Obama's Homosexualization Of The Military Continues: Navy To Name Latest Ship U.S.N.S. Harvey Milk

My my....the things you make up......:eusa_naughty:
My, my, my....the things that you are astoundingly ignorant of... Here is moonglow right here in post #36 of this very thread admitting to being a pedophile and/or statutory rapist (depending on your definition):

When I was young I had sex with underage females, so...Elvis Presley was dating a 15 year old in his late twenties...Yet things were different back then, as it is today on that issue..
Again, you are lying. This is a normal thing for you, isn't it?
It's right there for everyone to see sweetie. I not only provided the post, I gave the post number so that everyone could go back and look for themselves (lest a pathological liar such as yourself claim I altered it). I even bolded the important part. Do you have any idea how stupid you look sitting there denying something that was posted on this very thread? :cuckoo:

No matter how many times you deny reality, it doesn't change reality. Everyone can see it, stupid.
All you are doing is painting yourself into a corner whilst trying to pin me down to your rhetorical propaganda.......
My my....the things you make up......:eusa_naughty:
My, my, my....the things that you are astoundingly ignorant of... Here is moonglow right here in post #36 of this very thread admitting to being a pedophile and/or statutory rapist (depending on your definition):

When I was young I had sex with underage females, so...Elvis Presley was dating a 15 year old in his late twenties...Yet things were different back then, as it is today on that issue..
Again, you are lying. This is a normal thing for you, isn't it?
It's right there for everyone to see sweetie. I not only provided the post, I gave the post number so that everyone could go back and look for themselves (lest a pathological liar such as yourself claim I altered it). I even bolded the important part. Do you have any idea how stupid you look sitting there denying something that was posted on this very thread? :cuckoo:

No matter how many times you deny reality, it doesn't change reality. Everyone can see it, stupid.
:lol: How's that reporting of moonglow to the FBI going?
I have never had sex with anyone younger than 15, i was 15 then also, and if it happened today, it would not be considered statutory rape..
Exactly stupid....if a 15 year old has sex with another 15 year old than neither are "underage". You specifically stated she was "underage". You're trying like hell to backpedal now but it's over junior. It's out there for everyone to see what a dirt-bag you are. You either lied about it (which is just sick and disturbing) or you actually did it (which is even worse). For the sake of the underage victim - I'm hoping that was just your astounding immaturity lying about it.
Underage mean you can't sign a legal document or make a contract...
Bwahahahahaha! Wow....it took you about 24 hours to come up with that gem (and as weak as it is - I'm betting that you still had to "phone a friend" for that answer) :lmao:

Well...give it a shot with law enforcement. See if they fall for it. You do have one glaring problem though chief. You further clarified your context by adding the entire Elvis Presley thing in the very next sentence. That's kind of a dagger through the heart on that one. Going to be tough to explain it all away as "I....I....I meant in a legalized contractual signing sense...honest" :lmao:
Naming a USNS ship after a homo pedophile seems normal to the freak show that is the democratic party these days.
The democratic party doesn't name the ships...
Congress has long maintained an interest in how Navy ships are named, and has influenced the naming of certain Navy ships. The Navy suggests that congressional offices wishing to express support for proposals to name a Navy ship for a specific person, place, or thing contact the office of the Secretary of the Navy to make their support known. Congress may also pass legislation,,

My my....the things you make up......:eusa_naughty:
My, my, my....the things that you are astoundingly ignorant of... Here is moonglow right here in post #36 of this very thread admitting to being a pedophile and/or statutory rapist (depending on your definition):

When I was young I had sex with underage females, so...Elvis Presley was dating a 15 year old in his late twenties...Yet things were different back then, as it is today on that issue..
Again, you are lying. This is a normal thing for you, isn't it?
It's right there for everyone to see sweetie. I not only provided the post, I gave the post number so that everyone could go back and look for themselves (lest a pathological liar such as yourself claim I altered it). I even bolded the important part. Do you have any idea how stupid you look sitting there denying something that was posted on this very thread? :cuckoo:

No matter how many times you deny reality, it doesn't change reality. Everyone can see it, stupid.
:lol: How's that reporting of moonglow to the FBI going?
Done! Also...I believe (not certain - but I believe) by law that the admins of this site are required to report that to law enforcement as well. Either way it is well covered my dear. Don't you worry your ugly little head off!
Hey Puppy...I support raising the minimum age of consent to 18, 21 to buy cigarettes. Can you get behind that or are you a "state's rights" kinda guy?
Amazing that someone who claims to have served in the U.S. military would mock the United States Constitution. If you did serve wytchy - you have to be the ultimate embarrassment to whatever branch it was. From your communist ideology, to your entitled views, to your pathological lying, to your disdain for the Constitution - you represent everything that the United States military despises.

