Obama's global warming fraud is greeted with record cold temperatures.

They do this every winter.

That's because every winter is colder than the previous winter.

Prove it.

Thank you for at least making the effort, but what you've posted is a snapshot of 35 years of weather. Nothing whatsoever to do with climate. And even in terms of weather, if you pulled back an additional 30 years, you'd find that winters in the Northeast in the 1950s were colder, and with much greater accumulations of snow, than in the 1970s.

Still talking about weather, though, not climate.

So, tell us, oh super intelligent lib (Wow! There's an oxymoron for you!). What is supposed to be the ideal average temperature for the earth?
So, I am supposed to take the words of an obese junkie on the AM radio, or a fake British Lord over that of the scientists from all the nations in the world. Or, for that matter, the posts of someone that has repeatedly demonstrated their willful ignorance.
That's because every winter is colder than the previous winter.

Prove it.

Thank you for at least making the effort, but what you've posted is a snapshot of 35 years of weather. Nothing whatsoever to do with climate. And even in terms of weather, if you pulled back an additional 30 years, you'd find that winters in the Northeast in the 1950s were colder, and with much greater accumulations of snow, than in the 1970s.

Still talking about weather, though, not climate.

So, tell us, oh super intelligent lib (Wow! There's an oxymoron for you!). What is supposed to be the ideal average temperature for the earth?[/QUOTE]
So, I am supposed to take the words of an obese junkie on the AM radio, or a fake British Lord over that of the scientists from all the nations in the world. Or, for that matter, the posts of someone that has repeatedly demonstrated their willful ignorance.

So you cannot answer my question? Your deflection is noted and dismissed with extreme prejudice.
That's because every winter is colder than the previous winter.

Prove it.

Thank you for at least making the effort, but what you've posted is a snapshot of 35 years of weather. Nothing whatsoever to do with climate. And even in terms of weather, if you pulled back an additional 30 years, you'd find that winters in the Northeast in the 1950s were colder, and with much greater accumulations of snow, than in the 1970s.

Still talking about weather, though, not climate.

So, tell us, oh super intelligent lib (Wow! There's an oxymoron for you!). What is supposed to be the ideal average temperature for the earth?
So, I am supposed to take the words of an obese junkie on the AM radio, or a fake British Lord over that of the scientists from all the nations in the world. Or, for that matter, the posts of someone that has repeatedly demonstrated their willful ignorance.
Just don't believe manbearpig and you will be fine....
Arctic ice at or nearly at a record low for this time of year, the Antarctic Sea ice is very low compared to prior years. Two record years back to back, with a third in the offing. Of course, just normal everyday stuff, nothing at all to worry about.
Arctic ice at or nearly at a record low for this time of year, the Antarctic Sea ice is very low compared to prior years. Two record years back to back, with a third in the offing. Of course, just normal everyday stuff, nothing at all to worry about.
Arctic ice at or nearly at a record low for this time of year, the Antarctic Sea ice is very low compared to prior years. Two record years back to back, with a third in the offing. Of course, just normal everyday stuff, nothing at all to worry about.
Not needed. I am not a 'Conservative', I don't whine, whimper, mewl, and puke everytime someone mentions a fact.
Arctic ice at or nearly at a record low for this time of year, the Antarctic Sea ice is very low compared to prior years. Two record years back to back, with a third in the offing. Of course, just normal everyday stuff, nothing at all to worry about.

Your information is simply manufactured. Have a nice day!
So, since there are several nations with satellites looking at the sea ice in both locations, you are stating that there is an international conspiracy to fool us all. Need any extra tinfoil for your hats?
Arctic ice at or nearly at a record low for this time of year, the Antarctic Sea ice is very low compared to prior years. Two record years back to back, with a third in the offing. Of course, just normal everyday stuff, nothing at all to worry about.
Not needed. I am not a 'Conservative', I don't whine, whimper, mewl, and puke everytime someone mentions a fact.

Maybe it is time for you to change out the rocks for some newer ones? Those don't appear to be working!
Arctic ice at or nearly at a record low for this time of year, the Antarctic Sea ice is very low compared to prior years. Two record years back to back, with a third in the offing. Of course, just normal everyday stuff, nothing at all to worry about.

Your information is simply manufactured. Have a nice day!
So, since there are several nations with satellites looking at the sea ice in both locations, you are stating that there is an international conspiracy to fool us all. Need any extra tinfoil for your hats?

I note you don't provide any links to back up your obviously manufactured "facts". Antarctic Sea ice has been growing. Don't you recall their having to rescue a research vessel trapped in the ice in the middle of summer?
Arctic ice at or nearly at a record low for this time of year, the Antarctic Sea ice is very low compared to prior years. Two record years back to back, with a third in the offing. Of course, just normal everyday stuff, nothing at all to worry about.

Your information is simply manufactured. Have a nice day!
So, since there are several nations with satellites looking at the sea ice in both locations, you are stating that there is an international conspiracy to fool us all. Need any extra tinfoil for your hats?

I note you don't provide any links to back up your obviously manufactured "facts". Antarctic Sea ice has been growing. Don't you recall their having to rescue a research vessel trapped in the ice in the middle of summer?
Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Someone of reasonable intellect could have looked that up in a couple of seconds.
Ah, another thread illustrating how most deniers are so lackwitted, they believe global warming theory says it would never get cold again anywhere. But then, that's expected, as only the lowest of the low-information voters are gullible enough to get sucked into the that political cult. The actual cult is right-wing-frootloopism, with global warming denial just being one of the beliefs which is mandated for those cultists. Some of those denier cultists are so damn stupid, they're actually screaming that cooling means warming. Those who aren't 'tards understand that cooling doesn't mean warming, warming means warming.

Another example of prime denier cult stupidity is their "Somebody in Hollywood rode in a jet, therefore global warming is a fraud!' line of "reasoning". The conclusion does not follow from the premise, but then, these are deniers, so making sense is not the point for them. They're like fanatical Islamicists screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!". The point of it is not to make converts. The point of it is to get the other faithful hyped up, and to demonstrate to the other cultists that the speaker is loyal to the cult.

Finally, they're whining out some prime "Everything is faked!" bedwetting nonsense. But what else can the denier cultists do? All the data says deniers are just making stupid stories up in order to fit in with their cult. Being that truth is not an option for denier cultists, they have no choice but to endlessly invoke bizarre conspiracy theories to explain why reality keeps bitch-slapping them.
it's not fake, it's sloppy science and the results are cooked. the theory is flawed. on top of that the motivation now seems to be stop asking questions. i'm afraid that simply won't do.

vote for whomever you want, i am.
Record heat, after manipulation. Record forest fires? They are small compared to end of the 19th century.Record strength storms? You mean there have never been any stronger storms? Seriously, they got ya by all the sensational headlines, knowing you wouldn't research it yourself. Just what they were hoping for.

I guess the record heat....four consecutive years, record forest fires, record strength storms etc. don't count for anything


Hurricanes have been exceptionally mild and infrequent. Fires are not a measure of anything except fires. Temperatures have been flat or declining since 1998.
the 1930's were brutally cold.

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