Obama's Gun Report Backfires--Guns Save Lives

The report further confirms that most gun deaths are at the hands of those who used the gun for suicide–not homicide. Suicide by guns outweighs the amount of deaths caused by violent crimes by 61%. This is not a gun issue; this is a mental health issue, but the President and friends don’t want to focus on that side of things.

where are all those bleeding heart liberals when you need them.........?

oh wait....liberalism is a mental disorder....
Obama ordered a study on gun violence, and he got one, just not the one he may have been wanting. The new study is out and the conclusion is that there are more benefits to concealed and open carry than there are negative side effects.

Read at Obama's Gun Report Backfires--Guns Save Lives -

Thanks for putting this article out there. I can't wait to see if libs will attack a study supervised by the CDC.
Bet your bootie that the information that works against their mindless, bogoted anti-gun agenda will never see the light of day.

More proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Looks like cherry picking from the report

Have the whole report so that we can see its findings? Should be interesting
Oh I'm glad I'm first. This is the old bait and switch. Obama (and NO ONE ELSE EVER) has NEVER EVER EVER claimed that guns DO NOT save lives. Yet here is an article that says Obama report "backfires" - guns saves lives. Like anyone said the opposite in the first place. LOL.

Repubs: 1+2= 2
Obama: Actually its 3
Repubs: Reports prove you wrong. Reports say that 4 is an even number HAHA!
Oh I'm glad I'm first. This is the old bait and switch. Obama (and NO ONE ELSE EVER) has NEVER EVER EVER claimed that guns DO NOT save lives. Yet here is an article that says Obama report "backfires" - guns saves lives. Like anyone said the opposite in the first place. LOL.

Repubs: 1+2= 2
Obama: Actually its 3
Repubs: Reports prove you wrong. Reports say that 4 is an even number HAHA!

Then what is the basis for controlling guns?

So that less people can be saved….

That’s the ticket.
Did anyone read this link. Gawd its like a strawman factory over there.

A recent study supervised by the CDC and carried out by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council found that individuals involved in violent crimes who defended themselves with a gun were far less likely to be injured than those who were not carrying a firearm.

Wait, so hold on. If a person is attacked...and they have a gun for defense...they are LESS likely to get hurt. Hold on hold on....If you have a gun you mean that someone wont ignore it and attack anyway?

Bwahahaa...These ppl watch too much Walking Dead because Zombies are the only bunch that fights you with a gun.

Again, something that NO ONE OPPOSES but for some reason they say the obvious then attempt to throw it in Obamas face like he said ANYTHING about it. lol
Obama ordered a study on gun violence, and he got one, just not the one he may have been wanting. The new study is out and the conclusion is that there are more benefits to concealed and open carry than there are negative side effects.

Read at Obama's Gun Report Backfires--Guns Save Lives -

I'm sure that'll be wonderful news for the 105,000 American murdered in firearms attacks in 2010 and the 200,000 or so injured in the same year.

Did you actually read the report or just look at the pictures?
Oh I'm glad I'm first. This is the old bait and switch. Obama (and NO ONE ELSE EVER) has NEVER EVER EVER claimed that guns DO NOT save lives. Yet here is an article that says Obama report "backfires" - guns saves lives. Like anyone said the opposite in the first place. LOL.

Repubs: 1+2= 2
Obama: Actually its 3
Repubs: Reports prove you wrong. Reports say that 4 is an even number HAHA!

Then what is the basis for controlling guns?

So that less people can be saved….

That’s the ticket.

No one ever claimed that guns DONT save lives. They are highlighting it like "AHA" except they are fighting the strawman they made. Period.
Looking thru the report...

It completely glosses over the entire idea of defensive gun uses, citing a lack of viable information and studies with wildly varing results, and then leaves it be. Wonder why.

It then goes on to talk about situational and demographics rather than rate of gun possession - where you live and who you are has more to do with gun violence than the rate of gun ownership.

Gee. Surprise.

Interesting fact mentioned in the report:
Since 1983, there have been approximately 547 deaths and 476 injuries of mass shootings.
547 deaths ober 30 years. 18/yr.

Clearly, mass shootings are out of control, and because of this, we need to ban 'assault weapons'.
Uh, Im 3/4 done. most of it talks about ways to enhance firearm technology and the relationship between media and violence. How to connect multiple discplines together to better understand the violence. Most of all, it shows what we already knew.
The report further confirms that most gun deaths are at the hands of those who used the gun for suicide–not homicide. Suicide by guns outweighs the amount of deaths caused by violent crimes by 61%. This is not a gun issue; this is a mental health issue, but the President and friends don’t want to focus on that side of things.

where are all those bleeding heart liberals when you need them.........?

oh wait....liberalism is a mental disorder....

Who needs them at all? They're a liability.
Hawvawd did a study on guns not too long ago.

But the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM has completely ignored it.


Here's a snippet and the link plus a Reader's Digest version

Harvard Study: Gun Control Is Counterproductive | The American Civil Rights Union

The study, which just appeared in Volume 30, Number 2 of the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy (pp. 649-694), set out to answer the question in its title: "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International and Some Domestic Evidence." Contrary to conventional wisdom, and the sniffs of our more sophisticated and generally anti-gun counterparts across the pond, the answer is "no." And not just no, as in there is no correlation between gun ownership and violent crime, but an emphatic no, showing a negative correlation: as gun ownership increases, murder and suicide decreases.

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