment is crippling the economy, his ACA is a complete disaster (my insurance went up 15%. My salary didnt, though.), the IRS is abusing its' power in targeted attacks against political enemies, he is purposely flooding the country with illegal aliens....american foreign policy is ....no one knows what it is...he claims to end the war as he simultaneously "surges" troops into afghanistan.
The country is more divided by race and politics than at any time in the last 50 years.

No one can seriously think these are good, prosperous times in america because of obama.

but see...they just HAD to have their "black" president..and now they have so much emotionally invested that they can't admit he is a failure.

...but he's actually a "success" and he's accomplishing exactly what he set out to do.

Overwhelm and collapse the system he hates. He's using the cloward-pivens strategy to wreck the country that white people built.
He wanted to purposely weaken america because as most negroes, he resents the white man and what we accomplished in this country.

He thought the world would clap and cheer like his sycophants at his campaign stops...but the world is a dangerous place and humans are devious...but he'd rather be out riding in his plane and attending campaign functions than be in the oval office actually working the problems.
He doesn't even take his PDB in person..He gets briefed "electronically".

All good. This nation is too far gone to save anyway. No amount of "voting" can fix this...Let it collapse and we'll rebuild a smaller one out of the rubble..
Many white americans are learning a hard lesson now about their "post racial" president....

Yup. Barry is a whiz at FP.

Really though. What does one expect from a part time Senator/community organizer/law professor?

A guy who jetted off to a fundraiser the day after his ambassador and three others died in Lilbya.

What does one expect? Nothing. Obviously.
Reagan sat back and watched the Shia and Sunni fight each other.

Reagan was smart.

So is Obama.

No one was beheading americans on television..They knew reagan would bomb them back into the stone age.
obama is a weak, effiminate, beta male and no one in the world fears him or america so they know they can say and do anything they want.

All good..let him wreck the country. It's too late to save anyway.
We'll rebuild.
Obama continues to defeat America's enemies....Bin Laden, Gaddafi, Somali pirates, ISIS, the Republican Party, etc

Yes..everything is going so well...obama really has things under control.
Bin laden is dead..Look how peaceful that has made the M.E.
He defeated ISIS? You really say that with a straight face?
obama said they were the JV team...They execute american journalists in front of the world now.
Libya is in excellent shape due to obamas policy there. They attack and murder embassy staff and an ambassador. Great work your boy is doing...

obama is a clueless narcissist who thought the world would welcome such a "progressive" american "leader"

Well, he was right..in the wrong way.

The rest of the world looks and sees a weak, aimless U.S. more interested in gay football players than world events and they take advantage of the situation.

The rest of the world sees american journalists beheaded while obama giggles and clowns on the golf course.
obama promised "change" and the people clapped and cheered.
Now food prices are the highest in history, the country is 17 TRILLION dollars in debt, taxes are higher than ever before, unemployment is crippling the economy, his ACA is a complete disaster (my insurance went up 15%. My salary didnt, though.), the IRS is abusing its' power in targeted attacks against political enemies, he is purposely flooding the country with illegal aliens....american foreign policy is ....no one knows what it is...he claims to end the war as he simultaneously "surges" troops into afghanistan.
The country is more divided by race and politics than at any time in the last 50 years.

No one can seriously think these are good, prosperous times in america because of obama.

but see...they just HAD to have their "black" president..and now they have so much emotionally invested that they can't admit he is a failure.

...but he's actually a "success" and he's accomplishing exactly what he set out to do.

Overwhelm and collapse the system he hates. He's using the cloward-pivens strategy to wreck the country that white people built.
He wanted to purposely weaken america because as most negroes, he resents the white man and what we accomplished in this country.

He thought the world would clap and cheer like his sycophants at his campaign stops...but the world is a dangerous place and humans are devious...but he'd rather be out riding in his plane and attending campaign functions than be in the oval office actually working the problems.
He doesn't even take his PDB in person..He gets briefed "electronically".

All good. This nation is too far gone to save anyway. No amount of "voting" can fix this...Let it collapse and we'll rebuild a smaller one out of the rubble..
Many white americans are learning a hard lesson now about their "post racial" president....

Yup. Barry is a whiz at FP.

Really though. What does one expect from a part time Senator/community organizer/law professor?

