Obama's global warming fraud is greeted with record cold temperatures.

Arctic ice at or nearly at a record low for this time of year, the Antarctic Sea ice is very low compared to prior years. Two record years back to back, with a third in the offing. Of course, just normal everyday stuff, nothing at all to worry about.

Your information is simply manufactured. Have a nice day!
So, since there are several nations with satellites looking at the sea ice in both locations, you are stating that there is an international conspiracy to fool us all. Need any extra tinfoil for your hats?

I note you don't provide any links to back up your obviously manufactured "facts". Antarctic Sea ice has been growing. Don't you recall their having to rescue a research vessel trapped in the ice in the middle of summer?
Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Someone of reasonable intellect could have looked that up in a couple of seconds.

I suggest contacting your local adult education resources for some immediate remedial reading education. Your first site does not confirm any of your claims and the second site directly refutes it. So much for being a liberal and still being able to read for comprehension. Maybe if you learn to read, you will no longer be a liberal.
I watched the Pebble Beach Pro Am today. And I didn't see golfers sweating seas rising nonsense.
Global cooling, global warming and climate change Are all a bunch of made-up shit... By control freaks.
Arctic ice at or nearly at a record low for this time of year, the Antarctic Sea ice is very low compared to prior years. Two record years back to back, with a third in the offing. Of course, just normal everyday stuff, nothing at all to worry about.

Your information is simply manufactured. Have a nice day!
So, since there are several nations with satellites looking at the sea ice in both locations, you are stating that there is an international conspiracy to fool us all. Need any extra tinfoil for your hats?
how much of the ice they are looking at is under water. how much do they displace, and what is their mean temperature ? icebergs are fresh water you
know. How Icebergs Work

An iceberg is a massive chunk of ice floating in the ocean. It isn't sea ice or pack ice, which forms as the result of ocean water freezing. An iceberg was once part of a glacier, but it broke off, fell into the ocean and floated away. Icebergs are made of freshwater. They can have very irregular shapes, like mountains of ice, or they can be flat with steep sides, like a plateau of ice.

what's the average color or the average phone number ?
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They do this every winter.

That's because every winter is colder than the previous winter.

Prove it.

Thank you for at least making the effort, but what you've posted is a snapshot of 35 years of weather. Nothing whatsoever to do with climate. And even in terms of weather, if you pulled back an additional 30 years, you'd find that winters in the Northeast in the 1950s were colder, and with much greater accumulations of snow, than in the 1970s.

Still talking about weather, though, not climate.

So, tell us, oh super intelligent lib (Wow! There's an oxymoron for you!). What is supposed to be the ideal average temperature for the earth?

The whole earth? Really? :wtf:
That's because every winter is colder than the previous winter.

Prove it.

Thank you for at least making the effort, but what you've posted is a snapshot of 35 years of weather. Nothing whatsoever to do with climate. And even in terms of weather, if you pulled back an additional 30 years, you'd find that winters in the Northeast in the 1950s were colder, and with much greater accumulations of snow, than in the 1970s.

Still talking about weather, though, not climate.

So, tell us, oh super intelligent lib (Wow! There's an oxymoron for you!). What is supposed to be the ideal average temperature for the earth?
So, I am supposed to take the words of an obese junkie on the AM radio, or a fake British Lord over that of the scientists from all the nations in the world. Or, for that matter, the posts of someone that has repeatedly demonstrated their willful ignorance.
You are ignorant of science.
Liberal Dictionary:
When it's colder than normal, that's weather.
When it warmer than normal, that's climate change.

No, we don't say that. You're just babbling again.

We point out that specific warm or cold spells are not relevant, and that it's the steadily increasing average temperatures that mean global warming.

And if you need that dumbed down more, I'm afraid you're out of luck. Some topics just can't be dumbed down to denier comprehension levels.

As far as this winter goes. Dec 2015 and Jan 2016 were, globally, the warmest months ever in the temperature record. The steady global warming is directly measured, which is why those who deny such data in favor of kook conspiracy theories are called "deniers".