Do you want to know what I support? The U.S. Constitution. Which clearly states than anything not under the 18 enumerated powers delegated to the federal government is reserved as powers for the states and the people. And as such - I applaud your effort to change the legal age for cigarettes from 18 to 21 in your state. I do find it slightly bizarre though considering you laughably proclaim a 16 year old child is a "man" but then you think a man needs an additional 5 years to figure out whether or not he should smoke. Idiot. :lol:

So, no, you don't support raising the minimum age of consent to 18, got it.

Puppy, the age of consent is 16 in over half the US states. Are 16 year olds still children by your standards in those states or not?
My my....the things you make up......:eusa_naughty:
My, my, my....the things that you are astoundingly ignorant of... Here is moonglow right here in post #36 of this very thread admitting to being a pedophile and/or statutory rapist (depending on your definition):

When I was young I had sex with underage females, so...Elvis Presley was dating a 15 year old in his late twenties...Yet things were different back then, as it is today on that issue..
Again, you are lying. This is a normal thing for you, isn't it?
It's right there for everyone to see sweetie. I not only provided the post, I gave the post number so that everyone could go back and look for themselves (lest a pathological liar such as yourself claim I altered it). I even bolded the important part. Do you have any idea how stupid you look sitting there denying something that was posted on this very thread? :cuckoo:

No matter how many times you deny reality, it doesn't change reality. Everyone can see it, stupid.
All you are doing is painting yourself into a corner whilst trying to pin me down to your rhetorical propaganda.......
Really? Do explain. Because the only one who has "painted themselves into a corner" here is you. I've not only not done anything incriminating in my lifetime, I wasn't stupid enough to claim that I did in a public forum. I'm not in any corner. I'm not holding a paint brush. I don't even own a can of paint. You're the jack-ass hoping from one foot to the next trying to lie about your previous lie.
I have never had sex with anyone younger than 15, i was 15 then also, and if it happened today, it would not be considered statutory rape..
Exactly stupid....if a 15 year old has sex with another 15 year old than neither are "underage". You specifically stated she was "underage". You're trying like hell to backpedal now but it's over junior. It's out there for everyone to see what a dirt-bag you are. You either lied about it (which is just sick and disturbing) or you actually did it (which is even worse). For the sake of the underage victim - I'm hoping that was just your astounding immaturity lying about it.
Underage mean you can't sign a legal document or make a contract...
Bwahahahahaha! Wow....it took you about 24 hours to come up with that gem (and as weak as it is - I'm betting that you still had to "phone a friend" for that answer) :lmao:

Well...give it a shot with law enforcement. See if they fall for it. You do have one glaring problem though chief. You further clarified your context by adding the entire Elvis Presley thing in the very next sentence. That's kind of a dagger through the heart on that one. Going to be tough to explain it all away as "I....I....I meant in a legalized contractual signing sense...honest" :lmao:
It was a cops daughter I nailed....What Elvis did was not illegal, since 15 was the legal age of consent, consent and contractual abilities had two different meaning 50 years ago...you are trying to persecute by today's laws..that is morally reprehensible to judge the past with today's morals...
My my....the things you make up......:eusa_naughty:
My, my, my....the things that you are astoundingly ignorant of... Here is moonglow right here in post #36 of this very thread admitting to being a pedophile and/or statutory rapist (depending on your definition):

When I was young I had sex with underage females, so...Elvis Presley was dating a 15 year old in his late twenties...Yet things were different back then, as it is today on that issue..
Again, you are lying. This is a normal thing for you, isn't it?
It's right there for everyone to see sweetie. I not only provided the post, I gave the post number so that everyone could go back and look for themselves (lest a pathological liar such as yourself claim I altered it). I even bolded the important part. Do you have any idea how stupid you look sitting there denying something that was posted on this very thread? :cuckoo:

No matter how many times you deny reality, it doesn't change reality. Everyone can see it, stupid.
:lol: How's that reporting of moonglow to the FBI going?