A guy who jetted off to a fundraiser the day after his ambassador and three others died in Lilbya.

What does one expect? Nothing. Obviously.

Thanks claudette..Appreciate your thoughts. I started out to write just a couple of lines and got carried away...
but really, it doesn't matter.
Those who elected him will continue to tell us how great everything is going and how well we're doing...and obama will continue to make stern faces and make speeches about "action" and "commitment" and "responsibility" and "resolve" and "dedication"..etc.. all the positive buzzwords of a typical propagandist...and the people will nod their heads and clap and cheer...

Too bad....america was a noble experiment but it has failed..Oh well...
As is the fate of all governments, it was infiltrated and warped by special interests who had NO interest in what was best for america..only what was best for THEM..and "their" people.

This country can't be "fixed" by "voting" in some "different" politicians. hell all the combined efforts of every president in history couldn't pull this country out of the tailspin it's in now.

..but obama's dedicated followers will deny all of that..and ANYTHING else anyone says that doesn't praise his "great" work....and then they'll blame bush...or reagan..as usual :rolleyes:

Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are what we need to focus on now.
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Reagan sat back and watched the Shia and Sunni fight each other.

Reagan was smart.

So is Obama.
iSIS is coming to America, fool. They've said so and it's because your president is more concerned about tofu than terrorism. If ISIS strikes on 9/11, the people will demand his impeachment. Nothing will save your president, not even Harry Reid.
Remind me how things have improved since bin Laden was killed. Oh yeah they havent. Bush marginalized bin Laden to where he was effectively dead as anything but a figurehead to AQ.

As for Obama, his foreign policy is dictated by 24 hr news cycles. If it's popular today, he'll do it. His guiding principle is "Dont do stupid shit" which is no principle at all.
...and the border is still open. Anyone carrying anything can wander across any time they want.
Great "domestic policy". I have to take my shoes off when I fly for "national security" reasons...but a wide open border is not a national security issue...

We truly have become an idiocracy.
We all know there are numerous threats in the world. The Russian takeover of Ukraine....
ISIS taking over Syria and much of Iraq. The growing threat of China....

So many challenges for Obama.

So what exactly is his foreign policy?

I think I can sum it up very simply. :)

:lol: Please discuss.

Why do you think the president could stop Russia from doing what it's doing? How would that happen?
Yeah the leader of the msot powerful country in the world just can't do a darned thing. Might as well not even try.
Obama continues to defeat America's enemies....Bin Laden, Gaddafi, Somali pirates, ISIS, the Republican Party, etc

The entire problem with Progressives is that they view anyone with a differing political philosophy as their enemy. This is why they are historys most prolific mass murderers
We all know there are numerous threats in the world. The Russian takeover of Ukraine....
ISIS taking over Syria and much of Iraq. The growing threat of China....

So many challenges for Obama.

So what exactly is his foreign policy?

I think I can sum it up very simply. :)

:lol: Please discuss.

Why do you think the president could stop Russia from doing what it's doing? How would that happen?
Obama's foreign policy is contrary to Bush's foreign policy.

Bush wanted to take on the world, and ended up peeing off the world, and look where that got it, ISIS.
Obama wanted to take a step back, stop vilifying Islam, problem is Bush put so much effort into making Islam the common enemy that it's almost become unstoppable.

And yet, the Republicans will slag off Obama for not having a foreign policy, when, with the exception of Libya when he seemed to be forced into a corner by McCain for no know reason, he has been extremely consistent, not only that he seems to have the interests of the American people at heart, unlike Bush who had the interests of the Republican Party at heart.

The US people don't need a common enemy to pacify them. They need not to have an enemy targeting them constantly. Problem is it's easier to pee people off half way around the world than it is to make them like you.
We all know there are numerous threats in the world. The Russian takeover of Ukraine....
ISIS taking over Syria and much of Iraq. The growing threat of China....

So many challenges for Obama.

So what exactly is his foreign policy?

I think I can sum it up very simply. :)


:lol: Please discuss.

Fair criticism, but the gop only offers more Israel first neocons or quasi-libertarian isolationists, who then waffle when called on being isolationist. We lack the certainty of the Soviets and Mao, and even then we tripped a few times. I'd agree that Bushii and Obama were naïve as to Putin's real aims. Obama at least killed bin laden without putting boots on the ground in Syria.

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