Obamas hometown murders up 31% but he'd rather talk about free contraception

Obamas hometown murders up 31% but he'd rather talk about free contraception

and how Romney spends his money
I know, it's fucking amazing. Chik-Fil-A doesn't meet Chicago's "values".
I guess maybe if some Chik-Fil-A employees would just go out and commit some murders, then the company might pass the values test.
William Bratton: The Real Story of Chicago's Bloody Summer - WSJ.com

Were supposed to believe he was a concerned community organizer from Chicago. Yet gun violence among blacks in his home town is through the roof and not ONE FUCKING PEEP.

But he has time to talk about:

Free rubbers
Gay rights
Taxes on the rich
Romney's work ethics
Mexican illegals
Class warfare
Fake jobs created
Chicken sandwiches

The man is a complete phony.

I thought his home town was either Kenya or Hawaii. :S;)
William Bratton: The Real Story of Chicago's Bloody Summer - WSJ.com

Were supposed to believe he was a concerned community organizer from Chicago. Yet gun violence among blacks in his home town is through the roof and not ONE FUCKING PEEP.

But he has time to talk about:

Free rubbers
Gay rights
Taxes on the rich
Romney's work ethics
Mexican illegals
Class warfare
Fake jobs created
Chicken sandwiches

The man is a complete phony.

I thought his home town was either Kenya or Hawaii. :S;)

That's birth, he's been in Chi town the longest...and where he entered politics from...so I'd say that is his hometown
Well maybe Obama thinks the killings in Chicago are just really extreme versions of abortion....since he has no care for human life or dignity
Obama is just a puppet of the UN.
Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally,nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

DSD :: Resources - Publications - Core Publications

Read for yourself. The depopulation agenda includes same gender marriage, womens reproduction rights, and coming to a town near you.....drum roll...........the same forced sterilization being used everywhere else around the world.
William Bratton: The Real Story of Chicago's Bloody Summer - WSJ.com

Were supposed to believe he was a concerned community organizer from Chicago. Yet gun violence among blacks in his home town is through the roof and not ONE FUCKING PEEP.

But he has time to talk about:

Free rubbers
Gay rights
Taxes on the rich
Romney's work ethics
Mexican illegals
Class warfare
Fake jobs created
Chicken sandwiches

The man is a complete phony.

Well I have tried to look up "community organizer" in the yellow pages--none exist in my phone book--I also tried the government section looking for something that said "community organizer"--and it's not there either.

So you may want to look in your phone books to see if you can find a "community organizer" listed anywhere--but my question is--(what in the hell does a community organizer do)?

William Bratton: The Real Story of Chicago's Bloody Summer - WSJ.com

Were supposed to believe he was a concerned community organizer from Chicago. Yet gun violence among blacks in his home town is through the roof and not ONE FUCKING PEEP.

But he has time to talk about:

Free rubbers
Gay rights
Taxes on the rich
Romney's work ethics
Mexican illegals
Class warfare
Fake jobs created
Chicken sandwiches

The man is a complete phony.

Well I have tried to look up "community organizer" in the yellow pages--none exist in my phone book--I also tried the government section looking for something that said "community organizer"--and it's not there either.

So you may want to look in your phone books to see if you can find a "community organizer" listed anywhere--but my question is--(what in the hell does a community organizer do)?


I think it's what liberals do because they cant get real jobs
I'm not sure how the murder rate in Chicago is something that is Obama's place to discuss. Seems to me that would fall to Rahm and the aldermen...

In that vein, I am left to wonder...

What, exactly, are the values of Chicago that would exclude Chick Fil A from opening a new store? They haven't murdered enough people?

Have to agree with you on both counts.
I also believe things are getting primed for a violent election day.
Rev. Wright finally says somethin' right...
Jeremiah Wright: Blacks must stop violence
August 13, 2012 - 'Don’t think a change in government will straighten this situation out'
President Barack Obama or even the late the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. could not stop shootings plaguing the city, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright told some members Sunday at a West Side Church. The community would have to come together to stop the killings, said Wright, the controversial former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ. “Some of these things have to do with the government and some of these things have to do with our relationships with each other,” Wright told a group at an anti-violence program at New Tabernacle Baptist Church, 531 North Kenzie. “Neither Martin Luther King nor Barack Hussein Obama can change the systemic evil . . . Let me put it another way *— don’t think a change in government will straighten this situation out.”

He added blacks also would have to help end black-on-black violence. “Who’s going to help us turn this situation down?” Wright asked. “ A hand came down through the ceiling and said, ‘You black man — you’re going to do it.’ ” Wright said his comments about black violence were similar to a recent homily by the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina.