:lol: He has them on speed dial. At their end the say "Hey, it's that nutjob again...who drew the short straw to take his call?"
Hey Puppy...I support raising the minimum age of consent to 18, 21 to buy cigarettes. Can you get behind that or are you a "state's rights" kinda guy?
Amazing that someone who claims to have served in the U.S. military would mock the United States Constitution. If you did serve wytchy - you have to be the ultimate embarrassment to whatever branch it was. From your communist ideology, to your entitled views, to your pathological lying, to your disdain for the Constitution - you represent everything that the United States military despises.

Do you want to know what I support? The U.S. Constitution. Which clearly states than anything not under the 18 enumerated powers delegated to the federal government is reserved as powers for the states and the people. And as such - I applaud your effort to change the legal age for cigarettes from 18 to 21 in your state. I do find it slightly bizarre though considering you laughably proclaim a 16 year old child is a "man" but then you think a man needs an additional 5 years to figure out whether or not he should smoke. Idiot. :lol:

So, no, you don't support raising the minimum age of consent to 18, got it.
Please highlight for me the section where I said I do or do not support that. Pathological lie much, do we wytchy? :eusa_shifty:
Naming a USNS ship after a homo pedophile seems normal to the freak show that is the democratic party these days.
The democratic party doesn't name the ships...
Congress has long maintained an interest in how Navy ships are named, and has influenced the naming of certain Navy ships. The Navy suggests that congressional offices wishing to express support for proposals to name a Navy ship for a specific person, place, or thing contact the office of the Secretary of the Navy to make their support known. Congress may also pass legislation,,

Dipshit, I did not say they named them...I said that they think it is normal with a USNS Ship being named after a faggot pedophile. Learn to read.
It was a cops daughter I nailed....
Ah yes....Moon's astounding immaturity on display for all to see yet again. Who over the age of 14 says "I nailed a girl"? No wonder you're a Dumbocrat moon. You would never survive 15 minutes in the professional world. You have to work some minimum wage job and then take government handouts to cover all of your beer and cigarettes.

There you go Bode and Wytchy.....there are your liberals once again being misogynist pigs. These are the people you worship and support. Kind of illustrates just how stupid the both of you are, uh? Then again, you're probably doing it more for the gub'mnt handouts than the causes they pretend to stand for.
Naming a USNS ship after a homo pedophile seems normal to the freak show that is the democratic party these days.
The democratic party doesn't name the ships...
Congress has long maintained an interest in how Navy ships are named, and has influenced the naming of certain Navy ships. The Navy suggests that congressional offices wishing to express support for proposals to name a Navy ship for a specific person, place, or thing contact the office of the Secretary of the Navy to make their support known. Congress may also pass legislation,,

Dipshit, I did not say they named them...I said that they think it is normal with a USNS Ship being named after a faggot pedophile. Learn to read.
Dude...have you seen his posts? He's clearly illiterate. Completely immature. And an embarrassment to the United States. He's as refined and polished as tree bark. He likes to tell people he "nailed" some "underage girls". Jesus...we stopped talking like that when were 12. I'm not even kidding you. I'm willing to be he's the real life version of the 40 year old virgin. What girl would hop into bed with an immature and uneducated pig like moon? :dunno:
It was a cops daughter I nailed....
Ah yes....Moon's astounding immaturity on display for all to see yet again. Who over the age of 14 says "I nailed a girl"? No wonder you're a Dumbocrat moon. You would never survive 15 minutes in the professional world. You have to work some minimum wage job and then take government handouts to cover all of your beer and cigarettes.