They've got their collective heads so far up their collective asses they'll never see daylight or smell fresh air again!
And here we see morons who don't recognize the difference between weather and climate.
So tell me, wise one....

What kind of damn fool thinks there is no relationship between "weather" and "climate"????
obama did stop the oceans from rising though, that part is fact.
so he saved billions in damage, which he reallocates to golf outings and fabulous white house parties. and nice hats for bono.
And here we see morons who don't recognize the difference between weather and climate.
So tell me, wise one....

What kind of damn fool thinks there is no relationship between "weather" and "climate"????

Those fools who can't distinguish one from the other.
" Climate" is due to "weather", dumbass...

Now put on your "man bikini" and go play in the yard like a good little boy.....
And here we see morons who don't recognize the difference between weather and climate.
So tell me, wise one....

What kind of damn fool thinks there is no relationship between "weather" and "climate"????

Those fools who can't distinguish one from the other.
" Climate" is due to "weather".

In part, yes.
In it's entirety....

So cut the bullshit, sober up, and smell the coffee....
And here we see morons who don't recognize the difference between weather and climate.
So tell me, wise one....

What kind of damn fool thinks there is no relationship between "weather" and "climate"????

Those fools who can't distinguish one from the other.
" Climate" is due to "weather".

In part, yes.
In it's entirety....

That's because every winter is colder than the previous winter.

Prove it.

Thank you for at least making the effort, but what you've posted is a snapshot of 35 years of weather. Nothing whatsoever to do with climate. And even in terms of weather, if you pulled back an additional 30 years, you'd find that winters in the Northeast in the 1950s were colder, and with much greater accumulations of snow, than in the 1970s.

Still talking about weather, though, not climate.

So, tell us, oh super intelligent lib (Wow! There's an oxymoron for you!). What is supposed to be the ideal average temperature for the earth?

The whole earth? Really? :wtf:

I'm sorry, but the Earth is either getting warmer or colder and that has to be relative to some agreed-upon standard temperature, right?

If not, how do we know that the ideal temperature for Earth is not warmer than it is now and Mother Nature is trying to get back to normal?

So you have no standard by which to measure it?

I realize that this level of thought is giving all of you liberals a massive headache because it stresses parts of your brain never used before, but do it for Old Glory!
So tell me, wise one....

What kind of damn fool thinks there is no relationship between "weather" and "climate"????

Those fools who can't distinguish one from the other.
" Climate" is due to "weather".

In part, yes.
In it's entirety....

So what do you think determines "climate", if not the weather????

The bullshit spewing out of Obozo's mouth????
it's not fake,

I disagree. All of the denier cult's pseudoscience is obviously faked. It's kind of insulting, how lame their attempted scam is. But then, they're not trying to fool the intelligent people, they're just trying to keep the rubes in line.

it's sloppy science and the results are cooked. the theory is flawed. on top of that the motivation now seems to be stop asking questions. i'm afraid that simply won't do.

I agree there. All of your denier cult's pseudoscience is fraudulent, and we've had enough of your Stalinist attempts to criminalize any science that disagrees with the agenda of DerParteiRepublikkan.

But maybe you're different. Every denier I've encountered, without exception, wants climate scientists put in jail. Are you willing to buck the trend and condemn that policy?
'm sorry, but the Earth is either getting warmer or colder and that has to be relative to some agreed-upon standard temperature, right?

Excellent. You appear to understand the concept of a baseline.

If not, how do we know that the ideal temperature for Earth is not warmer than it is now and Mother Nature is trying to get back to normal?

Oh, and then you fall on your face with that bit of utter stupidity.

Nature does not have intelligence, dummy. It doesn't "try" to do anything. It goes where it gets pushed. We're pushing it warmer.

I realize that this level of thought is giving all of you liberals a massive headache because it stresses parts of your brain never used before, but do it for Old Glory!

In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be intelligent. Therefore, I can do it. However, being that you're a pissguzzling retard and a whiny little bitch, you shouldn't even try.

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