The audience erupted in applause several times during Wright’s speech. The crowd of about 75 people included representatives of the Nation of Islam and Micheal E. Brunson, recording secretary of the Chicago Teachers Union. “It’s not about individualism or who’s going to be out front,” Wright said before backing another controversial leader — Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has made past comments that are offensive to Jews and other groups. In recent weeks, Farrakhan and his group have patrolled various neighborhoods to help to stop violence. “Oh don’t mention Mr. Farrakhan, come on y’all,” Wright said to another eruption of applause. “A lot of preachers are afraid to say Mr. Farrakhan is a friend of mine. You can’t tell me who my friend is.”


See also:

Doctors target gun violence as a social disease
August 11, 2012 — Is a gun like a virus, a car, tobacco or alcohol? Yes say public health experts, who in the wake of recent mass shootings are calling for a fresh look at gun violence as a social disease.
What we need, they say, is a public health approach to the problem, like the highway safety measures, product changes and driving laws that slashed deaths from car crashes decades ago, even as the number of vehicles on the road rose. One example: Guardrails are now curved to the ground instead of having sharp metal ends that stick out and pose a hazard in a crash. "People used to spear themselves and we blamed the drivers for that," said Dr. Garen Wintemute, an emergency medicine professor who directs the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis.

It wasn't enough back then to curb deaths just by trying to make people better drivers, and it isn't enough now to tackle gun violence by focusing solely on the people doing the shooting, he and other doctors say. They want a science-based, pragmatic approach based on the reality of a society saturated with guns and seek better ways of preventing harm from them. The need for a new approach crystallized last Sunday for one of the nation's leading gun violence experts, Dr. Stephen Hargarten. He found himself treating victims of the Sikh temple shootings at the emergency department he heads in Milwaukee. Seven people were killed, including the gunman, and three were seriously injured.

It happened two weeks after the shooting that killed 12 people and injured 58 at a movie theater in Colorado, and two days before a man pleaded guilty to killing six people and wounding 13, including then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, in Tucson, Ariz., last year. "What I'm struggling with is, is this the new social norm? This is what we're going to have to live with if we have more personal access to firearms," said Hargarten, emergency medicine chief at Froedtert Hospital and director of the Injury Research Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin. "We have a public health issue to discuss. Do we wait for the next outbreak or is there something we can do to prevent it?"

About 260 million to 300 million firearms are owned by civilians in the United States; about one-third of American homes have one. Guns are used in two-thirds of homicides, according to the FBI. About 9 percent of all violent crimes involve a gun — roughly 338,000 cases each year. Mass shootings don't seem to be on the rise, but not all police agencies report details like the number of victims per shooting and reporting lags by more than a year, so recent trends are not known. "The greater toll is not from these clusters but from endemic violence, the stuff that occurs every day and doesn't make the headlines," said Wintemute, the California researcher. More than 73,000 emergency room visits in 2010 were for firearm-related injuries, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates.

If he talks about gun violence, you'll cry and say he is going to take your guns.
If he doesn't talk about gun violence, you cry and whine that he isn't talking about gun violence.

Yeah. Seems fair.

Obama can address the crime rate in Chicago without banning guns. Criminals are able to get weapons whether you ban guns or not. Perhaps employ more police officers and not use tax dollars for Planned Parenthood.
Rev. Wright finally says somethin' right...
Jeremiah Wright: Blacks must stop violence
August 13, 2012 - 'Don’t think a change in government will straighten this situation out'
President Barack Obama or even the late the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. could not stop shootings plaguing the city, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright told some members Sunday at a West Side Church. The community would have to come together to stop the killings, said Wright, the controversial former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ. “Some of these things have to do with the government and some of these things have to do with our relationships with each other,” Wright told a group at an anti-violence program at New Tabernacle Baptist Church, 531 North Kenzie. “Neither Martin Luther King nor Barack Hussein Obama can change the systemic evil . . . Let me put it another way *— don’t think a change in government will straighten this situation out.”

He added blacks also would have to help end black-on-black violence. “Who’s going to help us turn this situation down?” Wright asked. “ A hand came down through the ceiling and said, ‘You black man — you’re going to do it.’ ” Wright said his comments about black violence were similar to a recent homily by the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina.

The audience erupted in applause several times during Wright’s speech. The crowd of about 75 people included representatives of the Nation of Islam and Micheal E. Brunson, recording secretary of the Chicago Teachers Union. “It’s not about individualism or who’s going to be out front,” Wright said before backing another controversial leader — Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has made past comments that are offensive to Jews and other groups. In recent weeks, Farrakhan and his group have patrolled various neighborhoods to help to stop violence. “Oh don’t mention Mr. Farrakhan, come on y’all,” Wright said to another eruption of applause. “A lot of preachers are afraid to say Mr. Farrakhan is a friend of mine. You can’t tell me who my friend is.”