There you go Bode and Wytchy.....there are your liberals once again being misogynist pigs. These are the people you worship and support. Kind of illustrates just how stupid the both of you are, uh? Then again, you're probably doing it more for the gub'mnt handouts than the causes they pretend to stand for.
i'm not a democrat, that again is your fallacy..
It was a cops daughter I nailed....What Elvis did was not illegal, since 15 was the legal age of consent, consent and contractual abilities had two different meaning 50 years ago...you are trying to persecute by today's laws..that is morally reprehensible to judge the past with today's morals...
And yet every single one of you Dumbocrats have created and perpetuated the false narrative that our founders were "evil" slave owners and thus the U.S. Constitution is null and void. Oops.... Let a libtard speak long enough and they will inevitably contradict themselves.

Naming a USNS ship after a homo pedophile seems normal to the freak show that is the democratic party these days.
The democratic party doesn't name the ships...
Congress has long maintained an interest in how Navy ships are named, and has influenced the naming of certain Navy ships. The Navy suggests that congressional offices wishing to express support for proposals to name a Navy ship for a specific person, place, or thing contact the office of the Secretary of the Navy to make their support known. Congress may also pass legislation,,

Dipshit, I did not say they named them...I said that they think it is normal with a USNS Ship being named after a faggot pedophile. Learn to read.
Naming a USNS ship after a homo pedophile seems normal to the freak show that is the democratic party these days
So you hate being educated, I know, it is very apparent..

There is no freak show in the Democratic party, just like the GOP party is not a freak show....Just because you are happy yo extol your so-called virtues on the populace makes you a progressive...
It was a cops daughter I nailed....What Elvis did was not illegal, since 15 was the legal age of consent, consent and contractual abilities had two different meaning 50 years ago...you are trying to persecute by today's laws..that is morally reprehensible to judge the past with today's morals...
And yet every single one of you Dumbocrats have created and perpetuated the false narrative that our founders were "evil" slave owners and thus the U.S. Constitution is null and void. Oops.... Let a libtard speak long enough and they will inevitably contradict themselves.

Again with the fallacy..You are indeed a closed mind..Slavery was a social norm during the days of the Founding Fathers...What they did was not abnormal......
Naming a USNS ship after a homo pedophile seems normal to the freak show that is the democratic party these days.
The democratic party doesn't name the ships...
Congress has long maintained an interest in how Navy ships are named, and has influenced the naming of certain Navy ships. The Navy suggests that congressional offices wishing to express support for proposals to name a Navy ship for a specific person, place, or thing contact the office of the Secretary of the Navy to make their support known. Congress may also pass legislation,,

Oh....and who controls Congress currently?
My my....the things you make up......:eusa_naughty:
My, my, my....the things that you are astoundingly ignorant of... Here is moonglow right here in post #36 of this very thread admitting to being a pedophile and/or statutory rapist (depending on your definition):

When I was young I had sex with underage females, so...Elvis Presley was dating a 15 year old in his late twenties...Yet things were different back then, as it is today on that issue..
Again, you are lying. This is a normal thing for you, isn't it?
It's right there for everyone to see sweetie. I not only provided the post, I gave the post number so that everyone could go back and look for themselves (lest a pathological liar such as yourself claim I altered it). I even bolded the important part. Do you have any idea how stupid you look sitting there denying something that was posted on this very thread? :cuckoo:

No matter how many times you deny reality, it doesn't change reality. Everyone can see it, stupid.
:lol: How's that reporting of moonglow to the FBI going?
Done! Also...I believe (not certain - but I believe) by law that the admins of this site are required to report that to law enforcement as well. Either way it is well covered my dear. Don't you worry your ugly little head off!
Of course you did. I'm sure the FBI will get right on your report of two 15 year olds having sex years ago. :lol: :lol: :lol:
It was a cops daughter I nailed....What Elvis did was not illegal, since 15 was the legal age of consent, consent and contractual abilities had two different meaning 50 years ago...you are trying to persecute by today's laws..that is morally reprehensible to judge the past with today's morals...
And yet every single one of you Dumbocrats have created and perpetuated the false narrative that our founders were "evil" slave owners and thus the U.S. Constitution is null and void. Oops.... Let a libtard speak long enough and they will inevitably contradict themselves.

Again with the fallacy..You are indeed a closed mind..Slavery was a social norm during the days of the Founding Fathers...What they did was not abnormal......
And yet ALL of you libtards judge them as "evil racists" instead of accepting that it was the "social norm" of that era.

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