Obamas hometown murders up 31% but he'd rather talk about free contraception

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
William Bratton: The Real Story of Chicago's Bloody Summer - WSJ.com

Were supposed to believe he was a concerned community organizer from Chicago. Yet gun violence among blacks in his home town is through the roof and not ONE FUCKING PEEP.

But he has time to talk about:

Free rubbers
Gay rights
Taxes on the rich
Romney's work ethics
Mexican illegals
Class warfare
Fake jobs created
Chicken sandwiches

The man is a complete phony.
If he talks about gun violence, you'll cry and say he is going to take your guns.
If he doesn't talk about gun violence, you cry and whine that he isn't talking about gun violence.

Yeah. Seems fair.
If he talks about gun violence, you'll cry and say he is going to take your guns.
If he doesn't talk about gun violence, you cry and whine that he isn't talking about gun violence.

Yeah. Seems fair.

He had time to drink beers with "cops that acted stupidly" but no time for real murders in his home turf. I'm not buying it.

And for the record this thread isn't about me dumbass.
Obama holds a fucking press conference or photo opp at the slightest perceived injustice of a liberal but when it comes to holding his base from his town to the fire he's nonexistent
I'm not sure how the murder rate in Chicago is something that is Obama's place to discuss. Seems to me that would fall to Rahm and the aldermen...

In that vein, I am left to wonder...

What, exactly, are the values of Chicago that would exclude Chick Fil A from opening a new store? They haven't murdered enough people?
William Bratton: The Real Story of Chicago's Bloody Summer - WSJ.com

Were supposed to believe he was a concerned community organizer from Chicago. Yet gun violence among blacks in his home town is through the roof and not ONE FUCKING PEEP.

But he has time to talk about:

Free rubbers
Gay rights
Taxes on the rich
Romney's work ethics
Mexican illegals
Class warfare
Fake jobs created
Chicken sandwiches

The man is a complete phony.

Republicans like gun violence. It makes them feel safer.
How about Obama goes in and confiscates all the guns

Would that make you feel better?
William Bratton: The Real Story of Chicago's Bloody Summer - WSJ.com

Were supposed to believe he was a concerned community organizer from Chicago. Yet gun violence among blacks in his home town is through the roof and not ONE FUCKING PEEP.

But he has time to talk about:

Free rubbers
Gay rights
Taxes on the rich
Romney's work ethics
Mexican illegals
Class warfare
Fake jobs created
Chicken sandwiches

The man is a complete phony.

Well he has his priorities.
Don't ask don't tell.
Free contraception.
Gay marriage...
The important stuff...

Oh and getting re elected. :confused:
William Bratton: The Real Story of Chicago's Bloody Summer - WSJ.com

Were supposed to believe he was a concerned community organizer from Chicago. Yet gun violence among blacks in his home town is through the roof and not ONE FUCKING PEEP.

But he has time to talk about:

Free rubbers
Gay rights
Taxes on the rich
Romney's work ethics
Mexican illegals
Class warfare
Fake jobs created
Chicken sandwiches

The man is a complete phony.

Well he has his priorities.
Don't ask don't tell.
Free contraception.
Gay marriage...
The important stuff...

Oh and getting re elected. :confused:

Hunting down terrorists
Killing Bin Laden
Saving Auto Companies
Getting Healthcare for 30 million Americans
Preventing a Depression

Oh yea.....and winning a Nobel Prize

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