See also:

Doctors target gun violence as a social disease
August 11, 2012 — Is a gun like a virus, a car, tobacco or alcohol? Yes say public health experts, who in the wake of recent mass shootings are calling for a fresh look at gun violence as a social disease.
What we need, they say, is a public health approach to the problem, like the highway safety measures, product changes and driving laws that slashed deaths from car crashes decades ago, even as the number of vehicles on the road rose. One example: Guardrails are now curved to the ground instead of having sharp metal ends that stick out and pose a hazard in a crash. "People used to spear themselves and we blamed the drivers for that," said Dr. Garen Wintemute, an emergency medicine professor who directs the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis.

It wasn't enough back then to curb deaths just by trying to make people better drivers, and it isn't enough now to tackle gun violence by focusing solely on the people doing the shooting, he and other doctors say. They want a science-based, pragmatic approach based on the reality of a society saturated with guns and seek better ways of preventing harm from them. The need for a new approach crystallized last Sunday for one of the nation's leading gun violence experts, Dr. Stephen Hargarten. He found himself treating victims of the Sikh temple shootings at the emergency department he heads in Milwaukee. Seven people were killed, including the gunman, and three were seriously injured.

It happened two weeks after the shooting that killed 12 people and injured 58 at a movie theater in Colorado, and two days before a man pleaded guilty to killing six people and wounding 13, including then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, in Tucson, Ariz., last year. "What I'm struggling with is, is this the new social norm? This is what we're going to have to live with if we have more personal access to firearms," said Hargarten, emergency medicine chief at Froedtert Hospital and director of the Injury Research Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin. "We have a public health issue to discuss. Do we wait for the next outbreak or is there something we can do to prevent it?"

About 260 million to 300 million firearms are owned by civilians in the United States; about one-third of American homes have one. Guns are used in two-thirds of homicides, according to the FBI. About 9 percent of all violent crimes involve a gun — roughly 338,000 cases each year. Mass shootings don't seem to be on the rise, but not all police agencies report details like the number of victims per shooting and reporting lags by more than a year, so recent trends are not known. "The greater toll is not from these clusters but from endemic violence, the stuff that occurs every day and doesn't make the headlines," said Wintemute, the California researcher. More than 73,000 emergency room visits in 2010 were for firearm-related injuries, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates.


I've been asking where is the "No Justice No Peace" crowd? where are JAckson and Sharpton, they dont make any money or donations to fight whitey if they go to black on black violence, and to come to MS in a racial incident, Jackson was going to charge blacks $75k......Yep he's in it for the cash baby!!!!!!!!!
Obama is a photo-op and a sound bite. He's never been anything but. His advantage rests in the idiocracy of America. He's candy for the floss-brained. Eleceted for his color and not his content.
William Bratton: The Real Story of Chicago's Bloody Summer - WSJ.com

Were supposed to believe he was a concerned community organizer from Chicago. Yet gun violence among blacks in his home town is through the roof and not ONE FUCKING PEEP.

But he has time to talk about:

Free rubbers
Gay rights
Taxes on the rich
Romney's work ethics
Mexican illegals
Class warfare
Fake jobs created
Chicken sandwiches

The man is a complete phony.

And he says, 'Chicago Is an Example of What Makes This Country Great' ~Obama~

Obama: 'Chicago Is an Example of What Makes This Country Great' | The Weekly Standard
He's a back-steet boy culled from the gutters of Chicago and propelled into an office where he does not belong. Not for the content of his character but for the color of his skin. The precise opposite of which was once preached by a greater man.
If he talks about gun violence, you'll cry and say he is going to take your guns.
If he doesn't talk about gun violence, you cry and whine that he isn't talking about gun violence.

Yeah. Seems fair.

Obama burned his bridge when his anti gun campaign entitled Fast and Furious went to shit, and got people killed.
If he talks about gun violence, you'll cry and say he is going to take your guns.
If he doesn't talk about gun violence, you cry and whine that he isn't talking about gun violence.

Yeah. Seems fair.

If he, or any liberal, would come out and say that gangs are the biggest problem in most cities, no one would argue. If he said police should form a task force and go after those gangs, deport the illegal members and put others in jail, it would be refreshing.

Instead, they only threaten the rights of legal gun owners, which obviously does nothing to make the public safer. Talking gun control is a joke when it comes to the criminals, yet we always hear about more restrictions when there is an incident. The number of gang murders far outnumber the people killed in the random school shootings, but yet the media and politicians focus more on the rare shootings and gloss over the daily slaughter on the streets.

Why does everyone know every detail of the movie theater shootings or the recent shootings in Texas, but haven't heard about the high number of murders every day across the country by gangs and druggies? Which is really the epidemic?

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